Buckwheat face masks - benefits and methods of use

Buckwheat and flour have a beneficial effect on the body not only as a food product, but also as a cosmetic product. Vitamins and minerals nourish skin cells, the surface of the skin is cleansed. For cosmetic use, you can use ready-made flour from the store. But if you make such a product yourself, the effect will be greater. To do this, the grains are sorted, washed well in several waters and dried. After complete drying, it is ground in a coffee grinder. Sifted flour is suitable for use as masks. Unsifted powder can be left for scrubs and peels. The finished product is stored in a hermetically sealed container.

Peelings and scrubs

  • The mashed yolk is mixed with vegetable oil (pumpkin or olive) and sugar. Take a teaspoon of both components. Mix well and add a tablespoon of buckwheat flour. Gently massage the skin with the resulting product for several minutes. You can leave this healthy mixture on your face for another ten minutes. The effect will be not only of peeling, but also of a nourishing mask;
  • For a more thorough treatment of the skin, you can add natural coffee to buckwheat flour. To do this, you need to choose the finest grind. It is quite possible to take coffee grounds from a cup after drinking a drink. The powder is diluted with chamomile or mint infusion. This scrub is great not only for the face, but also for the whole body. The coffee component perfectly tones the skin and helps with cellulite.

How to choose?

Before choosing buckwheat flour, you should decide for what purpose it is used, since the product is produced:

  • fine grinding;

  • coarse or peeled.

The first type is more suitable for baking pancakes and other confectionery products. But for bread, cooking cereals and breading, coarse grinding is used.

An important factor in choosing a quality product is the country of origin, since now many countries, especially eastern ones, are producing buckwheat flour. For example, Chinese products are considered to be of low quality, since the grains are roasted black and dried very strongly. The result of such processes is a taste and aroma that is not entirely pleasant and familiar to the Russian consumer, and sometimes dishes can even taste bitter. If you choose a manufacturing country, then only Russia, since it rightfully occupies a leading position in terms of production quality. When cities such as Omsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Altai and Krasnodar are indicated on the package, the flour is of high quality. It is worth noting that the price of high-quality buckwheat flour is rather high, but it is better to buy more expensive and prepare a high-quality and tasty dish than to sell it cheap and be disappointed in the product.

The next criterion by which a good product is determined is expiration date. Unlike wheat flour, which can remain on store shelves for up to two years, buckwheat flour retains its quality for only 3-4 months (although the packaging indicates a period of 12-18 months). Unscrupulous manufacturers repackage flour, mixing it with fresh flour, so you need to carefully look at the production date. It must be indicated clearly, without scuffs or smudged strokes.

The packaging in which the products are stored must be made of high-quality, thick paper that allows air to pass through. If the product is contained in plastic bags, then most likely it will disappear faster, and due to the short shelf life, the chances of buying a low-quality product increase. Tightness is another important criterion, because each hole also reduces the shelf life of the product.

At home, after purchase, the consumer opens the package - and the flour can already be assessed according to other criteria, such as:

  1. Consistency. The structure of buckwheat flour is smooth, there should be no lumps in it. If any were found, then most likely the production process was disrupted.
  2. Smell. It cannot be said that the smell of buckwheat flour is very pungent (it is rather neutral), but notes of roasted cereal can be felt.
  3. Color. High-quality buckwheat flour is cream-colored with a gray tint. If it is brown, then, most likely, the grain was overcooked, and products made from it will not be as tasty as usual, and may even taste bitter.

To check whether the flour is mixed well, you must first knead a small piece of dough in water. A high-quality product kneads well, does not form lumps, and the finished dough is homogeneous and light.

Compresses for eyes

Place flour in two gauze bags. Place the bags in hot water for a few minutes to steam. Cool to a pleasant temperature and place on your eyes. Keep the compresses for no longer than 20 minutes. This product nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids.

More about caring for the skin around the eyes:

Bags under the eyes: folk remedies

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

Homemade recipes for buckwheat face masks

It is recommended to use buckwheat for facial skin for all types, regardless of weather surprises. Useful components, covered with a thin invisible layer, protect against dry air and temperature changes. It’s easy to take care of the beauty and health of your face with your own hands with the best natural masks. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the use of magnetic masks, which are written about here:.

Anti-wrinkle mask

A rejuvenating mask is a simple and affordable way to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Allows you to gently remove dead cells, remove toxins and decay products.


  • 15 gr. buckwheat porridge;
  • yolk;
  • 20 drops of almond oil.

Production and method of application: prepare crumbly porridge, add yolk and seed oil. Steam your face with a compress for three minutes, then generously distribute the composition over the entire surface without exception. After half an hour, complete facial care.

And if you decide to get rid of wrinkles, then oils, for example: castor oil, can help you. Everyone eats chocolate, but few people know that it is also good for the skin, see recipes here: . You are tormented by skin problems, try cleaning with baking soda, read more here.

Mask for bags under eyes

A nourishing flour mask relieves puffiness and swelling, and copes with dark circles. After thirty years, repeat the procedure at least twice a month.


  • 10 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 20 ml green tea;
  • 5 ml parsley juice.

Production and method of application: pour cereal powder into a freshly brewed drink, add green juice. Remove makeup thoroughly, distribute the composition evenly on closed eyelids. It is convenient to turn on the timer for a given interval, keeping it from five to eight minutes in total.

Anti-swelling mask

Buckwheat is useful for removing excess moisture, cleansing, and improving tone. The procedure is also recommended for skin rejuvenation and restoration of elasticity.


  • 10 gr. buckwheat;
  • avocado;
  • 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Production and method of application: grind the butter fruit into a puree, add the prepared porridge and aroma drops. Wipe the surface with thermal water, distribute the composition, following the massage lines. Finish after twenty minutes.

Mask for sensitive skin

Hypoallergenic cereal is suitable for cleansing skin with increased sensitivity. Softens and strengthens the vascular network, refreshes the color of the epidermis.


  • 15 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 5 gr. clay;
  • 25 ml kefir.

Production and method of application: mix cereal powder with cosmetic clay and sour milk. Apply evenly, avoiding contact with eyelids, wait about seven/eight minutes. Rinse off as usual.

Nourishing mask for dry skin

It is useful, especially in winter for aging skin, to use organic cosmetics. Restores lipid-water balance, protects against adverse factors and temperature changes.


  • 5 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 10 gr. cocoa;
  • 10 gr. coconut oil

Production and application method: add nutritious oil and cereal flour to cocoa powder. Clean the skin with micellar water, apply a thick mixture, enjoy the effect for about fifteen minutes, remove the residue with a damp sponge.

Moisturizing mask

Folk recipes created at home help moisturize and soften the skin. To smooth out all types of wrinkles, whiten pigmentation, prevent rosacea, use at least three times a month.


  • 5 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • banana;
  • 10 ml cream.

Production and method of application: thoroughly crush the fruit, add buckwheat powder and heavy cream. Distribute on steamed surfaces, the composition lasts about twenty-five minutes. Then remove the residue with a cotton pad.

Cleansing mask

Provides soft peeling, removal of impurities, impurities and toxins. After the procedure, the epidermis becomes softer and more elastic, peeling disappears, and the pores narrow.


  • 10 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil.

Production and method of application: mix cereal powder with liquid honey and lemon drops. Apply the composition with light circular movements along the massage lines. After four minutes you can wash your face.

Toning mask

A mask made from buckwheat flour ensures increased blood flow and increases the elasticity of capillaries. To relieve swelling and improve the relief of the dermis, carry out a course of five procedures.


  • 10 gr. buckwheat porridge;
  • 5 gr. coffee;
  • 5 ml grape oil.

Production and method of application: add ground coffee and moisturizing oil to warm porridge. Treat the surface of the face, except for the eyelid area, and finish with a warm wash after twelve minutes.

Interesting video: Facial skin care at home - pharmacy cosmetics


Preparing a mask is not difficult; it is important to choose the right ingredients and combine them in the required proportions. Since different types of flour can be used, it is necessary to consider what type of skin this or that is suitable for. For example, for fatty foods it is better to cook flaxseed or oatmeal, and for dry ones it is better to cook rice. You need to mix the ingredients especially carefully so that there are no lumps in the finished mask.


Svetlana, 32 years old, Vladivostok. I love buckwheat so much that I’m ready to eat it several times a day and it’s a pity to use it for cosmetic products. But I recently found out that you can wash your face with the broth. I tried it and fell in love with the cereal even more. For the decoction you only need to grind a handful of cereals, sometimes I add crushed seaweed, sometimes chamomile, to the infusion.

I don’t have any special problems with my skin, but after just a week of daily washing my face felt fresher and my tone evened out. I'm beaming!

Galina, 24 years old, Lipetsk. I love trying out different scrubs. But this is not a whim, but a necessary measure, because... "bad" skin. Of all the natural peels, cereal peels, including buckwheat, perform best. Perfectly cleanses and nourishes, polishes and refreshes the face.

Maria, 47 years old, Moscow. I want to share my recipe for eyelids. I dilute buckwheat flour with green tea and add parsley juice (you can use gruel). I’ve been practicing this mask weekly for several years now - there’s not a single wrinkle, my eyes are sparkling!

How to store?

Like any product, buckwheat flour has its own storage conditions:

  1. Temperature. The optimal range is considered to be from +5 to +20 degrees. In this case, it is advisable to avoid sudden changes, since this will spoil the flour faster.
  2. Humidity is considered an important indicator, since deviation from the norms leads to the fact that the raw material rots, becomes moldy, and fungus can form. It is necessary to ensure that humidity levels do not exceed 60%.
  3. Lighting. Buckwheat flour does not like direct sunlight, so it should be stored away from light.

Buckwheat flour absorbs odors very well, so it should be kept in airtight containers. The product is extremely rarely purchased in bags, and therefore, after opening, pouring 2-3 kilograms of flour into a jar with a tight-fitting lid will not be difficult.

Bugs love to live in flour. To prevent this, you need to put a bay leaf in a container with flour. Its aroma will drive away unwanted “guests”, but will not affect the taste and smell of the main product.

Methods of application

Any product presented in retail chains can be used for cosmetic purposes. In terms of mineral composition, they are not inferior to each other, so the choice must be made depending on what kind of cosmetic product is intended to be prepared:

  1. The kernel is a whole grain. Fried has a dark brown color, steamed - brown. The cost depends on the size of the grains, but they are not used entirely for cosmetics. It is necessary to grind the pre-washed and dried grains in a coffee grinder.
  2. The product was split grain.
  3. Smolensk groats - crushed into finer grains.
  4. Flakes . Viscous porridge, which is obtained from boiled or steamed flakes, is an excellent base composition, for example, for wraps.
  5. Flour . The most convenient product for preparing cosmetics. Buckwheat flour produces masks with a delicate texture. You can make flour yourself from the core to obtain a coarser grind for making scrubs and peelings.
  6. Buckwheat honey.

Buckwheat honey

The basis for decoctions and poultices, ointments and masks can be taken not only from the grains themselves, but also from the stems of the plant, buckwheat flowers and husks. Foot massagers and therapeutic pillows are made from grains and husks. Flour (buckwheat powder) sifted through a fine sieve is recommended as powder for babies.

Composition and benefits of buckwheat for skin

Both the herb and the seeds of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. The entire rich composition of minerals and vitamins that nature has endowed with buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the skin both when eating dishes prepared from cereals and when applying external cosmetics made at home.

The benefit of buckwheat lies in the successful ratio and combination of vitamins and minerals. It is impossible to list the entire list of microelements contained in buckwheat, but the main ones are the following:

Properties of B vitamins

  1. B vitamins . The body needs them for the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthening the immune system, and maintaining emotional health. And in buckwheat this complex is balanced: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin, PP), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid) enhance each other’s effect. The complex of these vitamins is necessary to improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.
  2. Vitamin E. 100 g of buckwheat contains up to 40% of the daily value. The natural antioxidant tocopherol is necessary to inhibit the aging process, tissue regeneration, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of scars, maintains elasticity and muscle tone.
  3. Rutin . With its deficiency in the body, capillaries become fragile, and pinpoint hemorrhages (bruises) appear on the skin. Replenishing your reserves routine will help prevent acne and stop hair loss.
  4. Amino acids . There are 18 of them in cereals, with essential amino acids per 100 g of product exceeding 16% of the daily requirement, and non-essential amino acids - 11.7%. Buckwheat contains the largest amounts of essential acids such as valine, lysine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, threonine, and leucine.

Buckwheat is considered a record holder for its content per 100 g:

  • magnesium , which affects all energy processes in the body - 61% of the daily requirement;
  • silicon , which is involved in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, is necessary for the absorption of calcium, phosphorus and many other elements, slows down the aging process - 120 mg, or 400% of the daily value;
  • iron , the deficiency of which leads to anemia, pale skin, splitting of nails, hair loss, digestive disorders - 55.3% of the daily norm;
  • boron , which increases vitality and is necessary for mineral metabolism (especially during the postmenopausal period) - 730 mcg, which is 1042.9% of the norm per day;
  • copper , which is involved in the synthesis of new structures and tissue respiration and is considered a mineral against gray hair - 66% of the daily requirement.

It should also be noted that buckwheat is the only plant that cannot be genetically engineered. The crop is unpretentious in cultivation, it does not require chemical fertilizers and is not afraid of weeds. Ready-made cereals can be stored for a long time in any conditions; they do not become rancid or mold.

The leader in rutin content is green buckwheat - this is the name given to cereals that have not been subjected to heat treatment. But this is its only advantage over the usual brown cereal. In addition, green cereals are more expensive and more capricious to store (requires a dark place).

Vitamin mask from buckwheat for face, neck, décolleté


Cream, buckwheat, 1 tbsp. honey

Cooking method:

Pour one glass of hot heavy cream over half a glass of buckwheat. Cover and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Using a blender, grind the porridge until pureed (you don’t have to grind it, it’s just easier to apply as a puree). Add 1 tbsp. l. honey Stir.

Apply warm porridge to slightly damp skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Leave on for 25 minutes and then rinse with water.

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