The benefits of apricot oil for the face: the opinion of cosmetologists, methods of use

A popular component of home cosmetic procedures is all kinds of oils. There are 2 large groups of such products: essential and basic. The first are concentrated extracts from bark, leaves, flowers, roots and other parts of plants. Esters cannot be applied to the skin in their pure form, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned. Most often they are diluted with base (transport) ones, which are extracted from seeds, pits and nuts of various crops. Apricot oil falls into this category. It is safe both in combination with other ingredients and on its own. Find out the benefits of apricot oil extract and how to use it internally and externally to beautify your face.

History and description

Apricot oil is sometimes called “liquid gold”, wanting to emphasize the value of this substance for the human body. Its healing properties were known as early as 3000 BC. e. The proof is provided by ancient Chinese manuscripts, which say: the remedy was used to combat tumors, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. It was also used to treat the nose and ears.

In the 14th–16th centuries, the oily liquid was added to the bath, and balms and ointments were made from it. The aromatic substance was also used to make perfume. In England in the 16th century, “golden” fruits were called medicinal due to their properties and price. They were served only at the royal table.

Interesting to know. There is a version that the oil was produced by primitive people. And it came to Europe from Armenia, through China and Central Asia. After all, from Latin the name of apricot is translated as “Armenian plum”.

This base oil is extracted from apricot kernels by pressing. Cold pressing produces a product that is especially valuable in its properties and at the same time the most expensive. In this way, it is possible to squeeze out less than half of the oily liquid contained in the seeds. There is also a method of hot pressing, when more valuable liquid is obtained from a similar amount of raw materials. This oil is cheaper and contains fewer beneficial components.

Extracted by any method, the oily substance from apricot kernels has a light yellow tint, a viscous consistency, a light nutty aroma and the same sweetish taste. Sold in two versions:

  1. Cosmetic . It is packaged in small bottles and marked accordingly. Used in pure form and in various compositions for skin, hair, nails. Serves as a base for diluting esters. The product for maintaining beauty and youth cannot be taken orally.
  2. Culinary . As a rule, it is sold in large containers (from 250 ml). Unlike cosmetic products, it is additionally deodorized and refined. Suitable also for outdoor use.

Oil for culinary purposes should only be cold pressed.

Combination with other oils

When combining apricot oil with similar oils (basic or essential), the effectiveness of cosmetic effects increases.

The combination of apricot oil with the following oils is considered universal:

  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • wheat germ oil.

Depending on the condition and type of skin, it is recommended to add the following oils to apricot oil:

  • for any type of epidermis - ylang-ylang, sandalwood, lavender;
  • for problem skin - any citrus fruits, tea tree, lavender;
  • for mixed skin types - sandalwood, mint, ylang-ylang, neroli.

    Apricot oil goes well with other oils and serves as an excellent base for their mixture.

Composition and beneficial properties

Apricot is beautiful both outside and inside. Its healthy juicy pulp is eaten fresh, dried and dried, and the stone extract is used in folk medicine and home care. This would be impossible without the storehouse of vitamins, minerals, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in the oil. Their benefits for facial skin:

  • Vitamin A eliminates itching, eliminates dryness and flaking;
  • B vitamins help fight inflammation, prevent the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and tighten minimal cracks;
  • ascorbic acid activates the protective functions of the dermis, including protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, restores skin elasticity and slightly smoothes out shallow wrinkles;
  • phytosterols trigger regeneration processes in the dermis;
  • potassium and magnesium take care of moisturizing the skin, activate blood circulation, thereby improving cell nutrition;
  • fatty acids (palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, etc.) are antioxidants, stimulate tissue nutrition, are responsible for the protective functions of the skin, regenerate and rejuvenate the epidermis.

Cosmetic properties

Apricot oil for wrinkles was first used several thousand years ago in Armenia. From there, methods of preparation and use were borrowed in Asia and Europe.

The secret of the product’s popularity lies in its properties:

  • Rejuvenates;
  • Moisturizes;
  • Nourishes;
  • Cleans;
  • Relieves peeling;
  • Effective for acne;
  • Participates in the process of cell regeneration;
  • Improves complexion, evens out tone;
  • Soothes inflamed areas of the skin;
  • Saturates with oxygen;
  • Eliminates dryness.

Applying the component before sunbathing allows you to achieve a uniform tan with a golden hue.

Indications for use

High-quality apricot kernel oil is suitable for any skin, including sensitive, delicate, and children's skin. The range of its influence is wide:

  • rejuvenates and tones the fading epidermis;
  • improves skin color;
  • evens out the relief of the dermis, slightly smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • nourishes, softens and moisturizes the epidermis.

Thanks to its properties, apricot extract can become an indispensable product for people with dehydrated, rough, flaky, dry, aging and flabby skin. If your skin is prone to rashes and allergic reactions to cosmetics, or is sensitive, you should also stock up on a bottle of this miracle product.

The oil has a delicate effect on dry, cracked, chapped lips, as well as the area around the eyes, preventing premature aging and fading. Oily extract of apricot kernels is beneficial for children, including the youngest. A natural product - an alternative to children's cosmetic oils, it moisturizes and softens the delicate skin, helps exfoliate crusts on the head.

By the way. Due to its regenerating properties, the oily liquid is often used during pregnancy. This is how expectant mothers strive to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The oil is also suitable for dry and damaged hair, protecting it from the effects of negative factors. And taking the drug internally helps in the treatment and prevention of many ailments.

About apricot

The common apricot is an essential fruit tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. You recognize the tree itself from a thousand. They are quite tall, 5-8 meters, with rounded, fine-toothed leaves visible on the branches. They are very small, only 6-10 cm in length.

If you are lucky, you will see an apricot blossom. This will happen in March - April, then you will be able to observe single white flowers with pink veins. And if you see an apricot in June - August, then this tree will delight you with yellowish-red fruits.

How to select and store

Buy cosmetic apricot oil in pharmacies or stores that specialize in such products, including online. It is better to order the culinary variety from trusted sellers, in retail outlets with organic food.

It is advisable that the oil be packaged in dark glass bottles . Plastic reduces the cost of the drug, but also impairs the quality of its storage. Conscientious manufacturers make sure that the name is in Latin on the label.

Visually, the oil looks like a homogeneous viscous liquid without sediment or impurities. Shelf life when unopened is up to 2 years. It is recommended to use an open bottle within six months. Apricot oil should be stored in a dark and cool place without temperature changes, without ultraviolet radiation, and away from heating devices. Most often, a refrigerator shelf is used for this purpose.

A spoiled, low-quality product is characterized by an unpleasant, rancid odor. The liquid may become cloudy and have sediment. It is better to throw away such a product.

In pharmacies you can find inexpensive cosmetic apricot oils, packaged in small dark glass bottles:

  • Vitateka brand (30 ml, from 60 rubles);
  • from the Mirrolla company (25 and 50 ml, 45–80 rubles);
  • manufacturer Natural oils (50 ml, about 65 rubles);
  • from the St. Petersburg pharmaceutical factory (25 ml, 30–40 rubles);
  • Aspera company (30 ml, approximately 140 rubles), etc.

also worth looking for a quality product on the websites of natural oil manufacturers. For example, DolphinCoco offers unrefined, cold-pressed oily extracts that are suitable for cosmetic treatments and oral administration. A 110 ml bottle of apricot oil costs about 370 rubles. There is also packaging of 30 ml. Shelf life: six months from the date of production. The family dairy "Maslodav" prepares raw-pressed butter and sells it in bottles of 100, 200 and 500 ml (cost - 270, 500 and 1200 rubles, respectively).

Extracts from apricot kernels for food use can also be found in an assortment. For example, there are the following options:

  • product from the AromaKrym company - cold-pressed oil, unrefined, in a plastic container (0.5 l), price - 650 rubles;
  • from the Oil King brand - also cold-pressed, unrefined, in a glass bottle (0.25 l), price - about 400 rubles;
  • apricot oil from BIOLIO costs approximately 460 rubles per 0.25 l, etc.

Causes of skin aging and prevention of age-related changes

Imagine how every time you wrinkle your forehead, smile, squint your eyes, your skin folds and straightens, your muscles tense and then relax. And so continuously, from the moment of our birth. The same thing happens at the cellular level. Constant tension wears out the elastic fibers of the connective tissue. Over the years, on the most mobile areas of the face, the skin stops smoothing out and the first wrinkles appear - expression lines. If no prevention is carried out, over the years they will only deepen and turn into deep folds and creases. Prolonging your youth, meanwhile, is quite simple: facial gymnastics, cosmetic procedures and restraint in emotions will help.

We also age earlier because we don’t take care of the sun. Its rays are destructive for the skin: it quickly wears out, becomes dull and dry. By the age of 30, the first wrinkles appear, and even earlier, age spots. These are signs of so-called photoaging. Already at 20–25 years old, it is useful to regularly use cosmetics with an SPF filter and limit yourself to visiting the solarium.

By the age of 35–40, the age comes into its own. The older we are, the slower our metabolism and blood circulation, but the aging process of the body accelerates. This is due to the action of a mechanism called glycation.

Sugars and fats slowly but surely form dangerous bonds that bind our proteins together. In addition, they inactivate enzymes, send abnormal chemical signals into cells, and damage DNA. Everywhere these cross-links disrupt the functions of proteins, leading to physiological disorders and organic pathologies.

Aubrey de Gray, British gerontologist

Due to these changes, the ability of connective tissue to regenerate slowly but inevitably atrophies. Cells lack nutrition and moisture. The collagen-elastin framework weakens, the muscles too - and now the first signs of gravitational ptosis (sagging skin) are already noticeable on the face. At the same time, the tissues began to “slide” a long time ago, these changes simply occurred slowly and were insignificant. As this process progresses, the skin becomes more and more vulnerable. Care at 35 is not the same as 10 years ago; it requires other procedures and cosmetics. By the age of 40, you will have to select facial products with a new composition, and go to the salon no longer for therapy, but for injections and tightening.

Skin aging manifests itself not only in wrinkles, but also in loss of tone, unhealthy complexion, dryness

Skin health is ensured by a sufficient amount of water in the tissues. The epidermis, consisting of several layers, is responsible for maintaining water balance. The one that is outside includes dead cells. This layer is in contact with the external environment and is designed to protect the body from infections and bacteria.

To maintain youthful skin, it is important that the integrity of the lipid barrier is maintained. Thanks to this, the moisture contained in the tissues evaporates more slowly.

The lipid layer protects the skin from dehydration

In many ways, we create the problem for ourselves. Having become accustomed to washing our face with alkaline products - and most popular foam brands are exactly like this - we deprive the body of a protective barrier. The reason, of course, is not only in illiterately selected cosmetics: the lipid layer also becomes thinner due to illnesses, injuries, poor ecology and nervous shock. There are many reasons, but the result is the same - dehydration of the skin and its rapid aging. The best thing you can do is not to neglect your health and take timely measures to prevent age-related changes:

  • Eliminate the effects of factors that adversely affect the skin (bad habits, lack of water, excess UV radiation, etc.).
  • Use products high in fat and fat-like substances (lipids). These products include vegetable oils. Most of them contain vitamins and fatty acids, which are necessary to restore the lipid layer.

To compensate for the lack of substances necessary for the protective barrier, external use of oils is sufficient. They are well absorbed by the upper layers of the skin.

Video: how to avoid clogged pores when using natural cosmetics

General recommendations

Slightly warmed base oil from apricot kernels has a better and more effective effect on the skin. Therefore, before use, keep the product in a water bath for a while, bringing it to +38...+40 °C. You can also check the temperature with a special thermometer. Apply a little onto your wrist. Ideally, you should not feel warm or cold. This means that the oil is heated to your body temperature.

Attention! Do not use hot apricot kernel extract. Cool it down first.

Be sure to do a test before use. Apply a little apricot oil to the crook of your elbow or wrist. Make sure that peeling, redness, itching and other symptoms of individual intolerance to the component do not appear in this area. The experiment must last for at least 12 hours from the moment the product is applied.

Often, the oily liquid is mixed with herbal decoctions, ethers, food, cosmetics, etc. It is advisable that the consistency is not too liquid, otherwise it will drain from the face. For example, oatmeal will help make the nutrient mixture thick enough.

Use a whisk to combine all the ingredients. To apply the composition, take a sponge, cotton pad, brush or applicator. However, if convenient, distribute the oily concentrate with your fingers, but only with clean ones. The application pattern is strictly along the massage lines. Try not to stretch the skin while doing this.

Test each ingredient in the mixture separately. This is especially true for popular allergens (citrus fruits and esters from them).

Apricot oil is optimal for the cold season, as it protects and moisturizes lips and any type of skin from chapping, peeling and other troubles. In addition, the product does not cause pigmentation, so it can be used in the summer, throughout the day and even in sunny weather. Moreover: a healthy extract from apricot kernels will help you get a beautiful tan. Distribute a small amount of oily liquid over your face and body half an hour before heading to the beach, and repeat the procedure after each exit from the water.

Apricot oil will not protect you 100% from burns and redness. There are special creams for this.

If you want to use the product for prevention, make masks with it once a week. To eliminate existing problems, double the number of procedures. The course consists of 10–15 sessions. After this, you should take a break for 2–4 weeks. Then home manipulations can be resumed.

Preparing facial skin before using anti-aging masks

The preparatory process is no less important than applying a mask for skin elasticity. The simplest and fastest method is considered to be cleansing with special belongings, lotions and washing gels. A method that takes longer, but is no less effective, is called steaming. It expands the pores, which promotes deeper penetration of the nutrients contained in the mask used.

For better results, the process should be carried out using hot herbal decoctions, which, in addition to their expanding effect, cleanse the skin surface of contamination.

Steaming is not recommended more than once a week, especially for people with dry skin.

Methods of application

Before applying the beneficial mixture or pure oil, thoroughly cleanse your skin of makeup and impurities. To achieve maximum effect, additionally use a scrub. It is best to do this after bath procedures.

The exposure time of a useful product depends on what components you added to it. Apricot oil in its pure form can be kept on the face for up to an hour. Otherwise, follow the recommendations provided for the specific recipe.

Typically, masks are applied to the face for 15–20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

For face and eyelids

As a rule, the main methods are universal for all skin types:

  1. Rubbing with a tonic effect . Soak a cotton pad in apricot oil and wipe all over your face. You can do the same with the skin under your eyes. The frequency of procedures is daily or every other day. The remaining product is washed off with warm water after 30 minutes. Some manufacturers of natural products consider this unnecessary, so they allow the product to be left overnight. This is true if you use apricot extract instead of night cream.
  2. Addition to cosmetic products . For 1 tbsp. l. tonic, lotion or cream, take 3-4 drops of oily liquid.
  3. Makeup removal . In this case, the oil is used as for wiping: applied to the face using a cotton pad. You can also remove makeup from your eyelids and eyes this way. After this, rinse off the product with warm water and continue with your traditional care.
  4. Performing a massage . Add a couple of drops of your favorite esters to apricot kernel oil. For example, juniper, grapefruit, orange, rosemary, etc. are suitable. The resulting mixture is distributed in a thin layer over the face, and then gently patted on the skin, moving along the massage lines.
  5. To heal wounds and care for problem areas, apply a compress. Soak clean gauze, folded several times, with apricot oil and apply where required (cheeks, forehead, chin). After 20 minutes, remove.

One of the most popular ways to use apricot kernel extract for the face is in various masks. Here are some options:

  1. Moisturizing . Combine a teaspoon of oil with mashed chicken yolk. To further whiten your skin, add a third ingredient (one of your choice): 1 tsp. lemon juice/same amount of parsley juice/1 tbsp. l. kefir
  2. Cleansing . 1 tbsp. l. crushed oatmeal, pour twice as much warm milk. After swelling, add a teaspoon of warm honey and 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. oily liquid from apricot kernels.
  3. Restorative . Mix a teaspoon each of apricot and peach oils into a homogeneous mixture. Add 2-3 drops each of lemon and mint esters.
  4. Nutritious . For 1 tsp. Extracts from apricot kernels, take twice as much pulp or juice of one fruit: apple, banana, kiwi. Also, instead of the fruit component, you can add a similar amount of fresh strawberry, raspberry or cucumber puree.
  5. Sour cream and honey . Melt 1 tsp in a water bath. natural honey. Add 1 tbsp to it. l. apricot oil and 2 tbsp. l. medium fat sour cream.
  6. Potato . Increases skin elasticity. Combine 2 tbsp. l. white clay with the same amount of water. Blend into a smooth consistency. Add 1 tbsp. l. oily concentrate and grated potatoes (can be replaced with an apple).
  7. For wrinkles around the eyes . Mix 1 tbsp. l. apricot extract and a couple of drops of sandalwood, neroli or rosewood ether.
  8. Manna . Tones the skin. 2 tbsp. l. Combine milk porridge with a creamy consistency with 1 tsp. apricot oil and 1 tbsp. l. any ingredient: cucumber, apple or berries pulp.
  9. With vitamin E. Mix oily extract and liquid vitamin E in equal proportions. The mask is suitable for the face, neck, and décolleté.
  10. For subcutaneous acne . 2 tbsp. l. Dilute green clay with water until creamy. Add 10 drops of apricot kernel extract. Keep on dry skin for 5 minutes (so that the clay does not dry out), on any other skin - up to 10.
  11. Against frequent rashes . The recipe is designed for problematic, oily skin. In 1 tbsp. l. apricot remedy, add 2 drops each of lavender, lemon and tea tree ether.

For lips, eyelashes, eyebrows

Apricot oil extract does not affect the length of eyelashes, like burdock oil, for example. But it strengthens the hairs and makes them more voluminous. Take an old mascara brush, wash it and dry it. Add a couple of drops of warm, oily liquid and sweep over your eyelashes as if you were going to dye them.

Be sure to step back a few millimeters to avoid getting it in your eyes. Perform the procedure 2-3 hours before bedtime every day for a month.

To activate the growth of eyelashes, mix Vaseline, castor and apricot oils in equal proportions. Apply the same, but wash off before bed, otherwise by the morning swelling from castor oil may appear around the eyes. Another recipe is to combine several oily liquids in equal parts: apricot, almond, castor, burdock, jojoba. All these products are also suitable for eyebrows, and in this case the mixtures can be left overnight.

Advice. Also use oil instead of balm on your lips to soften them and protect them from chapping and flaking.


In cooking, the food product made from apricot kernels is used to prepare mayonnaise, salad dressings, and desserts. The product is also drunk in its pure form half an hour before meals to improve metabolism and skin condition, and increase visual acuity. The extract is suitable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the treatment of anemia.

For children, apricot oil is prescribed a drop for each year of life, for adults - 0.5 tsp. 1–2 times a day. Your attending physician can give specific recommendations.

Using apricot oil for lip care

There are no sebaceous glands on the lips, so they are most susceptible to dryness and chapping. Any external influence (temperature changes, ultraviolet rays, use of matte lipsticks) has an extremely negative effect on the health of the skin in a delicate area. There are several ways to care for your lips using apricot kernel oil:

  • Use in its pure form. Apply apricot oil to your lips daily. This can be done 1 to 5 times. If the product is quickly absorbed, then the epidermis is severely dehydrated. In this case, it is necessary to apply a second layer of product.
  • Mask. Combine 1 tbsp. apricot butter, rich village cottage cheese and natural flower honey. Be careful, you will want to lick this delicious delicacy. Lubricate the skin of your lips with the product. After a quarter of an hour, rinse off the composition and apply apricot oil to the treated areas. The latter does not need to be washed off.

    Natural cottage cheese softens and nourishes the skin of the lips

There is no need to take breaks in lip care using apricot oil.

Precautionary measures

The only contraindication to the use of oily extract from apricot kernels is individual intolerance to the active ingredient.

If you have done an allergy test and your skin feels good, you can use the product. Before taking it orally, you should additionally consult a doctor, especially if you have chronic ailments.

Sometimes apricot oil is called comedogenic, that is, one that pollutes and clogs pores. This manifests itself in the form of frequent inflammation, pimples, and blackheads. In this case, you should stop using the drug.

When applying apricot kernel extract to the area around the eyes, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membrane. There will be no burn, but unpleasant sensations in the form of a temporary veil are possible. You need to rinse your eyes with copious amounts of warm water.

Attention! You should not try to make an oil extract from apricot kernels yourself. Although there are such recipes online. The kernels of orange fruits contain amygdalin, which is a poison. In a small dose it will not harm, but it is better to give preference to properly purified purchased oil.

Using apricot oil for the face

There is no need to think that apricot oil for the face is only necessary for people with dry skin. This product will be useful to absolutely everyone. For a baby, this is an excellent recipe for fighting heat rash, for a teenager - with acne and rashes, for a mother - a means of maintaining youthful skin and smoothing out wrinkles, for a grandmother - slowing down the aging of aging skin.

Apricot oil can be used for the face in completely different ways. The oil can replace anti-wrinkle night cream, then it should be gently rubbed into the area around the eyes. And if you experience peeling, redness, itching, just rub it into the area of ​​inflammation, and everything will go away.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a high-quality natural product made from apricot kernels:

  • suitable for outdoor and indoor use;
  • has almost no contraindications;
  • can be used in pure form or in tandem with other components, as an additive to cosmetic preparations;
  • has a wide range of beneficial effects (skin, hair, nails, etc.);
  • designed for any age;
  • moisturizes and saturates the skin with nutrients;
  • slows down the aging of the epidermis, helps improve its condition;
  • helps to get a healthy complexion and a beautiful, even tan;
  • sold in assortment in pharmacies and stores.


  • in some cases, oil can cause skin problems;
  • a natural remedy is not cheap;
  • you cannot make a healing oily liquid at home;
  • Apricot kernel extract does not last long.

How to use anti-wrinkle product

The oil component is used both as an independent product and in combination with other products. It can be added to creams and made into nourishing and rejuvenating masks. The fatty component combines well with other oil varieties (avocado, almond and others).

Fruit extract can completely replace all other cosmetic products. It has good absorption, so it can be used at any time convenient for a person.

Like other types of oils, this option is used as a massage oil. This approach to facial care helps smooth, tighten and relax sagging skin.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Experts related to cosmetology do not welcome the use of apricot oil for facial skin. On thematic forums there is often criticism of natural remedies.

There is an opinion that the oily liquid does not moisturize the skin, but does the opposite.

The author of this review also claims that the use of oils can harm the skin.

For the product to be beneficial, it must be used correctly.

The woman who left the following review on a forum for cosmetologists advises taking a responsible approach to your health and beauty. Even if we are talking about a natural remedy.

Cost and where to buy oil

In order not to be disappointed in the quality of the purchased apricot oil to use on the face against wrinkles, it is best to purchase it in pharmacies. According to reviews, Galenopharm is considered the best.

Galenopharm is one of the best producers of apricot oil

The cost may vary significantly. A 100 ml bottle costs on average 100-300 rubles. Find out how to rejuvenate your facial skin with pharmaceutical retinol cream here.

Reviews from people

Apricot oils from different manufacturers have good ratings. Girls praise them for their effectiveness and affordability. But there are also not very enthusiastic opinions. For example, like the author of this review. She doesn't like that the oily extract from apricot kernels doesn't smell very nice (like its sunflower counterpart) and is also difficult to rinse out of her hair. But the woman applies a facial product.

According to another girl, apricot extract is great for chapped skin and lips. Especially if you treat the flaky areas with a scrub beforehand.

The author of the following review is satisfied with the use of apricot oil on the skin under the eyes.

A girl named Elena advises making sure that the product does not harm the skin.

Another woman believes that this base oil takes a long time to absorb and is not entirely suitable for application in its pure form. Still, she found several ways to use this product.

Despite the abundance of good opinions, apricot kernel oil has its own nuances. It is useful, but with reasonable and moderate use. Do not overuse this natural remedy to fully appreciate its positive effects.

Popular oils for youthful skin

In cosmetology, two types of oils are used - basic (they are also basic, they are also vegetable) and essential. The former can be used independently, the latter can only be added in very small quantities to the base. Very often, cosmetics are created by combining base oil with essential oil.

Base oils

Homemade anti-aging masks may contain various vegetable oils - shea butter, avocado, grape seed, apricot, almond, peach, etc. Olive oil is especially popular.

It is affordable, always in the kitchen, and has excellent cosmetic properties. And all thanks to the high concentration of vitamin E in it. It is he who is responsible for the smoothness of the skin and its healthy appearance.

Essential oils

There is no exact list of anti-aging essential oils. Essential oils have the most positive reviews:

  • roses;
  • orange;
  • sandalwood;
  • lavender;
  • patchouli.

They all contain anti-aging enzymes that help accelerate tissue regeneration, enhance their nutrition and restoration. To prepare a homemade cream or mask, just 1 drop of essential oil per tablespoon of base is enough.

Apricot oil is a completely natural product made from apricot seeds. Apricot seeds contain up to 50% non-drying valuable oil, which is very rich in vitamin B12. This oil is very widely used in cosmetology, because it applies smoothly and easily to the skin, is well absorbed and provides it with nutrition, hydration and protection. The oil also qualitatively recreates the damaged epidermal barrier. Apricot oil is added to nourishing and moisturizing masks and creams, and is also used in cosmetics for children.

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