How to steam your face from acne and blackheads: before a scrub, to cleanse pores, rejuvenate

A number of cosmetic procedures - face mask, deep cleansing, acne treatment - require preliminary steaming of the skin. This is done using a heat compress or steam bath. However, this procedure has many limitations: rosacea, vascular diseases, and a tendency to peeling. Steaming facial cleansing gel works differently. The product has a thermal effect, but does not actually steam the epidermis. It can be used for rosacea, rosacea, and very dry conditions. The only limitation is individual sensitivity to any component.

Execution Rules

Before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Next, you should prepare the necessary equipment:

  • cup;
  • towel;
  • mixture of herbs or essential oils;
  • hot water;
  • facial care products after the procedure.

The face also needs to be prepared for steaming:

  • wash your face with warm or cool water;

  • carry out the procedure of exfoliating dead skin particles, for which use a special product - a soft, delicate scrub.

It is advisable to steam the face no more than once every 7 days, just like exfoliation. The time during which steam exposure is beneficial ranges from 3 to 10 minutes.

Before starting the procedure, you must examine your face and make sure that there are no contraindications. Any damage to the skin or the presence of wounds is a signal that steam treatments will have to be postponed until they are completely healed.

Steaming is also contraindicated for people who have:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • asthma;
  • hypertension;

  • spider veins on the face;
  • manifestations of dermatosis.

You cannot combine other thermal procedures with facial steaming, as this can cause overheating of the tissues, and in more severe forms, even burns. If you want to use a product with new components, it would be correct to test for an allergic reaction by applying a little of the composition to the elbow joint. You should wait 2 hours, if there is no reaction, you can safely use the product.

Indications for the procedure

Steaming manipulations should be performed in the following situations:

  1. Preparatory stage for deep mechanical cleansing of the epithelium. Even if you need to get rid of an ordinary pimple, a steaming procedure will help significantly facilitate the process. When the pores open, you can easily clean them of dirt.
  2. Intolerance to scrubs and peelings. Steaming provides a gentle cleansing of the epithelium, which promotes the exfoliation of dead cells without serious mechanical impact.
  3. Preparing for deep peeling. If you steam the dermis before the session, it will be much easier and will give more noticeable results.

Steaming with herbs

The method is considered traditional and is used not only for steaming the face, but also in the complex treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

In this way you can not only steam your face, but also cure a runny nose and bronchitis.

Stages of the procedure:

  • it is necessary to bring the water to a boil (it is better to take filtered or spring water);
  • you need to throw the plant mixture into hot water;
  • wait 15 minutes for the mixture to infuse (be sure to cover the bowl with a lid);
  • the bowl should be glass, ceramic, but not metal, otherwise you can burn your face during steaming;
  • after 15 minutes, add the selected essential oil to the resulting solution;
  • the steaming solution is ready - you need to bend over the bowl, covering your head with a towel (you can’t bend too low - it will be difficult for the respiratory tract to pass air through);
  • it is necessary to maintain in this position for several minutes while steam flows;
  • then you should quickly wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with any tonic;
  • steaming can be completed with peeling or mask;
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your face.

Effective sauna-inhaler products

Steaming your face at home with an inhaler sauna is a relatively new concept in procedures.


  • preparing the face for the procedure is no different from the traditional one;
  • a solution must be poured into a special container: it can be either ordinary or mineral water, or a decoction of herbs;
  • the sauna with liquid poured into it must be turned on and wait until the steam comes out;
  • as soon as the steam has started, you can tilt your face into the special shape that comes with the sauna;
  • the procedure can be completed in a few minutes.
  • Then the face needs care according to the classical scheme: light peeling or mask, caring cream.

You can use different herbal decoctions in the inhaler for refilling.

Add 3-5 drops of essential oil to the water.

You can choose one oil, or you can make a mix depending on the desired effect:

  • basil - removes acne, makes the skin younger, eliminates signs of fatigue and gives the face radiance;
  • bergamot - refreshes and cleanses the skin, tightens pores;
  • ylang-ylang is a universal remedy and is suitable for any skin type;
  • lavender is also a universal oil, excellent for treating problem skin, and can be used for the skin around the eyes;
  • lemon – for those with oily and combination skin, against oily shine, whitens freckles and age spots on the face;
  • lemon balm - fights acne and allergic rashes, tightens pores, restores lips' brilliance and smoothness.


Despite manufacturers' assurances that masks are completely safe, there are recommendations in which cases the procedure should be avoided.

  1. Do you have any rashes on your face? A heating structure will make problems worse.
  2. For acne-prone skin, you need to be especially careful. The thermal effect promotes the appearance of new acne.
  3. Avoid eye and mouth area.
  4. Take into account your skin type and individual intolerance to any components in the composition.

Do a preliminary test on your wrist or elbow. In case of allergic reactions, quickly rinse with plenty of water and wipe with lotion or cream.

Masks with steaming effect

Steaming masks are a great way for those who do not want to waste time on a long traditional facial steaming procedure.

It's quite simple to use:

  • going to a cosmetic store to choose a suitable steaming mask;
  • if you have doubts about the correct choice, you can seek advice from a store specialist - he will help you decide;
  • you need to carefully study the composition and choose the most suitable one;
  • next - prepare your face for steaming;
  • apply the mask to the surface of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes;
  • wait 5 to 10 minutes, unless another time is written on the package with the mask;
  • Wash your face with warm running water, after which you can exfoliate. If steaming was intended as a separate procedure, you need to apply a facial cream.

Steaming masks can also be prepared at home. First you need to decide on the choice of ingredients.

Here are some recipes:

  • zinc based: 2 tbsp. add 2 tsp of zinc ointment. white clay and dilute the sour cream with cucumber juice until thick;
  • honey – 3 tbsp. Grind honey with 2 yolks and heat in a water bath;
  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. oatmeal add 0.5 tsp. soda, dilute with milk.

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— That is, you do not recommend doing medium and deep types of peeling at home?

- I absolutely do not recommend it. If the product is intended for superficial peeling, it means that it will act exclusively in the upper, stratum corneum layer of the skin; accordingly, even if something goes wrong, the risk of side effects is very small. Superficial home facial peeling does not require a rehabilitation period - everything goes unnoticed, after which only slight peeling of the skin is possible.

Medium peeling acts down to the basal layer of the skin, and deep peeling completely destroys the basal layer and affects the dermis. Medium and deep peels are not always easy to apply, and most importantly, they have a rehabilitation period that can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Some types of deep peeling can only be performed by plastic surgeons and only in specialized medical institutions!

Compresses for steaming the face

A facial steaming compress is another wonderful procedure.

They do it like this:

  • take a cloth napkin (cotton is best), put it in hot water;
  • then wring out the napkin and place it on your face, being careful not to burn your skin;
  • Remove the cooled napkin from your face and dip it in hot water again;
  • repeat the procedure three or four times.
  • At the end of the process, lubricate your face with cream.

A prepared herbal decoction for steaming the face will help with various problems:

  • chamomile, sage, coltsfoot will help against wrinkles;
  • dandelion and parsley will get rid of pigmentation;
  • for acne you should use calendula, aloe, string, lavender;
  • dry skin will be nourished by thyme, calendula, and oregano.

Compresses for steaming the face:

  • for oily skin, a combination of lemon or mint with thyme is good;
  • for dry skin, you can mix rose or grape essential oil with chamomile or linden flowers;
  • for normal skin - a decoction of a mixture of sage and nettle or lavender.

Added rosemary oil will enhance the effect.

Recipes for oily skin that cleanse pores

To cleanse the skin of oily sebaceous shine, enlarge and narrow pores, you can use the following recipe with zinc ointment:

  • to 2 tbsp. add 2 tsp of zinc ointment. white clay;
  • dilute the mixture with cucumber juice until the consistency of sour cream;

  • apply to face for 20 minutes, no more;
  • rinse off the mass with warm water and use the cream.

Steaming with decoctions of:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • sage

For steaming and cleansing the skin:

  1. 1 tsp mix soda with 1 tbsp. honey, add lemon juice (5-10 drops);
  2. heat the mixture in a water bath;
  3. apply warm mass to face for 5-7 minutes;
  4. rinse with warm water and apply face cream.

If for some reason the sebaceous glands on your face work intensively, you need to remember a few “don’ts”:

  • You should not overdry your skin; you should apply a moisturizer to your face twice a day;
  • you should not touch your face so as not to leave dirt on it from your hands;
  • Do not overuse cosmetics - due to the desire to hide skin imperfections with cosmetics, pores become clogged and inflammatory processes are initiated.

Products for such skin should have the following properties:

  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory: a decoction of chamomile will help here, which will gently cleanse and soften the skin, giving it smoothness and elasticity;
  • bactericidal, regenerating, soothing: sage has them;
  • healing the skin: calendula can handle this;
  • cleansing, improving metabolic processes: a decoction of tricolor violet extract will save the day.

At home, using these compositions of decoctions, you can gradually select the most suitable for a specific type of face for steaming.


  1. Cold hydrogenation provides a thermal effect without exposing the skin to high temperatures. This eliminates skin burns, injuries and difficulties with blood flow.
  2. The steaming gel ensures swelling of the epidermis due to damage to intercellular connections. At the same time, the top layer becomes softer and better absorbs moisture and nutrients.
  3. A cosmetic steaming product removes oily shine and softens sebaceous plugs, which makes them easier to remove, expands pores and warms up the skin.
  4. The composition of the gel is determined by the manufacturer, but it is always based on plant extracts.
  5. Hydrogenation is carried out in several steps and replaces professional facial cleansing.

Recipes for dry skin

Dry skin also needs special care.

The following steaming will help moisturize, cleanse and smooth out wrinkles:

  • make juice from several plantain leaves;
  • add to it a paste of 3 strawberries;
  • pour all 2 tbsp. cream and any essential oil suitable for dry skin (mint, chamomile, nettle, string);
  • Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • apply a warm mixture to your face;
  • cover your face with a double layer of gauze and keep the mask until it cools completely;
  • after cooling, shake off the remaining dried mass and wash your face with warm water;
  • apply cream to your face.

The most popular skin care product for dry skin is aloe vera.

From the means that are in every home you can use:

  • honey;
  • oatmeal;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • raspberries;
  • green tea;
  • kefir and others.

Rosemary, linden, calendula, parsley are not a complete list of medicinal herbs for this skin type. It is useful for dry skin to rub it with ice cubes from herbal decoctions in the morning. The condition for this should be low skin sensitivity.

After steaming, you can make a mask on your face:

  1. Herbal mask: take 0.5 tsp. chamomile, strawberries, St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water over them. Keep the infusion covered for 20 minutes. Then add 1 tbsp. natural apple juice, egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey Apply to face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. Mask with a refreshing effect: pour boiling water over 2 tbsp. mint leaves, boil for 3 minutes, then let cool and strain. Apply the warm mass to your face for 15 minutes. Remove with damp cotton pads.

  3. Moisturizing nourishing mask: mix warm milk, carrot juice, cottage cheese and olive oil (all 1 tablespoon each) into a homogeneous mass, apply to the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, wipe with an ice cube. This mask also has a whitening effect.

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Steaming for combination skin types

This type of skin is characterized by features where there are many sebaceous glands in the T-zone, and almost none in the cheek area. It is characteristic mainly of girls and young women. How to steam your face correctly in this case?

The best procedure is the following:

  1. Make a mixture of 1/2 lemon and 100 g cranberries. Both ingredients can be minced.
  2. Add 2 liters of boiling water to the bowl with the lemon-cranberry mixture.
  3. Lightly lubricate the skin of your temples, eyelids and cheeks with a rich cream.
  4. Cover yourself with a towel and lean over the steam for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Carry out further cleaning procedures.

Homemade facial skin care products are, of course, good. But what if you don’t have the right ingredients on hand? If you don’t have time to search for them, prepare decoctions? Ready-made cosmetics will always come to a woman’s aid.

Their selection is wide and varied. Leading manufacturers of care products that respect themselves and their customers ensure the quality of their products through research laboratories and clinical testing, guaranteeing safety and effectiveness.

Ready-made cosmetics with a steaming effect

A brief overview of ready-made steaming masks:

  1. Garnier: Garnier Skin Active steaming facial mask. Professional help at home. The abrasive particles of volcanic rock included in its composition perfectly remove blackheads. Natural clay helps dry out rashes and relieve inflammation. It is made to care for oily problem skin. The mask is designed for one-time use.
  2. Hydro-gel with aloe vera from Pleyana. The composition includes an aloe vera component, which, in addition to moisturizing, also removes dead skin. Allantoin helps fight acne as it kills harmful bacteria. The gel is great for use in the cold season. Herbal extracts vitaminize the skin and relieve it from flaking. Hydro-gel with Aloe Vera PLEYANA
  3. Echoice Aloevera Soothing Gel. Another steaming product in gel form. Its advantage is considered to be the fixation and preservation of moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis, which leads to a long-lasting effect after use. Plant components of aloe vera, mint, grapefruit, chamomile, white mulberry, wormwood and others increase skin tone, relieve inflammation, regenerate its integument, and nourish it with vitamins.
  1. Lioele Blackhead Clear massage warming gel opens pores and fights blackheads. It contains honey, mistletoe, and black sugar powder. The gel effectively opens pores, loosening the top layer of skin. This is an excellent procedure if hot steaming of the face is contraindicated.
  2. Alpika - Gel for cold steaming of the skin. It contains clover, papaya, pineapple, acacia, geranium and various vegetable oils that moisturize and soothe the skin, preparing it for further procedures. Sebum dissolves as much as possible and pores open.

Steaming your face with these products can be done both in salons and at home.

Tips from cosmetologists

Before starting facial care, you need to understand what type of skin you have. Procedures should begin with thorough cleansing of the face from decorative cosmetics. All items used when steaming your face must also be clean.

At home, the optimal frequency of facial steaming is once a week. There are contraindications for steaming. The cold method is suitable for this.

Facial steaming at home is an excellent alternative to going to the salon. The most important thing is to always take care of yourself. Only with constant care of your face will the result please you and give you a good mood. It must be remembered that a beautiful, clean face is also the result of a healthy lifestyle.

Composition of cold hydrogenation agent and its advantages

The features of the steaming gel for washing are determined by its composition. The main components among them are 2 types of connections:

  • substances with hypotonic properties - plant extracts act as such. They penetrate the epidermis and cause its swelling;
  • the second component is substances that stimulate blood microcirculation in the skin. The most commonly used extracts are aloe and some varieties of cactus.

The remaining components of the product are more familiar:

  • water is a universal medium for any other compounds;
  • gelatin or agar;
  • glycerin – has a moisturizing effect. You can read about how glycerin works and what masks are available with it here;
  • Trehalose is a disaccharide that improves the protective mechanisms of the dermis.

Cold hydrogenation is essentially a cleanser. Since the product acts without changing temperature, this cleaning method is called passive.

Hydrogenation has a number of advantages compared to the standard procedure:

  • removes dirt and sebaceous plugs without heating the skin, which eliminates injury;
  • accelerates blood microcirculation, but at the same time ensures sufficient blood flow;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, unlike a conventional steam bath, which provokes their activity;
  • suppresses inflammation, relieves itching and relieves irritation;
  • softens the epidermis and opens the pores, but at the same time it also disinfects.
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