Ultrasonic facial peeling is a pleasant and beneficial procedure for your skin

From this article you will learn:

  • What does ultrasonic peeling do?
  • What are the indications for ultrasonic facial peeling?
  • Are there any contraindications to undergoing an ultrasonic peeling procedure?
  • Does the procedure have any side effects?
  • Is it possible to perform ultrasonic peeling at home?

Today, the ultrasonic facial skin peeling procedure is almost the most popular in any self-respecting beauty center. And this is quite natural, because with its help you can cleanse your face without harming your skin. In addition to the necessary gentle effect of direct cleansing without the involvement of living cells and good tissues, ultrasonic peeling will help remove harmful substances from the skin (toxins), give the skin a rejuvenating effect, restore elasticity and normalize tone. In addition, this is undoubtedly the most beautiful caring procedure. But in the modern world it is very difficult to completely trust advertising information, and it is for those who doubt it that we will dispel the myths about ultrasonic peeling of facial skin.

What does ultrasonic facial peeling do?

Female beauty is a rather insidious thing, and it takes a lot of effort to preserve it. But the universal technology of ultrasonic facial skin peeling can help with this and, best of all, its effect is noticeable immediately.

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The peeling process is based on the vibration of ultrasonic waves, due to which surface cleansing occurs. Molecular bonds break, the upper elements of the skin loosen and, as a result, peel off. The skin transformation is noticeable immediately:

  • skin tone is evened out;
  • the skin is smoothed, irregularities are eliminated;
  • there is a rejuvenating effect due to the activation of collagen synthesis;
  • the epidermis is cleansed of impurities, toxins and other harmful substances;
  • due to exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, softness returns to the skin of the face;
  • pores narrow;
  • the oxygen balance of the skin is restored.

During ultrasonic peeling of facial skin, the depth of exposure to waves reaches 15 mm. Due to this, the effectiveness of using cosmetics increases, which cannot be achieved with normal daily care. Tangible results can be seen in the fight against signs of skin aging. Ultrasonic peeling affects the tone of facial muscles, thereby helping to smooth out fine wrinkles and reduce the appearance of deep ones.

The result that you can achieve after carrying out such a procedure can be influenced by different factors. For example, in the case of using ultrasound to combat acne, its effectiveness will depend on the following factors:

  1. Mechanical – we are talking about the frequency of vibrations in cells. Their magnitude is 28,000,000 times per second. It is due to this parameter that facial skin cleansing with ultrasound is so high quality.
  2. Thermal – during the procedure, the temperature of the cellular tissue increases by 1-2 degrees. Due to heating, the rate of metabolic processes increases by approximately 15%.
  3. Physico-chemical – gives a special cell reaction that provokes an additional effective result.

An obvious advantage of ultrasonic facial peeling over mechanical cleansing is the lasting impact of the procedure. During the procedure, the epidermis is not damaged, which helps to avoid redness and swelling on the face. In addition to the above, there are several more positive qualities of ultrasonic peeling:

  • the procedure is painless;
  • cleaning is deep enough;
  • the quality is top notch.

Mandelic acid

40% mandelic acid.

The most gentle acid that can be used even by teenagers over 10 years old. It is used for very sensitive skin, can be done in the summer, and also as a preparatory peeling (pre-peeling preparation) for a subsequent course of other acids. This is a specific treatment, indicated for all skin types, also for very sensitive and thin skin, does not create any aesthetic discomfort and gives visible and long-lasting results.


  • hyperpigmentation
  • treatment of mild acne
  • comedones
  • treatment of rosacea (even acute phases)
  • at all stages of demodicosis (as an addition to treatment)


Immediate improvement:

The skin glows from the inside, becomes polished, and acquires a beautiful color. Can be done before and after tanning in a solarium or in the sun, before applying makeup.

Almond care No. 1 is aimed at structural rejuvenation of the skin. Leads to noticeable improvements in the appearance of the skin. — Improves and makes the tan more even.

  • Strengthens the skin's immune system.
  • Protects cell DNA.
  • Removes the first signs of inflammatory erythema and reduces the effects of free radicals.
  • Strengthens the skin barrier.

Frequency of the procedure:

1 time per week up to 10 procedures. Alternation with INTERACTIVE CARE is possible.

Almond care No. 2 for facial skin with pigmentation problems: aimed at structural rejuvenation of the skin. Leads to noticeable improvements in the appearance of the skin.

  • Strengthens the skin's immune system.
  • Protects cell DNA.
  • Removes the first signs of inflammatory erythema and reduces the effects of free radicals.
  • Strengthens the skin barrier, facial skin becomes less susceptible to aggressive environmental factors.

FREQUENCY: 1 time per week, up to 10 procedures.

Ultrasonic peeling of facial skin: indications and contraindications

To determine the feasibility of ultrasonic facial skin peeling, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. Only a specialist can accurately determine whether you need to resort to such a procedure or not. Here it is better not to rely on subjective opinion, because every woman sees flaws in herself, which, in the end, turn out to be significant only for her. The use of such a procedure without visible indications is strictly not recommended.

There are a number of indications for the use of ultrasonic facial peeling:

  • skin type with high oil content;
  • acne, not inflammatory in nature;
  • enlarged and “dirty” pores;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • “porous” surface of the epidermis;
  • weakened muscle tone;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • gray skin color.

Only if you have problems from the above list, ultrasonic peeling of facial skin can give the expected result and will not cause any undesirable consequences. In any other case, it is better for you to seek advice from a qualified specialist who can select the salon procedure necessary to solve your particular problem.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications that prevent the use of ultrasonic facial peeling. It is worth noting that there are many prohibitions on carrying out such a procedure, because ultrasound exposure is not a fully studied phenomenon. To date, there are no scientifically proven studies that would exclude the harmful effects of this procedure on human health. Accordingly, it is better to carefully study the list of indications, the presence of which prohibits peeling:

  • pustular rashes;
  • any skin irritation;
  • newly sewn “golden” threads;
  • recent chemical peeling (deep or medium). At least 3 months must have passed since the last procedure;
  • presence of a pacemaker, intrauterine device;
  • state of exacerbation of any disease
  • problems with the nervous system, mental disorder, epilepsy;
  • trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inferiority of the endocrine system;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • complexities of the cardiovascular system;
  • sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • the presence of severe skin diseases (chronic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.) requiring long-term treatment;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder;
  • rosacea;
  • pregnancy and/or lactation period.

If any of these diagnoses (indications) are detected, ultrasonic facial peeling cannot be done . Do not neglect the recommendations to prohibit the procedure, as undesirable consequences can be quite serious.

If, after studying the list of contraindications, you did not find your ailment there and the specialist, after examining you, recommended ultrasonic peeling to solve the problems that arose, you can only look forward to the result of the treatment.

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Is ultrasonic facial peeling possible at home?

Just a few years ago, it was impossible to even think about carrying out ultrasonic facial peeling at home, but the world does not stand still, and you can easily afford to carry out this salon procedure on your own. To do this, you need to choose the right device for home use. Despite the fact that you do not need to have any additional skills to carry out a cleaning session at home, you should not forget about the simple rules of peeling. Firstly, be sure to use conductive compounds for the procedure (scrubbers). Secondly, carefully read the instructions for your device before starting the session.

Ultrasonic peeling device

When choosing a device for ultrasonic facial peeling at home, you need to look not only at the price, but also at the technical parameters of the equipment. The market for manufacturers of devices for such peeling is very saturated.

We offer you a list of the most popular models:

  • LW-006 (made in Russia);
  • SilverFox F808 (device for professional use);
  • Gezatone (hand cleaning);
  • WS 7050 (made in China, Welss brand);
  • MI-380 (Pore Cleaner Company);
  • AllRest (made in China).

Ultrasonic peeling gel

The choice of conductor gel plays an important role in achieving your goals. When selecting it, you must take into account your type of epidermis and the functionality of the gel. The correct selection of a guide will help you even out your complexion, eliminate wrinkles, fight acne and inflammatory processes, achieve a lifting effect, etc.

The price of the gel is affected by the composition and brand under which it is produced. The product is very economical to use. The presence of hyaluronic acid and medicinal herbs in the preparation will help achieve the best result.

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What are the stages of ultrasonic facial peeling in a beauty salon?

When performing peeling, the equipment reproduces ultrasonic waves, which have a rejuvenating and toning effect on your skin. Despite the fact that the process of carrying out the procedure varies depending on the specific specialist, the task at hand and the apparatus the master uses, there is a certain procedure for carrying out cleaning.

  • Preparation.

First, the makeup is washed off and impurities are removed. For this, lotion is usually used. Then, if necessary, deep impurities are removed using a scrub or other product necessary for your skin type. After all this, the water balance is restored. Here a gel or special water is used. An important point is that ultrasound behaves correctly only in an aqueous environment.

  • Cleaning.

The specialist slowly makes massage movements with a spatula of a device for ultrasonic peeling of facial skin. As a rule, the client does not experience any special sensations. In rare cases, you may notice vibration of the device when treating the forehead or cheekbones (areas in close proximity to the bone). Typically, the peel is limited to the areas around the eyes and mouth to prevent pain.

  • Completion.

At the end of the session, the specialist performs a small massage to relieve stress and enhance the effect of the procedure. Then apply the necessary cosmetics selected specifically for your skin - a moisturizing mask, cream.

The duration of ultrasonic facial peeling is approximately 30 minutes. Despite the fact that the effect of cleansing will appear the very next day, it is recommended to repeat the therapy session after 2 weeks. At this time, supportive care for your skin is especially important.

  • Recovery.

The recovery process significantly affects the effect you can achieve after the procedure. Skin care during this period is very important. During this time, it is better for you to stop using makeup, do not additionally cleanse your skin with cosmetics, do not overheat your face during this period (no tanning or high temperatures), and refrain from taking medications during recovery.

Pay attention to the specialist’s post-procedure instructions, and nothing will spoil your pleasure received from the effect of ultrasonic facial peeling. Taking proper care of your skin and following proper recovery practices will protect you from unwanted side effects.

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Preparation for the procedure

For the first procedure, it is better to allocate at least 1 hour. It is advisable to choose a place where no one will disturb you. It is necessary to prepare the device, cosmetics and napkins in advance. All cosmetic products used must be selected taking into account your specific skin type. It is recommended to wear a cap to prevent hair from falling on your face during the procedure.

First, the face is cleansed of makeup and dirt with cleansers. Cosmetologists advise using foam with plant extracts for makeup remover. It can be used to remove even waterproof decorative cosmetics.

The cleansed face should be washed thoroughly. When washing, you should use a soft scrub to partially remove the most severe dirt.

Some cosmetologists recommend steaming your face after washing. Steam your facial skin for 10-15 minutes, bending over a container of hot water. When exposed to steam, the skin pores will open. To enhance the effect, cover the head with a terry towel.

If you use a decoction of medicinal herbs instead of pure water, you can achieve better results. An infusion of string or chamomile will improve the condition of the skin.

To enhance the effect of the ultrasound device, it is worth doing a light massage of the facial skin. It is made with circular translational movements in the direction from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the center of the forehead to the temples and from the chin to the outer edge of the lower jaw. Before the massage, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

Side effects of ultrasonic facial peeling

However, side effects after ultrasonic facial peeling are rare, but they do occur. Subject to the previously described rules, we are usually talking about the individual characteristics of the client. But don’t forget about the human factor, because it’s difficult to guarantee anything when a person is working. The most common side effects include swelling in the area affected by the device, redness, painful peeling of the epidermis (sometimes with the appearance of blood), increased dryness or oiliness of the skin, pain in the area of ​​the procedure.

The described complications often scare clients away from this type of peeling, but here you should pay attention to the frequency of side effects. As a rule, these are isolated cases, and in order to protect yourself from possible risks, you just need to very carefully choose the location of the procedure and the specialist who will work with you.

It would be a pity, because of my prejudices, to refuse the most effective procedure to date for deep cleansing and restoring a healthy appearance to the skin. Who doesn't want to get a glowing face quickly, without pain or damage to the skin, while spending a reasonable amount of money. Therefore, carefully analyze all the information received and make the right choice.


There are contraindications. Consult your doctor. After the skin cleansing session is completed, the pores on the skin may remain enlarged for some time. To close the pores, use an alcohol lotion or a decoction of medicinal herbs. These products will not only close the pores, but will also help quickly eliminate redness.

In addition, it is necessary to wipe your face several times a day with a solution of Miramistin or Chlorhexidine so that bacteria located on the surface of the skin do not enter enlarged pores.

Duration of ultrasonic facial peeling course

On average, 5 to 10 sessions are needed to achieve optimal results for the skin. But only a qualified specialist can give you an accurate forecast after analyzing your particular case. If the duration and intensity of treatment is correctly selected, you will be delighted with the achieved effect. Please note that an incorrectly selected course of procedures will, at best, not bring the desired result, and at worst, it will harm your skin. Therefore, please pay attention to the information below:

  • 1 procedure performed every 4 weeks is considered absolutely safe;
  • for prevention, it is recommended to carry out 1 procedure every 2 or 3 months;
  • After completing the full course of procedures, peeling can be repeated no earlier than a year later.

Keep in mind. There is one more recommendation that you should pay attention to before starting the procedures. Experts have identified the most favorable time for ultrasonic facial skin peeling – winter, the very beginning of spring. It is at this time that exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin is minimized.

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Immediately after peeling, the skin becomes soft, silky, smooth. The complexion improves. Pigmentation becomes less pronounced, enlarged pores and comedones disappear, and oily shine disappears. The face looks fresher and younger.

If the skin is problematic, oily, prone to rashes, then one session may not be enough to completely eliminate blackheads. In such a situation, it is recommended to do cleaning regularly at intervals of one to two months. The number of sessions is determined by the doctor individually. For example, for those with dry and sensitive skin, it is enough to undergo ultrasound treatment once every six months or even less often. And with increased sebum production and a tendency to form comedones, you will have to think about cleaning your pores more often.

Important! Like other hardware procedures, ultrasonic cleaning should be trusted only to a qualified cosmetologist in the clinic. Only in this case can you count on the maximum effect of the impact.

Everything you wanted to know about ultrasonic facial peeling, but were afraid to ask

  • How painful is ultrasonic peeling?

If ultrasonic peeling is performed correctly, the patient does not experience pain. Usually, the session is not accompanied by absolutely no sensations for the client.

  • Is the ultrasonic peeling procedure safe for health?

If an ultrasonic peeling session is carried out correctly, the procedure does not carry any risks. It is absolutely safe for the client. And on the contrary, due to the special influence of waves on the epidermis, it has a positive effect on the face (the skin is cleansed, the cover is renewed, etc.)

  • What can this procedure be combined with?

The list of measures to care and protect the epidermis that can be carried out with ultrasound is very extensive. Often this procedure, on the contrary, increases the effectiveness of many procedures. But do not forget that after ultrasonic peeling, chemical peeling is strictly prohibited. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for restoring skin after cleansing.

  • What recommendations are given after the procedure?

It is worth noting once again that a properly performed ultrasonic facial skin peeling procedure does not harm the patient in any way. On the contrary, all scientific developments confirm that a procedure carried out correctly, in accordance with all standards, brings only positive changes. From this we can conclude that no additional rehabilitation measures are required.

  • At what age can you do ultrasonic facial peeling?

Ultrasonic peeling has no age restrictions. The procedure is effective for any age of the epidermis. A representative of any age group will be able to solve their skin problems with the help of this type of cosmetic intervention. And ultrasonic waves are equally effective on any age group.

  • Is it possible to do ultrasound without medical education?

If we are talking about holding events at home, then, of course, it is possible. But in salon practice, as a rule, ultrasonic peeling is carried out by an employee with a special education (dermatologist or cosmetologist).

  • Is it possible to cleanse during pregnancy, if the period is still short?

Pregnancy is included in the list of contraindications for this procedure. However, some experts allow ultrasonic cleaning to be carried out during this period. But here you need to sensibly assess what is more important in this particular case: to help the mother or not to harm the child.

  • How long does the result of an ultrasonic peeling procedure last?

There are no exact time limits for maintaining the peeling effect. But nothing lasts forever. If you use the service once, the result will please you for 3 or more weeks. After a full course of sessions, your skin will be able to please you with its condition for up to 1 year. But here everything is individual. The fundamental factor, for example, should be considered the type of epidermis. If you have a tendency to excessively secrete sebaceous secretions, the duration of the procedure may be reduced.

  • How far in advance should you start doing ultrasonic peeling if we are talking about an important event: a wedding, graduation, etc.?

It would be most successful in this case to carry out the procedure no later than 2 months before the event. The full course of ultrasonic cleaning is usually 1.5-2 months.

  • How long after peeling can I apply makeup?

There are no restrictions on the use of decorative cosmetics. You can start using your regular products on the day of your procedure.

  • How long does one peeling procedure last?

The direct impact of ultrasonic waves on the facial skin lasts 5-20 minutes. But the procedure also consists of a preparatory process, soothing procedures, and facial skin care measures. Due to this, the time of one session increases to 30 minutes; often the event can last about 2 hours. All this is calculated individually, depending on the characteristics of each specific client.

  • Is it possible to visit a solarium after peeling?

Strictly not recommended. Avoid any heat exposure to the skin for at least a week. Be it tanning (solarium and direct exposure to the sun) or warming up the skin (baths, saunas).

  • Is this procedure suitable for sensitive skin?

Ultrasonic peeling is suitable for absolutely any skin type. This is a fairly gentle treatment that will help you forget about the problems of the epidermis, even in the case of sensitive skin.

  • Does this type of peeling dry out the skin?

If the procedure is carried out correctly, no side effects should be observed. The skin, on the contrary, becomes healthier and fresher.

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Who is suitable for ultrasonic cleaning?

Just as dentists recommend professional teeth cleaning to all patients, cosmetologists advise every person to periodically have their face cleaned at a cosmetology clinic. Those with dry skin may require the procedure less often, but those whose sebaceous glands are working hard and often develop rashes are recommended to undergo ultrasound cleaning regularly. The frequency will be determined by the doctor during a face-to-face appointment - it depends on age, condition of the skin, and the presence of pathologies.

Indications for manipulation include:

  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands, fat content . Exposure to ultrasound dries the epidermis.
  • Dull complexion . During the treatment, dead particles are removed from the surface, the tone is evened out, and the face becomes fresher and more radiant.
  • Dark spots . Ultrasound as such does not combat excess pigmentation, like types of phototherapy, but by removing the top layer of dead cells, the spots fade and become less noticeable.
  • Enlarged pores . As a result of processing, they are cleared of sebaceous plugs and slightly tightened.
  • Acne, comedones . Facial cleansing is the best way to prevent acne. Ultrasound cleaning is recommended during periods of remission, when there are no inflamed pimples, but only blackheads. Pores are cleansed, the skin becomes clean and velvety, the risk of rashes and inflamed elements is sharply reduced.
  • Swelling of the face . The action of ultrasonic vibrations helps improve blood circulation and lymph outflow, due to which swelling subsides.
  • “Tired”, flaky, flabby skin . Ultrasound perfectly tones the dermis, making it elastic and fresh. Peeling is eliminated because dead particles of the epidermis are removed.
  • Upcoming cosmetic procedures related to hydration and nutrition of the dermis . After cleansing, the skin becomes more receptive. She responds gratefully to any procedures, including routine home care. Nutrients and moisturizing substances are absorbed more actively and bring greater benefits than without prior preparation. At your appointment, the doctor will tell you in detail what types of treatments are best combined with cleaning and will develop an optimal treatment plan for dermatological problems.

Ultrasound peeling has virtually no age restrictions, so it is popular among young people. This is a gentle but effective means of preventing and treating acne, and is also the best choice for those with delicate skin that cannot tolerate rough mechanical cleaning.

Where is the best place to do ultrasonic facial peeling?

It is obvious that we are ready to trust our face only to qualified specialists. This will serve as a guarantee of quality and safety. It is these specialists, true masters of their craft, who work at the Veronika Herba City Beauty and Health Center. We've been making people beautiful since 1998. Veronika Herba includes two premium beauty centers. Providing clients with the highest level of service, we have combined two lines of services: medical, aesthetic cosmetology and image services in the hairdressing salon, manicure and pedicure, decorative makeup and artistic tattooing.

In our work it is extremely important for us:

Your Safety - all products used by our specialists are certified. When carrying out procedures, we use disposable materials and medical products. The safety concept is supported by 1-TOUCH.

Quality – elevated to a cult. This is the only way we can provide guaranteed effective services and exceed any of your expectations.

Your trust - we accompany you on the path to beauty, thereby earning the trust of the most doubtful. We work tirelessly to meet you halfway, confirming our words with deeds. This is the only way we can exceed your expectations.

Openness – our reputation, won over the years, speaks for itself. You respect us for who we really are. We are wrong and we do not hide it. After all, mistakes are the bridge between experience and wisdom.

Leadership – you cannot be a leader if no one follows you. We remember this and never give up our positions.

Innovation - We never stop striving for excellence.

Integrity – at the level of employees, products and services, financial reporting and, most importantly, assurance at the management level.

Service – any salon gets the clients it deserves. Therefore, we pay great attention to the presentation of our product. This helps make our relationship with you long-term, based on emotional connections.

Design - we remember the aesthetics and functionality of the service and product, we do not try to stand out from others, we are truly different.

provides a wide range of services, which are designed for both women and men. We are ready to take care of you and offer you, in the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere of our center, to plunge into the world of beauty and care for your health.

The following areas are available to your attention:

  • Various programs for rejuvenating the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  • Range of body care programs.
  • Various programs and methods of weight loss.
  • Hardware cosmetology.
  • Anti-cellulite programs.
  • Pressotherapy.
  • Dermatocosmetology (removal of scars, stretch marks, spider veins, acne, etc.).

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

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