PHYSICAL URTICA IN CHILDREN: principles of diagnosis and treatment

Rash on the palms of a child is one of the most common problems that parents face. The rash usually looks like small bumps protruding under the skin or small red spots. Very often the rash is accompanied by itching, which gets worse at night. If such symptoms occur, the child should be shown to a dermatologist.

The most common causes of rashes on the palms

Usually an experienced dermatologist can make the diagnosis at a glance. However, in some cases additional diagnostics are required. It is important to pay attention to both the appearance of the rash and the circumstances that contribute to its appearance.

If the child is healthy, he does not have a fever or other symptoms of pathology, but there are isolated rashes on the palms, most likely, in this case we are talking about a contact allergy. A similar reaction is also possible when consuming certain medications or foods.

If the rash occurs against a background of elevated temperature or other signs of illness, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the entire body. If the rashes, in addition to the palms, have spread to other parts of the body or mucous membranes, then a virus may be the cause of the problem.

Very often, rashes on the body are accompanied by infections such as the Coxsackie virus or enterovirus. To confirm and clarify the diagnosis, you will need to undergo a series of tests and, if necessary, visit related specialists.

Urticaria - symptoms and treatment

Diagnosing urticaria does not require specific laboratory diagnostics, although identifying the causes of the disease may require it.[3]

First of all, you need to see an allergist-immunologist as soon as possible. If there are no rashes at the time of the visit, try to provide the doctor with photographs of the rashes/swelling for maximum information (provided that the clinical manifestations were not severe and did not require emergency assistance during photographic recording).

During the appointment, the allergist-immunologist will collect a detailed medical history, life history, allergy history, and conduct a physical examination (examination, measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, body temperature, listen to the heart and lungs, palpate peripheral lymph nodes, abdomen). In most cases, this diagnostic complex will be sufficient to make a diagnosis and select therapy.[2]

In more than 90% of cases, acute urticaria resolves within two weeks and does not require special examination, unless the triggering agent is identified.[1]

What tests are done for urticaria?

If there are frequent relapses of acute urticaria or there is a chronic disease, you will need:

  • general blood test with leukocyte formula and ESR calculation;
  • study of some biochemical blood parameters;
  • examination for the presence of viral hepatitis B, C;
  • conducting provocative tests (ice cube for suspected cold urticaria, hot heating pad for thermal urticaria, water compress for aquagenic urticaria, exercise test for suspected cholinergic urticaria, etc.);
  • determination of antibody levels to thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin with an intradermal test with autologous serum;
  • scratch tests with non-infectious allergens and/or the presence of specific immunoglobulin E in the blood for any allergen.[2]

If further diagnostic search is necessary, it would be advisable to:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs (thyroid gland, abdominal cavity, pelvis);
  • FGDS or fluoroscopy of the stomach;
  • X-ray examination of the chest organs and paranasal sinuses;
  • virological or bacteriological examination for the presence of infectious agents;
  • analysis of the level of antibodies to the Cag A protein of Helicobacter, Giardia, helminths;
  • rheumatic tests (ANF, AT to DNA, CRP);
  • studies of complement components C3, C4, etc. [3]

An important diagnostic test in patients with urticaria is skin testing.[9] They are informative in patients with atopic urticaria and negative in patients with pseudoallergic urticaria (subject to the timing of the tests and the accompanying preparation for testing).[5] The bilirubin test against the background of an elimination test is also informative (carried out in a hospital, therapeutic fasting is prescribed with the intake of only water, showers and cleansing enemas). If the result of elimination, reduction or relief of symptoms is positive, the allergic genesis of urticaria is confirmed. In patients with allergic urticaria, the bilirubin level is reduced or within normal limits, in patients with pseudoallergic urticaria it is increased.[4]

How to treat rash on palms?

Treatment of the rash directly depends on the reasons that provoked this pathology. The following ways to solve the problem are possible:

  • Blood test. It is necessary to take not only a general blood test, but also a more detailed one. This will make it possible to detect antibodies to enterovirus, Coxsackie or other infectious agents. You should also examine your blood for antibodies to food and household allergens.
  • Cleansing the body of allergens. This procedure is necessary if the allergic nature of the rash has been confirmed. To reduce the severity of the reaction and relieve symptoms, the child may be prescribed antihistamines. If there is itching, you can use special ointments and creams.
  • Treatment of viral infection. If the pathology was caused by the intervention of a virus, antiviral drugs are prescribed to eliminate it, as well as drugs that increase interferon. If there is no itching or burning, the viral rash does not require local treatment. If itching occurs, you can use soothing ointments and creams. It is important to ensure that the child does not scratch the redness. Otherwise, the risk of bacterial infection increases. To quickly destroy the virus in the body, the child needs rest and proper nutrition.

Sometimes a rash on the palms occurs during illness. However, it does not spread to other parts of the body. With such a picture, it is very important to accurately determine the cause of its occurrence. This can be either a virus or a reaction to medications.

In rare cases, several problems can cause a rash at the same time. For example, this could be seasonal allergies and a respiratory viral infection. An experienced doctor will quickly determine the cause of the pathology and select the appropriate treatment.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Do not forget that your mistake can lead to the development of a chronic process, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

What is atopic dermatitis

Atopy is a special type of allergic hypersensitivity of the body, which is associated with the development of asthma, hay fever and chronic dermatitis (skin inflammation).
Atopic dermatitis occurs most often in children, including infants, although the disease can develop at any age. The pathology is characterized by a chronic course with periodic exacerbations. With age, the disease usually goes into a stage of long-term remission.

The disease affects 10–20% of the population, and 90% of patients are children under 5 years of age. Among infants under one year of age, the prevalence of the disease is about 10%.

Causes and forms of atopic dermatitis in children and adults

The causes of atopic dermatitis are not precisely known. The disease occurs in people genetically predisposed to it, who have additional immune disorders, under the influence of unfavorable factors. This pathology is not contagious.

Allergic atopic dermatitis can develop under the influence of the following trigger factors:

  • contact: allergens (animal hair) or irritants (soap, detergent, perfume, gasoline and other organic substances);
  • inhalation: dust, pollen, mold, particles of human and animal dander;
  • infectious: Staphylococcus aureus, candidiasis pathogens;
  • food: eggs, milk, legumes, citrus fruits, fish, peanuts, cereals (a reaction to them is an indicator of severe dermatitis).

Clinical forms of atopic dermatitis:

  • exudative: reminiscent of eczema, characterized by acute inflammation, swelling, weeping and itching;
  • erythematous-squamous: thickened skin turns red, acquires a darker shade, and multiple scales form on its surface;
  • lichenoid: thickened skin with constant scratching and scratching, often accompanied by a secondary bacterial infection.

In adults, the lesion is most often located on the flexor surfaces of the elbows, under the knees; in young children, the rash appears on the face and extensor surfaces of the joint.

Treatment at the Mama Papa Ya clinic

The Mama Papa Ya clinic chain offers medical services to patients with atopic dermatitis at an affordable price. Our advantages:

  • treatment of all family members suffering from this disease;
  • recommendations for the prevention of dermatitis in children predisposed to it;
  • simultaneous complex treatment by a gastroenterologist, neurologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist and other specialists;
  • prescribing the most modern means for the treatment of dermatitis;
  • recommendations for nutrition and skin care;
  • various physical procedures to prevent exacerbations;
  • recommendations for pregnant women on the prevention of disease in newborns.

You can make an appointment by calling. The clinic's branches are located in Moscow and the Moscow region.


Good clinic, good doctor!
Raisa Vasilievna can clearly and clearly explain what the problem is. If something is wrong, she speaks about everything directly, not in a veiled way, as other doctors sometimes do. I don’t regret that I ended up with her. Anna

I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of the clinic: Mom, Dad, and me. The clinic has a very friendly atmosphere, a very friendly and cheerful team and highly qualified specialists. Thank you very much! I wish your clinic prosperity.

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Today I had a mole removed on my face from dermatologist I.A. Kodareva. The doctor is very neat! Correct! Thanks a lot! Administrator Yulia Borshchevskaya is friendly and accurately fulfills her duties.

Belova E.M.

Today I was treated at the clinic, I was satisfied with the staff, as well as the gynecologist. Everyone treats patients with respect and attention. Many thanks to them and continued prosperity.

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The Mama Papa Ya clinic in Lyubertsy is very good. The team is friendly and responsive. I recommend this clinic to all my friends. Thanks to all doctors and administrators. I wish the clinic prosperity and many adequate clients.

Iratyev V.V.

We visited the “Mama Papa Ya” Clinic with our child. A consultation with a pediatric cardiologist was needed. I liked the clinic. Good service, doctors. There was no queue, everything was the same price.


I liked the first visit. They examined me carefully, prescribed additional examinations, and gave me good recommendations. I will continue treatment further; I liked the conditions at the clinic.


The doctor carefully examined my husband, prescribed an ECG and made a preliminary diagnosis. She gave recommendations on our situation and ordered additional examination. No comments so far. Financial agreements have been met.

Marina Petrovna

I really liked the clinic. Helpful staff. I had an appointment with gynecologist E.A. Mikhailova. I was satisfied, there are more such doctors. Thank you!!!


Complications and prevention

A dangerous complication of atopic dermatitis is a secondary infection of damaged skin with the development of pyoderma. To prevent it, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and moisturize the skin, and at the first signs of infection, immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of atopic dermatitis:

  • treatment of gestosis during pregnancy, proper nutrition of the expectant mother, avoidance of food allergens;
  • limiting drug treatment for newborns;
  • breastfeeding for at least six months;
  • a nursing mother's adherence to a hypoallergenic diet;
  • proper care of the newborn's skin, the use of mild hypoallergenic products.

To prevent exacerbations in adults, treatment in a sanatorium, psychotherapy, exclusion of provoking factors, and professional retraining are used.

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