White dots under the eyes (milia) - causes and treatment

White dots (pimples, spots, bumps) that appear on the face and in the eye area are called millet due to their external resemblance to millet grains. The scientific name for this skin problem is milia.

Milia appear as small white balls under the surface of the skin. They are painless, have a dense consistency and do not change their size for quite a long time.

Such formations do not pose a danger to the body, are not a sign of any disease, etc. This is just one of the types of acne that can be easily treated by a cosmetologist.

Causes of milia

The appearance of whiteheads is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands and blockage of the hair follicles. Therefore, the risk of milia formation in those with oily skin type is much higher (both women and men). As a rule, such acne occurs during puberty, especially if there is poor hygiene.

Such “troubles” can form not only in the eye area, but also on the cheekbones, under the lower lip, on the forehead and near the nose - in especially “fat” places on our face.

Some cosmetologists also tend to attribute excessive exposure to UV rays and damage to the upper layers of the skin as the causes of whiteheads.


There are the following types of growths:

  • Nodes having a lobular cross-section.
  • True lipomas are subcutaneous lumps of a certain size that rise above the skin of the face. The skin over these growths does not change.
  • Xanthoma is an uneven yellow spot that does not protrude from under the skin.
  • Millium is a small, granular white acne that protrudes from under the skin. A diffuse connective tissue capsule is not observed in such a situation. Xanthelasma and millium are often observed in older people, as their eyelid becomes much more susceptible, and therefore such formations actively increase in size.
  • Fibrolipoma is characterized by connective tissue that has grown inside.
  • Atypical lipoma - appears in areas of brown fat formation.

The last 3 types of wen are quite rare.

Whitehead Removal

To remove such a skin problem, a specialist may offer several cleaning procedures to choose from:

  • Laser coagulation (painless treatment of problem areas using a laser).
  • Mechanical removal (violation of the integrity of the eel using a sterile needle, squeezing out the contents).
  • Electrocoagulation (exposure to problem areas with alternating current using an electrocoagulator needle).

Treatment of such “problems” by a cosmetologist guarantees their rapid disappearance and the absence of relapses if hygiene rules are followed.

Reviews from doctors about the effectiveness of treatment methods

Wen on the eyelids - how to get rid of it using folk recipes, without resorting to traditional medicine, is of interest to everyone who has just begun to fight this problem, as well as who has not solved it with the help of doctors.

There are many traditional methods. Natural substances are used as active ingredients. These include both herbs and foods with medicinal properties, as well as substances of animal origin.

The following are used as traditional methods of treating wen on the eyelids:

  • decoctions;
  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • poultices;
  • lotions;
  • compresses.

The effectiveness of many recipes has been scientifically proven. However, we should not forget about individual intolerance to various components, the severity and extent of the lesion.

Garlic has strong antimicrobial and healing properties, which is why it is a huge success in treating lipoma on the eyelid. There are 2 ways to use garlic.

The first one is the simplest. You need to peel 1 clove and cut in half. The inner side exuding juice should be applied to the wen. The treatment period ranges from several days to a week, depending on the effectiveness.

The second method involves the use of several crushed cloves. You need to take 3-4 cloves and crush them in a garlic press. The resulting slurry should be applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​the eyelid with the wen and left for 2-3 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day for a week.

You should be careful when using garlic so that the juice does not get into your eyes. Otherwise, there is a high risk of corneal burns.

You need to take 4-5 chestnut fruits and one tablespoon of honey and ground aloe leaves. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and applied to a bandage or gauze. The resulting bandage must be applied to the eyelid as a compress 2 times a day for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

The medicinal properties of the 3 components effectively affect adipose tissue, slowing down its reproduction and facilitating its removal from the capsule.

Aloe and Kalanchoe

Plants are used both in their original form and in ground form. The first option involves using a regular aloe leaf, cut lengthwise. The plant is applied to the eyelid and, if necessary, fixed with a bandage. To achieve the best effect, the procedure is performed before bedtime.

The second option is to use a mixture of aloe and Kalanchoe, ground until a homogeneous paste with juice is formed. It can be applied to the eyelid with a wen in its pure form or gauze (bandage) can be used. The time for the procedure is before bedtime.

Onions for wen

Onions have almost the same properties as garlic. The method of application involves applying the peeled plant to the eyelid with the side that releases juice when cut.

You can also make a compress from onions and soap. The plant is baked in the oven until soft, crushed and grated laundry soap is added in a ratio of 1/3. The resulting mixture is used as a compress 2 times a day for 1 hour.

Vinegar and iodine

An effective method for diluting two substances in a 1:1 ratio. After this, the liquid is applied to the lipoma using a cotton swab or disk. The procedure must be repeated 3-4 times a day for a week.

A single application of the mixture to the wen is sufficient, regardless of its coloring.


Wen on the eyelids can be effectively treated with celandine. For residents of rural areas, there is no question of how to get rid of lipoma, because the plant grows everywhere. It is necessary to pick a stem of celandine and apply yellow juice to the new growth for a few minutes. The procedure can be repeated hourly until the wen disappears.

An alternative way to use celandine is to purchase a ready-made tincture at a pharmacy. The solution is used as a compress. You need to moisten the gauze and apply it to your eyelid. Duration is 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a day. The effect is achieved on 7-10 days of use.

The fatty tissue either resolves or opens up depending on the volume. In the latter case, it is necessary to continue treatment with Vishnevsky ointment so that it draws out the remaining fat cells from the wound.

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Garlic and lard

The method of application is as follows:

  • 200 g fresh lard;
  • 100 g garlic;
  • the components are crushed until homogeneous;
  • the mixture is applied in a thin layer to the lipoma;
  • a cabbage leaf is placed on top of the mixture;
  • A cotton-gauze bandage is applied on top.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure before bedtime. Garlic and lard actively interact with each other and also have an effect on the lipoma, leading to resorption.

Wheat grains

The plant is effective for many diseases, including wen on the eyelids. The grains need to be crushed into powdered pollen and mixed with water. The mixture must be brought to the consistency of sour cream. The paste is applied to the surface of the skin and lasts for up to 1 hour. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is a week.

To achieve a greater effect, you can apply a cotton-gauze bandage on top of the applied pulp and secure it with a band-aid. The active substances of wheat act on adipose tissue, promoting the resorption or opening of the lipoma.

Vegetable oil


A cotton pad or gauze pad is moistened in vegetable oil and applied to the wen area. It is recommended to put paper or cellophane on top to retain heat and prevent oil from getting on clothes or body parts. Use 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days.

The positive effect is achieved by retaining heat in the area of ​​wen formation, which is further expressed in the resorption of the neoplasm.

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Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide must be mixed with water in equal proportions, and then moistened with a cotton pad or swab and applied to the lipoma area. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the desired effect appears. It occurs in 1-1.5 weeks with regular repetition of the manipulation.

Lamb fat

The substance is used in its pure form and has an effect similar to lard. It is necessary to lubricate the eyelid with fat and apply a cotton-gauze bandage over it. The medicinal properties of the substance have a positive effect on the tumor, and the thermal effect promotes the release of fat cells to the outside.

Is it possible to get rid of milia on your own?

Trying to get rid of such acne at home is definitely not worth it. By squeezing or piercing them, it is difficult to achieve significant results. But getting an infection is very easy. In addition, unskilled punctures often leave scars and cicatrices on the skin. Therefore, after accurately comparing the costs of a cosmetologist and the potential costs of medications for inflammation and scars, it is better to give preference to a visit to a specialist.

All you can do at home is keep your skin clean and learn how to choose the right cosmetics.


The study of lipoma under the eyes is carried out through palpation and external examination. Detecting a wen is quite simple. Moreover, this can be done externally - you just need to look at the growth near the eye. It has specific features.

For example, a neoplasm is a hard lump (compared to other pimples and rashes), which has a smooth outline and shape. These defects come in different shades in color - from white to yellow.

When the wen is too large, the specialist decides to remove it. A special diagnosis must first be carried out when the fatty part is taken for examination. When a specialist sees that a growth on or under the eye has an adverse effect on vision, he recommends additional consultation with an ophthalmologist.

During the implementation of diagnostic measures, in order to determine subsequent actions, the size of the lipoma is assessed and the development of the growth is taken into account. In a situation where the tumor is growing rapidly or is already large in size, a decision is made about the need to eliminate the defect. In the process of examining a lipoma, differential diagnosis is sometimes carried out, which makes it possible to establish the nature of its origin.

Prevention of milia

To prevent the occurrence of whiteheads on the face, you need to learn how to monitor the health of your skin, clean it properly, avoiding contamination, and buy suitable cosmetics. For example, if you have oily skin, it is better to refrain from using greasy, poorly absorbed creams. In this case, it is worth using gels.

To prevent the appearance of milia, it is also necessary to exfoliate the skin of the face and eye area. Apply cleansing masks, such as paraffin masks, which are good for eyelid skin.

And you definitely need to adjust your diet, minimizing fatty, sweet, flour, and fried foods.

In the medical department, everyone can undergo examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on the results, receive advice from a highly qualified specialist. We are open seven days a week and work daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Our specialists will help identify the cause of vision loss and provide competent treatment for identified pathologies.

You can find out the cost of a particular procedure or make an appointment at the Moscow Eye Clinic by calling 8 and 8 (499) 322-36-36 (daily from 9:00 to 21:00) or using the online registration form .

Advantages of contacting MEDSI:

  • Highly qualified doctors
    . Our ophthalmologists have the necessary knowledge and skills to diagnose various skin tumors in the eye area and remove them
  • Comprehensive high-tech diagnostics
    . Our Ophthalmology Center conducts modern hardware examinations
  • Application for diagnostics of the latest equipment
    . Expert-level installations can significantly increase the speed of examinations and their accuracy
  • Modern methods
    . Thanks to them, removal of wen under the eyes is carried out quickly and painlessly for the patient, without complications and with a short rehabilitation period
  • Comfort of visiting the Ophthalmology Center
    . We made sure there were no queues. You won't have to wait long for an appointment

To find out the cost of removing wen or to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, just call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

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