The whole truth about laser hair removal that no one will tell you

The first laser hair removal procedure was performed in 1996. A ruby ​​laser was used to remove unwanted hair growth. Soon it was replaced by more advanced technologies - alexandrite and diode lasers, the use of which makes it possible to solve the problem as physiologically as possible, without harm to health and with a guarantee of a positive result. However, questions about whether laser hair removal is harmful or not have still not lost their relevance. We will try to answer them by presenting expert information in an accessible form.

Laser hair removal - painless and forever 11/20/2018 09:15

Laser hair removal is the latest method of long-term removal of unwanted hair. It was discovered by accident, after one of the physicists received a burn during experiments with a laser. The wound healed, but hair did not grow in this place.

Modern methods of laser hair removal have come far from this first accidental experience in terms of comfort and safety. But despite the fact that the procedure has become widespread and has gained great popularity, clinic clients still have many questions regarding both the procedure itself and the rehabilitation period and long-term effect.

Which technology has the best price/quality ratio?

Today there are dozens of lasers from different manufacturers. But they can all be reduced to several types: alexandrite, diode, neodymium, Elos, AFT, IPL and IPLASER. We only use lasers with the IPLASER system as they are safe, effective and painless. Our specialists are qualified physicians, as it is important to assess the risk and possibility of laser hair removal individually for each client.

Find out prices for laser hair removal

The essence of laser hair removal technique

The main element on which the entire method is based is a laser - a device that generates narrowly directed light beams. The radiation source can be a liquid, gas or solid. At the moment, there are a large number of different lasers, but in cosmetology, LED ones are considered the best. The wavelength and pulse frequency that characterize them turned out to be ideal to ensure high efficiency, safety and painlessness of the procedure.

The laser hair removal procedure is based on the effect of hair absorbing light energy. The darker the hair, the higher the absorption coefficient. It is well known that melanin, a pigment that has a complex chemical composition and consists of two fractions, is responsible for hair coloring:

  • eumelanin, which colors hair dark;
  • pheomelanin, which makes hair light.

Only eumelanin has the ability to absorb light, therefore, until recently, laser hair removal was performed exclusively on dark-haired people with fair skin.

Fortunately, progress does not stand still and the Israeli company Lumenis has created the latest laser system, LightSheer DUET, which has no analogues in the world. It allows hair removal for people with any phototype. Many of our clients have already tried it and were satisfied with the result.

What is the essence of the method. The laser hair removal process is based on the reaction of photothermolysis - light, thermal destruction. At the moment of the impulse, the hair shaft absorbs light and heats up to a temperature of 70-80ºC. The follicle is destroyed. Along with it, the cells of the hair papilla also die, so hair growth does not resume for a long time or stops completely.

It is important to note that laser hair removal is not a one-time procedure. Usually at least three are required. This is due to two factors:

  1. The hair follicle has a high ability to regenerate and strives to recover even after several years.
  2. The life cycle of hair consists of two stages: the growth stage, when it is saturated with pigment, and the sleep stage, when the hair is at rest, it is not visible above the surface of the skin and there is no melanin in it. In this state, it is not affected by the laser.

The transition from the sleep state to the growth state is 20-28 days. This is why cosmetologists prescribe repeat laser hair removal procedures at least a month later.

Side effects

The key to a procedure without complications and consequences is compliance with the specialist’s recommendations, high-quality equipment and the experience of the staff. Cleo Line employs qualified doctors and cosmetology nurses. We use the latest generation lasers to make patients as comfortable as possible.

Possible side effects include:

  • Edema - they often occur due to the individual reaction of the body. A few hours after the procedure, they disappear without a trace.
  • Burns are likely if the patient does not follow skin care rules after the procedure. Have you noticed severe redness that does not go away after 4-5 hours, or a burn? Be sure to consult a specialist, do not treat it yourself!
  • Pigmentation - appears if you neglect Sanskrin or sunbathe after hair removal. Most likely, in 2-3 months the unwanted pigmentation will disappear without a trace.
  • Folliculitis is a very rare effect that occurs due to visiting a swimming pool or sauna immediately after laser hair removal. It is a small red spot or nodule around the hair that becomes inflamed. Treating folliculitis is simple: just treat the damaged area with an antiseptic.

Benefits of laser hair removal

Let's compare two outwardly similar procedures: hair removal with the LightSheer DUET laser installed in our clinic, and photoepilation.

Radiation source

Comparative characteristics

Laser hair removal with LightSheer DUET Photoepilation
Radiation source diode laser krypton lamp
Skin type any light
Hair type any dark
Possibility of burns minimum high
Painfulness of the procedure on a scale from 1 to 10 3 - 5, without anesthesia 8 or more even with pain relief
Number of procedures 3 — 5 5 — 10
Possible complications
  • slight swelling;
  • erythema lasting from several hours to several days;
  • the occurrence of dry skin at the site of exposure;
  • Short-term manifestations of acne are possible.
  • burns;
  • irreversible disorder of skin pigmentation;
  • scarring;
  • allergic reaction;
  • folliculitis, especially in people suffering from hyperhidrosis;
  • acne;
  • the appearance of gray hair;
  • increased sweating when the sweat glands are damaged;
  • malignant neoplasms, if moles or papillomas were damaged during the procedure;
  • increased hair growth if the follicle has been damaged rather than destroyed.

The advantages of laser hair removal over photoepilation are obvious. Now let's look at the features of the procedure in more detail.


  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • dark skin;
  • skin diseases in the acute stage;
  • a large number of moles in the hair removal area;
  • pregnancy and lactation - only after consultation with a doctor;
  • damage to the integrity of the skin - abrasions, scratches;
  • tattoos;
  • neurological diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • progressive varicose veins.

Pros and cons of laser hair removal

Before you sign up for a hair removal session, you need to consider all the positive and negative aspects of the procedure.


  • Long-term or complete relief from unwanted hair with a systematic approach and compliance with all doctor’s instructions.
  • Comfort. Correctly configured equipment allows you to minimize discomfort during laser hair removal or avoid it altogether. And they cannot be compared to the pain that a client experiences during a waxing or sugaring session.
  • Speed. Laser hair removal does not take much time and does not knock you out of your usual rhythm of life. You will only need to make a few visits to a specialist and repeat them, if necessary, after a few years.
  • Economical. Hair removal using modern methods is not a cheap procedure. But, if you consider how much money and time you would spend on mechanical hair removal over many years, it becomes clear which method is actually beneficial. Moreover, gradually the duration and intensity of laser hair removal procedures will begin to decrease and will eventually be reduced to single impulses, which will significantly reduce financial costs.
  • Safety. The effect of the laser is so short-lived that it cannot harm the health of the skin.

Disadvantages of laser hair removal:

  • The need to repeat procedures. To get a truly long-term effect from laser hair removal, you need to be prepared to regularly repeat sessions in courses, at a time clearly indicated by a specialist.
  • The need to stop certain medications: roaccutane and glucocorticosteroids at least six months before the procedure; Retin-A in 2-4 weeks.
  • Presence of contraindications.

How long does laser remove hair and how often does the procedure need to be repeated?

After hair removal, hair is removed forever and does not grow back on the treated area of ​​the body. So it is enough to take a laser course once for the rest of your life. However, one procedure will not work.

Hair on the human body does not grow at the same time: some are in the active phase, some are in the dormant phase. Modern installations only affect hair follicles that are in the active phase, since it is then that the hair grows and accumulates pigment, which attracts the beam. If the bulb is asleep, it is “not touched” during the procedure. Subsequently, the hair grows from the follicle.

Have you noticed that after the first procedure you still have hairs left? Don't worry, this doesn't mean the laser didn't work on you! In one session, radiation can rid a person of ⅕-¼ of vegetation in the treated area. So, complete hair removal will require approximately 4-5 procedures. For some it is less, for others it may be more: it depends on personal characteristics, the structure and color of hair and skin. A specialist will calculate the exact number of sessions for you during your consultation.

The frequency of procedures is 1 every 3-4 weeks, so that the “dormant” hair follicles awaken. So it’s better to start an hair removal course in advance of a vacation and a trip to the sea in order to be guaranteed to rid yourself of hair by the desired date.

How to prepare for a session

The laser hair removal procedure does not require complex preparation, but some precautions are recommended:

  1. Approximately two weeks before a laser hair removal session, it is necessary to minimize exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, do not sunbathe or visit a solarium.
  2. For three weeks, eliminate any methods of hair removal other than shaving.
  3. Also, three weeks before the session, stop taking tetracycline antibiotics, and immediately before the procedure, it is undesirable to use the following drugs: metronidazole, anti-tuberculosis drugs, antipsychotics, vitamins A and E.
  4. Before the procedure, carefully shave the treatment area.

How painful is the procedure?

Laser hair removal is almost 100% painless. It causes much less discomfort than, for example, electrolysis, waxing or the well-known sugaring. Unlike mechanical hair removal based on hair plucking, there is no irritation on the skin.

Discomfort may occur in women and men with increased sensitivity to pain. However, there are ways to cope with unpleasant sensations and make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

An important fact: at Cleo Line we use modern laser systems with a high degree of power, so very little time is spent on processing one zone. Even if you are highly sensitive and are worried before the procedure, do not worry - the treatment of your hands or feet, as well as the most delicate areas, will go quickly!

How does the session work?

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. The specialist checks the condition of the patient’s skin for inflammation, damage and neoplasms.
  2. A cooling agent is applied to the skin to help reduce discomfort.
  3. The patient's eyes are protected from laser radiation with special glasses.
  4. The specialist proceeds directly to the laser hair removal procedure. By pressing the nozzle against the patient's skin, he triggers the generation of an impulse, after which he moves the nozzle and the action is repeated. In this way, the entire affected area is treated.
  5. At the end, the doctor applies an anti-inflammatory agent to the skin.

What should you beware of when choosing a salon?

First of all, I would like to open my eyes to what methods of fraud there are in this area.

First, the laser. Now many salons buy cheap Chinese LEDs, which are ineffective. Very often in such salons the prices for procedures are prohibitively low, for example 200 rubles for the upper lip. If this is not a promotion, but a regular price, then you should be wary.

Secondly, lasers have a part (the lamp or the handle as a whole) that needs to be changed. For example, in our laser the handle needs to be changed every 600-700 thousand flashes, since the lamp power drops, and with it the result of the procedure. But many unscrupulous salons neglect this and shine with “empty” lamps. The effect is the same as at home under a light bulb. Particularly cunning salons do the first 1-2 sessions with a normal laser so that the client sees the effect, and then, at the 3-4th session, they can do it with an “empty” handle. As a result, the person is convinced that the problem is in his characteristics, and not in the shortcomings of the equipment, because at first there was an effect.

Thirdly, unscrupulous salons carry out procedures despite clear signs that laser hair removal is not suitable for the client. One day a girl approached us with a request to rid her of the hair on her arms. She went to an expensive clinic for 1.5 years and did not get any effect. At first glance, everything became clear: she had white translucent hair. When we said that, in principle, no laser can treat such hair, she was shocked and said that she could already buy a car with the money she left at that clinic.

Or another case. A very dark man with black hair on his back, stomach and chest came. The master noticed that they were already growing stubble and asked what they were doing before. The client said that he had already gone to laser. The master suggested that there was probably only 1 session at most, because the hair was growing quite thick. But the man admitted that he had already done 15 sessions on Alexandrite in an expensive clinic. Most likely, in order not to burn the skin (Alexandrite can only remove hair on the skin up to the 4th phototype), they turned down the power to the maximum, but it was not enough to burn the hair. As a result, the man started our course from scratch. After the first session, the effect was immediately visible; about 99% of the hair that was in the active stage was gone.

How to behave after the session

To avoid complications and get the maximum effect from laser hair removal, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Avoid exposure to ultraviolet light for 10 days after the procedure. In summer, use sunscreen with SPF50.
  2. Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse.
  3. During the course, do not use any other method of hair removal other than shaving.
  4. Do not try to speed up the process of hair loss by pulling out hairs yourself.

Effect of the procedure

The result of a laser hair removal course is hair removal from the treated area of ​​the body. You don't need to do anything yourself: after the procedure, you can forget about the machine or trimmer. Hairs treated with a directed beam of light will soon fall out on their own. And they won’t grow anymore, because the follicle and nutrient canal are destroyed.

Using laser hair removal, you can get clean and smooth skin without excessive vegetation and mechanical damage - abrasions, redness, irritation, etc.

Answers to popular questions

Below is a list of questions most often asked by patients coming for laser hair removal.

What parts of the body may be affected?

Laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body. The exception is the area under the eyebrows. The skin there is very delicate and thin and there is a high risk of complications.

Is it possible to do laser hair removal for varicose veins?

Can. Usually there are no complications.

Is laser hair removal done if there are ingrown hairs?

Yes. Moreover, it is recommended because... allows you to get rid of this problem.

How will the doctor see where the hairs need to be removed if I shave them?

The laser applicator covers the entire surface. The specialist does not need to “aim” and the removal will take place in the area specified by the patient. As with regular hair removal, you designate where to remove the hair and where to leave it.

Will laser radiation be harmful to health?

The laser does not emit any radiation other than light, and therefore does not cause harm.

Is it possible to have laser hair removal treatment more often than is usually recommended?

This is undesirable, as it can disrupt the rhythm of hair growth and the effect will be reduced.

Why did the doctor increase the interval between procedures?

Increasing the interval is justified, as the hair has more time to “wake up”, which significantly increases the effectiveness of subsequent procedures.

Does laser hair removal reduce skin sensitivity in deep bikinis?

Epilation does not affect sensitivity in any way, even when working in the labia area.

How long should you wait to switch to a razor after using an epilator before performing the procedure?

A period of 1-2 months would be ideal.

Is it possible to perform hair removal in the area of ​​tattoos?

Undesirable, because The color of the pigment may change.


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