How to lighten the skin around the eyes (12 traditional recipes)

It contains virtually no subcutaneous fat, which is why it ages earlier than other areas of the body. However, despite this fact, some women, even at Balzac’s age, look young and beautiful, while others already at the age of 35 suffer from facial wrinkles around the eyes.

The condition of the skin in the periorbital zone is 50% determined by genetic characteristics, the remaining 50% is lifestyle and care procedures. Knowing how to properly care for the skin around your eyes will help you stay young as long as possible.

Features of the skin in the eye area

The periorbital zone is different from other areas of the body. The skin around the eyes is thinner and more transparent, so it requires delicate and careful care. Due to increased sensitivity, this area often causes problems - bruises, swelling, bags.

Features of the periorbital zone:

  • in this area, collagen synthesis is limited;
  • the subcutaneous fat layer is looser;
  • there is a risk of edema, so lymph flow and blood flow are hampered;
  • the walls of blood vessels are more permeable;
  • capillaries are located closely;
  • high facial activity;
  • muscle hypertonicity.

The skin around the eyes succumbs to age-related changes earlier than other areas of the face, so you need to start proper care as early as possible.

The need for skin care around the eyes

You need to be very careful when caring for the skin around your eyes. This is due, first of all, to the physiological characteristics of this area:

  1. The skin of the periorbital area is approximately 6 times thinner than on other areas of the face.
  2. The dermis is devoid of sebaceous glands, so whatever its type, the skin around the eyes will be dry.

Experts recommend starting to use moisturizers for the area around the eyes, based on actual appearance, and not on age. If a girl aged 15-17 has poor eyesight and she squints all the time, then you can start using moisturizing products even at this age, say professional cosmetologists. This will make it possible to delay the appearance of:

  • facial wrinkles;
  • deep folds.

The main factors that require special attention to be paid to the area around the eyes are the finest hydro-lipid protection in this area and active facial activity.

How to care for the skin around the eyes at home?

To maintain the skin in a healthy state, you need to take care of the dermis and follow certain care rules. The care process includes several stages.


One of the most affordable, but necessary daily actions is to cleanse the skin around the eyes of decorative cosmetics. There are a huge number of cosmetics on the market that you can choose to remove makeup. Each woman uses:

  • tonics;
  • lotions;
  • foam;
  • micellar water;
  • other products.

Today, 2-phase products are very popular, which are 2 liquids in one bottle - one removes waterproof cosmetics, and the other removes regular ones. Such products contain oily substances and plant extracts, and therefore have a fairly oily texture. Experts recommend using such products to cleanse the skin exclusively from waterproof makeup, and people who wear contact lenses not to use them at all.

To eliminate conventional cosmetics, it is correct to use low-fat lotions.


The skin of the eyelids is dry, which means that it needs to be additionally moisturized. In the fight against facial wrinkles, you can use the following products:

  • improving lymph microcirculation;
  • accelerating metabolic processes at the cellular level;
  • toning and restoring skin structure.

Water-based products containing plant extracts and fortified substances are ideal. They do not leave a greasy film on the surface of the skin and are absorbed as quickly as possible.

If wrinkles are formed from active facial movements, then products with a more serious effect are needed. You can use moisturizers with the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol;
  • retinol;
  • collagen;
  • snail extract (mucin);
  • aloe and allantoin substances.

Representatives of the fairer sex, who have very pronounced crow's feet and a whole network of wrinkles, should choose the right skincare products that contain antioxidant substances, natural oils, as well as tonic components - elastin and collagen.


To restore the amount of lost beneficial elements, you will need lifting products containing vitamin E and a natural lipid complex. They stimulate the formation of tonic substances:

  • elastin;
  • collagen.

They include:

  • natural oils;
  • biological stimulants;
  • phytoestrogens;
  • lecithin elements.

Such products enrich the skin with essential vitamins, help restore water balance and smooth it out.


In addition to using cosmetic products, for the health of the dermis it is necessary to do home micro-massage. Just 5 minutes of massage treatments per day:

  • improve blood microcirculation;
  • eliminate small expression wrinkles;
  • eliminate traces of fatigue;
  • make the look clearer and fresher.

It is recommended to do the massage at night, when makeup is removed.

By following the rules and understanding how to care for the skin around the eyes, you can ensure the youth and beauty of the epidermis in the periorbital area for a long time.

What diseases cause

An unhealthy lifestyle, taking medications and prolonged exposure to the sun are not always the main primary sources of manifestations. It happens that this is the first bell signaling that there are problems in the body. These include both functional and pathological changes, including:

  • kidney and liver diseases, among additional symptoms: jaundice, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, problems with urination;
  • metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins, manifested in the form of drowsiness, apathy, and fatigue;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system can be determined if, in addition to blueness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and rhythm disturbances are observed;
  • chronic fatigue in people with a constant desire to sleep, mood swings, frequent colds, headaches and poor sleep;
  • endocrinological are expressed in an excess or deficiency of important hormones, nervousness, sweating;
  • insufficient or excessive hydration of the face, in the form of oily shine or flaking, pallor or rosacea, etc.

If additional symptoms appear in combination with blue discoloration in the lower eyelid, it is important not to delay and consult a specialist. Most problems are solvable and easily treated with medication, and after eliminating the root cause, the skin restoration complex will help you quickly achieve a healthy appearance without the need to use dense layers of foundation and powder.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

When choosing an eye cream, it is important to take into account the age criterion. Over the years, the skin of the eyelids changes. Therefore, the means are different for each age group:

  1. 25 years. Skin care at this age is primarily about hydration. For example, using a gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts or a vitaminizing effect. A great option to use patches is a quick-response product that will diversify your skincare routine and quickly bring your eyelid skin back to life.
  2. 30 years. At this age, care should be most pronounced; it is important to protect and correct skin imperfections. It is necessary to moisturize intensively, and make the protection stronger with the help of antioxidants. It’s good to add anti-puffy eye products to other skin care products.
  3. 40 years. At this age, you should powerfully moisturize and protect your skin. It is necessary to tone and strengthen, fight wrinkles.
  4. 50 years. You will need products with peptide substances, fatty acids, caffeine and wax components, which will provide a significant tightening and smoothing effect.

It is important to look at the packaging and buy an age-appropriate product. Creams for women over 50 are in no way suitable for 30-year-old ladies.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what works well for bruises and dark circles under the eyes, how to treat them or simply reduce them, what to do if the problem lasts a long time or appears after certain factors, what remedies will help to make aesthetic defects from lack of sleep go away faster or how to eliminate the consequences photoaging. The main thing to remember is that all methods are good in combination. It is better to combine cosmetology and hardware programs on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, and home care procedures will help to consolidate the achieved result for a long time.

Salon treatments for skin around the eyes

It is difficult to influence the eyelid area using cosmetic methods, as it is delicate and sensitive. But they exist, and it's not just blepharoplasty. The following methods are popular:

  1. Massage. A course of lymphatic drainage removes severe swelling, normalizes microcirculation and generally has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis in this area. It is usually included in a complex of care measures.
  2. Mesotherapy without injections. Beneficial substances are delivered to the skin using equipment without breaking the skin barrier. Such procedures brighten and strengthen, improve the quality of the skin around the eyes, and restore.
  3. Biorevitalization with laser. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the skin of the eyelids using a cold laser beam, absolutely without pain, the skin is smoothed, saturated with moisture, becomes healthy and glowing.
  4. Contour plastic. Eliminates wrinkles and deep folds using special fillers (based on hyaluronic acid) or your own fat (lipofilling).

Peeling of the eyelids can also be performed, but it is very gentle and removes dead cells.

Additional Tips

To combat darkening of the skin in the eye area, the most important rule is to ensure sufficient blood circulation both in this area and throughout the body. To do this, it is necessary to reconsider sleep and wakefulness, nutrition and fluid intake, and give up harmful addictions.

Here are some tips:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours
  • Take more frequent walks in the fresh air
  • Do a light facial massage regularly

  • Drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves and rose hips
  • Eat citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, raspberries

These products are rich in vitamin C, which is responsible for the condition of blood vessels.

Only love and care for yourself, for your appearance, will allow you to look at the world with the gaze of radiant and beautiful eyes.

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Will home remedies help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes?

If you use homemade cosmetics wisely and carefully, they will definitely help, but there are nuances. It cannot be denied that the same compresses with tea or massaging with ice cubes are excellent in combating swelling of the eyelids. Refreshes the skin with a slice of cucumber and a self-made aloe-based patch.

Moisturizers should be applied correctly with your ring fingers. The main thing is that home care procedures do not turn out to be harmful. You should not get too carried away with independent creativity and apply various fruit and vegetable mixtures that are relevant in home cosmetology to your eyes. Fruits are enriched with acids, and they can negatively affect the thin skin of the eyelids.

It’s not for nothing that masks are usually applied with caution, and the instructions for them state that the skin around the eyes should be avoided. You need to be careful with masks based on fluid components; they can penetrate the ocular mucosa.

Care should be carried out daily, guided by the rules and recommendations of specialists. Only in this case will the skin be healthy, smooth, moderately hydrated and beautiful for as long as possible.

How to whiten using folk recipes?

Wipe your eyelids daily with ice cubes from any herbal infusion, such as parsley. It’s easy to make ice cubes from parsley: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of the herb, leave for about twenty minutes, strain and freeze.

Make lotions with pre-brewed and cooled green tea bags. You can also apply sliced ​​or grated cucumber and crushed peppermint leaves to your eyelids (keep for at least 15 minutes).

Contrasting lotions with dill infusion. Brew one teaspoon of dill with half a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. Then the contents are divided into two parts: one is cooled, the other is left hot. Apply hot and cold tampons to your eyes alternately for ten minutes. This procedure, among other things, also smoothes out fine wrinkles. The course of treatment is one month, the procedure must be done every two days.

Masks that need to be done twice a week will not be superfluous. For masks, homemade fat cottage cheese or a mixture of two teaspoons of sour cream and one teaspoon of chopped parsley are suitable. The procedure should last approximately ten minutes.

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