Lifting face mask - the best store-bought and home remedies

Lifting facial masks can be an effective way to deliver nourishing skin care ingredients in a highly concentrated form.

They work by covering the face with the chosen formula for a set period of time, usually 10-20 minutes. This gives the ingredients more time to penetrate the surface of the skin and affect its condition.

While they can be a quick solution to inflammation and dry patches, their benefits are temporary, which means you should use them along with other effective skin care products.

What is a lifting face mask?

Human skin has one unpleasant feature. With age, it loses elasticity and attractiveness, sags and becomes wrinkled.

It is impossible to eliminate such problems forever, but it is possible to slow down the aging process. Lifting face masks, which you can buy or prepare at home from safe ingredients, will help with this.

Lifting – manipulations to tighten the skin. The main goals are rejuvenation and the fight against signs of aging.

Plastic surgery, of course, is more effective, and the results last longer, but not everyone is ready to entrust their own appearance to a scalpel.

Face masks with a lifting effect allow you to achieve a guaranteed, fairly lasting result with regular use:

  • in the epidermis, the production of elastin and collagen, which are necessary for density and youth, is activated;
  • the skin acquires elasticity and a toned appearance;
  • the oval of the face gains expressiveness and clarity of contours;
  • double chin is eliminated;
  • Shallow folds and wrinkles disappear.

The effectiveness of lifting masks can be compared to salon procedures aimed at face lifting.

Homemade formulations do not lead to negative consequences and complications.

Products made from natural ingredients will be a worthy replacement for professional cosmetic procedures. The end result will be no worse, but more economical.

Which skin tightening mask to choose?

It is important to decide what result you want to achieve. It is better to try several products and choose the most suitable one.

All lifting masks have approximately the same effect - they tighten, moisturize, and improve complexion. You need to focus your choice on your skin type and what problems need to be solved.

It is advisable to change all cosmetic products from time to time so that the skin does not get used to it.

Lifting masks can be used for young skin without visible signs of aging as a preventative measure to improve complexion. After all, the products perfectly nourish and moisturize. Some can even give a glowing effect.

Indications and contraindications

Lifting masks can indeed improve the condition of the skin and get rid of age-related changes, but it is important to know who is suitable for the procedure and who should refuse it.

You can safely apply tightening compounds if you have the following problems.


  • the appearance of the first folds;
  • double chin;
  • age and facial wrinkles;
  • loss of clarity of contours;
  • unhealthy color: yellowish or grayish;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • sagging and laxity;
  • excessive dryness.

Before use, it is necessary to take into account existing contraindications.


  1. age indicators (not earlier than 30 years);
  2. excess body weight;
  3. damage to the skin: abrasions, open wounds, scratches;
  4. diseases of the skin and blood vessels;
  5. diabetes;
  6. recent plastic surgery (up to 6 months);
  7. individual sensitivity to one or more components.

You should not ignore the listed contraindications, since the effect may not be as desired.

It is necessary to pay attention to the composition. This is especially important for girls who suffer from allergies.

Any mixture is tested before it is applied to the face. A small amount of the mask is applied to the wrist. If there is no redness or irritation, the components will not cause negative consequences.

Top 3 ready-made lifting masks

Women who do not want to spend time selecting and mixing ingredients can use ready-made products that are sold in cosmetic stores.

The top most popular masks included 3 products:

  1. Grandmother Agafya's recipes. The gentle care product has a rich texture. The recipe is designed specifically to eliminate age-related changes that negatively affect the condition of the face. The product consists of a complex of biological lipids, silk proteins, which have powerful strengthening properties. The drug increases the density of collagen fibers, providing complete tightening of the skin. Amaranth oil, enriched with squalene and antioxidants, saturates the epidermal cells with oxygen and slows down the appearance of signs of aging. Thanks to retinol, fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles become less pronounced, tissues receive the necessary nutrients, and the skin becomes smooth, radiant and elastic.
  2. A shot of beauty. This lifting face mask has many useful features: it enriches the skin with nutrients, smoothes wrinkles, tones, tightens, and refreshes. The product increases skin elasticity, eliminates shallow wrinkles, sagging, and gives contours regularity and definition. Green apple extract heals, tightens the skin, fills it with freshness and beauty. Thanks to organic rooibos, tissues are moisturized, softened, saturated with beneficial amino acids, and gain density.
  3. Gel express facial mask “Lifting and radiance”. The product from Faberlic has earned many favorable reviews online. Designed for high-quality care for tired and dull skin. The active ingredients effectively tighten the skin, reduce the depth of wrinkles, provide deep hydration and give the face a healthy, youthful glow. The mask has a patented base, which consists of two layers: hydrogel and biocellulose. The manufacturer claims that the drug can quickly moisturize the driest skin.

Reviews about the listed lifting face masks are mostly positive.

Popular budget products provide decent results with regular use. Before purchasing, you need to study the composition, then test the cosmetics on your wrist.

Types of masks according to the depth of impact on the skin

First, let's immediately analyze the types of masks for rejuvenation in depth and, accordingly, the effectiveness of their effect on the skin:

  • Hand-made masks – homemade masks made independently from improvised materials
  • Homemade masks from cosmetic manufacturers
  • Professional masks

Homemade masks

Shots from old films stuck in the subconscious, when “well-groomed” Soviet ladies wipe their faces with herbal or cucumber tonic, apply a mask of sour cream, egg whites and oatmeal, and in the morning treat their faces with an ice cube. After all, it was impossible to get real cosmetics!

Frankly speaking, the use of homemade anti-aging masks is a relic of the (hard) past, when it was not possible to purchase decent cosmetics.

The main counterargument is that hand-made masks do not contain ingredients that penetrate the skin. They act very superficially!

Other risks and disadvantages:

  • Risk of allergic reactions – pure honey or strawberries are pronounced allergens. Masks containing egg yolk, bananas, herbal infusions, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as lemon juice can also cause unwanted reactions.

And they are added to homemade masks in a high percentage. The situation is similar with vitamin C, which many people buy in ampoules and drop into masks, and allergies to which most often occur.

  • Weak recipe. Masks made by cosmetic brands are a product that has passed through the hands of a number of specialists.
    With higher specialized education. Chemists-technologists take into account a number of parameters when making products: active substances and the required percentage of their content, balance of the chemical formula, safety, effectiveness of use. Afterwards, the product undergoes a series of tests and checks to assess the stability of the drug and the safety of use. All easily accessible ingredients “from the refrigerator and the garden” (aloe, cucumbers, potato paste with milk, kefir or olive oil) work within the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Profitable price. Perhaps someone is focusing on the price-quality ratio, but this is not in favor of such masks. After all, their use does not waste so much money as time, giving groundless hopes for effectiveness.

Home and professional masks

How do masks for home and professional use differ? We will talk about products produced by professional brands. However, using this information, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of any anti-aging cosmetic product.

The evaluation criterion is the pH of the mask!

Without going into details of what it is, let us remind you that skin pH = 5.5, i.e. Normally, a person has slightly acidic skin.

pH below 5.5 can cause reactions in the skin. Those. A working anti-aging mask should have a pH below 5.5. Such products are professional for home use.

pH from .5 to 4.0 – has an exceptional moisturizing effect.

pH from 4.0 to 3.5 – moisturizing and mild stimulating effect.

pH below 3.5 – such products are for professional therapy only, protocol and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. At a pH below 3.5, the dermis is stimulated for the synthesis of collagen fibers.

A pH below 3.5 is ensured by various acids included in anti-aging masks.

Vitamin C – on the issue of independently adding vitamin C to the mask in the form of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C penetrates the skin best if the pH of the product is between 2.8 and 3.4.

Above pH 3.5, vitamin C becomes unstable and is easily destroyed unless a specific stable form is used.

And at a pH below 2.8, the product will irritate the skin.

Of course, in addition to pH, the ingredient composition of the mask is important.

Top 5 homemade masks (best recipes)

The list of the most popular lifting face masks available for preparation at home includes recipes consisting of ingredients of natural origin.

Let's look at the most effective of them.

Milk and gelatin

A noticeable improvement in the skin is observed after 3–4 sessions. Active components stimulate the rejuvenation process, making you 5-10 years younger.

To create 3 tsp. gelatin, pour 50 ml of milk, leave for 1 hour. After swelling, the mixture is boiled in a water bath until the consistency becomes homogeneous and viscous.

The composition contains 3 tbsp. l. honey and glycerin, the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

The finished mask is distributed with a brush, strictly along the massage lines, preferably in several layers, each of them is applied 3 minutes after the previous one.

The components are carefully removed with moistened cotton pads after 15 minutes.


Pronounced changes are observed after the first application. Regular use can significantly rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

You need to mix 1 tsp. ginger juice, 1 tbsp. l. grated green apple, half a chopped banana, 1 tsp. olive oil and 0.5 tsp. lemon juice.

The ingredients are combined in the order they are listed. After mixing, a fairly thick, homogeneous mixture is obtained.

The composition is carefully distributed over the surface of the face, neck and décolleté. After 25 minutes, wash off with water, preferably warm.


A flaxseed face mask has a powerful lifting effect. The composition is relevant for the care of aging skin that loses its elasticity, which needs a radical tightening. 1 tsp. seeds are poured with one third of a glass of boiling water.

The components are mixed vigorously with a spoon for several minutes. Then the container is covered with a piece of cloth, and the composition is infused.

Within a few hours, mucus forms in a properly prepared product, which is distributed over the face and neck.

The most convenient way to do this is with a cotton pad. Application is carried out in 5 layers with short intervals for the composition to harden.

Then it is better to lie down and rest for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water, then a cream is applied to nourish the skin with beneficial substances and vitamins.

The product is used for two weeks, daily. It is convenient to prepare it in the morning and use it in the evening.

Rating of the best

To keep your skin tight and elastic after 30, experts recommend the use of professional cosmetics. They contain the necessary active ingredients that act on the deep layers of the dermis. Although this choice will cost more, the result will please you.

Skinlite Lifting mask with Coenzyme Q-10 against expression lines

Price from 60 rubles.

Skinlite cosmetics with a rejuvenating effect are recommended for all types of dermis. The drug with coenzyme Q-10 fights crow's feet, dryness and flaking. Has the ability to smooth out fine and deep wrinkles. Green tea extract in combination with vitamin E relieves irritation and redness and adds elasticity. They will help restore “oxygen” nutrition and prevent premature fading. Disadvantages: the mask is large, there is no effect of smoothing out deep wrinkles.

Night leave-in Belita-Vitex Superlifting hyaluron Lift

The cost of a leave-in mask starts from 250 rubles.

The Belarusian brand Vitex offers “Superlifting” for any skin type. The age category for using the product is 45+. Hyaluronic acid and stem cells deeply nourish and stimulate the production of natural elastin and collagen. The mixture is easily absorbed into tissue cells and is not washed off. It has the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore a clear facial contour. Gives the dermis a well-groomed and rested look. The smell of the product is pleasant, the texture is soft and easy to apply. Cons: may cause prolonged hyperemia and swelling.

Diva Lifting

Price from 60 rubles.

The Diva brand offers “Lifting” for all types of dermis. Extracts of pomegranate, aloe vera, rose, oats, wheat oil and hyaluronic acid will tighten the oval, restore elasticity and color. The product will cleanse the deep layers, moisturize and nourish. It will make unevenness less noticeable, remove folds and wrinkles. Disadvantages: leaves redness, does not have optimal hydration.

ORGANIC SHOP rejuvenating “Silk coffee” with oils

The cost of the product is from 80 rubles.

The Russian product offers “Silk Coffee” for all skin types. Organic green coffee extract, silk oil, shea butter, avocado and olive in combination with vitamins E, B, D, F have a pronounced rejuvenating property. The product from Organic Shop reduces age spots and stabilizes the process of collagen fiber production. Can moisturize deep layers, eliminate unevenness and peeling. Smoothes wrinkles and creases, tones. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Cons: may not be suitable for sensitive types, leaves redness and enlarged pores. Try making your own avocado mask using the recipes from the article.

Organic kitchen Beauty shot

Price from 100 rubles.

“Organic kitchen” - Russian branded products suitable for all skin types. Organic rooibos, fresh apple and bitter orange extracts will increase elasticity and smooth out fine wrinkles. The mixture has the property of smoothing the contour of the face, toning, moisturizing and softening. Saturates deep layers with amino acids and vitamins. Disadvantages: unpleasant smell, does not fulfill its stated promises. To save money, you can prepare an apple mask at home, which, in addition to the rejuvenating effect, will provide light peeling.

Teana multilamellar moisturizing

Cost from 400 rubles.

Natural bioactive cosmetics recommends a moisturizing mask with a multilamellar structure for all skin types. The active components of imperata cylindrical root extract, combined with salmon milk DNA, olive oil and cocoa butter, penetrate tissue cells, nourish with vitamins and moisturize for 24 hours. The composition prevents the appearance of wrinkles and folds, removes flaking. It is able to make the dermis healthy and well-groomed. Can protect against photoaging and restore metabolic processes. Disadvantages: does not cope well with oily shine, leaves blackheads.

MEDIHEAL VTR Stretching patch

Price for 4 pcs. from 600 rubles.

Anti-aging mask Stretching patch Korean is recommended for all types of dermis. It will help get rid of a double chin, tighten the oval shape and lift sagging skin. Hydrolyzed collagen with a high dose of caffeine and adenosine will restore elasticity, strengthen turgor, moisturize and nourish tissue cells. The product improves micro- and macrocirculation and has a beneficial effect on tissue regeneration processes. Can activate lipolysis of subcutaneous fat. Cons: The mask is saturated with sticky liquid that contaminates your hands, ears and hair.

Bioaqua V-shaped with glycerin

The cost of a mask is from 40 rubles for 1 piece.

The Chinese brand Bioaqua recommends a V-shaped cosmetic product for all types of dermis. The product effectively cares for all areas. Glycerin, water, sodium hyaluronate, castor oil, sericin and xanthan gum will tighten the contour, slow down age-related changes, and correct the jawline. A fabric mask from Bioaqua moisturizes cells, stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, lightens age spots, and improves the general condition of the dermis. Disadvantages: the base is large and uncomfortable.

MIXIT Rejuvenating with lifting effect Design Lift Mask Puzzle 4

Cost 100 ml from 300 rubles.

The Russian brand Mixit produces the popular Design Lift Mask Puzzle 4 for a rejuvenating effect on all skin types. The product has the ability to instantly moisturize, nourish, and smooth out wrinkles. Vitamins, alpha-lipoic acid, elastin and collagen complex supply cells with amino acids and provide lifting. Extracts of ginkgo biloba, echinacea and green coffee enhance the functioning of all metabolic processes, reduce sagging dermis, and prevent photoaging. Disadvantages: they do not remove wrinkled mesh well.

"Lauren-Cosmetic" Thalassotherapy express anti-aging mask with green clay and brown algae

The price of an express mask is from 180 rubles.

A product for tightening the oval of the face from the Russian manufacturer Lauren-Cosmetics is offered for all skin types. The active substances of sea brown algae in the Thalassotherapy mask with green clay regenerate metabolic processes at the cellular level. Algae oil cleanses, softens and moisturizes. Has the ability to slow down the process of withering and aging. Disadvantages: poor hydration, no accumulative effect. Try also making a homemade kelp mask using the recipes collected in this material.

Bizoryuk Tambukanskaya “Rejuvenation”

Cost from 200 rubles.

Tambukan mud has rejuvenating properties, restores damaged cells, and deeply moisturizes. The Russian one is aimed at producing natural skin care products. Pumpkin oil, high mountain honey, mineral water, extracts of Caucasian herbs help to carefully care for the epidermis and improve its condition. The product gives elasticity, prevents the appearance of spider veins and small hematomas. Capable of launching regeneration processes at the cellular level. Cons: doesn't wash off well. Mud masks also have wonderful cleansing properties.

PHYTOcosmetics series “GOAT DEREZA” rejuvenating

Price from 100 rubles.

The cosmetic product is produced by Fitocosmetic based on goat milk. The addition of olive oil, egg yolk and plant collagen makes the “GOAT DEREZA” mask an effective skin care product. It can restore cells, tone, cleanse, and smooth out wrinkles. The mask nourishes the deep layers of the dermis with vitamins. Disadvantages: does not moisturize well, unpleasant smell.

Intensively moisturizing antioxidant for face, neck and décolleté “Green Planet”

Price 150 ml from 100 rubles.

The product from a Russian manufacturer deeply saturates the dermis with moisture. Coconut oil, glycerin, castor oil, red grape and verbena extracts restore skin density and elasticity. The mixture smooths out wrinkles, cleanses pores, and provides a lifting effect. It can give a feeling of comfort and radiance. Disadvantages: weak lifting. Natural vitamin E can be obtained from homemade castor oil masks, making them an alternative to store-bought products.

Floresan Organic Spa rejuvenating

Cost from 10 rubles.

Organic Spa skin care product by Russian cosmetics is recommended for all skin types. Blue volcanic clay, coconut oil, natural wheat bran will give your face softness, elasticity and velvety. The mixture moisturizes and tones. It has the ability to regenerate metabolic processes at the cellular level, reduce stretch marks and prevent the formation of wrinkles. Cons: chemical composition, dries out the dermis.

Face mask with mumiyo Malavit

Price from 80 rubles.

The Russian company Malavit recommends its product for all skin types. Glycerin, lactic acid, basic copper carbonate, cedar resin, pine and birch buds, mumiyo, dandelion and calendula extracts smooth out wrinkles, increase tone and elasticity. The product eliminates the appearance of vascular dilations, eliminates signs of fatigue and swelling. Disadvantages: small volume, unpleasant smell.

Prepared immediately before use.

Aasha Gold lifting

Cost from 200 rudders.

The formula of Indian cosmetics “Aasha” has a pronounced tightening effect. Gold mask with orange peel, sandalwood extracts, apricot kernel oil, rose and chamomile increases elasticity, prevents sagging and fading. The product rejuvenates, improves the condition of the dermis and evens out its color. It has the ability to relieve inflammation and soothe irritations. Cons: specific smell. Find out about other gold masks here.

L`Oreal "Revitalift Filler" (Loreal Revitalift), night with hyaluronic acid

Price from 800 rubles.

The French brand L'Oreal recommends its skin care product for all skin types. The gentle gel of the Revitalift Filler night mask melts when applied and saturates the epidermis with fragmented hyaluronic acid. The mixture intensively moisturizes, fills wrinkles, smoothes them. By intensively affecting cells, the mask restores elasticity and collagen production. Cons: does not fight wrinkles well, leaves an oily sheen.

Night restorative Chanel (Chanel) LE LIFT elasticity and wrinkle correction

Cost from 4000 rubles.

The French LE LIFT anti-aging mask combines a super-powerful active ingredient to restore firmness and elasticity. Recommended for all skin types. The product helps relieve signs of fatigue, deeply moisturize and soften. Wrinkles are smoothed out and the visibility of age spots is reduced. Disadvantages: unpleasant smell, high price.

Avajar Perfect V Lifting Premium Mask

Price from 1200 rudders.

Korean offers a lifting mask for tightening facial skin. Perfect V Lifting Premium Mask is recommended for all dermis types. The product contains highly concentrated and anti-allergenic drugs, hyaluronic acid, collagen, caffeine and gluacine. They have special anti-aging technology and an ampoule effect. This will help get rid of a double chin. Cons: high cost.

Body Art "Lifting"

Price from 50 rubles.

The fabric-based product is recommended for dry skin types. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and softens. “Lifting” with aloe vera, pomegranate, rose, oat extract and wheat germ oil prevents the destruction of collagen fibers, tightens pores, and normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands. The mixture saturates the epidermal cells with vitamins, microelements and antioxidants. Disadvantages: short-lived effect, sticky feeling, burning sensation.

Contrasting tonic "Agafya's Bathhouse"

Cost from 50 rubles.

Russian for all types of dermis. Natural extracts of taiga red flower, white tea and pepper grass, vitamins C and A, snow cladonia increase elasticity, moisturize, tighten and tone. The mask has the ability to slow down age-related changes and fight pigmentation. Cons: no noticeable effect, redness, burning.

"Agafya's Bathhouse" rejuvenating with elk milk

Cost from 80 rubles.

Extracts of Sakhalin mulberry, Rhodiola rosea, organic white beeswax and white clay with elk milk have rejuvenating properties. Agafya's Bathhouse is recommended for all types. The mask can moisturize, stimulate cell renewal, and increase elasticity. Smoothes wrinkles and creases, soothes irritations. Cons: stings, causes redness, dryness. More clay masks are presented at the link.

Pure line “PHYTOTHERAPY” PHYTOSALON anti-aging with red maple

Price from 150 rubles.

“Clean Line” Phyto salon with anti-aging effect is recommended for all types of dermis. Red maple bark extract, corn oil and sea buckthorn oil tighten and cleanse pores. The mask has the ability to moisturize, tighten the dermis, and fight wrinkles and folds. Improves skin condition, makes it radiant and smooth. It has a pleasant creamy texture and floral aroma. Disadvantages: clogs pores, no accumulative effect.

Honey and sour cream

Lifting masks intended for facial care after 40 years should stimulate the production of collagen fibers.

The most effective ingredients for preparing healing compositions at home are sour cream and honey. These substances improve color and soften the epidermis.

To create a simple mask, 1 tbsp. l. honey is mixed with the same amount of sour cream, mixed thoroughly.

The skin is cleansed and then covered with a mask. After 20 minutes, remove with moistened wipes.

Cocoa and coconut

A lifting face mask after 50 years can also be created independently, at home.

First you should soften 1 tsp. coconut oil, add ¼ tsp. cocoa powder and 1 tsp. sour cream or full-fat yogurt. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the skin, cleansed of dirt and makeup, and can be distributed over the neck and décolleté.

The mask is removed with a wet sponge after 20 minutes. After using the product, the skin needs moisturizing care.

Many other recipes are popular among the fair sex: with yolk, turmeric, blue clay, yeast, potatoes.

When using the method you like, you should follow the recommended amount of product and remove the composition no later than the specified time.


  1. Anti-aging products improve the condition of the dermis and smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Lifting masks are prepared from natural products that have the ability to slow down the aging process, fight age spots, sagging and withering of the epidermis.
  3. Tightening mixtures activate the production of collagen and elastin fibers.
  4. The base of the products can be clay, gel and film-like. Many hydrogel masks have an anti-aging effect.
  5. Procedures are carried out after 30 years from 1 to 3 times a week.
  6. There are contraindications for use in the form of individual intolerance to the components.

Question answer

If masks are powerless, then you should go to a cosmetologist. Today, injection procedures are considered popular: biorevitalization, mesotherapy. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. Also pay attention to hardware manipulations. Laser and ultrasound are used for tightening. But the procedure of introducing threads is especially popular for face lifting. This method really helps tighten the skin without plastic surgery.

If home and cosmetic methods are powerless, there is severe sagging, then only plastic surgery will help.

Indeed, such means exist. They are designed for express transformation. After application, a kind of film is formed that tightens the skin. But the effect of such masks does not last long. It disappears after removing makeup.

Home lifting: 4 axioms

Home lifting is not inferior to salon lifting only when it is carried out according to the rules. There are four axioms to remember regarding facelift masks.

  • Getting ready for the procedure. Makeup removal, deep cleansing, toning - this is how beneficial substances penetrate the epidermal cells and the effect will not be long in coming. It is advisable to scrub the dermis before the procedure and do a light massage with your fingertips.
  • We apply it correctly. Homemade cosmetic compositions should be applied carefully, without stretching the skin. Use a brush or tap in with your fingertips. Cosmetologists advise to “move” from the neck upward.
  • “We’re switching off.” After applying the product, it is recommended to take a horizontal position. Don’t talk, “turn off” facial expressions, otherwise the result may be zero.
  • Don't forget about post-care. After removing the cosmetic mixture, you need to apply your usual cream. It must correspond to the type of dermis and the age characteristics of the skin. It is advisable to choose a product with a lifting effect: this will consolidate the mask result.

Home face lifting using masks should be carried out in a course. The tightening procedure is done no more than twice every seven days. The course for aging dermis is seven to ten masks every three months. During the break between courses, pamper your skin with moisturizing and fortified masks, salon treatments - then age will not be so scary.

5 useful tips

The first and most important task when doing skin tightening at home is choosing a suitable mask. We recommend paying attention to the following tips:

  1. Particular attention is paid to the components included in its composition. The human body must perceive them without allergies. If you are not confident in the safety of the chosen product, it is better not to take risks and test it on your wrist or elbow.
  2. If the method involves the use of dairy products, then they are selected according to skin type. For combination and fatty skin types, milk, yogurt and kefir with a minimum percentage of fat are suitable, for normal skin types - with a medium level, for dry skin - with the highest level.
  3. Honey and natural oils are preheated in a water bath to 50 degrees and only then mixed with other ingredients. Heat activates the active substances, so reactions that occur at the cellular level are significantly accelerated.
  4. If the recipe contains esters, egg yolks, and whites, the heating temperature is reduced to 40 degrees. This is necessary to preserve the beneficial properties of each of the ingredients.
  5. Solid products are ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Mixing is done manually or using any suitable equipment. The consistency of the finished mixtures should resemble a cream, but not too liquid. Otherwise, the mask will flow down. A too thick texture is also not good, since it will quickly dry out on the skin and turn into a dense crust, which is quite difficult to wash off.

Components of masks with a tightening effect

Rice flour contains many useful microelements. But the most important property is that it promotes the production of your own collagen (you can buy it in the store, or if you don’t have rice flour, grind the rice grains in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour).

Rice jelly is often used in recipes. It can be obtained by boiling rice in water. Pour one tablespoon of rice (be sure to take unparboiled) with two half-glasses of water, put on low heat and cook for 55-60 minutes. Strain and get rice jelly, about 100 ml. It can be refrigerated and used for 3-4 days.

Starch - for masks you need boiled starch to the consistency of thin jelly. Starch not only tightens the skin well, but can also relieve puffiness.

Flax seeds - a slimy decoction of the seeds improves blood circulation when dried, but its main value lies in its rich composition, because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, polysaccharides and a whole complex of vitamins B, F, A, E. When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date shelf life, flax seed should not be expired.

The combination of rice flour, flax seeds or egg whites with starch is very powerful for the lifting effect.

COVA B TROX, Botox-like, is a mixture of natural ingredients in the form of a dry powder, and is an alternative to Botox injections. The composition includes active magnesium of marine origin, as well as an extract of algae and polysaccharides, which is an alternative for combating facial wrinkles in places of permanent and habitual creases. Creams containing COVA B TROX (Botox-like) relax muscles by blocking the conduction of nerve impulses. You can buy it in soap makers or cosmetics stores online.

Gelatin is animal collagen in its purest form. This collagen easily penetrates the cells of the dermis, which is why it is also called natural Botox. It increases skin elasticity, helps smooth out wrinkles, and activates blood circulation.

White or blue clay is an indispensable product, because it contains silicon, which stimulates the active work of dermal cells, forcing them to produce collagen, and also makes blood vessels more elastic, ensuring the flow of nutrients to the skin. In addition, the composition includes manganese, which prevents inflammation, as well as aluminum, which soothes the sebaceous glands.



“I’ve been using lifting face masks for a couple of months now, and recently I tried Grandma Agafya’s Recipes.”
I chose it because of the large number of reviews on the Internet, and the price was also good. The product is very easy to use, smells nice, and is easy to remove. The skin looks healthier and tighter after it, I recommend it.”


“I don’t really trust store-bought cosmetics with a tightening effect; after all, natural ingredients seem less aggressive.
Yes, you will have to wait longer for the results, but it will be worth it. My favorite mask is made from flaxseeds. The main thing is to wait for the mucus to appear, otherwise there will be no effect. A course of 15 days significantly rejuvenates, makes the skin dense and smooth.”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Lifting masks used for the face at home have tightening, smoothing, and rejuvenating properties, which makes them suitable for complete care of aging skin. But you need to understand that with their help you will not be able to achieve the same effect as after cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

I advise all women over 35 years old to use lifting masks.
They should be part of your skin care routine. But, unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. If you have obvious tissue ptosis, deep wrinkles, then do not expect an amazing transformation from masks, which is so often talked about in advertising of this or that product. In reality, this method will be powerless. Of course, masks have a positive effect on the skin, but they will not be able to tighten sagging tissue. In this case, you should pay attention to professional cosmetology or plastic surgery. All skin needs care. When the first signs of aging begin to appear, it is recommended to add a lifting maxi for the face.

To do this, you can use ready-made products or try to prepare the product yourself. In any case, such masks will have a positive effect on the beauty of your skin.

“MOTHER OF THE BRIDE” - rejuvenating procedure from 35 years old

On the wedding day, both the bride herself and her mother experience exciting moments. With just one “Mother of the Bride” , you can achieve a quick transformation and maximum lifting effect.

This rejuvenating, highly effective mask contains enzymatic components and fruit acids as a base. The role of the key drug used during the procedure is given to AHA peeling No. 1, the composition of which is supplemented with the following acids: glycolic (stimulates skin cells), lactic (responsible for the synthesis of ceramides and moisturizing the skin), citric (whitens the skin and acts as an antioxidant ) and apple (responsible for “starting” metabolism).

The cosmetologist completes the procedure for peeling the deep layers of the skin by gradually applying several types of enzyme masks to the skin.

Mask No. 1. Provides hydrolysis of the upper stratum corneum of the skin, stimulates the functioning of the vascular and lymphatic systems, and enriches cells with oxygen. All of these actions are important because they help healthy skin cells grow. The integrity and structure of cells is restored, and the process of collagen formation is stimulated.

Mask No. 2. The enzyme mask plays the role of a “muscle builder”. This is achieved by influencing specific points on the skin that are responsible for muscle contraction. The result of this effect is an increase in the tone of facial muscles and, accordingly, tightening of the skin. Cosmetologists called this stage a “gym” for training the facial muscles. This type of exercise helps to quickly tone and tighten the facial skin.

Mask No. 3. The mask contains amino acids that help increase blood circulation. They also eliminate vascular spasms, saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients.

The simultaneous use of all three masks provides a highly effective effect on muscles, blood vessels and skin.

Thanks to this sequence, over the shortest possible period of time, the best result is obtained, namely instant skin lifting from Danne. It is worth noting the fact that there are no contraindications to the procedure. The exception is inflammatory or infectious processes on the skin.

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