Choosing the right SPF 50 sunscreen

The appearance of spider veins (telangiectasia) on the face indicates the development of a disease such as rosacea. The disease is characterized by pathological expansion of the capillaries through which blood flows. The manifestation of rosacea on the face occurs in 20-30% of people around the world, to a greater extent in women. The disease does not harm human health, but causes a strong feeling of aesthetic discomfort.

Skin care

People who have developed rosacea on their face should take careful, gentle and gentle skin care. You cannot use “rough and harsh” facial care products (peelings, scrubs, film masks, etc.). It is necessary to stop using cosmetics containing alcohol, hydroxy acids, eucalyptus, lemon balm, mint, honey, as well as synthetically produced fragrances. All care products should be applied to the skin using soft, light and smooth circular movements. Preference should be given to creams designed to care for sensitive skin. Today there are a large number of manufacturers who create anti-rosacea cosmetics. It is better to give preference to a line of luxury, professional, natural and medicinal cosmetics.

Among the popular and quite expensive brands, Vichy cosmetics effectively and quickly solves the problem of rosacea cream, as evidenced by numerous reviews from cosmetologists and people facing vascular problems.

How to use it correctly?

Vichy cream for rosacea is applied 2 times a day only to clean, dry facial skin, without involving the area around the eyes. It is used as an independent cosmetic product and as part of complex cosmetic skin care. Designed for daytime use. The effect of the main antioxidant component can be enhanced with the simultaneous use of vitamin complexes enriched with vitamins C and group B.

Enriches the skin with oxygen, vitamins, minerals.

Apply the cream with soft, massaging movements, avoiding strong pressure or rubbing. Do a wrist test first. The result is valid for 24 hours from the moment the test dose is applied. If during this period you do not feel itching, do not see redness or blisters, you can safely use the product.

It is important to understand that Vichy cream against rosacea does not protect or eliminate its underlying cause. External therapy alone cannot cure diseased internal organs, so the remedy is used only as part of complex therapy as prescribed by a doctor. Combines well with any type of medication and does not react with alcohol. In facial skin care, it is better to use products from the same manufacturer.

Benefits of the cream

Cream for spider veins on the face "Vichy" helps in a short period of time to get rid of spider veins, pigmentation, and prevents their reappearance. The laboratory developed a specially innovative complex DRM-Bright + LHA, the action of which is based in three directions - not only the treatment and elimination of cosmetic defects, but also the causes of their appearance.

The cosmetic product is of universal use, as it can be used by women of different age categories, regardless of skin type. In addition to treating telangiectasia on the face, it effectively fights skin pigmentation. Promotes skin renewal at the cellular level, normalizes the process of melanin production, and allows you to exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis.

Contraindications and side effects

In the annotations of Vichy cream for rosacea, there are no contraindications as such, except for hypersensitivity to the components. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Only he can assess the spectrum of damage and select the best option for external and internal therapy.

It is important to understand that Vichy cream against rosacea does not protect or eliminate its underlying cause.

It should be borne in mind that most of the components included in the Vichy cream against rosacea are relatively dangerous. The manufacturer has not bothered to provide enough information to allow consumers to decide whether to use the drug. Basically, the description of the product and instructions are more advertising than informational.

The drug contains many acids, which helps exfoliate the upper skin. On the one hand, this is good, the skin is renewed, but on the other hand, it can cause a side effect in the form of deterioration of the skin due to severe drying. The process of the drug is more reminiscent of superficial peeling.

Among the side effects, users note:

  • acne;
  • severe peeling with the appearance of even more pigmented areas of the skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • swelling.

Vichy rosacea cream contains a synthetically produced preservative. It is a potential allergen. Abroad, its use is strictly limited by law. In this regard, the drug is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women. Looking at the detailed composition of the cream, you will notice that it contains carcinogenic substances, so it is better to refrain from using it for people with weakened immune systems who have a family history of relatives with cancer.


The unique active complex DRM-Bright™ + LHA (lipohydroxy acid) directly affects the cause of the development of the disease and the appearance of pigmentation. Additional active components:

  • Eperulin. A substance that stops the inflammatory process and has a calming effect on the skin,
  • Vichy thermal water. It has a large number of beneficial properties, as it is saturated with useful microelements, minerals,
  • Glycerin (GLYCERIN). Moisturizes the skin, attracts and retains moisture in the upper layers of the skin,
  • Diakalyte. Provides a quick leveling effect,
  • Procysteine ​​(Oxothiazolidinecarboxylic acid). An amino acid that has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Properly selected ingredients in a cosmetic product by the manufacturer can not only effectively combat the problem, but also stop the inflammatory process and have an antiseptic effect.

The cream helps eliminate the manifestations of age-related skin imperfections, protects the skin from exposure to sunlight and the harmful effects of the environment. Does not contain parabens.

Cuperosis - symptoms and treatment

Cuperosis is a skin disease that develops due to the fragility of capillary walls and local circulatory disorders. It is accompanied by a violation of skin color, loss of elasticity and the appearance of telangiectasia - spider veins or spider veins [1].

As a rule, rosacea is not an independent disease. This is a symptom that accompanies the underlying disease.

Vascular dilatation and fragility occur for a number of reasons. They can be both internal and external factors.

Internal factors:

  • Rosacea is the main cause of rosacea;
  • physiological hormonal changes - during adolescence, during pregnancy, menopause or when taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • diseases of the ovaries, thyroid and pancreas;
  • replacement therapy for endocrine pathology [5];
  • cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis);
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, intestinal dysbiosis, liver and pancreas diseases);
  • scleroderma and hereditary autoimmune diseases (Sturge-Weber disease, Louis-Bar syndrome, Randu-Osler disease).

In case of hormonal disorders, isolated particles of hormones interact with receptor cells, forming biologically active biological compounds. These compounds affect the walls of blood vessels, reducing their firmness and elasticity, making them brittle.

During pregnancy, serious hormonal changes occur in the body. The vessels may not withstand such a load and expand. Since this restructuring is temporary, the vessels are usually restored within 2-3 months after birth. But due to the development of other diseases (for example, hypertension), vasoconstriction after childbirth may not occur.

With hereditary autoimmune diseases, the amount of filamentous protein, which gives elasticity and elasticity to the vascular walls, decreases and the vessels become brittle. Scleroderma is accompanied by a rejection of connective tissue. This also affects blood vessels.

Rosacea affects the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and capillaries of the facial skin. Due to persistent dilation of blood vessels and a rush of blood, telangiectasias appear.

External factors:

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • unhealthy diet (drinking large amounts of coffee, chocolate, spicy and hot foods);
  • temperature changes;
  • ultraviolet irradiation.

Smoking affects blood vessels, destroying the balance of lipids in the blood. Lipids are fats that affect human metabolism. Destroyed particles from the lipid balance settle on the vascular walls, clogging their lumen. The heart, with an increased load, pushes blood through the vessels, as a result, different pressures are formed in the vessels with venous and arterial blood, which leads to an expansion of the capillary network.

Excessive alcohol consumption also contributes to the accumulation of fats in the vascular walls, and ethanol dilates the capillaries. It reduces blood pressure by relaxing the vascular walls, thereby losing the elasticity of the vessels and they remain dilated.

People with sensitive and fair skin are most susceptible to developing rosacea, especially under the influence of temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. Such skin quickly reacts to external factors, which contributes to damage to the walls of blood vessels.

How does rosacea appear?

Due to various factors (genetic predisposition, poor lifestyle, the presence of a chronic disease), damage to the walls of blood vessels occurs, disruption of their elasticity, which leads to their ruptures and compensatory growth of the pathological vascular network. As a result, blood from the arterioles, bypassing the capillaries, enters the venules through shunts. Such vessels do not perform their trophic function properly: the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin is disrupted. From this we draw the first conclusion why rosacea is so dangerous for us. Many stagnant vessels lead to disruption of skin metabolism and respiration, dryness, decreased immunity, and therefore to premature aging of the skin.

All about the treatment of rosacea

Author of the article: Lukasheva Natalya Nikolaevna, dermatologist-cosmetologist, pediatric dermatologist, trichologist

1. Are any creams/ointments effective in treating rosacea?

Currently, there are quite effective cosmetics that work on the problem of rosacea. As a rule, they contain components that strengthen the vascular wall, help restore the epidermal barrier, and also include anti-inflammatory components that block inflammatory reactions in the skin. These products are suitable for very sensitive skin and promote gentle care at all stages.

I would like to note such lines of cosmetics as products for sensitive skin: Cetaphil PRO Redness Control, Uriage Roseliane, La Roche-Posay Rosaliac. The effectiveness of these products depends on the severity of rosacea. But as basic care products for rosacea, they are definitely recommended.

In case of persistent facial redness, as a manifestation of the erythematotelangiectatic subtype of rosacea, it is necessary to prescribe dermatological treatment, which involves the use of drugs containing azelaic acid. In some cases, it may also be necessary to prescribe systemic therapy (doxycycline, vascular drugs, isotretinoin).

2. What cosmetological techniques are used to treat rosacea?

In case of rosacea, a course of microcurrent therapy is recommended in order to unload the microvasculature. The procedure is carried out in lymphatic drainage mode 2-3 times a week, for a course of up to 10 procedures. All patients with rosacea are prescribed cryotherapy (cryomassage with liquid nitrogen), which has an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor, and antidemodic effect. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week, for a course of 10 procedures.

Light and laser techniques have proven themselves to be effective in the treatment of rosacea. These include the use of sources of incoherent intense light radiation (IPL therapy), diode, potassium titanyl phosphate, alexandrite, long-pulse neodymium aluminum-yttrium garnet lasers (Nd:YAG lasers). These techniques allow you to correct background redness in the facial area, as well as remove visible dilated capillaries.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) - intense pulsed light - a technology for exposing integumentary tissues to high-intensity light, which is generated by a powerful xenon flash lamp emitting radiation in the range of 400 - 1200 nm. The use of special light filters allows you to cut off unnecessary wavelengths and, as a result, affect the skin with a strictly specified wave spectrum.

The action of IPL therapy is based on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Selective photothermolysis is a process of light exposure on the skin, in which the bulk of the optical energy is absorbed by a specific target structure (melanin, hemoglobin, water), and as a result, one or another biological effect develops. In rosacea, the target targets are hemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. The absorption of energy by the latter causes heating, damage and destruction of the target tissue: the blood vessel.

To remove pathologically altered vessels, 2 wavelength ranges are used: 530-650 nm (to remove superficially located vessels) and 900-1200 nm (to remove deep-lying vessels).

Contraindications to IPL therapy include:

  • pregnancy,
  • photosensitivity,
  • intense tan,
  • surgical interventions in the last 3 months in the area of ​​the procedure,
  • the use of photosensitizing drugs, systemic retinoids, anticoagulants, immunosuppressants,
  • inflammatory skin diseases in the acute stage,
  • active malignant diseases,
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts),
  • phototype according to Fitzpatrick V-VI,
  • severe neurological and mental illnesses (epilepsy),
  • autoimmune diseases.

Before the procedure, the patient fills out voluntary informed consent for the procedure. The skin in the procedure area is thoroughly cleansed. The patient's eyes are protected with special dark glasses. A contact medium is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure - a cooling gel that improves light transmission. Then the facial skin is treated sequentially with two passes in a checkerboard pattern using a special attachment that delivers pulsed flashes of light. After the procedure, the skin is treated with soothing agents containing dexaptenol.

The course of procedures is determined individually by a cosmetologist, but on average it is 4-6 procedures with intervals between procedures of 3-4 weeks. During the course of IPL therapy and for a month after it, exposure to active sun is contraindicated. The use of sunscreen is recommended between sessions.

3. What measures (lifestyle tips, skin care) can be recommended to all people to prevent rosacea?

People with manifestations of rosacea in their daily lives need to limit (and, if possible, completely eliminate) factors that contribute to redness of the facial skin. And first of all, this concerns ultraviolet radiation. It is undesirable to sunbathe in the open sun or visit a solarium. It is recommended to use sunscreens year-round (in the summer, when skiing - with a protection factor of spf 50+, shielding the skin with clothing (wide-brimmed hats, umbrellas, ski masks); in the cold season - products with a protection factor of spf 30+ We must remember that even in cloudy weather, ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds and have their negative effect, so the day cream must contain ultraviolet filters.

In hot weather, it is necessary to choose the right clothes from breathable, cotton fabrics to avoid general overheating of the body. In cold, frosty and windy weather, the use of protective cold creams is recommended.

The progression of rosacea is facilitated by regular visits to baths, saunas, and hot baths, so we recommend avoiding them. It is best to wash your face with warm-cool water; for washing, use a warm shower.

Stressful tension and emotional outbursts, unfortunately, also make a significant contribution to the deterioration of the skin condition with rosacea. If you are subject to frequent stress, you need to consult a neurologist, psychotherapist, or psychologist in order to relieve the stress on the nervous system.

Regarding diet. It is recommended to completely abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Food and drinks should be warm (not hot). You should limit your intake of spicy foods, chocolate, and citrus fruits. It is recommended to avoid aggressive cosmetic procedures (physical and chemical peels, dermabrasion, rubbing procedures, thermoactive masks, etc.).

Patients with rosacea are advised to take gentle skin care using gentle cleansing, moisturizing and photoprotective products designed for sensitive skin.

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist

To clarify the details, consult a qualified specialist at the Semeynaya clinic.

Single contact center

8 495 662-58-85
weekdays 8-21, weekends 9-21

To clarify prices for an appointment with a cosmetologist or other questions, follow the link below:


Consultation with a cosmetologist

How to Apply Sunscreen Properly

  • Apply Sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside. This will ensure maximum protection efficiency. UV filters found in sunscreen cosmetics take about 30 minutes to “get into action” and start working.
  • Use enough sunscreen to completely cover all exposed skin. Do not apply cream to your eyes. The average adult needs to apply about an ounce of Sunscreen to protect themselves from head to toe. An ounce is equal to approximately 30 ml.
  • Please note that sun protection from head to toe is needed on the beach. If you are walking around the city, just apply the cream to exposed skin.
  • Find out which people you have burn faster in the sun and therefore need stronger protection.
  • Apply Sunscreen every two hours. Do this more often if you swim or sweat. Remember, in fact, there are no “waterproof” sunscreens, since all sunscreens are washed off during swimming.

People often forget to apply Sanskrin to:

  • ears;
  • nose;
  • lips (colorless sunscreen lipstick);
  • back of the neck;
  • palms;
  • feet (when wearing sandals or sandals);
  • skin on the forehead near the hairline (for fear of staining the hair);
  • skin on the head (bald spots and partings must be protected).


Although this disease can affect any part of the skin, it most often manifests itself on the face - on the wings of the nose, cheeks and chin. This is due to the fact that in these areas the skin is thin and elastic.

This type of vascular network does not hurt, and there is rarely a feeling of itching or burning. It happens that after the appearance of such stars, the process slows down and stops - if you do not injure the skin and care for it properly, this does not cause any discomfort to the patient (or only aesthetic discomfort). But in some cases, the disease progresses and becomes more serious: the affected areas of the skin begin to turn blue, the skin or limbs (if rosacea is on the legs) swell, and inflammation begins.

Even if physically the symptoms of rosacea do not bother you, but it has appeared recently, you need to consult a dermatologist: if possible, find out the reasons for the deviation and understand whether there is any additional danger in it.

What causes rosacea on the face?

Modifiable risk factors for the progression of rosacea are:

  • excessive sun exposure,
  • overheating (local steaming of the facial skin, frequent visits to baths/saunas),
  • abuse of alcohol, coffee, chocolate, as well as very spicy and hot foods
  • smoking,
  • regular trauma to the skin, especially for so-called home care (for example, scrubbing, peeling)
  • incorrect selection of cosmetic procedures (deep peelings, warming solutions, hardware massages).
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • lifting weights

Of course, it is extremely difficult to give up habits acquired over the years. You can start with a slight reduction in the presence of these risk factors, and already noticeably improve the quality of your skin. And in the future, completely abandon the harmful effects. It is important to understand that the sooner we eliminate the cause, the faster the skin will delight us with its healthy state.

In addition to predisposition and exposure to risk factors, rosacea can be caused by serious diseases of internal organs and serve as an important diagnostic symptom.

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