A lump under the armpit, what it can be, which doctor to contact, the surgeon tells

Good day, dear readers! If you have a lump or small lump under your arm, then my article will be of interest to you.

This phenomenon should be treated very carefully, since often enlarged lymph nodes can indicate very serious and dangerous diseases.

It’s better not to guess what it could be, but immediately consult a doctor. There is no need to panic ahead of time, since such a symptom often occurs due to a banal lack of hygiene, a cut from a razor, or from uncomfortable underwear. Let's find out the main causes of this disease and possible methods of treatment.

Anatomical background

A lump-shaped swelling in the armpit area forms for a reason in this area. The localization of swelling in the cavity area is observed due to the large accumulation of lymph nodes in this anatomical zone, and the skin of the cavity is rich in sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as hair follicles.

The human body is designed in such a way that it always tries to limit and localize the inflammatory process. When an inflammatory process occurs in the armpit or upper limb, the axillary lymph nodes react first. In response to inflammation, they increase - this is one of the most common causes of the formation of swelling and infiltrates in the cavity.

It so happens that the armpit is a kind of depression that forms a fold of skin. In the armpit, the temperature of the outer skin is higher than in other places; it is also in this anatomical area that the most humid environment is observed, which, if there is insufficient hygiene in this area, leads to the development of an infectious process in it.

More than 90% of palpable formations in the axillary region belong to purulent-inflammatory diseases in a local form. In other cases, it is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis with more serious diseases.

Formation of a boil

The red bump may also be a boil. In this case, inflammation of the sebaceous gland occurs, and bacteria accumulate inside, and suppuration forms. This is a very unpleasant disease, which may also require medical attention. You need to know what to do in this case.

Especially if it is not possible to see a doctor immediately. You can give yourself first aid at home.

First of all, anoint the area of ​​inflammation with an antiseptic solution, and then apply a bandage with Levomekol .

This product contains an antibiotic that has a detrimental effect on microorganisms. It not only kills germs, but also helps draw pus from the wound.

If there is no improvement after a few days, consult a doctor.

Particular caution should be exercised during pregnancy. Self-medication will not work here.

What could it be

Do you have a lump under your arm and it hurts? Now let’s try to understand the options for the origin of this formation and why it is painful.

Most of these diseases are associated with the development of purulent-inflammatory lesions of the sebaceous or sweat glands of the skin in this area. Slightly less common are purulent-inflammatory diseases localized on the upper limb and causing lymphangitis and lymphadenitis, i.e. inflammation in the axillary lymph nodes.

  1. Hidradenitis Inflammation of the sweat gland, localized in the armpit. Popularly, hidradenitis is called a bitch udder, as it has a characteristic appearance. The sweat gland becomes clogged, its secretion accumulates in it along with bacteria located on the skin, then a local inflammatory process occurs, the gland enlarges in size and begins to rise above the general skin. The inflammatory process intensifies. Local edema occurs, hyperemia - redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation, then due to the development of bacterial flora in this area, suppuration of the gland occurs. The appearance resembles a cow's udder, which is why it is popularly called so. Hidradenitis is a very painful inflammation, with which general manifestations of intoxication of the body are possible in the form of fever, general weakness, headache and other nonspecific symptoms of inflammation. In the case of hidradenitis, a red lump usually forms under the armpit.
  2. Lymphadenitis The second most common cause of lumps is lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes localized in the armpit, while the lump under the arm hurts when pressed. The disease is the same as hidradenitis of a purulent-inflammatory nature. Lumps under the arm in women are a frequent manifestation of careless shaving of this area. As a result of microcracks and microtraumas caused by the razor, bacteria enter the thickness of the skin of the axillary area, which can lead to enlargement of the lymph nodes. Such formation can be either painful or painless - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the functioning of the body and the activity of the immune system.
  3. Furuncle This pathological condition is very similar to hidradenitis. However, in this case, inflammation of the sebaceous gland occurs. Blockage of the sebaceous gland can occur due to the peculiarities of the body’s hormonal system, for example, with diabetes mellitus or during puberty, as well as due to insufficient personal hygiene. The pathogenetic mechanism of the formation of the purulent-inflammatory process is practically is no different from hidradenitis, with the exception of the size of the inflammatory infiltrate. When a boil occurs, it is small in size, painful, with a local increase in skin temperature.
  4. Lipoma Popularly, a lipoma is often called a wen, and such a neoplasm occurs more often in young women. This formation is absolutely painless, easy to palpate and quite mobile. Lipoma occurs due to excessive development of adipose tissue in the area of ​​the sebaceous gland, which leads to the formation of a kind of lump. In such a formation, a hereditary predisposition is clearly visible, and the course of the disease is characterized by slow growth and the absence of any other symptoms. Often, lumps under the armpits after childbirth occur in women with a hereditary predisposition, and the trigger in such a situation is a significant hormonal change in the female body in period of pregnancy and lactation. A lipoma or wen is purely aesthetic in nature and is not capable of causing harm to the body.

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Blockage of the sebaceous glands

A non-painful swelling can form when the production of fat-like lipids is disrupted. In this case, the cells die and transform into sebum.

When the sebaceous ducts narrow, this leads to the formation of a round lump. Most often, a small swelling does not cause much discomfort. But even it is better to remove it, since with such an inflammatory process the infection can get into the lymph node.

The photo shows what small seals look like. The cause of such formations can be hereditary predisposition, as well as diseases of the liver, thyroid and pancreas .

Serious reasons

Unfortunately, in some cases, this condition can become a symptom of a serious pathology, ranging from any generalized inflammation, for example: ARVI or influenza, and ending with diseases such as damage by the human immunodeficiency virus and oncology.

If there are risk factors such as:

  • Age over 40 years old,
  • Family history of cancer,
  • Bad habits or living in environmentally unfavorable areas,
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse with different partners,
  • Problems with the immune system.

If any formation occurs in the armpit area, you should first rule out the following diseases:

  1. Breast cancer - the first metastases appear in the axillary lymph nodes.
  2. HIV infection is characterized by lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes).
  3. Lymphomas are malignant neoplasms of an immune nature.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis.

It is formed under the influence of such factors:

  1. Infectious diseases: sore throat, measles, influenza and measles.
  2. Problems with the hematopoietic system.
  3. Oncological formations with metastases.
  4. The presence of microorganisms that cause tuberculosis or syphilis.

Such swelling does not always hurt either. The inflammatory process can occur for various reasons, which affects the pain or painlessness of the condition.

This lump is easily palpable when pressed. In addition, it is characterized by mobility. In this case, it is important to consult a doctor in time, since the formation can change its size. This problem occurs in men and women, and even in children.

Which specialist should I contact?

Which doctor should I contact? Logical question! All purulent-inflammatory diseases are dealt with by a specialist purulent surgeon. However, you should not immediately rush into panic. If you are a sensitive person and are not used to enduring until the bitter end, when surgical intervention is required, but promptly sought qualified medical help, then treatment without the use of surgical intervention is possible.

Any inflammation in the early stages can be regressed by using external anti-inflammatory drugs. If a small, painless lump has formed under the armpit, then it’s worth thinking about systemic diseases.

In this case, it is worth contacting an infectious disease doctor to conduct a differential diagnostic study and exclude serious infectious diseases that may be accompanied by lymphadenopathy - enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment of lymphadenitis

The main thing that the patient should know and take into account is the inadmissibility of self-treatment. Under no circumstances should you try to stop the disease yourself. Only a doctor prescribes the necessary treatment tactics, and it consists of conducting the correct etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy. As a rule, all efforts of the doctor and the patient are directed toward eliminating the source of inflammation that provoked the development of axillary lymphadenitis. Most often, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs and prescribes antibacterial therapy. It is also advisable to use compresses with Dimexide, physiotherapeutic treatment, and immunomodulators. All this helps the body to get stronger and cope with the disease that has arisen. If a malignant process arises and develops and is accompanied by axillary lymphadenitis, then the patient must undergo a course of chemotherapy or surgery will be indicated.

How to treat

If you have a question, a lump under the armpit hurts inside, how to treat it, you should contact a qualified specialist, and not self-medicate. Only a competent and timely approach to the problem will help solve it as quickly and efficiently as possible.

No independent lotions or application of various folk remedies can replace the competent approach of a doctor, especially when it comes to a serious inflammatory process.

If the lump under the arm does not hurt, without redness, be sure to contact an infectious disease specialist or oncologist, since self-medication in this case can be very expensive and, first of all, for health.

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If there is a painful lump under the armpit, go to a surgeon, who, after assessing the condition, will prescribe treatment. Treatment can be conservative or surgical, everything will depend on how quickly you seek advice.

When the inflammatory process is in the infiltration stage, it is often possible to manage with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, local antiseptic solutions and immunomodulatory therapy.

If a sufficiently long time has passed and there is already a purulent process, then it is necessary to open the abscess and drain it in order for the necrotic purulent masses to completely drain. No wonder purulent surgeons have a postulate - where there is pus, open it!

Surgery for hidradenitis or boils is performed under local anesthesia and does not require serious exposure.

The inflammatory process in the abscessation stage is opened, the cavity is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, which has a bactericidal effect, and rubber drainage is left in the cavity for several days so that the purulent contents no longer accumulate in the wound, but flow out.

Only after the cessation of pus formation is it possible to heal the wound itself. The recovery process takes on average 7 to 14 days and depends on individual characteristics.

A lump appeared under the armpit - inflammation of the sweat ducts

Hidradenitis can also occur in both sexes. In this case, a lump forms inside after various bacilli and microbes enter the sweat ducts.

Let's find out under what conditions it can develop:

  • in case of poor hygiene and body contamination. A similar problem often appears in the summer, as favorable conditions are created for the development of a pathogenic environment;
  • Excessive sweating contributes to the expansion of sweat flows, which creates all the conditions for bacteria to enter;
  • improper use of hygiene products. For example, you should not use deodorant before playing sports. This will not reduce sweat production, but will only create obstacles to its removal from the body. In this case, large ducts are formed, into which the infection enters;
  • scratches, abrasions and cuts are also favorable factors for the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

Even if the lump is without redness, it is important to find out which doctor can help and how to treat such an ailment.

First of all, you should contact a therapist, who, if necessary, will refer you to another doctor. If you have hidradenitis, the lump will hurt, especially when pressed. She also has mobility.

In this case, itching may also appear.

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