Peeling for dry and normal facial skin: what is it for, what products are suitable for this

Exfoliation is important for the skin for many reasons. Regular removal of the top layer of the epidermis prolongs the youth of the skin, improves its texture, and eliminates wrinkles, pimples and age spots. After peeling, the dermis better absorbs the beneficial substances included in skincare products. For the greatest effectiveness, you need to carry out the procedure according to all the rules, strictly maintaining the interval between sessions and choosing products that are suitable for the type and condition of the epidermis. Find out how peeling for dry skin is carried out in the salon, and what you can use for this purpose at home.

Characteristics of skin types

The skin has different thickness and texture. Depending on this, experts distinguish 5 types of dermis: dry, normal, sensitive, oily and combination (mixed).

Each of them is characterized by its own characteristics, which cannot always be determined visually, by eye. However, without this it is difficult to choose the right skin care.

To determine the type of epidermis, you can contact a cosmetologist or use a simple method: 2 hours after washing, blot your face with a paper napkin. There will be marks on it if your skin is oily (over the entire surface) or combination (marks only in the T-zone). Their description will help you understand the difference between other types of dermis:

  1. Normal . In this case, a person does not experience discomfort after water procedures (for example, there is no feeling of tightness). The skin is even, smooth, elastic, with a uniform color and without blackheads, the pores on it are not enlarged. With proper care, aging of normal dermis occurs after 35 years. But there are very few such lucky ones. Other types of skin are much more common.
  2. Dry . This type is the most difficult to self-diagnose. In youth, the dry epidermis has a matte texture and an even tone. It feels thin and not quite elastic, without shine and pronounced pores (the forehead and nose may be an exception). Owners of this skin type are familiar with the feeling of tightness after washing and flaking. The sebaceous glands, which sluggishly produce sebaceous secretions, are to blame for this. The first wrinkles will not keep you waiting if the dry skin is not provided with regular, competent care in a timely manner.
  3. Sensitive . It can be dry and oily, but regardless of this, it reacts painfully to heat or severe frost, many cosmetics and even improper care. May become covered with spots and rashes. Such dermis needs special, hypoallergenic cosmetics and careful selection of procedures in the salon.

By the way. Oily and combination skin types also have their disadvantages and advantages. As a rule, in these cases, peelings are used that control the functioning of the sebaceous glands, mattify the face and fight acne.

Types of peeling

Peeling procedures are distinguished according to the method of impact on the treated area. Let's look at what types of peelings there are and how they differ from each other. This will help you navigate the variety of cosmetology practices. Knowing the nuances of technology will help you stay up to date with cosmetic innovations.


Involves the effect on the skin of cosmetics containing fruit acids, enzymes, and retinol. The enzymatic composition “loosens” the upper layer of the epidermis. If you ask what types of peelings there are for delicate effects, enzyme peeling will be listed among the first by cosmetology specialists.

This is one of the most popular types of facial peeling in cosmetology. Chemical peeling involves applying a chemical composition to the skin to cleanse it of dead skin particles. Renews the epidermis, accelerates regeneration processes, activates the production of collagen and elastin. As a result of the procedure, skin turgor improves, it becomes even, smooth and matte. The peeling composition makes age spots less noticeable, rejuvenates, gets rid of acne and blackheads. One of the most popular treatments recently has been yellow peeling using a retinoic base.

It is distinguished by its softness and ease of use. It removes dead cells well from the surface of the face, stimulating renewal. The skin after it looks fresh, clean and rejuvenated. Despite their mild action, enzymes give good results in the fight against freckles, pigmentation, and acne.

Which facial peeling is best? This may be a procedure using fruit cosmetics with abrasive particles. The smallest particles of apricot kernels and nut shells act as an abrasive. There are cosmetics with algae and sea salt. This includes scrubs, exfoliants for home use and salon care.


From the name it is clear that it means cleansing, which is carried out using various devices. Of particular interest is the Hydrafacial procedure or cleaning with vacuum hydropeeling. The American device does not have a single analogue officially registered to date.

When considering different types of facial peels, be sure to focus on this technology. It combines cleansing, treatment, skin moisturizing, lifting effect and rejuvenation. And all this in one session. The effective result is due to the synergy of 3 components: vacuum, serums and exfoliation.

One procedure is enough to see changes. When attending a course of 5 sessions, the effect increases significantly. The method has become a worthy alternative to subcutaneous fillers. The operation of the device does not involve any injections, punctures or micro-tears.


The cold MicroLaserPeel procedure came to Russian cosmetology from the USA. The essence of the method is the removal of the top layer of skin with an erbium laser. Even one session gives a guaranteed result. The resulting effect lasts up to 1 year.

The patient notices that after laser treatment his skin looks renewed. Pores narrow, puffiness goes away, scars and post-acne spots become invisible. The skin texture is evened out and the texture becomes smooth. The face acquires freshness, inner radiance, a rested appearance and a noble matte finish. The procedure is 100% controlled by a doctor. The regimen is selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s skin.

You are unlikely to find such facial peeling in a beauty salon. Such procedures are performed only in clinics with the participation of professional cosmetologists. In this case, the sessions are completely safe, and the recovery period after them is minimal. The procedure has no contraindications based on the color type of appearance. Even blondes with fair skin and dark brunettes can sign up for it.

Indications for use

There is an opinion that dry skin does not need peeling. However, this is not quite true. The outer layer of dead cells of the epidermis does not allow nourishing and moisturizing components to penetrate into the deeper layers.

Peeling removes dead skin cells, freeing healthy tissue, activates blood circulation and enhances the effectiveness of skincare products.

Dry skin needs exfoliation just as much as other types of epidermis. But not all drugs can be used for this purpose. Cosmetologists advise choosing the most soft and delicate products that will not injure the dermis and will help get rid of the following problems:

  • uneven complexion;
  • sagging skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • lightening of pigment spots, etc.

For dry skin, delicate glycolic or milk formulations are usually chosen. It is desirable that the concentration of acids be minimal. The frequency of procedures is 2-3 per month, unless the cosmetologist advises otherwise. In just a few sessions, it will be possible to rid the skin of peeling, make it uniform, smooth, more elastic, and brighten up the signs of aging.

Due to the risk of pigmentation, peelings are carried out in autumn and winter.

Which all-season peeling is better to choose?

What do we want from peeling in the summer?

So that the skin remains thin, elastic, and, of course, no pigment spots!

But we also want to bask in the sun, sunbathe, and maybe go to the sea!

And the question is, how to combine this?!

Therefore, the “golden rule” when choosing peeling in the summer is that the peeling should be lighter and more superficial.

Mechanical abrasive scrubs, as well as highly concentrated medium and deep peelings with acids - we will leave them until the fall!

Now let there be enzyme peels, superficial acid peels, and scrub-gommage on the shelf.

1. Online Consultation and SELECTION of home care products

Pre-peeling preparation

Since peelings for dry skin do not involve radical cleaning of the top layer, the preparatory procedures in this case are minimal. You will need:

  • Do not touch your face for at least a week: do not clean blackheads, do not do mesotherapy, etc.;
  • after removing makeup, moisturize the skin with glycolic acid cream;
  • stop taking certain medications and alcohol;
  • do not sunbathe, do not visit the solarium and the beach.

Typically, these measures are relevant before carrying out salon peelings and using professional preparations at home. Before the procedure, be sure to visit a cosmetologist. The specialist will tell you which medications should not be taken. If you exfoliate with a mixture you prepare yourself, you won’t need any serious preparation.

Carrying out at home

Peels recommended for home use are less effective, but safer than salon peels. You can try different formulations and home recipes, but at the same time record how the skin reacts to them. She doesn't need additional dryness and irritation. Therefore, try to choose products without hard abrasive particles and with moisturizing ingredients - peelings and gommages.

Store-bought drugs

The most popular products for home use:

  • Aquanti hyaluronic peeling roller from the Novosvit company . Recommended for all types of dermis, including dry ones, as it moisturizes it due to the content of hyaluronic acid. Restores the water-lipid balance of the epidermis and does not cause a feeling of tightness. Evens out skin texture, exfoliates, heals and softens the skin. Other components in this peeling include collagen, apple, kiwi, grapefruit and orange extracts. The product has a delicate texture. Apply to dry, pre-cleansed dermis with movements reminiscent of a light massage. The exceptions are the areas around the eyes and lips. After the lumps roll off, the peeling is washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, you can use a moisturizer. You can buy a 100-ml bottle at a price of 100 to 200 rubles.

  • Gentle peeling from Natura Siberica called Instant Skin Renewal . In parallel with exfoliation of the dermis, it enhances its protective capabilities. Makes the epidermis smoother and its shade more even. The product is designed for women with dry and normal skin types. AHA acids, meadowsweet, Manchurian aralia and other components are responsible for tone, firmness, elasticity and renewal of the skin. Peeling is a Natural&Organic certified product. It is easy to use: massage a damp face with a small amount of product squeezed out of a 150 ml tube. After this, the drug must be washed off. The cost of an organic product is from 180 to 300 rubles.

  • The ALPHA-BETA line of the Israeli company Holy Land consists of several professional peelings and also includes preparations that can be used at home. They contain various acids and retinol. For example, PREPPING LOTION peeling lotion additionally contains extracts of orange, lemon, green tea and other components. Evens out the texture and shade of the dermis and has a slight lifting effect. You need to wipe your face, neck and décolleté with lotion 2-3 times a week. A 250 ml bottle costs about 3,000 rubles. The line also includes RESTORING SOAP peeling soap, which maintains the water balance of the dermis, makes the skin smoother and more uniform, and reduces pores. In addition to the main ingredients (acids and retinol), it contains extracts of chamomile, maple, and horsetail. Available in liquid form, bottle volume - 125 ml, cost - about 1500 rubles. Directions for use: spread over damp skin, massage with light circular movements, rinse. The manufacturer assures that the product can be used daily.

  • Achromin, renewing peeling with AHA acids for dry and sensitive skin . Suitable for face, neck, décolleté. Refreshes and improves the skin, smoothing out unevenness. Contains glycolic, lactic and citric acids, as well as softening and moisturizing components - allantoin and panthenol, which promote the regeneration of the epidermis. Peeling can be used no more than 2 times a week, preferably in the evening. There are no age restrictions. Price: 350–570 rubles per 50 ml jar. The product is distributed over previously cleansed skin, taking into account the massage lines. An exception should be the area around the eyes. After 5–10 minutes, the peeling is washed off with warm water using a cotton pad, the face is blotted with a towel and a moisturizer is applied.

  • Soft facial scrub Clean Line . Contains raspberry juice and cranberry seeds. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Gently removes dead cells of the dermis, improves complexion, tones and accelerates skin renewal. The scrub is applied to the neck and face, after moisturizing them. The area around the eyes does not need to be treated. After a light massage, the product is washed off with warm water. A 50 ml tube costs about 70 rubles.

Attention! When doing the procedure at home, many women use professional products designed for experienced and competent cosmetologists. For example, Lingonberry Peeling from NEW LINE PROFESSIONAL. However, consider whether such amateur activity is justified, as it increases the risk of complications and side effects.

Folk remedies

These peels for dry skin are the safest and most gentle. After all, they contain fruits, berries, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. Here are some popular options for at-home exfoliators:

  1. Oatmeal peeling . The flakes can be combined with fresh cucumber gruel, carrot juice, olive and castor oils. One of the simple recipes is oatmeal with milk. 2 tbsp. l. flour or crushed cereal, pour in the same amount of heavy cream. You can replace them with yogurt. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Strawberry peeling . Wash and remove stems from 3-4 large ripe berries, pour in 2 tbsp. l. fat milk or sour cream, stir until it becomes a thick paste.
  3. Honey . In winter, such peeling will also have a local immunostimulating effect. For this recipe, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey is combined with 1 tsp. cream, 0.5 tsp. semolina (cereals). Add 1 tsp there. banana pulp and grated apple. After 3 minutes, when the semolina swells, the mixture becomes ready for use.
  4. Egg-honey-oatmeal peeling . You need to take 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and oatmeal, combine these ingredients. The yolk of a chicken egg, separated from the white, should be beaten in a separate container and then added to the honey mixture.
  5. Coffee and milk . Mix equal parts of the coffee grounds with full-fat milk or cream. You can also apply coffee liquid to your face. Just keep in mind that the grains must be ground very finely. Even in this case, small particles will still remain hard, so on dry skin this product should be used no more than once every 2 weeks.

Home peelings are done according to the same scheme:

  1. Cleanse the face of cosmetics and dust using soap and foam.
  2. For 2–3 minutes, distribute the freshly prepared composition over the skin, moving along the massage lines.
  3. After 10 minutes, wash off the peeling with warm, then cold water.
  4. Apply a nourishing mask. Optimally - oil (store-bought or homemade).
  5. After washing it off, if necessary, moisturize the face with cream.

Advice. Alternate mixtures for peeling so as not to cause your skin to become addicted to the same components.

Which facial peeling is best done depending on individual characteristics?

Now, to choose the right type, you need to understand the intricacies of the whole process. You need to start from the problem that needs to be eliminated, from the type and age of your skin.


Here you should choose gentle options:

  • easy chemical or mechanical cleaning;
  • scrub;
  • cryopilling.


You can use more crude methods of cleansing:

  • vacuum;
  • dermabrasion;
  • median;
  • laser resurfacing.


It can be dry and oily. In the first case, it looks rough and can thicken, so it is important to moisturize it. Chemical exfoliation is suitable here. Since lactic and pyruvic acids will stimulate the production of their own - hyaluronic acid, thereby protecting the body surface from dehydration.

In the second, it is characterized by shine and the appearance of pimples. Recommended:

  • diamond (helps eliminate inflammation now and also prevents its occurrence in the future);
  • coral (contains components such as mineral salts and medicinal herbs);
  • almond (will reduce the level of sebum production. But immediately after applying this procedure, it will “pull” all inflammation out);
  • salicylic (it will relieve inflammation and destroy germs).

Salon treatments

For patients with dry skin, cosmetologists can recommend the following types of peelings:

  1. Surface chemical . It will help even out the texture and tone of the skin, eliminate minor pigment spots, and smooth out fine wrinkles. The course of procedures consists of 4–6 sessions every 2 weeks. During peeling, the cosmetologist treats the skin with preparations containing acids in low concentrations (glycolic, lactic, sometimes mandelic or others). The rehabilitation period lasts about 7–10 days. As a rule, after such peeling the skin does not become very red or crusty.
  2. Enzymatic . Other names are enzymatic or enzymatic. This peeling is suitable even for sensitive skin with rosacea. The active ingredients are not acids, but enzymes (papain, ficin, etc.). They cleanse the epidermis of impurities and polish it. Enzyme peeling fights inflammation and increased pigmentation. Due to its gentle effect on the skin, patients usually do not require rehabilitation. Suitable for home care.
  3. Ultrasonic . One of the easiest and most painless procedures. Using an ultrasound-emitting device, a specialist treats the skin along massage lines. The patient feels warmth, and if the epidermis is sensitive, a slight tingling sensation. For better wave conductivity, the skin is pre-moistened with a special solution or mineral water. There is no recovery period after ultrasonic peeling.
  4. Brossage . Mechanical facial cleansing using special brushes that are selected based on skin type. Before the procedure, you should clean and steam your face, treat it with a special emulsion. After this, the cosmetologist begins peeling using a device with rotating brushes that remove the keratinized layer of the dermis. Some patients describe the sensation as a tickling or light massage. After brossage, no special facial care is needed.

Attention! The average cost of peelings for dry skin in Moscow salons is about 3-4 thousand rubles per session. The amount is affected by the chosen method, the location of the establishment, and the qualifications of the specialist. Please note that any of these procedures has contraindications, which should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

All-season peeling for thin, dry skin

If we talk about peelings with acids, then Almond peeling will help regenerate the upper stratum corneum of the skin. This will relieve the irritation and feeling of discomfort that you know, starting with washing your face with water. Properly selected facial peeling is always an effective procedure for facial rejuvenation.

Blog of a cosmetologist:

Moisturizing is NOT about Hyaluronic Acid! This is about restoring the epidermal barrier!

After peeling

, the skin greedily absorbs the maximum possible amount of active substances of professional cosmetics, especially phyto-cosmetics without parabens. The peeling effect lies precisely in the frequency of exposure to the dermis, which forces the skin to protect itself with a powerful response of collagen synthesis and, due to this, a rejuvenating and lifting effect. Relieves skin irritation and allergy.

Why does young skin age and look tired?

One of the reasons for the slowdown in renewal of the stratum corneum is the decrease in the activity of proteolytic enzymes that destroy the adhesion between the scales of the stratum corneum. And as a result, an accumulation of horny scales, due to which the skin looks dull and takes on a grayish tint.


The problem of photoaging is especially relevant for thin skin, usually a fine-wrinkled type of aging. According to the concept of photoaging ,

main negative changes in the skin:

  1. dryness,
  2. wrinkles,
  3. dark spots,
  4. increased keratinization,
  5. dilated capillaries

- arise due to the lack of use of sunscreens in the summer from exposure to ultraviolet radiation

summer rays.

They are not of a deep nature and are not associated with aging processes caused by age, and therefore can be eliminated in time with the help of cosmetic treatments, including high-quality peeling of the face and body. The effectiveness of the PEELING + CARE program lies in the fact that the skin is ready to accept all active components, moisture, vitamins, thanks to the acceleration of the process of dermal cell division, launched by the peeling procedure itself.

Healing period

After delicate peelings, the recovery period is very short, especially if a homemade exfoliating composition was applied to the skin. In just a few days, the face will look renewed, fresh, smoother. On the first day after peeling, you should not wash your face, touch the skin again, or apply decorative cosmetics. The doctor will tell you what products can be used to speed up the healing of the dermis. The specialist will also probably recommend special skincare products.

The first few weeks after peeling, you need to protect your skin from the sun: do not sunbathe, do not visit the solarium. Before each trip outside, you should use sunscreen cosmetics and regularly moisturize the treated areas with creams. In addition, during the rehabilitation period it is not advisable to go to the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.

Precautionary measures

Gentle peels usually do not cause serious side effects. After the procedure, slight redness and peeling are possible, which are considered normal and disappear within a few hours or a couple of days. The most serious consequence is pigmentation. It may occur due to improper rehabilitation or other reasons. Otherwise, gentle cleaning takes place with virtually no complications.

Attention! Sometimes the skin becomes very red and itchy - these are signs of an allergic reaction. Test the selected drug in advance.

When performing peeling in the salon and at home, some contraindications should be taken into account. As a rule, they are relevant for all skin types:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin;
  • damage to the epidermis - injuries, abrasions, cuts, burns;
  • acute viral illnesses or colds accompanied by high fever;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • oncology, etc.

These prohibitions usually apply to salon peels. For home treatments, the list is less extensive.

Top 10 in the ranking of the strongest facial peelings from famous companies

Exfoliation can be done both in the salon and at home. The most important thing is to choose the right product. Almost all of them are hypoallergenic, and toxic components are softened by gentle ingredients.

Ultra Gentle Exfoliating Gel Ultraceuticals

A gel containing glycerin and eucalyptus, which makes the effect very delicate. Exfoliates the skin well, but does not dry it out. Used for normal and combined type.

Peeling Gommage with vitamins E from Christina

A product suitable for many. Contains chamomile, vanilla extract and Dead Sea salts. It promotes not only the elimination of old dead cells, but also regeneration and increases elasticity.

Gigi Peeling regular

This is a new and modern facial peeling product. Perfect for those who suffer from rosacea. Good for regular use.

Pure Ritual Peel Black

In addition to the smoothing effect, it also has the ability to remove toxic elements. This function is performed by the volcanic stone powder included in the composition.

Herb Clear Gel Pure by Cefine

Suitable for any time of year. Due to the content of polyglutamic acid and plant extracts, the risk of injury is eliminated.

Kart Papaya Peeling

This is an Israeli professional cosmetics that will last for a long time, since the gel must be applied in a very thin layer. Contains papaya extract and has a very pleasant fruity smell.

Lactolan Peeling from Holy Land cosmetics

Combines the effects of gommage and enzymatic peeling, made on the basis of cheese and whey. Therefore, it will very delicately, but at the same time efficiently cleanse your face of dead cells.

Top Secrets Gommage Action Biologique by YSL

Provides careful and gentle care. Enriched with vitamins and natural oils, does not contain abrasive (solid) particles.

Baviphat Peach All-in-one Peeling Gel

This line of Korean cosmetics has a gel texture and a delicious peach scent. Able to slightly lighten age spots and freckles.

Oxygen Botanicals Deep Pore Cleanser pH

Normalizes sebum secretion, removes pollution from pores and narrows them. Has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Not all doctors call peeling a suitable procedure for dry facial skin, noting that after this the epidermis may experience an even greater moisture deficiency. Therefore, it is important for women who decide to cleanse their face to consult with an experienced specialist. For example, this cosmetologist does not consider brossage to be a gentle technique.

It is necessary that the doctor not only select the optimal type of peeling taking into account your skin type, but also talk about all the nuances of the procedure, including possible contraindications and complications. The author who expressed this opinion is counseling a young mother who has recently completed her lactation period.

How does skin age?

Four types of skin aging identified by scientists

, according to which it is possible and necessary to select the depth of influence:

  1. type - “no wrinkles” under the age of 25. To improve such skin, it is enough to use cosmetics for young skin and superficial peels.
  2. type - “wrinkles in dynamics” at the age of 25 to 35 years. The first pigment spots and wrinkles appear when smiling in the corners of the eyes. To correct changes, superficial chemical peeling and microdermabrasion are recommended. Cosmetics with whitening effect, with hyaluronic acid.
  3. type - “wrinkles at rest” between the ages of 35 and 50 years. Uneven pigmentation, spider veins and dilated capillaries, wrinkles are visible when facial wrinkles relax, keratosis is a thickening of the stratum corneum, visible to the eye. Medium and deep peelings are recommended. Natural cosmetics for care from the age of 30 years.
  4. type “solid wrinkles” aged 50 and older. All skin is covered with wrinkles. Using decorative cosmetics is difficult, as it crumbles and gets stuck in folds. Deep chemical peeling, laser resurfacing, injectable fillers with skin tightening are recommended. But always tangible results for facial skin rejuvenation and lifting allow you to prolong the youth of your skin using various facial massage techniques and professional facial care used in the procedures.

Patient reviews

Women often leave opinions about different types of peels for dry skin. For example, the author of this review praises drugs based on lactic acid.

Another girl believes that milk peels are good not only for salon use, but also for home use. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

There are reviews regarding specific products. For example, here we are talking about Gentle Peeling produced by Natura Siberica. A girl suffering from dry skin praises the drug, which turned out to be especially useful for her in the winter.

The author of this review has dry, sensitive skin with wrinkles, which reacts to changes in humidity in the room and on the street. On the advice of a cosmetologist, the girl did peeling with fruit acids, but was dissatisfied with it.

Dry and especially sensitive skin requires special care. Not every peel will suit her. Before the procedure, you must do a sensitivity test so as not to provoke an allergy.

You should start with the softest, most delicate means and procedures. Thanks to the right cleansing method, your skin will be smooth, even, and radiant. Only you will know that it is dry.

Store-bought peelings for home use

It’s not always possible to use traditional recipes; they take time to prepare. Busy women can use ready-made medications sold in stores. It is advisable to buy products without harsh abrasives, based on cream, soft granular particles, or in the form of a roller.

The best option is a product based on wax granules, which effectively and gently cleanses the surface of the skin.

The most popular and effective peelings for dry and flaky skin:

  1. Akademie cleansing milk from a French manufacturer. Suitable for daily use. Based on jojoba oil, aloe and apple extract.
  2. Cream with peeling effect Algologie from another French manufacturer. Perfectly eliminates dryness and flaking. Contains shea butter, aloe extracts, chamomile flowers, cornflower and calendula.
  3. Rolling cream from the popular Israeli company GIGI. Suitable for weekly use. Active ingredients: stearic acid, jojoba oil, borage oil, primrose oil.
  4. Peeling from the Israeli manufacturer Anna Lotan for dry aging skin. Based on tocopherol, sea buckthorn oil, algae and oat extracts, the abrasive is crushed wheat grain.
  5. Gentle peeling from the Russian company Natura Siberica. Contains an extract of Siberian and Far Eastern medicinal plants, tocopherol.
  6. Cream with peeling effect from the Austrian company Spiller. Cleans intensively, so apply once a month. Based on jojoba oil. Intended for the care of dry aging skin.
  7. German Janssen soft peeling, suitable for dry and combination skin. The abrasive is granulated jojoba wax.
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