How to peel for rosacea. Indications and limitations for peeling in the presence of rosacea

  • For those with rosacea, the use of scrubs, warming masks, and peels with a high concentration of acids is contraindicated.
  • To protect against hypothermia, apply nourishing cream 30 minutes before a walk in frosty and windy weather.
  • Protect your skin from sun exposure with a cream with SPF 35 or higher. The filter will protect against burns and drying out.
  • You will have to stop loving baths, saunas, and contrast procedures. Temperature changes and overheating are contraindicated for couperose skin.
  • In autumn and spring, special vitamin complexes for skin health will help. They compensate for the lack of vitamins C, PP, K in the body. Strengthens blood vessels from the inside. Increases their elasticity and permeability.
  • What is harmful with rosacea?

    Those with soft rosy cheeks should know which cosmetic procedures should be excluded from their care.

    So, for rosacea the following are contraindicated:

    • soap;
    • products containing alcohol;
    • steaming;
    • vacuum massage;
    • ice;
    • contrasting washes;
    • scrubs;
    • “dry” massage with a brush.

    There are no peelings on that list. It's not a mistake. Exfoliation of dead epidermal cells is an important stage of care and treatment. Couperose skin also needs deep cleansing and renewal. It is recommended to do the procedure once every 7 or 10 days.

    Not all types of peels are equally beneficial. Scrubs and aggressive complexes are not suitable. They are too traumatic for delicate skin. May cause irritation.

Which peeling is best for rosacea?

Cosmetologists working with Israeli cosmetics Anna Lotan consider soft peelings with a gentle concentration of fruit acids or alternative softening ingredients to be a good solution. They even recommend peelings from the ALODERM and BARBADOS series to their clients for home care.

Soft peeling

Peeling gel with azulene is created for especially delicate skin. It is useful to combine the use of this peeling with a light massage. It improves blood circulation and promotes easy exfoliation. Dissolves excess sebum, impurities, makeup. Softens epidermal cells. Chamomile and calendula extracts soothe inflammation, heal, and brighten. Olive, jojoba, and macadamia seed oils soften and nourish.

The product should be applied to the face in a thin layer. Perform a light massage using circular movements until you feel warmth. Moisten and continue the massage for a few more minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Peeling gel with azulene 50 ml

Deep peeling

For deep peeling for rosacea, Scalex peeling gel from the BARBADOS line is suitable. This is a peeling for sensitive skin with rosacea. It refreshes and stimulates blood circulation. Evens out the relief and has a lifting effect. It does not contain fruit acids or abrasive particles. Suitable for very thin dry skin. The oils in the composition soothe and restore lipid balance. Strengthens lymph flow in tissues.

Scalex natural exfoliating peeling gel for delicate skin 40 ml

SKALEX peeling gel is used in conjunction with Aloe gel from the same company. Peeling is applied to the face and neck in a thin layer, then aloe gel is added. A light cosmetic massage is performed.

Peeling contains only natural active substances and preservatives. Plant extracts and oils. Dead Sea water. The risk of injury and allergies is minimal.

Natural Aloe Vera gel 250 ml

Why do you need peeling?

Peeling is the procedure for removing the top layer of skin. It starts a faster regeneration process. The fact is that with age, the rate of natural skin renewal decreases. More and more dead cells remain on its surface. This leads to dull complexion, the appearance of wrinkles, inflammation and other imperfections. With regular exfoliation, all of these problems can be eliminated or prevented from occurring. Peels are:

  • Physical (use abrasive particles, for example, scrubs);
  • Chemical (use chemicals, such as acids);
  • Hardware (use laser systems or ultrasound).

How is peeling useful for rosacea?

There is no need to be afraid of peeling for couperose skin. When used correctly, it will be useful and relieve symptoms.

After exposure to peeling, you can notice changes:

  • Along with dead cells, deformed vessels are removed. Cells are restored.
  • The surface of the epidermis is leveled and smoothed.
  • Spider veins become smaller.
  • Acne rashes, blackheads, comedones heal.
  • Pigment spots and post-acne marks are lightened.
  • A lifting effect is achieved.
  • The skin is hydrated.
  • Be sure to consult a cosmetologist. Find out your stage of rosacea and care features. Make a treatment plan, select care products.

    An online cosmetologist works on the website of the online store of ANNA LOTAN products. It will help you navigate the brand’s products. Will tell you about the features of using the product.

    Why do you need carbon peeling?

    In the West, carbon peeling is called “China Doll Peel”. It got its name due to the effect of smooth “doll” skin that is achieved after the procedure. Carbon peeling combines two types of exfoliation:

    • hardware (carried out using a laser);
    • chemical (carried out using a special nanogel).

    Before the procedure, a special carbon nanogel is applied to the client’s skin, which increases the effectiveness of the laser on problem areas of the skin. Immediately after application, the gel hardens, gluing together dead skin particles, absorbing excess sebum and dirt from the pores. Then, under the influence of a laser, the nanoparticles are heated, and the gel itself breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. Substances removed from the skin are absorbed by carbon, which safely removes them from the tissues. Further, due to the heat of the laser, blood circulation and cell nutrition are improved, and the production of collagen by the skin is stimulated. Carbon peeling is a minimally invasive procedure. It leaves no marks or abrasions, which can happen with other types of laser peels. It is combined with almost all cosmetic procedures: Botox injections, thread lifting, mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

    Medical cosmetics Anna Lotan

    Anna Lotan's biocosmeceutical laboratory is located in Israel. The company's main priorities are product quality and safety.

    The brand specializes in the production of medicinal cosmetics for sanatoriums, SPA centers, and beauty clinics. It is safe and approved for use in home care, subject to the recommendations.

    Skin care cosmetics contain natural active ingredients and preservatives. They have a healing, restorative effect. Suitable even for sensitive skin with rosacea. From the brand's assortment you can choose comprehensive care for skin with different features. For young and mature. From foaming cleanser to healing mask.

    Results after carbon peeling

    The procedure can cope with a range of problems: enlarged pores, acne and small wrinkles. Results can be seen after the first procedure. However, to achieve a more pronounced effect, 3–7 procedures should be performed. Carbon peeling is a minimally invasive procedure. It only affects the top layers of the skin. This allows him to deal with imperfections quite effectively. However, you should not expect too strong an effect from it, which will remain for years. The safety of the results of the procedure depends on the client’s lifestyle and anatomical features.


    Carbon cleaning is not suitable in the following cases:

    • dermatological diseases are present, especially in the acute phase;
    • if you have vitiligo;
    • there are inflamed areas;
    • there is a violation of the integrity of the skin - scratches, cuts, wounds;
    • the patient has a tendency to form keloids and scars;
    • allergy to the active substance;
    • the presence of infections - viral or fungal;
    • increased sensitivity to laser effects;
    • if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

    In addition to this list of unconditional restrictions, there are also temporary ones. It is advisable not to carry out carbon laser procedures during periods of active sun - in summer and late spring. The best time is autumn and winter. This is due to the fact that the peeling solution contains a photosensitizing substance, the effect of which is exacerbated by ultraviolet rays.


    The procedure is often performed for preventative skin care. To maintain beauty, it is performed every year from the age of 25. There are several indications:

    • enlarged pores;
    • manifestation of pigments;
    • acne;
    • increased activity of sebum secretion;
    • scars after treatment of acne and inflammatory spots;
    • skin aging due to signs of aging;
    • unpleasant shade.

    The procedure is carried out as preparation for other cosmetology sessions. This is due to the removal of all impurities from the pores.

    What is the essence of the method?

    Carbon peeling is a procedure for skin cleansing and renewal. The first part involves applying a nano-gel based on carbon dioxide. It takes time to dry. Beneficial components penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. The carbon amplifier acts as a catalyst for the impact of the focused beam.

    The gel draws out impurities and cleanses sebaceous plugs. This reduces bacterial exposure to the environment. Radiation therapy ensures the penetration of the gel into the deep layers. Therefore, deep cleansing is ensured and the formation of collagen and elastin is launched.

    What is diamond grinding

    At its core, diamond facial microdermabrasion is a superficial, mechanical peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis. The procedure occurs due to the effect of vacuum and the operation of micro-abrasive elements on a special attachment of the device.

    The combined action of both of these factors helps to carry out a high-quality procedure for cleansing the stratum corneum of the epidermis, removing dead skin cells, and obtaining the effect of skin rejuvenation and lightening. The relief is also leveled and the quality and tone of the dermis is improved.

    Possible complications

    Negative manifestations after the procedure are very rare, and are often associated with disturbances in the care process. Please remember that there is a risk of:

    • suppuration due to infection. This is possible if the surface of the skin is damaged. It is important to treat your face with an antiseptic;
    • swelling. Appears when you use a cleanser, alcohol lotions, or regular soap;
    • pigmentation in the form of spots. A possible consequence if the procedure was performed on a patient between fourteen and twenty years old. This complication can also occur if you are exposed to sunlight for a long time after the session.

    This procedure does not have dangerous, serious consequences, and if you follow the recommendations of a cosmetologist, they are completely excluded.

    Error-free procedure: important recommendations

    Any course of peeling in case of rosacea should be preceded by a consultation with an experienced cosmetologist. The specialist will advise which type of exfoliation is suitable in your case, what concentration of the composition is needed and how many sessions are permissible to restore the attractiveness of your face.

    • skin areas with rosacea are treated with peeling preparations last, and neutralized first;
    • a course of peelings for symptoms of rosacea has a limited number of sessions, which must be separated by at least a two-week break;
    • During the recovery period after the course, the patient begins pre-orally taking medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and multivitamin complexes with a high content of microelements of groups P and K. It is better to find out what these medications will be from the attending physician, because all medications have a number of contraindications.

    The protocol for peeling procedures for rosacea is specific. Unlike conventional exfoliation, these sessions are shorter and less frequent; due to the long break between peels, the course becomes longer. Therefore, it is better to plan it for the autumn-winter period.

    Recommended skin care after the procedure

    There are no visible traces of the procedure (redness, swelling, etc.) after carbon peeling. However, this does not mean that the skin does not experience consequences. They are simply not visible. The complete recovery process takes about two weeks. During this period, it is very important to follow the recommendations of a specialist to consolidate the effect. You should:

    • Apply sunscreen with a high SPF and labeled with UVA protection to your skin;
    • avoid makeup for 2–3 days after the procedure;
    • avoid products containing alcohol, as it can irritate the skin;
    • regularly use moisturizing creams: preference should be given to products with hyaluronic acid;
    • refuse to visit saunas, baths and swimming pools for up to 14 days;
    • do not carry out aggressive skin procedures: cleansing, scrubbing, etc. within two weeks after peeling.

    Advantages and disadvantages of carbon peeling


    • no rehabilitation period (the result is visible immediately, no need to wait a long time for the skin to recover after the procedure);
    • no age restrictions (the procedure can be performed on both teenagers and elderly people);
    • compatibility with almost any other cosmetic procedures;
    • visible effect after the first procedure;
    • painlessness;
    • safety.


    • For optimal results, it is recommended to carry out a course of procedures;
    • high price;
    • the procedure is not effective in combating severe age-related changes, deep scars and cicatrices.

    At what age can you do laser hair removal?

    How is the carbon peeling procedure performed?

    The procedure can be divided into five stages:

    • preparing the skin for the procedure (cleansing and disinfection);
    • placing special protective glasses in front of the client’s eyes;
    • application of carbon nanogel;
    • laser skin treatment;
    • removing the gel after the procedure with warm water;
    • applying a restorative soothing mask.

    The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. There is no pain during peeling. The client only feels warmth from the device.

    What is Azelaic acid and how does it work?

    AA is a carboxylic acid that is formed naturally on normal skin during lipid metabolism and is found in small quantities in the human body. When applied to the skin, AK preparations easily penetrate the epidermis and dermis, with up to 4% of the total dose entering the systemic circulation.

    Functions performed by AK on the skin

    • Anti-inflammatory effect – stops the inflammatory process.
    • Antioxidant effect – binds free radicals.
    • Antimicrobial effect (bactericidal) – effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, suppresses the transition of C. Acnes to a pathogenic form, retains the skin microbiome (bacterial flora), thereby reducing the load on the immune system.
    • Keratolytic effect - eliminates hyperkeratosis of the mouths of the sebaceous glands follicles.

    • Normalizes the process of differentiation of epidermal cells.
    • Lightening effect - suppresses melanin synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase.
    • Antiandrogenic effect - suppresses the synthesis of type I 5α-reductase, which leads to a decrease in the content of dehydrotestosterone in sebocytes, thereby normalizing the processes of keratinization and sebum secretion.

    According to the latest data, AK has an antifungal effect against fungi of the genus Pityrosporum ovale and Candida albicans, which are resistant to antibiotics. Microorganisms do not develop resistance to AK itself even after prolonged exposure.

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