A child has a callus on the foot: causes and treatment methods

  • May 21, 2019
  • Child's health
  • Olga Simchenko

A callus is a local thickening of the skin. It is formed by pressure on the toes, heels and feet or friction. Dry calluses look like growths or bumps, while wet calluses look like small wounds. They are characterized by severe pain and require proper treatment to avoid infection. In addition, there are calluses with a core that require medical intervention.

Types of calluses

As soon as a child begins to walk, there is a possibility of chafing and calluses forming on the feet. Typically, a child develops calluses such as:

  • wet;
  • dry;
  • rod.

A wet callus is a bubble filled with liquid. It is formed as a result of prolonged friction or compression of the foot. Fluid forms between the layers of skin, which protects the injured area from infection. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, then you should not open the dropsy.

Normally, the liquid inside the dropsy is clear, but if the wound gets infected, the contents can become purulent. In this case, antibacterial therapy is required. When the blood vessels are damaged, the contents of the bladder turn red.

A dry callus looks like a hard bump on a child's foot. It is much less common than dropsy. Corns have clear boundaries, they are dense and rough to the touch. Their color is light yellow and grayish and consists of keratinized parts of the skin.

Rarely do children develop core calluses. They are formed due to the gradual germination of dry cells into the deep layers of the skin. Such calluses are painful, cause serious discomfort when walking, and therefore require treatment. Most likely, the dermatologist will prescribe mechanical removal of the growth.

We speak in terms

At the beginning of the story, we will understand the concepts and classification of such lesions.

Dermatologists divide calluses into several types. The most common is water callus. We've all seen it at one time or another - a round inflammation under which fluid accumulates.

Dry calluses are no less rare in children and adults - they look like a piece of keratinized skin. They are usually yellowish in color with a gray center-shaft. This is where their second name comes from - rod ones. Such calluses are usually more painful because... the rod can grow into soft tissue and even touch nerve endings. Then every step or other movement causes such pain that it

stars float overhead.

Corns are rough skin on the feet, a large accumulation of dead cells. Most often they are localized on the heels or big toes.

Reasons for appearance

The following reasons provoke the appearance of a wet callus on a child’s foot:

  • new shoes;
  • shoes that are too tight or too big;
  • rollers are not the right size;
  • rough seams inside the shoes;
  • large socks or tights;
  • playing sports.

Unworn sneakers or sandals rub and lead to the formation of calluses on a child's feet. Small children cannot tell how comfortable they are in shoes. Parents should monitor this regularly. It is necessary to take into account that the leg grows quickly, therefore, it is imperative to select the correct size.

It is also important to check how children's shoes are sewn. The seams should be soft enough and it is important that they do not cut into the skin.

Corns appear when walking barefoot for a long time, as well as in case of irregular gait or flat feet. A callus with a core on a child’s foot appears due to constant rubbing of a certain area of ​​the skin with various hard materials. It is also formed when the skin of the foot is damaged by a fungal infection.


Water calluses on the feet are diagnosed as follows:

Calluses should not be confused, for example, with inflammatory changes in joints, pinched nerves, inflammation of hangnails, genetically determined keratinization of the skin, and warts.

When diagnosing water callus, it is important to determine whether the patient has concomitant diseases. For example, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, venous insufficiency, neuritis and so on.

Which doctor should I contact?

If parents discover a callus on their child’s foot, they can try to cope with the existing problem on their own. But it is best to consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.

First of all, you should visit a dermatologist. The doctor will be able to distinguish the problem being studied from other skin diseases. A fungus that can be confused with a dry callus can lead to thickening of the skin on the foot. The fungus is a more dangerous disease than the one being studied and requires appropriate treatment.

Treatment Options

How to treat a callus on a child’s foot can be determined by the attending doctor after an examination. It is better to start therapy at an early stage, as this promotes faster recovery.

The surgeon opens the wet callus, but it is important to take all precautions. Initially, he treats the blister with an antibacterial agent, numbs it and opens it. At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies an anti-inflammatory ointment to the wound and applies a bandage or plaster. Parents should change the patch periodically.

If a child has dry calluses, the dermatologist will prescribe baths and compresses that you can prepare yourself. They do not irritate the skin, but soften the crusts on the foot. The steamed stratum corneum is removed with pumice.

If there is a core callus, treatment can be carried out using laser removal. This is a modern safe method that has virtually no contraindications.

Treatment of wet calluses. Peculiarities

If a child has rubbed a callus, then there is no need to pierce the dropsy yourself. It's worth seeing a doctor. If the dropsy is small, he will treat it with an antiseptic and cover it with a bactericidal bandage.

If the callus on the child’s heel is large enough and prevents him from moving, then the doctor treats the dropsy with a disinfectant, makes a puncture, and presses down a little so that the liquid comes out. Then the surface of the blister is treated with an antiseptic and the wound is sealed with a bactericidal plaster.

It is worth remembering that the top part of the callus must remain in place and cannot be torn off or cut off. If such a callus bursts on its own and the upper skin is torn off, then you need to seal the wound with a bactericidal bandage with a healing cream. For example, "Bepanten".

Causes of calluses

From the point of view of pathophysiology, a callus on the sole or finger is a local skin thickening (growth of cells) resulting from excessive thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It is a peculiar reaction of the body designed to protect the most vulnerable areas of the skin. There are several factors leading to the formation of local areas of calluses:

  • prolonged friction or pressure on the skin;
  • orthopedic pathologies: clubfoot, flatfoot, valgus deformity of the first / fifth finger, hammertoe deformity (may be present on all fingers except the thumb);
  • consequences of injuries and surgical interventions;
  • excessive dryness of the skin of the feet;
  • metabolic disorder leading to increased keratinization (keratinization of epithelial cells);
  • nail deformities.

In addition, callus on the heel and other parts of the foot can occur against the background of varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, fungal infections, etc.

Treatment of dry calluses

If corns appear, then you should not ignore the existing problems. Despite the fact that these are fairly harmless neoplasms, over time they can degenerate into rod-like growths, which are quite difficult to get rid of.

Before treating a dry callus on a child’s foot, the feet should be thoroughly steamed in a warm bath for 20 minutes. Then carefully remove the softened layer using pumice, apply baby cream and put on socks. The baby should sleep in them all night.

If this does not help, then you can use pharmacy or folk remedies. If they are unsuccessful, you need to show the child to a surgeon. Perhaps it is not a dry callus, but a plantar wart. And this is already dangerous.

How to treat corns

Corns in children usually occur due to wearing incorrect shoes or the anatomical structure of the foot. Therefore, the first thing we do is remove the irritating factor - change or select good shoes.

Next, we take baths - baby skin absorbs substances well, and the problem should go away quickly. The most popular ones are with laundry soap and soda or with herbs. The main thing here is to come up with a reason and keep the child in a basin of water for 20 minutes. A good way is to throw plastic caps into the water and ask them to catch them with their toes. This way, the procedure will have double benefits - you’ll take a bath and train your motor skills.

Afterwards, treat these areas with a pumice stone or a finely sanded nail file. Movements should be light. Immediately after, wipe your feet dry and apply a rich cream over the corns. Then we put on our socks and go to bed listening to my mother’s fairy tale. Well, what a hero, he deserves it!

If desired, the bath can be combined with swimming. Only the solutions should be herbal.

Treatment of calluses with a rod

This is a dense keratinized growth on the foot or toes, which has a cap and a shaft that extends deep into the skin. This type of callus is very difficult to treat. Initially, you need to apply a patch with salicylic acid to it. It is important to ensure that the drug-impregnated part of the patch only touches the keratinized skin.

Instead of salicylic acid, you can use anti-callus ointment, but you also need to use it very carefully so that it does not affect healthy skin.

If the callus is severely neglected, the doctor may prescribe drastic treatment methods. For children, doctors generally prescribe cryodestruction, during which the callus along with the rod comes out of the socket. This technique is completely painless, which allows it to be successfully used to treat children.

Drug treatment

If a callus has formed on a child’s foot, treatment must be carried out very carefully, since children’s skin is delicate and can be easily damaged. Any cream or ointment has an aggressive effect on the baby’s body and can lead to allergies. You can use medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

Salicylic ointment is considered one of the most effective remedies. When using it, it is very important to strictly follow the instructions. At the first sign of an allergy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are many ointments, creams and solutions for corns. There are also special patches that are easy to use and considered quite effective. The patch is simply glued to the resulting growth and after a while the desired result is achieved.

The simplest “Aspirin” will help remove a callus on a child’s foot. To do this, grind 10 tablets to a powder, dilute with water and mix with a spoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area, cover with film and wrap it up so that the growth warms up well. After 10 minutes, rinse off the mixture and remove the callus itself with a pumice stone. This is a pretty simple method.

To treat dry calluses, you can use such products as “Salipod”, “Stop-callus”, “Frizonel”.

Mechanical removal

A callus on the sole of a child's foot causes significant discomfort. Therefore, it must be removed immediately after its appearance. Only a doctor can prescribe mechanical removal of callous tumors. Among the main removal methods, the following should be highlighted:

  • cryodestruction;
  • laser treatment;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • radio wave treatment.

Cryodestruction means that liquid nitrogen is applied to the callus, after which it freezes and is torn off on its own. Only a small trace remains, which disappears after a while.

Laser treatment is characterized by the fact that local exposure is carried out, while healthy skin is not damaged. After removing the callus, there are no traces left.

Electrocoagulation involves exposure to high-frequency current, which destroys the growth. The procedure lasts 10 minutes and leaves no traces.

Radio wave treatment – ​​evaporation of the callus along with the core. The method is contactless and leaves no traces.

Water callus

In most cases, water callus treatment can be done independently. Small calluses are usually not painful and do not break open on their own. Therefore, they are simply covered with a plaster that protects them from injury. If the water callus is large, it causes significant discomfort and is fraught with rupture. It is better to pierce such a “dropsy”. The most favorable time for puncture is considered to be the first day after the bubble appears on the skin.

Piercing a water callus must be carried out with the obligatory observance of certain rules to avoid infection in the callus. First, it is necessary to disinfect the puncture site. To do this, lubricate the water callus with iodine or brilliant green. Secondly, the puncture can only be made with a sterile needle. You can take a regular pin or sewing needle. To sterilize it, you need to hold it in alcohol or heat it over a fire.

The puncture should be made on the side of the water callus, inserting the needle almost parallel to the surface of the skin. Under no circumstances should you pierce the callus perpendicular to its surface, as this will cause the needle to injure the bottom of the callus. To ensure that the fluid outflow from the water callus occurs continuously, it is better to make several punctures. The main thing is not to overdo it and preserve the walls of the bubble. Like a natural bandage, they cover the delicate skin located inside the water callus and protect it from damage and infection.

After the punctures are made, the water callus is gently pressed with a gauze cloth so that all the existing liquid comes out of it. If over time the callus becomes filled with contents again, it will be necessary to repeat the puncture. To prevent the development of infection after a puncture, an ointment containing an antibiotic is applied to the water callus. Then cover the callus with a protective plaster, which should be changed at least 2 times a day and removed at night.

If the opening of the water callus occurs spontaneously and with a tearing of its wall, the resulting wound must be cleaned and disinfected, apply antibacterial ointment and cover the callus with a gauze pad and adhesive tape. The latter will protect the water callus from contamination and injury, creating favorable conditions for its healing.

If an infection gets into a water callus, it is necessary to open it and remove the walls, since in a closed callus favorable conditions are created for the development of the infectious process and suppuration. Therefore, if infected, you should seek help from a surgeon. In compliance with all the rules of asepsis, he will perform an autopsy and initial treatment of the infected water callus, apply a bandage to ensure drainage of the wound and prescribe local antibacterial treatment.

Folk remedies

You can try to get rid of dry calluses using folk remedies. These include:

  • raw chicken egg;
  • aloe;
  • soda and soap;
  • potato;
  • sunflower oil;
  • garlic;
  • honey.

Place a raw chicken egg in vinegar. When it is completely dissolved, apply the resulting liquid to the callus and put on woolen socks. This procedure should be done before going to bed.

Apply the pulp of an aloe leaf to the sore spot. Secure it with adhesive tape and put on woolen socks. Grate raw potatoes, apply the resulting pulp to the problem area and secure with a band-aid.

A honey mask helps a lot. Initially, you need to rinse the corns well, then lubricate them with natural honey and cover them with film. Wear warm wool socks on top. Leave it on all night. In the morning, clean the callus with a pumice stone and lubricate the affected area with cream. You can also use propolis as a compress. To do this, you need to steam your feet and apply a propolis compress. Wear for two days and then repeat the procedure.

When using folk remedies, you need to be careful, as some components can trigger allergies.

Carrying out prevention

You should avoid wearing new shoes for a long time. During a long walk or travel, it is better to offer your child old, comfortable shoes. In extreme cases, you need to make sure that he has something to change shoes into if discomfort occurs.

Socks and tights must match the size of the child’s feet to avoid the formation of lumps. Particular attention should be paid to the insole. It should be the size of the shoe, not bent or crumpled.

After heavy loads on the legs, the child needs a relaxing massage or a warm foot bath. It is imperative to purchase high-quality shoes made from natural materials.

What causes calluses and corns in children?

The main factors for the formation of calluses in young children:

  • Tight, narrow shoes;
  • Wet socks (feet are sweaty or wet);
  • Poorly moisture-absorbing hosiery made from cheap synthetics;
  • Rough socks and tights with thick seams;
  • Too thin socks, tights, knee socks, worn under rather rough shoes. Flimsy, frayed or holey socks cannot protect delicate skin well from friction;
  • Socks that are not the right size, which wrinkle, forming folds that rub the foot;
  • Wearing sandals on bare feet;
  • Poor quality shoe materials. If boots or shoes do not “breathe”, the foot sweats. In a humid environment, calluses develop faster;
  • Any new pair, even those made from genuine leather, may chafe your feet at first. Therefore, there is no need to put on your child’s newly purchased boots when going for a long walk. It is better to go hiking in proven, well-worn shoes. It is recommended that a new pair be broken in at home first. It is advisable to use special stretching agents (mousses, sprays) for breaking in.
  • There are children whose feet rub even the most comfortable shoes. The issue often turns out to be congenital deformation of the bones of the foot or flat feet. The load on the foot is distributed incorrectly - hence the corns and chafing. These kids need to choose their shoes especially carefully.
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