How the face changes with age: changes in proportions and details

  • September 17, 2019
  • Life style
  • Alina Pavlova

William Shakespeare wrote: “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.” No other quote describes a person's life so accurately. In particular, the process of his growing up and aging, which will be discussed in this article. Namely, how the face changes with age. This topic is unlikely to ever lose its relevance, especially in the age of high technology and the popularization of social networks.

Throughout life, a person is influenced by a variety of factors: environmental conditions, work environment, society, and much more. Surprisingly, the way we look is very often a kind of “canvas” on which everything we live is reflected. Let's find out how appearance changes with age, how these changes differ in men and women, what factors influence this and what helps to maintain health and youth longer.


From the age of 18, a girl’s facial features become more expressive: the folds of the eyelids are better defined, the muscles and bones of the skull become more noticeable, and the youthful softness of her features fades into the background. Lips become sensual. Until middle age, a woman’s face does not experience strong and noticeable changes. Provided that her lifestyle corresponds to a healthy one or at least close to it, but more on that later.

At what age does the appearance of men and women change?

  • When does the appearance change?
    The appearance of nasolabial folds occurs in the period from
    20 to 25 years, after another 10 years they become a furrow, which after another 10-15 years becomes pronounced.
  • Wrinkles under the eyes begin to appear after reaching 25 years of age, the same applies to wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, which we call crow's feet.

Changes for men

  • As for pretragus wrinkles , they are visible on men’s faces after 30 years, on women’s faces after 40.
  • Wrinkles begin to appear on the neck after 25, and between the eyebrows much later, after 50. At the same age, the face changes in profile and becomes wider.
  • Eyelids can begin to deform at 30 years of age. This is how appearance changes with age.
  • Age-related (senile) changes include, in addition to the signs listed above, the appearance of pigment spots, yellowish skin lumps, bruises or bruises, networks of blood vessels, often located in the cheeks or nose, and vascular nodules.


The eyebrows take on their final shape and move lower, causing the facial expression to change. The nose lengthens, while remaining slightly upturned. Muscle tissue and skeletal system noticeably increase. The first hair to appear, albeit faintly visible, is on the face: above the upper lip and chin. The skin, like that of girls, often becomes inflamed.

How does a man's appearance change with age?

  • Blood circulation in men's skin is much more intense than in women's, therefore, after the final formation of the oval of the face, and up to 40 years, practically no changes are observed in it.
  • After 40 years, changes become noticeable, as deep wrinkles appear with relief, and the face, as they say, “floats”. There is a noticeable deformation of the oval, the appearance of jowls, hernias on the eyelids and bags under the eyes begin to form. The skin becomes drier, testosterone levels decrease and, as a result, the sebaceous and sweat glands perform their functions worse.
  • The blood vessels also weaken by the age of forty - they begin to form a vascular network of a reddish or purple hue. If a man also abuses alcohol, this process is especially pronounced and is called rosacea. This is how the appearance of men changes.

A man's appearance changes.
At an older age, the skin on the face becomes loose and sagging, and puffiness appears due to the fact that more and more fluid is retained in the body. The appearance of a double chin is also a phenomenon inherent precisely at this age. Plus, all processes that began earlier are intensified.

Old age and old age

And finally, how does a man’s face change as he reaches the age of 60? As with women, all the so-called “wrinkles of emotions” are finally fixed. Sagging skin causes the jawline to become more saggy. The facial hair is thinning and the man begins to go bald. Eye color fades. As a man gets older, his face becomes lean and thin. The lip line becomes thinner.

Here is a good and illustrative photo of how a person’s face changes with age.

Now that we are well acquainted with the age-related changes in men and women, it is also worth mentioning another important point. As mentioned above, not only the natural life cycle affects how we look at certain years. There are other factors that contribute to premature aging of the body. So, what else affects early skin aging and why does the face change with age, besides natural reasons?

Why does your appearance change?

  • Why does your appearance change? This is due to processes that occur in all tissues and vessels, cells and organs. This is most evident in a person’s appearance on the face and neck. The speed at which such changes occur depends on the general physical and psychological state.
  • Increased emotionality, for example, affects blood vessels and is one of the reasons for early aging of the face, on which folds and wrinkles appear earlier than those of peers. Such processes are also influenced by external factors, the environment, whether teeth are preserved or lost, and whether the muscles involved in facial and chewing processes are active.
  • The distribution of the subcutaneous fat layer also affects the appearance with age So, in young years it is located mainly in the cheeks, as it ages in the process of atrophy - on the chin, lengthening the face. The more the muscle tone weakens, the more the muscles atrophy, making the face wrinkled and plastically inexpressive.

Many factors influence changes in appearance

Factors of early aging

1) Ultraviolet radiation.

Cosmetologists call this “light aging.” The thing is that direct sunlight negatively affects collagen fibers, which, in turn, retain and accumulate moisture in the skin. This is why it is so important to use special moisturizers and sunscreens.

2) Bad environment.

It's no secret that the state of the air these days leaves much to be desired. Chemicals that pollute the air disrupt the functioning of skin cells, which cannot but affect it. For this reason, if not frequent, then at least periodic trips to nature, away from cities, are of great benefit.

3) Prolonged stress.

Being in a state of chronic anxiety and stress, adrenaline is released into the blood, narrowing the small capillaries on the skin of the face. Access to oxygen becomes difficult for her, which is why the face gradually loses its healthy tone, elasticity and attractiveness. Timely seeking professional help from a psychologist or a good vacation for a month are the first steps towards improving the quality of life.

4) Alcohol and cigarettes.

Fact: The skin of a heavy smoker ages much earlier and more actively than that of a non-smoker. And long-term consumption of alcoholic beverages can cause the face to begin to become covered with red streaks. Not to mention how severely alcohol dehydrates skin tissue.

5) Junk food and drinks.

Everything is healthy in moderation, including our favorite tea and coffee. It is also worth, if possible, reducing fatty, salty and sweet foods in your diet.

6) Rare physical activity or lack thereof.

The health of the body directly affects the condition of the face. The better physically prepared a person is and the healthier his weight is, the more attractive and younger his facial skin will look.

7) Poor sleep.

Frequent awakenings at night or, conversely, the inability to fall asleep disrupt the synthesis of proteins in the body's cells. This contributes to the appearance of bags under the eyes, premature wrinkles and overall sagging skin. This is one of the many reasons why healthy, regular sleep is so important.

How does an older person's appearance change?

With the onset of old age, a person's face undergoes dramatic changes. How does an older person's appearance change?

  • Flabbiness of the soft tissues of the face , a clear manifestation of bone structures.
  • The skin loses its elasticity, the masticatory muscles weaken , teeth fall out, which causes the cheeks to recede.
  • Distinct highlighting of the cheekbones on the face.
  • Moves forward and raises the chin.
  • The volume of the lips decreases , they become thinner and sunken (this is especially pronounced if the front teeth are lost or worn out), and many vertical wrinkles appear on them.
  • The distance from the tip of the nose to the chin becomes less and less, the location of the nasolabial folds is clearly visible.
  • The oral fissure appears more compressed as the orbicularis and other labial muscles weaken, and the corners of the mouth also droop.
  • The nose becomes thicker at the tip and slopes downwards, and inside it there is a massive growth of hairs; it also loses its clear outline, since by this age the cartilaginous structure has already been significantly weakened.
  • Significant increase in the number of folds, wrinkles, age spots.


  • The temporal muscle atrophies, making the temporal region flat, sometimes sunken, with the outlines of blood vessels visible under thinned skin.
  • Increased eyebrow hair stiffness and bushiness.
  • Flabbiness of the upper eyelid, loss of its elasticity and acquisition of transverse wrinkles by the eyelid, reduction of the eyelid fold, which has lost the elasticity of the muscles.
  • Increase in the number and length of periocular wrinkles.
  • Eyelashes become sparse and shapeless.
  • The appearance of bags under the lower eyelid as a result of the accumulation of fluids and fatty deposits
  • Fewer fat cells remain in the eye area, so they become sunken, which changes the entire shape of the eye.
  • Reduction of the pupil, due to the fact that the pigment of the iris becomes less and less, it changes color.
  • The conjunctiva becomes covered with capillaries, the sclera turns yellow, and the cornea becomes increasingly dull as the content of such a component as tear fluid is minimized.
  • It thickens, first turns yellow, and then the lens begins to become cloudy. Compared to an earlier age, the white of the eye becomes denser, yellowish, and gradually becomes cloudy.
  • Cartilage loses its elasticity, this is especially evident in the example of the ears, which become longer, hairs begin to grow in the ear, and the lobes droop.
  • You can see many wrinkles behind the ears.
  • The hairline becomes thinner, and hair that has turned gray by this time begins to fall out (usually from the forehead and temples, as well as in the parietal region).
  • The appearance of hair in the nasolabial triangle, possibly on the chin, after menopause.
  • The totality of the above changes determines the degree of aging.

Changes in appearance

Flat forehead

Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are removed using botulinum therapy. But regular injections can lead to atrophy of the fat layer, and the forehead will lose volume and become completely smooth. It seems, how can a flat forehead without wrinkles age? However, it changes the entire face pattern and makes it look older.

The deficiency is eliminated by introducing fillers with hyaluronic acid. This procedure can only be entrusted to professionals, especially if you are prone to swelling. The doctor accurately determines the areas and the required volume of the drug.

Let's sum it up

It is by the color of the dermis that one judges the state of health. The internal processes of the body are instantly reflected on the face, so when trying to maintain beauty and attractiveness, you need to take into account all aspects, including proper balanced nutrition, giving up bad habits, selecting cosmetics and hardware cosmetology procedures. At the same time, it is advisable not only to know what types of human aging exist, but also to clearly define your own and, in drawing up a rejuvenation technique, adhere to the recommendations that are developed specifically for this type.

Anti-aging care

It is impossible to completely avoid age-related changes, but they can be slowed down through the use of various skin care products. Their advantage is that you can use it yourself, without visiting a beauty salon. It is only important to choose exactly the complex that will fully satisfy the needs in each specific case.


They are the most convenient to use. They allow you to nourish and moisturize the epidermis and eliminate the prerequisites for the development of inflammation. Many necessarily contain components with a lifting effect. You can choose the right one for different types of skin aging; cosmetology offers all new types of effective skin care products, for example, such as the Bb Laboratories line developed by the Japanese concern, which is rightly called “Laboratory of Youth”. Her formulas embody the art of care, the power of natural ingredients and the achievements of high technology.


It can be called a universal method in the fight against the first signs of age-related changes. The lymphatic drainage technique is most in demand. Moreover, regardless of the type of aging, since with age the rate of fluid circulation decreases and stagnation forms in any case. Acupressure is also suitable if there is muscle hypertonicity, and other techniques, some of which can be fully mastered on your own and used daily.


The power of nature, concentrated in essential substances and plant extracts, provides a powerful rejuvenating effect. It is worth considering that to soften, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, you cannot use them in their pure form; you need to create compositions or choose natural care products with a well-balanced formula. Favorites among oils include: jojoba, tea tree, flax, argan, coconut, almond, rosehip.


Necessary for nourishing, moisturizing and protecting the epidermis from the negative effects of the environment. Preference is given to natural formulations, proven brands, products are selected depending on skin type.

Curasen for anti-aging

Injection procedures are always highly effective. A new drug developed by scientists from the Japanese Corporation Japan Bio Products CO., LTD is intended for regeneration and rejuvenation, regardless of type and hereditary predisposition. The unique combination of natural components makes CURACEN the most effective drug in modern skin rejuvenation techniques. Each ampoule undergoes laboratory confirmation for compliance with quality and composition.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Placenta Extract

Bb Laboratories - Anti-aging placental cream with phytoestrogens

Bb Laboratories – Peptide cream with lifting effect

Vitamins to slow down aging

The leading position is occupied by elements E, C, A, PP, K. D is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes. You can get it from a pharmacy form or naturally, on the beach in the summer. But in this case, a prerequisite is the use of a protective cream. Group B is universal and in matters of maintaining beauty, you cannot do without it.

Retinol is conventionally called a “vitamin for the face.” It is widely used in anti-aging products. Its derivatives have proven themselves in the treatment of acne. Linoleic acid is a powerful and safe remedy for healing wounds and getting rid of inflammation on the skin - even the most delicate and sensitive. Vitamin F is included in beauty products; it is an antioxidant and, in combination with other free radical fighters, creates a synergistic effect.


Many representatives of the stronger sex often neglect skincare procedures, but at the same time want to look attractive enough for their age; for them, working on facial muscles will be a way to slow down changes. It doesn’t matter what types of facial aging in men are seen in the photos and descriptions, the training complex is equally effective for everyone. For women, it is also a powerful tool for maintaining youth.

Correction of the consequences of facial activity

Correction of the consequences of facial activity (photo: @roseinc) The very first to appear are facial wrinkles around the eyes (“crow’s feet”), on the forehead and between the eyebrows, as well as nasolabial folds. It is impossible to completely avoid their occurrence, but it is quite possible to slow down this process.

  • To prevent the early appearance of expression lines, you can use home care products with powerful ingredients. As well as various treatments, such as facial massage and deep cleansing, that improve skin condition.
  • If expression lines have already appeared, botulinum therapy (Botox) is used to block the most active muscles. It relieves hypertonicity, which means that you gradually lose the habit of frowning, tucking your chin and squinting. Over time, the dosage of botulinum toxins will decrease and the intervals between procedures will increase.
  • In addition to botulinum therapy, expression wrinkles can also be corrected using hardware techniques, such as laser resurfacing or phototherapy. In this case, the potential of skin cells to renew is stimulated and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Alternative to injections and plastic surgery: 15-minute facial massage “Kobido” Read

Lip filter

The area is located between the base of the nose and the upper lip. Two stripes that descend vertically from the nose to the lip, as if lifting it up, are called “filtrum columns.” The area has a pronounced relief in youth, which becomes less noticeable over the years. For most people, it disappears completely in old age.

Many people do not even know that the filtrum immediately reveals age; they are more worried about the appearance of such signs of facial aging as purse-string wrinkles. When restoring the tone of the mouth area, cosmetologists also correct the columns of the philtrum. To do this, an elastic thread is inserted into the contour of the upper lip or the strips are filled with hyaluronic acid filler.

Tired type of aging face

A very telling name. Indeed, such a person constantly complains about chronic lack of sleep or poor quality of rest, excessive workload and the inability to relax even on a day off. It is natural that the body responds accordingly. The skin becomes dull, it lacks internal energy and tone. The volume in the infraorbital region disappears and the visual effect of the tear trough retraction is created.

Rejuvenation techniques

Cosmetologists claim that the main solution to the problem lies in the correct organization of sleep and wakefulness. It is worth considering that not only a certain amount of sleep time is needed, but the quality of sleep is especially important. As a rule, this is what is much more difficult to achieve. Desirable:

  • choose a soothing tea recipe for yourself;
  • use aromatic oils with a calming effect;
  • plan some of your skincare procedures for the evening, turning them into a pleasant and easy ritual of preparing for bed.

Considering that there is a dull, uneven grayish tint, and swelling often occurs, cosmetic procedures are needed that will provide deep hydration, smooth texture and normal fluid circulation. It is advisable to keep the situation under control and regularly visit a cosmetologist for cleanings. You should not give up physiotherapeutic methods, biorevitalization and, in severe cases, contour plastic surgery.

Earlobes get bigger

The earlobes are considered a kind of indicator of age, just like the skin on the arms and neck. Surprisingly, women take less care of them than other parts of the body.

Unfortunately, over time, the earlobes lose their thin layer of fat and elasticity. As a result, they stretch, and the love for large earrings only aggravates the situation.

Mature facial features

In the period from 20 to 30 years, the formation of the face occurs. Cheekbones, chin and jaws become more prominent. The face becomes a little rougher, and its contours become sharply defined. Previously barely noticeable wrinkles become more pronounced. During this period, the formation of the face is influenced by the character of a person - his features and facial expressions are literally reflected not in appearance. The eyes look deeper set than at 20 years old. Men may begin to show signs of baldness.

Floating oval

A clear jaw angle is one of the main indicators of youth. With age, subcutaneous fat shifts downwards, as a result the cheeks become less elastic, jowls, nasolabial folds, and a double chin appear. The face becomes pasty, blood circulation slows down, and swelling is observed. The changes are especially noticeable on the side.

In youth, the face looks like a triangle with the apex on the chin; this arrangement of tissues is called the “triangle of youth.” With age, the architecture of the face changes - the cheeks slide down and become the base of the triangle, the eyebrows lowered down emphasize the picture.

To restore the “triangle of youth”, fillers and mesothreads are used. You can perform face fitness exercises. As a result, the volume of the cheeks increases, the tissues are stretched, jowls and nasolabial lines disappear - the face looks much younger.

Neck laxity

The main signs of neck aging are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles on the neck - “rings of Venus” (for more information about the “rings of Venus” see here);
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • platysma bands.

A universal method for correcting age-related changes in the neck is biorevitalization. The technique provides instant results and a long-lasting rejuvenation effect. As a result, tissues are tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the water balance in the deep layers of the skin is restored. Compositions with hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, and amino acids are widely used.

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