Is it possible to do laser hair removal during pregnancy?

Facial skin needs not only daily cleansing, but also periodic thorough deep cleansing. One of the most popular means of skin cleansing these days is ultrasonic facial cleansing, often abbreviated as ultrasonic facial cleansing . Ultrasonic skin cleansing is a virtually painless hardware procedure that allows you to achieve deep and effective cleansing of the skin from dead cells and clogged sebaceous glands. This cleaning is carried out using an ultrasonic scrubber. Ultrasonic vibrations of the metal plate, touching the patient’s skin, allow you to clean the skin pores, exfoliate the top layer of dead cells, even out the skin texture, and also stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in the patient’s skin, tone the facial muscles, and have a pronounced lifting effect. Ultrasonic facial cleansing has a restorative and rejuvenating effect without subjecting the skin to squeezing and stretching.

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is successfully used not only on the face, but also in the décolleté, back and shoulders and can be performed at any time of the year.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing: procedure

Before cleansing, the skin is moisturized with a special solution of mineral water and peeling substances. During the procedure, the cosmetologist makes stroking movements on the skin with a scrubber. The touch of the scrubber causes ultrasonic vibration. The pores are expanded, fat and dead cells are removed. As a result, the facial skin is cleansed of impurities, toxins, and sebum. In addition, during the procedure a light massage occurs, the level of cellular metabolism increases.

Ultrasonic cleaning is a fairly quick procedure, only 15-20 minutes. Finally, the cosmetologist applies a mask to the face that matches the patient’s skin type. After this type of facial cleansing, home care becomes more effective: creams, face masks. Because young cells perceive their action better. In most cases, ultrasonic facial cleansing is painless and has no consequences in the form of swelling and redness, because the upper layer of the epidermis is not disturbed. However, some clients complain of pain during the procedure, especially in the nose area. If the skin is sensitive, then in the next 24 hours after cleansing, redness may be observed on the skin. Another advantage of ultrasonic skin cleansing is that pores are not expanded by steaming before the procedure. This means that this cleaning method is suitable for people with spider veins.

Before the procedureAfter the procedure

Is it possible to do vacuum massage during pregnancy?

When choosing cosmetic procedures during pregnancy, one must remember that all interventions requiring the administration of cosmetic preparations, as well as laser, ultrasound and radiofrequency treatment, are unacceptable.

Strictly prohibited:

  • radiofrequency methods (RF-lifting, thermage);
  • procedures using electric current (iontophoresis, electrophoresis, electrocoagulation, electrolysis). Exposure to current, regardless of the use of pain relief, is stress for the body, which can provoke uterine tone and create a threat of miscarriage;
  • laser methods (laser hair removal, resurfacing, removal of blood vessels). It is recommended to combat excess hair growth with wax, creams and razors;
  • injection procedures (contour plastic surgery and volumetric modeling with fillers, biorevitalization, injection of threads). Their safety has not been proven, so they are not allowed during pregnancy;
  • ultrasound techniques - cleaning, phonophoresis, focused ultrasound (Doublo, Ulthera). There are two opinions regarding ultrasound. Some experts claim that ultrasound techniques are absolutely safe. But on the other hand, the pregnant body is affected by the consequences of the procedures, and they are not always positive;
  • chemical peels (trichloroacetic, salicylic and retinoic). Because of them, sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases with the subsequent formation of pigment spots. There is also a risk of developing an infection. If complications occur, surgery may be required, which poses additional problems for both the pregnant woman and the unborn child.

The list of procedures permitted during pregnancy includes:

  • cosmetic masks. Be sure to watch the composition of the products you use! Retinoic acid, isotrexin, clenzit, effezel, differin, hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, minoxidil should not be used during pregnancy. Salicylic acid 2% requires careful and limited use;
  • cosmetic facial cleansing. Those with oily and combination skin most often complain about the need for them. Cleaning takes place in several stages - cleansing, loosening the epidermis with steam or special products, then the cleaning itself and application of a soothing mask, serum and finishing cream. But you need to be careful with cleansing if you have a tendency to hyperpigmentation and scarring;
  • chemical peeling. If trichloroacetic, salicylic and retinoic are prohibited, then 30–70% glycolic or milk peels are allowed;
  • hardware massage Lift-6 - vacuum-pinch massage (in addition to enhancing skin tone and, accordingly, lifting) copes well with swelling. Like any massage, this is a course procedure;
  • manual and hardware facial massage;
  • Photocare is phototherapy, or light treatment, in which the skin is saturated with moisturizing components. In phototherapy, color therapy also has a therapeutic effect. This procedure has the effect of non-injection mesotherapy;
  • despite the fact that almost all laser procedures are prohibited during pregnancy, the taboo does not apply to laser removal of papillomas, warts and condylomas. This procedure is done using anesthetics. Lidocaine is considered the optimal choice. In local anesthesia, its combined use with prilocaine is practiced;
  • LPG - vacuum roller massage (legs, arms, collar area) is especially effective for swelling.

Always check with your cosmetologist about contraindications for procedures and be sure to inform him about your pregnancy!


Despite the numerous advantages of the procedure, there are also contraindications for ultrasonic skin cleansing. This cleaning method is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or women in the second half of pregnancy. Also, this procedure is not performed for vitiligo, inflammatory skin diseases, gold and platinum reinforcement, and in the presence of benign formations on the skin.

  • pustular skin diseases (boils)
  • eczema
  • herpes
  • severe form of hypertension
  • bronchial asthma
  • epilepsy

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is carried out in two versions - simple and complex. The choice of type of cleaning is determined during the patient’s consultation with the doctor prior to the procedure. The procedure options are briefly described below.

Is it possible to inject Botox during pregnancy?

I will upset those who love “beauty injections”: they are unsafe during pregnancy, and the expectant mother should not risk it.

Firstly, there is a risk of toxic effects of the drugs used on the fetus. Experiments were conducted on animals, and the results were disappointing. The injections led to miscarriages in females, developmental delays in offspring, and congenital anomalies.

But if you are reading these lines, and in the early stages, without knowing about pregnancy, you took a couple of injections, do not rush to worry. Possible risk and one hundred percent formation of defects are two different things.

Secondly, it is difficult to predict how a woman’s body will react after injections even to drugs it is familiar with: during pregnancy, the likelihood of allergic reactions is higher.

Thirdly, any injection is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, and this is an additional risk of infection.

Bacterial complications occur most often. Streptococci, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, mycobacteria can cause skin diseases, abscesses and ulcers. Severe tissue damage may develop, the treatment of which may take six months or more. You need to understand that antibiotics will most likely be needed in therapy, and it is still advisable to avoid them during pregnancy.

Another disadvantage of possible complications after “beauty injections” is keloid scars. They appear at the site of injuries or deep pustular processes. The scars are purplish-red in color, rise sharply above the surface of the skin and often ulcerate. Unfortunately, pregnant women are more prone to developing such formations, so be careful.

In addition, do not forget that any introduction into the body increases the risk of contracting viral diseases (HIV, hepatitis B and C).

Galina Klimenko, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category:

“In my opinion, this is not a procedure that the mother cannot live without, and the benefits for the mother from it certainly do not exceed the harm to the fetus. Therefore, my colleagues and I agree that “beauty injections” should be abandoned during pregnancy.

In which areas can epilation be performed?

Laser hair removal can be done on the following areas of the body:

  • face;
  • armpits;
  • upper and lower limbs.

Laser hair removal of bikini during pregnancy is contraindicated. This precaution is due to the fact that this area is in close proximity to the fetus. In addition, the bikini area has very thin and sensitive skin, so hair removal here is especially painful and uncomfortable. Severe pain can also lead to hypertonicity of the uterus, which, in turn, is fraught with serious complications for the unborn child, including miscarriage or premature birth.

Is vibration massage possible for pregnant women?

Vibration is periodic mechanical vibrations perceived by the body. This effect on the body has an analgesic effect, has a calming effect, and normalizes blood circulation. Vibromassage is usually used in body care procedures, most often in combination with other influences. But mechanical shocks during pregnancy are undesirable, because... they raise the risk of its interruption. Therefore, the expectant mother should also refrain from this procedure.

Disadvantages of ultrasonic cleansing

Among the disadvantages of this technology, cosmetologists highlight:

  • Lack of deep cleansing. Cleaning does not affect the deep layers of the epidermis, so deep sebaceous plugs remain in place. For the same reason, ultrasound is ineffective for advanced inflammation that affects the lower layers of the dermis.
  • As a consequence of the previous disadvantage, ultrasonic peeling has to be carried out more often compared to, for example, mechanical peeling.
  • Lack of stimulating massage. Stroking the face with a scrubber plate is significantly inferior in intensity to the massage effect of vacuum or mechanical cleaning.
  • More restrictions compared to vacuum and mechanical cleaning.
  • The procedure takes a long time (up to an hour), which is undesirable in the later stages.
  • The cost of salon ultrasonic cleaning is quite high.

Other methods

Modern methods of cosmetic treatment, photo and laser methods of rejuvenation and hair removal should also be postponed until the postpartum period. These methods have appeared relatively recently, their long-term effect has been little studied, so for the maximum safety of your baby, wait until he is born.

To summarize, I would like to say that hardware cosmetology occupies a significant place among procedures for maintaining beauty and health. Knowledge of the operating principles of the devices, indications and contraindications, effects and side effects will allow you to achieve noticeable results in skin care. At the same time, the irrational use of certain methods can adversely affect the condition of not only the skin, but also the entire body. So, when considering a proposed procedure or device, remember what is behind the beautiful name and fashionable design.


21 fillers have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, including collagen, hyaluronic acid, roxyl apatite and poly-L-lactic acid (Chacon, 2015)

No safety data have been reported for the use of cosmetic fillers during pregnancy. Adverse events associated with use include most commonly local reactions and rarely granulomas, vascular response, hypersensitivity reactions and cellulitis (Lolis et al., 2015)

Due to the lack of evidence of safety in pregnant patients, recommendations for the use of fillers cannot be definitive.

The physician should be aware of the potential risks of inadvertent arterial injection of lidocaine mixed with filler.

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