Facial peeling at home: 26 TOP effective recipes

Yulia Prokopenko, leading technologist-expert


Expert opinion

Firm, healthy, glowing skin is the main beauty trend. And for a well-groomed appearance, constant care is important. In addition to daily beauty rituals, the skin periodically needs more active treatment. We'll tell you what cosmetic procedures can be done at any time of the year and how to perform them correctly so as not to harm the skin.

Yulia Prokopenko, leading technologist-expert


The benefits of regular intensive care

Our skin consists of several layers. The top layer, the epidermis, is constantly renewed: dead cells are exfoliated and replaced by young ones. It is on this systemic “circulation” that youth and healthy skin depend. With age and under the influence of other factors, the process of cell renewal slows down. As a result, the complexion becomes dull, pores become clogged, and the skin looks uneven. Peels can prevent such problems.

Enzyme peeling Papaya Enzyme Peel, 150 ml

Peeling with lactic acid Lactica Exfoliate, 150 ml

Regenerating Azelaic peeling with azelaic acid, 150 ml

Regular exfoliation helps not only to cleanse the skin of the keratinized layer of cells, but also to cope with the effects of acne, blackheads, age spots, and make scars less noticeable. With a systematic approach, peeling fights the first signs of aging and corrects existing ones: smoothes the skin, eliminates facial wrinkles, improves complexion, makes the skin more hydrated and smooth.

What effect can be achieved with a facial peeling roll?

After using a facial peeling roll with acids, your skin will noticeably transform:

  • will become clean and pleasant to the touch;
  • minor signs of aging will disappear;
  • healthy complexion will return;
  • peeling will disappear;
  • Some comedones (blackheads) will disappear.

It is worth noting that each tool copes with a specific task in its own way. Some are better at fighting blackheads, while others exfoliate dead cells. The main goal is to find the product that suits you. Fortunately, in the modern cosmetics market there is plenty to choose from.

Read material on the topic: Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure

How to choose the right product

In order for peeling to be beneficial, not to aggravate existing problems and not to provoke new ones, it is important to choose the right means for its implementation.

  • Almond and milk peelings will help make dry skin more hydrated and eliminate flaking. Such procedures will improve the condition of sensitive skin.
  • Peels with glycolic and salicylic acids regulate sebum production and reduce inflammation, so they are perfect for oily skin types.
  • Peels with lactic and salicylic acids will help to cope with the problems of combination skin (reduce oiliness in the T-zone, moisturize dry areas).

It is important to understand that peeling refers to professional care. An experienced specialist can perform the procedure safely and effectively. You also need to take into account that peeling is primarily a seasonal (autumn/winter) procedure. But science does not stand still, and today there are home peelings that, after consultation with a cosmetologist, can be used independently at any time of the year.

Rules and recommendations for chemical peeling at home

  • Test for an allergic reaction. Apply a little mixture to the area under the elbow and leave it on for as long as the procedure lasts, then rinse. If no inflammation occurs, then you can safely move on to chemical peeling.
  • Perform the procedure in the appropriate season. Simultaneous exposure to peeling agents and direct sunlight is incompatible. It is preferable to perform procedures in autumn or winter, when the sun is not so bright.
  • To ensure the safety of the skin surface, apply the composition in a thin, even layer.
  • Perform pre-cleaning. Remove any remaining makeup with lotion or other product you are used to.
  • Do not apply the composition to your eyelids. The area around the eyes is one of the most sensitive, so to avoid redness and inflammation, do not apply the mixture to these areas.
  • If there is an excessive burning sensation, you should shorten the procedure time and immediately rinse off the drug with cool water.
  • You should not cleanse this way more than ten days.
  • If you have a particularly sensitive skin type, you should not peel the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • For the first twenty-four hours after cleansing, avoid using cosmetics and try not to touch your face.

All-season intensive care products ARAVIA Professional

The ARAVIA Professional line includes all-season peels for both salon use (for example, ANY-Time Control peeling gel or Carbonic Peel Program carbon peeling complex) and for home use.

Let's take a closer look at peelings that can be used independently at any time of the year:

  • peeling with lactic acid Lactica Exfoliate 10% not only deeply cleanses, but also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, moisturizes and brightens the skin. The product copes with the imperfections of sensitive, dry skin and problematic oily skin. Peeling promotes renewal of epidermal cells, improves microcirculation, stimulates the formation of collagen and glycosaminoglycans;
  • regenerating peeling with azelaic acid Regenerating Azelaic has an intense antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The product, due to the content of azelaic acid and a complex of AHA acids, reduces sebum production, moisturizes the skin, eliminates hyperkeratosis, and reduces the severity of age spots. Peeling effectively copes with oily skin problems, but can be used for any type;
  • enzyme peeling Papaya Enzyme Peel cleanses the skin of impurities and sebum, reduces the severity of pigmentation, has a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, and fights hyperkeratosis. The product can be used for any skin type, including sensitive skin with signs of rosacea.

New items! All-season peelings ARAVIA Laboratories

Especially for the spring update, two all-season facial peels have appeared in the ARAVIA Laboratories line, which can be used independently at home. Peeling for radiance of the skin with a complex of acids 10% Shining Skin Peeling

The product deeply renews the skin: delicately exfoliates, makes the skin tone smoother and improves tone, fights the first signs of aging. The product contains three active acids:

  • ferulic acid has an active antioxidant effect, activates the production of elastin and collagen, moisturizes and fills the skin with oxygen;
  • malic acid eliminates dead skin cells, tightens pores, whitens and lightens age spots;
  • citric acid effectively brightens the skin, tones, improves acid-base balance, fills the skin with antioxidants and reduces inflammation.

The peeling also contains peony extract, which eliminates redness, reduces the appearance of age spots, and has an antioxidant effect.

ARAVIA Laboratories peelings for skin elasticity and radiance

Peeling for skin elasticity with AHA and PHA acids 15% Anti-Age Peeling

The product delicately renews the epidermis, reduces wrinkles, evens out skin texture, giving it elasticity and firmness. The active anti-aging effect is achieved thanks to the action of five acids at once:

  • lactic acid moisturizes, gently exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin, brightens and refreshes the complexion;
  • glycolic acid promotes collagen production, deeply cleanses and exfoliates dead cells, evens out the relief, reducing the visibility of scars and post-acne marks;
  • tartaric acid has a pronounced anti-aging effect, stimulates cell renewal and reduces the appearance of wrinkles;
  • malic acid evens out tone, relieves inflammation, tightens pores, activates cell renewal, gives skin elasticity;
  • Gluconic PHA acid has an antioxidant effect, makes wrinkles less noticeable, moisturizes and tightens the skin.

Peeling also contains collagen and arginine, which make the skin more elastic and smooth, retain moisture in cells, activate blood circulation and improve the condition of damaged epidermis.

How to use peelings correctly

In order for the procedure to be effective and not have negative consequences, skin peeling must be performed strictly according to the protocol. As a rule, recommendations for use are indicated in the instructions for each drug.

The general protocol for the peeling procedure looks like this:

  • Thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities.
  • Apply the peeling mixture evenly to dry skin.
  • Keep the drug for the specified time.
  • Rinse with water.
  • Apply a soothing or restorative mask, then use toner, serum, cream.

The process of applying peeling with a special brush

The brush distributes the product evenly over the skin

It is important to understand that during peeling not only the stratum corneum of the skin is removed, but also living cells are affected. And you need to be prepared for certain reactions of the body in response to such an active influence.

The predicted consequences of the procedure include:

  • mild itching;
  • redness of the treated area;
  • peeling;
  • formation of protective crusts;
  • swelling.

This is an expected reaction of the body, which goes away 3-4 days after the procedure.

But there is a risk of developing more dangerous unpredictable complications that will require long-term treatment and recovery. These conditions include:

  • persistent (resistant) erythema;
  • allergic reaction;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • tissue inflammation with redness, soreness, swelling;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • demarcation line;
  • active formation of acne;
  • keloid and hypertrophic scars;
  • hyperpigmentation.

In order not to encounter such serious reactions of the body, it is important to perform the procedure correctly, following all the specialist’s recommendations, including subsequent care.

Preparatory stage - cannot be skipped

Cosmetologists advise using a steam bath for the face with medicinal herbs. You need to boil 3 liters of water, pour 2 tablespoons of plantain and mint into a bowl, add water. Apply your favorite eye cream to your eyelids or lubricate the skin under your eyes with olive oil and, covered with a terry towel, give your face a steam bath for 5-10 minutes, no more.

After your face has steamed and your skin cells have become toned thanks to the mint steam, immediately begin cleansing. Apply the product with gentle movements to the surface of the skin; if you need to rub your face, do not press hard, clean along massage lines or light circular movements.

Some peels need to be kept on the face for some time, for example, a gentle soothing peeling with aspirin is recommended to be kept on the face for up to 1 minute, then rolled off.

Home care after intensive procedures

During the post-peeling period, the skin needs special care. After intensive procedures, caring masks will have a good effect. The ARAVIA Professional line includes a series of express masks with various effects: detoxifying, revitalizing, anti-aging, restoring, and for skin radiance.

Maximum attention should be paid to comprehensive skin hydration and powerful ultraviolet protection even in cloudy weather.

Splash serums for the face with a lifting effect Revita Serum and boto-effect Boto Drops provide skin care after active exposure and prolong the effect of intensive procedures: protect against photoaging and age-related changes, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and the severity of enlarged pores, even out the relief and fight against hyperpigmentation.

Daily hydration and protection of the skin will be provided by OIL- and DRY-Control Hydrator creams from the ARAVIA Professional Intensive Care series. These products not only moisturize, but have an active complex effect: restore the epidermal barrier, reduce inflammation, protect and improve skin quality.

OIL- and DRY-Control Hydrator creams provide intensive care for different skin types

To protect renewed skin from the formation of age spots, home care must include the use of products with SPF filters. An excellent choice would be the SPF-40 Sun Shade moisturizing fluid. The product not only protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, but also fills it with B vitamins and microelements, has a restorative effect, and prevents transepidermal moisture loss.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Cosmetologists note the high relevance of the problem of facial pigmentation, especially in the summer, when a large number of freckles appear under the influence of sunlight. It is important not only to get rid of them seasonally, but also to take comprehensive measures on a regular basis.

Peels are recommended to be carried out in courses. Chemical and hardware methods provide a good effect.


Despite the fact that all-season peeling can be performed without restrictions on the time of year, it is important to take into account the body conditions and diseases in which intensive effects on the skin are contraindicated.

These include:

  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intolerance to peeling components;
  • skin damage;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • insolation;
  • acute condition: fever, sore throat, cough, etc.;
  • pregnancy and lactation - it is permissible to use soft peels, for example, enzyme peels.

All-season peeling is an effective way to keep your skin beautiful and healthy at any time of the year. But the procedure will only be beneficial if it is done correctly, taking into account many nuances. To ensure you are pleased with the result, before performing peeling, be sure to consult with an experienced cosmetologist and follow his recommendations.

The principle of action of TCA peeling is based on the pronounced keratolytic and stimulating effect of trichloroacetic acid. The depth of penetration of the peeling composition is determined not only by the concentration of acid in it. But also the number of layers applied to the skin. Moreover, as soon as the application of peeling is completed, its penetration into the tissue also stops. Because trichloroacetic acid is quickly neutralized in the skin layers, causing protein coagulation. TCA peeling ensures renewal of the epidermis, stimulates repair and metabolism processes, which helps improve skin texture. As well as correction of wrinkles, various types of scars (post-traumatic, post-operative, post-acne) and other disorders of the skin relief. Trichloroacetic acid does not have a systemic effect on the body.

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