Does your face swell in the morning? Lymphatic drainage exercises for the body

Gymnastics for the eyes is an effective and simple help for visual fatigue that you can provide to yourself. There are many complexes designed to cope with visual fatigue and strengthen the eye muscles. Some of them are universal, others are optimized for certain categories of people.

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Special gymnastics helps to rest, relax, and relieve excessive visual tension. The eye muscles can and should be trained. Charging is good because:

  • its implementation does not require much time or any special preparation;
  • often there is no need to even get up;
  • It’s not obvious from the outside that you’re doing exercises, so you don’t have to worry about the extra attention of your office colleagues.

Eye exercises can benefit people of all ages. There are many exercises and entire complexes designed to cope with eye fatigue and strengthen the eye muscles. Some of them are universal, others are optimized for certain categories of people.

What does eye exercises do?

The main advantages of such gymnastics are that it can help:

  • relieve fatigue - taking a break from monotonous work for a while, you can relax;
  • restore blood circulation in the eyes;
  • strengthen the eye muscles.

Exercises also help you relax, prepare for further problem solving, and get rid of nervousness.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that eye gymnastics is aimed only at combating visual strain and its consequences. Exercises will not save you from myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism, but they will help you cope with overexertion and the discomfort that accompanies it.

Gymnastics does not cure visual defects, but it helps to cope with eye strain

The fact is that myopia, or myopia, is most often the result of the fact that the eyeball is increased in length. No amount of exercise will bring it back to normal. In the same way, farsightedness and astigmatism are associated with the structural features of the eyeball, and it will not be possible to influence the defects with the help of exercises.

However, for myopia with a degree of up to -3 diopters, periodic exercises, in addition to helping with overstrain, allow you to adapt to the existing level of vision and make it possible to do without glasses for some time - for example, if they are broken or lost. But, we repeat, no amount of eye exercises can “cure” myopia or other vision defects.

What vegetable masks help with swelling?

Potatoes are often used to prepare masks that eliminate puffiness. It contains a lot of potassium, the lack of which leads to the formation of edema. Potato masks are good at eliminating excess water in the body. The vegetable needs to be boiled in its skin, then peeled and mashed into a puree. Then add a tablespoon of milk or low-fat cream. Apply the mask to the eyelid area for 15-20 minutes. If you need to quickly eliminate swelling at home, you can replace milk or cream with vegetable oil.

Potatoes can be used in any form to make masks. Some people prepare a mask from grated root vegetables, which are mixed with warm milk.

A vegetable that is often used to make masks is cucumber. It is used in the production of cosmetic products, but it is also effective in folk medicine. To remove swelling from the eyelids, you should peel the cucumber, remove the seeds, chop it and mash it into a paste. The mass should be distributed on gauze and applied to the eyelids as a compress. If there is no time to prepare a mask for swelling, the cucumber can be thinly cut into slices. They should also be wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids. To treat dry skin, it is recommended to add olive or coconut oil. For oily people - a teaspoon of lemon juice.

For whom eye gymnastics is contraindicated?

There are a number of situations in which eye exercises cannot be done. Main contraindications:

  • inflammatory eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • retinal detachment;
  • neurological diseases;
  • dysfunction of the oculomotor muscles.

You should definitely consult an ophthalmologist

, discuss with him the very possibility of eye exercises, as well as exercises that are allowed to be performed if:

  • you recently had eye surgery;
  • you have high myopia;
  • you have high eye pressure - in this case, before doing the exercises, the pressure must be normalized.

Top 10 eye exercises

There are simple eye exercises that help everyone who faces increased visual stress. It allows you to relax, get rid of dry eyes, and also stimulate blood circulation. Check out a few simple exercises that you can do even at your workplace.

Exercises can be done even at the workplace


  1. Just blink for about two minutes. It is important to do this quickly, but without straining the eye muscles. Exercise helps moisturize the surface of the eyes and also stimulates blood circulation.
  2. Drive with your eyes open, repeating the silhouette of the number eight. Repeat these movements 5-7 times. Exercise is good for the eye muscles.
  3. “Drawing” from the previous exercise can be complicated. Move your eyes smoothly, as if you were drawing various geometric shapes in the air, vertical and horizontal arcs, the letter S, arrows directed in different directions.
  4. Select several objects that surround you - a closet, a door handle, a vase of flowers, and so on. Take a look at their outlines. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times.
  5. Close your eyes for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes wide. Perform the exercise 7-8 times to relax the eye muscles and activate blood circulation.
  6. Make circular movements with your eyes. First 10 times clockwise, then another 10 times in the opposite direction. Once completed, close your eyes and rest for a minute.
  7. Gently massage your closed eyelids with your fingertips for a minute. This will relieve eye strain, which is especially important for those who spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen.
  8. Make some kind of mark on the window glass, for example, draw it with a marker, stick a piece of paper, or use plasticine. First, look at the mark, and then look into the distance, to some object that is at a great distance from you - a building, a tree, a lamppost. Repeat 10 times.
  9. Extend your hand. Bring your finger closer to your face, constantly looking at its tip until it seems to you that it is double.
  10. Close your eyelids tightly. Cover your eyes with your palms. Sit like this for about a minute, then remove your palms from your face and open your eyes. Repeat everything 3-5 times. This will give your eyes a rest.

How did swelling appear on my face and how did I get rid of it?

Irina Korkina reports

It all started at 25. I received my passport with a new photo and compared it with the one that was pasted on it a year ago. There seemed to be two different people in the photo, but I couldn’t understand what exactly was bothering me and why the face had changed.

Only eight years later, when I started working with Elena Fedotova, everything fell into place. My problem is swelling. Even then, at 25, she made her cheeks heavier, the nasolabial folds began to stand out more clearly, the eyelids covered the eyes, mascara was imprinted on the upper eyelid. And I chalked it up to poor quality mascara.

Photos at 24 years old and at 25 years old (before classes)

But over time, I began to notice that the swelling lasted longer and longer, and it happened that I came to work with a swollen face, and this upset me a little...

Only now, when, in addition to face fitness, I added lymphatic drainage to my daily practices, I understood how to deal with swelling, and I know how to return that same open look, remove heaviness from the face and, most of all, from the cheeks. Puffiness is not a harmless consequence of a night's sleep, but a phenomenon that can lead to premature aging of the face.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage exercises

For those who wear lenses

If you wear glasses, they should be removed before performing exercises. What about those who wear contact lenses? Take them off a few times and then put them back on throughout the day to exercise your eyes? But this is inconvenient.

There are exercises that you can do without even removing your lenses. However, if such eye gymnastics causes you discomfort, you should abandon it and consult an ophthalmologist to select a suitable complex.

Please note: after each exercise done, you need to blink several times.

Exercise No. 1.

Take a pencil. Extend your hand, and then slowly bring the pencil closer to the bridge of your nose - while concentrating your gaze on its tip. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise No. 2.

Take a comfortable position and relax. Smoothly, slowly, move your eyes so that your gaze describes a circle - first clockwise, and then in the opposite direction. Do the exercise 5 times.

Exercise No. 3.

You will need a dot on the window - you can draw it with a marker or make it out of plasticine. Look at it for 10 seconds, and then move your gaze to a pre-selected object located in the distance: it could be a bush or tree, a house or a lamppost. Look at the object for 10-15 seconds, then move your gaze back to the point on the window glass. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

People with astigmatism who wear lenses may have problems during exercise. This is because the toric lenses used to correct this defect must remain in place. If you do the recommended exercises and feel that they are moving, then they will still have to be removed.

Exercises for farsightedness according to the W. Bates system

This technique is quite strongly criticized by official medicine, but for informational purposes we present it. In any case, although the benefits are doubtful, there will be no worse results from performing these exercises.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the American ophthalmologist William G. Bates proposed one of the first non-drug training systems for restoring hypermetropic vision. His book “Ideal vision without glasses” was fairly criticized by experts, and the most controversial points that did not correspond to modern ideas and scientific data were removed in subsequent editions. At the same time, the Bates complex has been widely practiced all over the world for about a hundred years, without losing its relevance and popularity.

W. G. Bates was based on his own many years of clinical experience and the results of his specially undertaken scientific research. The central point of his theory is the assumption that progressive farsightedness is caused by chronic overstrain of the ocular muscular system, which, when looking close, unsuccessfully tries to compensate for the congenital hyperopic failure. Accordingly, Bates believed that the best way to cope with stagnant tension was proper relaxation of the eye muscles. The main methodological technique is the so-called. “palming” (from the English “palm” - palm), i.e. alternately covering the eyes with the palms, accompanied by various accommodating and rotational movements of the eyeballs. In addition, Bates proposed a number of original, simple and effective techniques for switching, resting, and training the eye muscles. Some of these exercises are described below.

Exercise No. 1

Every day for fifteen minutes, without glasses, read a book with small print, and it should be held at a close (no further than 30 cm) distance from the eyes. It is recommended not to make your task easier with bright light, but to try to make out the letters in dim or normal lighting. All muscles of the body should be as relaxed as possible at this time. Even if in the first day or two the exercise seems completely impossible due to the illegibility of the “blurry” small letters, gradually the visual system will begin to adapt to difficult conditions and restore the natural ability to focus closely.

Exercise No. 2

Similar to the first exercise, but you should literally “read between the lines”, i.e. glide your gaze along the white spaces between the lines.

Exercise #3

A simple and effective technique, borrowed in various modifications by many other, later systems. It is better to do it in a garden, park, or at least near an open window to ensure the maximum possible flow of fresh air. Holding an open book in your hands, alternate between reading and looking at distant objects around you.

Exercise #4

An even simpler, but extremely beneficial activity for the eyes: watch the flight of birds! In principle, observing any moving object is useful, but birds, as a rule, abruptly change direction, speed, flight altitude - i.e. The background illumination changes dynamically, which creates additional conditions for training the eye’s ability to stably maintain focus on an object.

Exercise #5

Place a burning candle on a table or windowsill; It is desirable that the background (wallpaper, bars on the window) have vertical stripes. Starting position: stand straight, feet thirty centimeters wide. Focus your gaze on the candle flame. Slowly and smoothly turn to the left (including turning the head and gaze along with the movement of the shoulders) - as much as possible; A 180-degree rotation is desirable, even if this means lifting your heels slightly off the floor. Just as smoothly turn back, focus your gaze on the candle and, without taking a break, turn in the same way to the right. The approximate number of repetitions and pace of execution is sixteen turns per minute.

Consult with experts

If you do not have vision problems, and exercise is needed solely to relieve stress, preliminary communication with an ophthalmologist is at your discretion.

If exercise does not bring results, if you continue to feel discomfort or become very tired, be sure to consult a doctor.

And, of course, if you have any visual impairment, prior consultation is required before charging. An experienced ophthalmologist will help you choose exercises that are right for you and will not have a negative impact on your eyes.

General approach to use

With proper use of masks , you can avoid various troubles in the form of allergic reactions (if the recommended dosage of components is increased) and achieve the maximum positive effect.
For people who prefer to make masks not in beauty salons, but at home, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. When using masks of a very liquid consistency, it is advisable to make special pads from gauze or discs (patches).
  2. Products must be applied with gentle movements without rubbing the composition into the skin.
  3. When rinsing, it is also necessary to use gentle movements so as not to damage the sensitive skin around the eyes.
  4. All ingredients should be mixed only in the specified proportions to avoid the development of side effects and allergic reactions.
  5. If the components are mixed correctly, but after a few minutes you feel a strong burning sensation and itching, you should not wait until the end of the procedure. The mask must be washed off immediately and an alternative recipe must be chosen.

Important! To immediately determine whether allergic reactions will occur when applying the mask, you need to prepare a small amount of the product and apply it to the inner bend of the elbow.

The skin in this area is also highly sensitive, and if no symptoms of irritation appear in this area within 15 minutes, the product can also be used for facial skin.

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