Personal experience: the best and worst products for eyelash growth

Every girl dreams of thick, long eyelashes. Of course, you can stick on artificial ones, but it’s much better to grow your own. We tell you which cosmetics really work.

Castor oil

Castor oil, price: from 30 rub.

What they promise: castor oil is obtained from castor oil seeds, which contain healthy fatty acids - oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic. It strengthens and stimulates the growth of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. With regular use, hairs will become thicker, darker and more well-groomed.

In fact: every girl is familiar with castor oil - it is a popular budget remedy for strengthening eyelashes and eyebrows. It costs from 30 rubles at the pharmacy, but it’s worth exactly that amount. Firstly, it’s inconvenient to use: you need to carefully apply it to your eyelashes with an old mascara brush, but the oil tends to flow into your eyes. It does not dry out and is not absorbed - you can only use it at night. Secondly, castor oil irritates the eyes and covers them with an oily film. In the morning, your eyelids may become swollen and your eyes will become watery and itchy. Beauty is definitely not worth such sacrifices, especially since the result is practically zero - after a month of use, eyebrows and eyelashes have not changed for the better.

  • Read more reviews about castor oil on

Which brand of eyelash growth product is better to choose?

Manufacturers create various serums and balms that promote the growth, strengthening and improvement of eyelashes. The rating describes the brands of the best eyelash growth products that you need to pay attention to:

  • Hemani - a company founded in 1949, produces oils with a good composition that improve the structure of hairs, protect them from the effects of cosmetics, and add shine. The products are used in the markets of many countries around the world and are transported throughout Europe.
  • Oleum Ricini - an Italian company offers castor oil with a good natural composition, which strengthens eyelashes and saturates them with useful components. The European brand supplies cosmetics to various countries, including America.
  • NPO Elfa , a pharmaceutical company, produces a product for regular use that strengthens every hair and gives it a new shine. The manufacturer uses only natural ingredients that are not harmful and do not cause tearing.
  • Dr.Theiss Naturwaren GmbH is a pharmaceutical company that produces cosmetics for facial, hair and body care. The brand is used in Russia, Europe, and America. It offers cosmetics made only from natural ingredients that allow you to preserve your natural beauty.
  • Almea LTD is a manufacturer of cosmetics that provides complete care, nourishes, and saturates with useful ingredients. The product is supplied to many countries and is chosen in Western and Eastern Europe.
  • Eveline Cosmetics - a company founded in 1983 in Poland, creates various cosmetics for the face, skin, and hair. The brand is recognizable in Europe and America; it is chosen by stars and expensive beauty salons for professional care procedures.
  • Esthetic House is a Korean brand that was founded in 1996. It offers a unique cosmetics formula that has been fully tested to determine quality and effectiveness. The composition is natural, safe.
  • Relouis is an Italian company that has been offering professional cosmetics for face or hair care for 20 years. The product is of high quality, used throughout Europe, known even in America.
  • Estel is a Russian manufacturer that produces cosmetics for the face, body and hair. It is used in the salon industry because it consists of natural ingredients and is very safe and effective. The company regularly conducts laboratory tests to offer the client only innovative cosmetics.
  • Sun Pharmaceutical Industries - Indian cosmetics produces hair strengthening products and collaborates with many beauty salons and stores. Products are supplied to different European countries, and many famous stars use the products.

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Rating of eyelash growth products

When compiling the rating, the results after comparative tests, expert opinion, and user reviews were taken into account. To obtain more accurate characteristics of a particular product, the following features were additionally taken into account:

  • Compound;
  • Release form;
  • Efficiency;
  • Dosage;
  • Course of use;
  • Price.

The additional characteristics of each oil or balm allowed us to create a rating of eyelash products that really give good results.

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The best oils for eyelash growth

Eyelash oils are the standard and most effective way to stimulate growth, improve structure, and increase volume. They contain many natural ingredients that do not cause allergies or cause tearing. With them, the hairs will be darker, stronger and healthier, and their hair loss will stop. Also, the products do not cause root depletion, because they are characterized by a gentle effect and are non-toxic in case of overdose. The rating of oils was compiled after the results of comparative tests; 7 products were considered, among which only 3 were selected.

Usma oil

The oil is used to prevent hair and eyelash loss, to strengthen them and increase volume. After application, the eyelashes become shinier, longer and stronger. The oil contains oleins, flavonoids, carbohydrates, alkaloids and other useful components that help improve the condition of eyelashes and strengthen them. They produce an antibacterial effect and nourish well. The first changes are observed after 2 weeks of regular use. It is applied along the entire length of the eyelashes, while the eyes should be closed, it is instantly absorbed, does not burn, and does not cause irritation.


  • Quick effect;
  • Convenient application;
  • Doesn't bake;
  • Moderate fat content.


  • Doesn't help everyone.

Reviews indicate that Usma oil for eyebrow and eyelash growth quickly affects the hairs and strengthens them. For greater effect, it is advisable to use it in combination with other types of cosmetics, in which case the result will come much faster.

Castor oil

The product is used due to its natural composition, which instantly activates all processes. Saturated fatty acids give the eyelashes a darker color and create the effect of being made up. Pigmentation is observed literally from the first weeks of use, then the hairs gradually transform into a darker color, become moisturized, and saturated with beneficial components. The recovery process takes up to 3-4 weeks, during which time the follicle will strengthen, blood circulation will improve, which will stimulate eyelash growth.


  • Visibly strengthens;
  • Saturates color;
  • Adds pomp;
  • Thickens hairs.


  • There is an odor;
  • The greasy shine remains for a long time.

Judging by the reviews, cosmetics are not suitable for all girls; some note inconvenience when using it, and a long-lasting greasy effect. It is advisable to apply the product immediately before going to bed on closed eyes, without opening them for 15-20 minutes, allowing the oil to be completely absorbed and activate its actions.

Burr oil

To accelerate the growth of eyelashes, it is necessary to use burdock oil, which consists exclusively of components beneficial for hair. The composition contains active substances and vitamins that penetrate deep into the hairs, strengthen them, and saturate them. It is advisable to carry out the strengthening procedure daily before bed, and the first changes will become noticeable within a few weeks. The product has no pronounced odor, does not cause itching or burning when it comes into contact with the eyes, and is tolerated even by women who have allergic reactions. After using it, eyelashes become healthier, thicker and more vibrant.


  • Quick effect;
  • Promotes strengthening;
  • Lots of vitamins and minerals;
  • Value for money;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Not detected.

Reviews say that eyelash oil is a good growth stimulator that activates many processes and improves their condition. You can use burdock oil daily, applying a small amount to your eyes. The composition acts quickly, allowing you to enjoy an instant effect.

Herbal compress

This amazing product not only accelerates the growth of eyelashes, but also reduces swelling and bags under the eyes. To prepare a compress you should:

  1. Mix 3 grams of cornflower, chamomile, sage and birch buds.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture with 60 milliliters of boiling water and leave to infuse in a closed container for half an hour.
  3. Strain and use daily.

Already after the first use of the compress, fatigue under the eyes is relieved, and after a few days everyone notices that the eyelashes have become much thicker and stronger.

The best gels for eyelash growth

You can strengthen your eyelashes and increase their volume using gels with natural composition. They are used both before bed and as a base for makeup. Gels strengthen hairs, make them stronger and more elastic, and add shine. They allow you to model the shape of your eyelashes, making your look more pronounced and beautiful. In compiling the rating of eyelash gels, 6 nominees were considered, of which only 2 were selected. The selected cosmetics promote strengthening, have a good composition, and do not cause allergic reactions.


Gel for accelerating eyelash growth nourishes well, accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation, and moisturizes. It contains panthenol, which adds shine to hairs, improves their flexibility, and protects them from damage. With the application of the gel, the hairs are not exposed to the negative effects of the environment, allow you to model their shape, moisturize and protect well. The first changes are observed after 3-4 weeks of use; for durability, it is advisable to apply the gel daily. It is instantly absorbed and saturates with important components.


  • Affordable price;
  • Convenient application;
  • Is there a result;
  • Good reinforcement.


  • The result is not immediately visible.

Many reviews indicate that the gel does not cause allergies, is gentle, and fully nourishes. It is safe for the eyes; if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it does not cause burning or redness. Can be used daily, preferably applied before bed.

Estel Enigma

The gel contains peptides and amino acids, with the help of which the root bulbs are strengthened, the cilia become longer and stronger. It instantly moisturizes and prevents brittleness and dryness. After two weeks of use, the hairs become strong, thick, strong. The gel has a pleasant consistency; it is applied to the hairs in a minimal amount and smoothes out evenly. After application, there is no stickiness and the cosmetics are well absorbed. A lasting effect will become noticeable after 1-2 months of regular use.


  • Quick effect;
  • No smell;
  • No stickiness left;
  • Well absorbed;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Applicator without brush.

The eyelash growth product copes with its functions, activates the necessary processes, makes the hairs longer and more protected. The gel does not burn even if it comes into contact with the eyes; it is completely safe and natural. The main thing is to use it regularly, as it works only due to the cumulative effect.

What to look for when choosing

A few simple rules when choosing a drug will help you get the desired result.

  • Choose a product with a comfortable, thin brush . When applied to eyelashes, it should not drip and get into the eyes. Bulk, wide brushes are not suitable for proper application.
  • Pay attention to the composition . It should contain the maximum amount of natural ingredients or nourishing oils. If you have allergies, only purchase products labeled “Dermatologist Approved.”
  • Don't buy a product that is too cheap. It is almost impossible to see natural substances in its composition. You may expose your eyes to watery eyes, redness, swelling and itching, but you will not achieve the desired result.
  • Be sure to read the instructions before use ! Each product is individually applied and held on the eyelashes. Proper use is the key to a good mood and positive reviews.

The best drops for eyelash growth

To strengthen hairs, you can use drops that improve blood circulation and contain useful vitamins and macroelements aimed at restoring the damaged structure. They do not cause allergies, are safe and effective. Drops are applied in a minimal amount, affecting the entire length of the hairs, making them thicker and stronger.


They are made on the basis of prostaglandins, which are produced by the human body. Reviews indicate that the drops act instantly; in just 1-2 weeks the first results are already observed. The drops do not harm the eyes and fight glaucoma and cataracts. But they have one big disadvantage - they have an effect only with regular use. If within 1-2 weeks the procedure for supplying the hairs with useful components stops, the effect immediately loses its strength.


  • Fast action;
  • No allergies;
  • Suitable for most girls;
  • Cumulative effect;
  • Complete nutrition.


  • Mandatory regular use;
  • High price.

The reviews write that Careprost for eyelash growth really works quickly and produces a cumulative effect. Before you start using it, it is important to understand that the result will require regular application.

Comparative table of presented products

In order to compare the drugs above, we suggest looking at the table.

MeansManufacturer countryEffectApplicationApplicationPrice, rub)
SEXY LASHES MIX OILSRussiarecoveryon cleansed eyelashes for 20 dayseyelashesfrom 266 to 300
EYELASH BOOSTER STIMULATOR ELIXIRGermanyrestoration, lengtheningmorning and evening for 20 dayseyelashesfrom 1387 to 1500
RAPID LASH EYELASH ENHANCEING SERUMUSAelongation, volume5 weeks dailyeyelashesfrom 3105 to 3300
FEG EYELASH ENHANCERChinalengthening, shine, thicknesswithin 14 dayseyelashes, eyebrowsfrom 790 to 900
CAREPROSTIndialength and incredible volumedaily for 2-3 monthseyelashesfrom 800 to 950
REFECTOCIL LONGLASH GELAustrialength, nutritionwithin 4 weekseyelashesfrom 1800 to 1950
ALERANA DOUBLE FORMULA.Russiaelongation, thickness4-5 weekseyebrows, eyelashesfrom 564 to 610

Which eyelash growth product is better to buy?

It is possible to activate the growth of eyelashes and strengthen them only through the use of high-quality and natural cosmetics. All gels, balms, drops have a cumulative effect, so it is important to use them regularly. Among the entire rating, there are several good eyelash growth products that can be bought at the pharmacy:

  • Castor oil – good composition, quick effect;
  • Eyelash booster – stimulating serum for strengthening and preventing hair loss;
  • Almea Xlash is a serum with a natural composition that does not cause allergies;
  • Estel Enigma - gel for strengthening eyelashes and activating all important processes;
  • Careprost – drops with a cumulative effect.

Cosmetics to accelerate growth and activate all necessary processes must be of high quality and natural. The rating describes all the means that can improve the condition of eyelashes, making them stronger, stronger and thicker.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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