Eyelash lamination and botox: what is it and what is the difference


Eyelash lamination and botox are among the top popular procedures for working with natural hairs, without artificial fiber extensions. The procedures are largely similar according to a number of criteria:

  • which eyelashes are most suitable;
  • for what occasions are they intended?
  • in what order the process is carried out step by step;
  • what effect does it visually give on eyelashes?

But there is a significant difference between these two services for natural eyelashes. What is the difference between eyelash Botox and lamination, how to combine the two procedures, why do it, how long the effect lasts - we will analyze it in detail in this material. It will be useful for clients and professionals to know the important nuances of the difference.

How the history of procedures has changed

Lamination and coloring appeared earlier than eyelash Botox. The procedure logically arose as the next evolutionary step after biowave. The primary task of lamination is to give natural eyelashes a raised, spectacular, elegant curl. It is designed for straight, downward growing hairs.

Initially, Botox was often used in combination with biowaves, or as an independent procedure. But in the first option, the damage to the hairs from the bioperm compositions was hardly compensated by the care properties of Botox, they were too aggressive, with a harsh effect. But as an independent care service, the effect did not last long: the eyelashes became dense, thickened, and shiny for only 2-3 days.

That was until the masters started doing eyelash lamination and botox at the same time. Today, Lash Botox Elixir is an additional step in the lamination procedure. It adds a caring effect, better seals the hair, makes it thicker, and fills the damaged internal structure. And a thin laminating film after the third lami composition seals the healing restorative components inside the hair for 6-8 weeks - as long as the lamination effect lasts.

Demand is growing, because the master does not resort to using artificial fiber, and the look is transformed. Many clients do not like extensions because they feel something foreign on their eyelids; this problem is completely solved by procedures for natural eyelashes.

Hot lamination

A feature of hot lamination is injury. But don't take it dramatically. If you have fairly thick and healthy hair, then there is no reason to worry. If they are weak and damaged, then you should consult a specialist. Or you can resort to more gentle methods.

As for Botox, there are also both hot and cold options, but unlike lamination, even the hot option has a more gentle effect and does not injure.

Hot method of using Botox

This technique may vary depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. But the principle is this:

  • Wash your hair, then dry your hair with a towel.
  • The composition is applied either directly to the hair, or injections are made into the scalp with a syringe.
  • Then you should put a plastic cap on your head and expose it to warm air. Thus, the drug penetrates deep into the hair and is better absorbed.
  • After this, the composition should be washed off.

Differences between procedures

Let's compare the results of lamination as a separate procedure and its combination with Botox according to the most important criteria.

  • The curl turns out the same. Its intensity does not depend on the composition; this parameter is determined by the silicone roller used. And the durability of the curl is ensured by lamination compounds. Botox as a separate treatment does not create a bend.
  • The color in both cases is maintained throughout the entire wearing period of the procedure. The coloring is sealed under a lami film. The only difference is that LASH BOTOX contains argan oil, which enhances the shade.
  • Thickening of eyelashes is achieved by lamination with tocopherol. And in combination with Botox, each eyelash becomes thicker due to the addition of the action of hydrolyzed keratin.
  • Hair nutrition with castor oil in lami formulations is complemented by panthenol and hydrolyzed collagen in the Botox preparation. Healing is its leading function, so manufacturers add more restorative components. For example, Regenerating Booster

    from LB includes 5 natural oils in its formula: castor, argan, almond, macadamia, jojoba. Hair becomes stronger, less brittle, and gains healthy shine and elasticity.

The difference between eyelash lamination with and without Botox becomes clearly visible when directly comparing photographs of the same client. Both services are valued for their ability to enhance the expressiveness of the look without losing the naturalness of the image. Outwardly, the results of both procedures look as if the client was very lucky with natural beauty. When directly comparing before and after photos with eyelash lamination and botox, you can see how much denser and more voluminous the eyelashes become, how each hair thickens individually.


Botox for hair is the application of gentle substances. The procedure itself consists of two stages, the effect lasts from one to three months. Vitamin preparations penetrate the hair structure and treat curls from the inside. The complex restores structure, adds shine and silkiness and fights split ends and fragility.

Lamination is the application of a composition that smoothes hair scales and creates a protective barrier on curls.

Please note that lamination adds shine to hair and protects it from the harmful effects of natural phenomena. The effect lasts for about a month.

How are the procedures similar to each other?

As already mentioned, lamination and botox of eyelashes are similar in the photo and in life, during execution and indications.

  • The duration of the effect is from 6 to 8 weeks, that is, the entire period until the laminating protective glossy film is washed off from the hair.
  • The bend is the kind of curlers the master selected based on the initial data and wishes of the client.
  • Visually adding length occurs by painting the entire hair with a rich color from root to tip, which is naturally colorless.
  • Each hair thickens due to filling the structure with keratin and collagen, as well as an external lamination film. Botox enhances this effect.
  • Due to the individual thickening of the eyelashes, the overall volume is added. The look looks like you were lucky with the thickness and length of your eyelashes, or you lightly tinted them with mascara with a separating brush.
  • Cumulative effect - keratin and collagen molecules compact natural hair, and then do not disappear from it. With each subsequent session, with regular use, the visual density, length, and volume of the eyelashes become more expressive.

Aftercare is the same:

  • Keep fresh results away from water and do not wash your eyelashes for 24 hours. Avoid steam, high humidity - do not visit the pool, bathhouse/sauna, try not to get caught in the rain without an umbrella.
  • While sleeping, try not to turn over with your face on the pillow: pressure may cause creases to appear on your eyelashes and the curl to become distorted.
  • It is better to give up skincare and decorative cosmetics containing oils for the entire period, how long does eyelash lamination with Botox last? If you want to tint your eyelashes, then use a special mascara after laminating your eyelashes.

At home

You can take care of your hair yourself at home. However, we recommend that you do the first procedure with the help of a professional.

The Botox procedure is simple and is done in 4 stages:

  1. Wash your strands using a special shampoo. It will cleanse your hair of fat and dust particles. Next, dry your head with a towel.
  2. Apply serum along the entire length, which will give the hair nutrients along the entire length. The exposure time of the drug is 30 minutes.
  3. Apply a sealing product for five minutes and rinse with water. It will help maintain the effect.
  4. Now a mask is applied that does not need to be washed off. Throughout the procedure, carefully work through your hair and perform self-massage of the scalp.

Video: Botox at home - step-by-step instructions.

Lamination is also done in several stages:

  1. Cleaning hair with shampoo.
  2. Applying a nourishing mask along the length of the hair.
  3. Next, the “main product” is applied, preferably with a brush.
  4. The hair is warmed up using a hair dryer.
  5. The composition is washed off with warm water without shampoo.

Video: lamination at home - instructions.

Indications and contraindications

The indications are similar: both services are intended for straight, downward growing, thin eyelashes. If the hairs are too short, light, and unnoticeable, then you can safely go to the specialist for one of the procedures for natural eyelashes. They especially help out those who for some reason do not like extensions. You don’t have to waste time on daily makeup, and the girl looks beautiful at any time of the day for a whole month or more.

Contraindications for both services include recent eye surgeries, infectious eye diseases, and individual allergies. Pregnancy is not a contraindication, but due to hormonal changes it cannot be guaranteed that the formulations will work and the curl will be taken securely.

Lamination of hair

In order to preserve the color and at the same time give the hair a healthy look, maintain styling, and strengthen it, women resort to color lamination.

How it happens

  1. Washing head. Before the procedure, the hair is degreased.
  2. Applying moisturizing powder. This is necessary to prevent dehydration of the hair and to prevent brittleness and dry damage.
  3. Then a laminating composition is applied, which contains dyes (the master mixes several different shades to get the desired result), vitamins, glycerin, biostimulants and substances that impart smoothness. Leave for 30–40 minutes. This procedure can be either hot or cold.
  4. Apply a fixing balm.

The point of color lamination is that if you want not only to improve the hair structure, but also the color, then compositions containing coloring pigments will be used. At the same time, the color lasts much longer than with conventional dyeing.

What is better to choose

Botox is recommended for those whose eyelashes are weak on their own or weakened by unsuccessful experiences with other procedures. The composition fills the affected areas of the hair, nourishes, and delivers hydrolyzed natural keratin - the component from which 96% of natural hairs are built.

Lamination is more affordable and a little faster to perform, since Botox is an additional composition to the cycle of procedural actions.
If the client is limited in time, if his eyelashes are in excellent condition and do not require intensive treatment, then Botox is not necessary. Return to list

Botox for colored hair

This procedure will not harm the color. When choosing, you should consider:

  • Hair type.
  • Their condition.
  • Financial opportunities.
  • Age.
  • Desired duration of effect.

If you are blonde

Rio Bottox. Brazil is what you need. Developed by Brazilian specialists. Includes:

Serecin (a unique substance) for active recovery.

  • Omega acids.
  • Complex of vitamins.
  • Life-giving oils.

On light hair it removes the unpleasant yellowing effect. A long-lasting effect after use was also noted.

Who should not use the techniques?

The high popularity of quick restoration of curls pushes many girls to go to a salon or independently use lamination or Botox compounds.

However, it is worth considering that not everyone can undergo the procedure. In some cases, improving the appearance of your hairstyle will have to be delayed for a while, and in others, a more suitable alternative will have to be found.

Let's consider what contraindications the methods have:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Violation of the integrity of the scalp.
  • Advanced age.
  • Personal intolerance to the components of the products.
  • Tendency to allergies.

Care instructions

The effect of hair restoration procedures depends on how you care for it. Despite the fact that the techniques are intended to improve the condition of curls, after their use the strands require regular and careful care.

Following all the recommendations of hairdressers is the key to the health and beauty of your hair. Experts urge you to adhere to the following rules:

  • we choose only mild shampoos that do not contain sulfate or parabens - these aggressive chemicals contribute to the rapid leaching of the protective layer and beneficial substances;
  • We try to wash our hair as little as possible - the more often the compositions present on the curls come into contact with detergents and water, the faster they are washed out;
  • We minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, straightening irons and tight elastic bands - they quickly destroy the structure of the curls and give them a sloppy appearance.

Execution technique

The procedure for cosmetologists when performing Botox and lamination is absolutely the same. The only difference is in the drugs used.

These procedures always begin with cleaning off makeup and dirt. Next, a protective composition is applied to the lower eyelid and half a cotton pad is placed. This ensures the eyelid is protected from chemicals. A silicone mold is fixed on the upper eyelid, which will determine the curl.

At the next stage, the cosmetologist must comb and untangle the eyelashes. After this, they are degreased and attached to the mold. Then a fixing composition is applied to them, ensuring that they maintain their shape until they grow back.

The next stage of the procedure is the application of pigment. For this, professional paint of the desired shade is used. Next, the eyelashes are treated with an active substance. It is at this stage that various drugs are used. At the end of the procedure, the master must remove the mold and remove any remaining glue from the upper eyelid.

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