Peeling time: when to do and how often?

How to determine that the season is “open”?

Cleansing procedures should be performed in the absence of active sun and dry dust in the air.

Cleansed skin is very sensitive to aggressive external influences. The ideal time for skin renewal is from October to March . This period allows for deeper and more aggressive exfoliations without complications.

The following methods are distinguished:

  • Mechanical – grinding, exfoliation, micro-cutting of keratinized particles.
  • Chemical - dead scales damaged by artificial burns are specially dissolved. An accelerated division of new cells of the epidermis and sometimes the dermis is provoked.
  • Hardware - laser, electric current, ultrasound, etc. penetrate the surface layers of the epidermis.
  • Enzymatic – enzymes actively work. Cleansing is gentle and gentle.

When the skin is freed from dead cells, oxygen molecules and beneficial substances from cosmetology care products easily penetrate into it. The epidermis' own resources are activated for collagen production and renewal.

There are practically no age restrictions for peeling . The main thing is to choose a procedure according to the problem and taking into account the condition of the skin:

  • Teenagers may need to cleanse clogged pores and remove excess sebum.
  • Regular use of cleansing procedures at home does not cancel peeling courses in middle age.
  • For women over 50, it is important to renew and rejuvenate the layers of the skin only from professionals.

When is the best time to do it?

Having determined that the skin needs renewal, we take into account the season. There are cloudy days outside, no sun - which means the time for peeling has come .

We recommend: What is milk peeling, what types are there and how to do it at home?

By choosing an individual course of procedures together with a cosmetologist, you will see transformed skin:

  • age spots and freckles will go away;
  • the skin will acquire a smooth, velvety appearance;
  • wrinkles and age-related creases in the epidermis will be reduced;
  • renewed skin intensively produces collagen, and this in turn makes facial skin young and elastic;
  • rashes and acne are reduced.

in autumn

The best time for all peels . The autumn period is good for experiments. If you've done abrasive cleaning up to this point, try laser or acids.

  • Chemical medium or deep peeling affects the dermis and its stratum corneum. During the procedure, the skin actively turns red, peels, and sometimes swells. This is normal for this type of exfoliation.
    Deep treatment of the dermis significantly rejuvenates and transforms the face. The cosmetologist uses a solution with a high percentage of acids (fruit, lactic, salicylic, trichloroacetic).

    The deepest chemical peel is phenol peeling. The recovery process takes from 4 to 6 weeks.

  • Autumn is the best time for hardware cleaning. These include: laser, ultrasonic, using low frequency current, radio waves, etc.
  • And also at this time of year you can safely carry out serious mechanical cleanings using hardware cosmetology.

In winter time

It is not recommended to carry out too aggressive deep peelings. Precisely because of low air temperatures and cold winds. But if you have the time and opportunity to fully recover at home, the restrictions can be lifted.

Just like in the fall, you can perform mechanical, chemical and physical types of peeling. Let's look at the latter in more detail.

  • Ultrasonic peeling .
    It is carried out with a special device with a spatula using a certain ultrasound wave, which is capable of pushing out impurities, sebum, and dead cells from the pores of the face. The surface layer of the skin is broken and loosened under the influence of cavitation. This peeling is especially recommended for atonic, oily and combination skin.
  • Laser peeling . The newest form of peeling. Helps in the fight against wrinkles, scars, sagging skin, and various scars. The beam power in the device is adjusted individually depending on the problem and the depth of penetration of the laser beam. It is recommended to perform it in a clinic under the supervision of a doctor when peeling deep layers.

in spring

After winter, active sun rays slowly but surely come to the fore. Because of this, serious skin peeling treatments should be carried out as early as possible. In addition to ultrasonic, laser and chemical peelings, mechanical superficial and deep hardware cleanings can be performed .

Microdermabrasion – diamond resurfacing. Due to the smallest crystals (abrasives), aluminum microparticles and light pressure, the skin is polished and the top layer is removed. The skin is smoothed and rejuvenated. Peeling is non-aggressive and gentle.

In summer

Only light, non-aggressive chemical peels with minimal acid content are recommended, such as:

  • dairy;
  • wine;
  • phytic;
  • lemon;
  • ferulic;
  • apple;
  • almond.

The percentage content in the solution is not more than 15.

Neutralize the acid. After the procedure, be sure sunscreen (filter no less than 30). Do peeling in the afternoon, or better yet at night.

Soft enzyme peels are suitable for summer days.

In the summer, doctors allow gas-liquid peeling according to indications. Cleansing is carried out using a cool stream of saline solution and oxygen. Suitable for sensitive and dry skin . Recommended before sunbathing and solarium sessions.

At home, light scrubs and gommages are suitable.

Recipes at home

Don't want to spend money on expensive products? Or did you forget to buy a new bottle and the old one ran out? Don’t worry, cream peeling can be prepared at home.

We offer some simple ideas. Each recipe includes popular household ingredients, so they are easy to find.

  1. Based on aspirin. You will need: 3 aspirin, tsp. lemon juice and soda, water. Mix the first two ingredients and apply to the skin of the face. We wait only 10 minutes. Baking soda and water will be needed for rinsing. We wet a cotton pad with it and wipe it.
  2. For the next peeling you will need: a teaspoon of baking soda and salt, a tablespoon of face cream. Mix the listed components together. The mass should be greasy with small particles. Apply to areas prone to acne/blackheads, leave for about half an hour and rinse with plenty of cool water. It is better to apply cream after this.
  3. Almond peeling. Take 30-40 grams of almonds and the same amount of oatmeal. Grind and mix with a couple of tablespoons of milk. It is also worth adding tea tree oil. Let it sit for about 15 minutes until a crust forms. After this, the skin should be cleansed with plenty of warm water.
  4. A quick peel can be done using oatmeal. Mix a couple of tablespoons of ground cereal with water. We wait for the mixture to settle (literally 2-3 minutes), after which we rub it into the skin with massage movements. It is best to actively work on problem areas that are prone to breakouts. Then, as usual, everything is washed off with water.
  5. For rougher cleaning, it is recommended to mix your favorite cream with ground coffee. Grain particles are often found in professional cosmetics. They allow you to improve your facial condition.

There is nothing complicated here. Every recipe is as simple as possible. The composition can be easily prepared from improvised means, obtaining the same good effect as after a beauty salon.

How often can I do it?

Having received an excellent effect, the patient, wanting to enhance the effect, can insist on daily exfoliation.

The more aggressive the exfoliation method, the more time you need to give the skin to recover. Otherwise, you can affect not only dead particles of the dermis, but also healthy epithelium. The skin will be left without natural protection, and the chance of getting the opposite effect will increase.

  1. Light, superficial peelings at home can be done 1-2 times every 10 days, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.
      Combination skin – 1 time per week, course of 4 procedures.
  2. Dry skin – once every 2 weeks, course of 6 procedures.
  3. Normal skin – once every 4 days, course of 10–12 procedures.
  4. Oily skin – 2 times a week, course of 8–10 procedures.
  5. For more serious manipulations with the skin, it is important to consult a cosmetologist. Carry out the frequency of procedures in a course recommended by a specialist.

Peeling at home

Many are accustomed to believing that such care is an exclusively highly professional cosmetic procedure for the face. Of course, a professional will definitely do everything better. But today everyone can easily buy the most suitable product and exfoliate at home. This way you can get absolute relaxation in the process, which will have a positive effect on the result. But which remedy should you choose? How will your skin become perfectly soft and clean? Let's ask these questions to the experts.

Let's start with such a thing as peeling cream. This composition always has a pleasant, delicate, oily texture that is easily distributed over the skin of the face.


“I always recommend that clients try a great product from Vilenta. Special 3 in 1 cleanser. The composition provides excellent deep cleansing. At the same time, it does not dry out, does not cause irritation and provides good nutrition. It is based on acid (glycogel, lactic, malic and citric). This is a great boost of vitamins for the whole day."

Today there is such an interesting product as a peeling mask. That is, there is no need to spread the mixture on the skin or do a light massage. It is enough to simply distribute the fabric pattern.


“I would like to leave my extremely positive review of a product such as the “fruit acids” face mask. A unique item. It carefully removes dead skin particles from the epidermis and evens out the overall tone. The result is a velvet surface without a single blemish.”

You can remove dirt using other means. For example, a roller.


“Peeling roll is an extremely popular home technique. I can recommend two products: from the 7 days series for the eccentric and playful, or smart touch gel for the face. Each option is good in its own way. They are highly effective. The skin gains strength, becomes soft and elastic. Systematic care will allow you to say goodbye to blackheads.”

You can alternate the remedies suggested by our experts. This way the skin will not get used to a certain type. Therefore, the efficiency will not decrease. The main thing is not to use each product more than once every two weeks.

Contraindications and advice from a cosmetologist

Peelings are indispensable in quality facial skin care. This is the minimum that should be carried out by every woman, and according to indications - by men.

Contraindications must be taken into account:

  • skin diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • allergic and hypersensitive skin;
  • Peeling should not be carried out if the body is weakened by bacteria or viruses.

Recommendations from cosmetologists for those who have undergone the procedure:

  • It is prohibited, until complete recovery, to visit saunas, baths, and solariums. Sunbathing in spring and summer is strictly prohibited.
  • Do not touch your face with your hands to avoid tissue infection. Use only medicinal and moisturizing sprays recommended by your cosmetologist.
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics until tissue regeneration is complete.
  • Be sure to use sun protection when going outside.
  • Do not tear off the crusts on your face with your hands. The process must go through all stages of healing on its own. Otherwise, scars will form on the face.
  • If there is the slightest suspicious change or suppuration on the face, immediately contact your cosmetologist.

Follow all the recommendations of a professional specialist, and the result of the procedure will please you for a long time.

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