Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, signs and treatment. What does ringworm look like? Photos, types, stages with names

array ( 'ID' => '8327', '~ID' => '8327', 'NAME' => 'Tineas on the face', '~NAME' => 'Tineas on the face', 'IBLOCK_ID' = > '43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1192', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1192', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there are nerve processes. Often the symptoms of shingles appear on the face.
The question is often asked about the appearance of shingles: “
Where does shingles on the face ?” Experts associate this with the characteristics of the trigeminal nerve. And indeed, often from a photo of shingles on the face one can judge the course of the branches of this nerve.

The symptoms of shingles on the face and treatment are closely related, so it is worth considering each of the forms of the disease: severe pain in the eye, ear and jaw (according to the location of the nerve endings). After a short period of time, the temperature rises, a feeling of fatigue, nausea, and vomiting appears. Rashes appear along the trigeminal nerve on the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eye, as well as on the nose. It often happens that the rash does not appear for a long time, and the doctor cannot immediately make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Experts consider the most severe form of shingles on the face to be ocular. If there is severe pain in the ear area and rashes around and inside the ear, this is the ear form of shingles. If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. When the nerves of the upper jaw are affected, a rash appears on the roof of the mouth. The depressed, lethargic state of the patient is accompanied by severe pain and intoxication. Most often, white or slightly grayish rashes appear on the lips and oral mucosa. Shingles is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes in the human body.


The disease manifests itself in the form of spots on the skin.
First, several so-called maternal formations about 5 cm in size appear. Then, over the course of a week, a large number of similar spots of smaller sizes scatter throughout the body. The most vulnerable areas are the abdomen, shoulders and hips. Rashes are rare on the face and neck. All spots, both maternal and “baby” ones, have the same appearance: pink or with a yellowish tint, round in shape, flaky inside with a smooth rim. Often, apart from spots, this disease does not manifest itself in any way. Therefore, as soon as any characteristic formations are discovered on the body, you should immediately contact a special clinic to diagnose pityriasis rosea. Sometimes itching appears in the affected areas, and the lymph nodes on the neck and chin become enlarged. If a person’s immunity is severely weakened, severe fatigue, fever or general intoxication of the whole body appears. There are cases when the external manifestation differs from the usual: blisters or white nodules appear on the skin.

The danger and consequences of deprivation in humans

Ringworm is dangerous because there is a possibility of infecting or becoming infected yourself through direct contact. Some types of lichen reduce immunity and hair loss may occur. Allergies may occur. The danger comes from the lichen pathogen from animals. Fungal spores fall on the ground, remain on the animal's bedding, on furniture and can get on human skin.

After treatment, remission is possible during contact with an infectious animal. The treatment is difficult, some rashes disappear, and others appear nearby. If you do not treat superficial lichen, it can turn into chronic.

Methods of infection

To date, there is no consensus on the methods of infection.
There is an assumption that the source of the disease is the herpes virus and that people with low immunity, those who have recently suffered viral infections, colds, and who are often hypothermic are primarily at risk of contracting Zhiber's disease. Women and children have a significantly higher risk of infection than men. Observations show that people over 40 years of age and infants practically do not become infected with this infection. Is this disease contagious? There is no clear answer to this question. There is an opinion that it can be transmitted through tactile contact or airborne droplets. A prerequisite for a person to become infected is the presence of a provoking factor. In practice, it has been noted that transmission of this virus from one person to another occurs infrequently.

Ringworm (eczema)

Eczema is a chronic disease accompanied by rashes and itching. The disease is characterized by stages of exacerbation and remission. This type of lichen in humans is very common.

In the photo it looks like this:

Signs are similar to other species. Treatment depends on the form and severity of the eczema. There is an acute stage and a chronic stage.

Symptoms of eczema:

  • The appearance of swelling, redness;
  • The appearance of bubbles, peeling;
  • Weeping, serous crusts;
  • Feeling of intense itching in the evening and after contact with water.

How to treat the disease

Treatment should be comprehensive:

  • Elimination of the causes that provoked this disease;
  • Calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate solutions, intravenous calcium chloride and others as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Antiallergic drugs;
  • B vitamins;
  • In severe cases of the disease, hormones may be prescribed;

The doctor prescribes ointments: Borna, Triderm, with ketoconazole, baths with potassium permanganate.


Only a qualified specialist can determine what exactly a person has become infected with.
First a visual inspection is carried out. However, this is not enough. This type of disease looks very similar to psoriasis, rubella or syphilitic roseola. To accurately diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment for lichen, the clinic prescribes a blood and urine test, takes a scraping, and the patient undergoes a special test. Gibert's disease does not require particularly complex treatment. The disease goes away in six to nine weeks. The spots gradually fade and stop peeling. For some time, marks remain on the skin, but they also disappear over time. To alleviate the symptoms, the doctor prescribes treatment: to relieve itching - antihistamines, to reduce peeling - various ointments. Multivitamin complexes are also prescribed to increase the patient’s immunity.

In addition to drug treatment of pityriasis rosea, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed. All foods that can cause allergic reactions are excluded from the diet: citrus fruits, eggs, red fruits, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, honey, nuts.

It is also necessary to exclude physical activity, passing exams, limit communication in order to avoid getting into stressful situations, try to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, and wash only in the shower with mild detergents. It is also forbidden to expose the affected areas of the skin to direct sunlight, as this increases the peeling process and, accordingly, impedes healing. Any self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Treatment at the Baltmed clinic

If you live in another city or you do not have the opportunity to visit the clinic, we suggest using an online consultation with a dermatovenerologist.
To get a consultation, you need to make an application to the clinic - write to the chat on the website (in the right corner of the screen) or call by phone. The consultation is carried out on the basis of the Personal Account, the patient communicates with the doctor via video link, and the patient also has the opportunity to attach tests and previous studies.

The cost of an online consultation is 1800 rubles, duration is 30 minutes.

Shingles (herpes zoster)

This is what shingles looks like in humans, photo:

The signs and treatment of this type are described below. The source is the bacteria of the varicella zoster virus, which is part of the herpesvirus family . Therefore, in some publications you can read that herpes can be a provocateur of the occurrence of lichen. After recovery, the virus acquires a resting phase and concentrates in the nerve sectors of the spinal cord and cranial cord.

Factors such as hypothermia and low immunity can cause activation of lichen. The first signs: red blisters filled with liquid appear on the skin.

According to statistics, shingles can occur in every fourth person who has had chickenpox. The virus becomes active after 50 years. In recent years, this type has also appeared in young people. Factors include: unfavorable ecology, decreased immunity, high incidence of infectious diseases.

A distinctive characteristic of this type of lichen is the pain that occurs, this is explained by the fact that the virus bacteria are concentrated in the intercostal and other nerve cells. If treatment is not started on time in severe cases, complications may develop in the eyes. In the initial period, pain and severe burning sensations occur at the site of origin of the virus.

Pink spots with bubbles filled with liquid appear.

After 2-2.5 weeks, the bubbles begin to dry out to a crust and gradually disappear. Slight pigmentation disappears over time. If there are no associated complications, then after 2-3 weeks a complete recovery occurs. Despite this, at the first signs you should consult a doctor. If pain occurs, painkillers are prescribed: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, lidocaine gel.

The doctor administers antiviral therapy to help avoid complications. Ringworm is contagious as long as there are blisters of fluid on the body. Once they burst and dry out, the patient is not considered dangerous.

How to avoid infection

Due to the fact that the nature of the occurrence of Gibert's disease has not been thoroughly studied, there are no methods to prevent this disease. The main recommendation is to monitor the state of the immune system, as it will help avoid infection.


The disease itself in most cases goes away without leaving a trace. However, sometimes complications arise in the form of eczema, staphylococcus or streptococcus; ring-shaped lichen can develop, which quite often becomes chronic and even after a few years a relapse can occur. Then treatment is done with antibiotics. To prevent such problems, we strongly recommend that you undergo comprehensive treatment in our clinic. Don't forget about your health and the health of your family!

What is lichen in humans, types of disease

The correct treatment can be determined by characteristic signs. The photo shows some types of lichen. Usually one zone or several are affected. All types of lichen are united by one common symptom: the appearance of a rash, itching, peeling. Each type has its own symptoms and reasons for its occurrence.

Different forms of the disease differ in that some of them lead to complications. Under certain circumstances, the infection can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The type of disease depends on the pathogen, which is directly related to the incubation period.

For example, the symptoms of ringworm are detected after a few weeks, and microscopy, transferred from an animal, after 6 days. Very often, the disease manifests itself in people with weak immunity, exposed to stress, after a serious illness. Children are also at risk.

Defining manifestations of lichen:

  • Skin changes color in limited areas;
  • The appearance of itching, peeling.

Piedra (nodular) lichen

This is what lichen nodosum looks like in humans. Photo. Signs.

Ringworm in humans (photo), signs and treatment depend on the type of disease.

The treatment is not complicated. The disease is caused by bacteria and is more common in countries with hot climates. Transmission of infection occurs through hats and combs. Sweating, the presence of oils in the hair, tight bandages, and fur hats contribute to the development of the disease.

Ringworm can affect the outer part without getting inside the hair follicle. Hair does not break or fall out. No inflammatory processes are observed. Piedra comes in white and black varieties. The first affects mainly men.


For treatment, 1-2% mercury-salicylic ointment is used. It is rubbed into the hair and roots for 3 days. The next day, wash your hair with tar soap. It is recommended to use Walkinson's ointment. Lichen nodosum in humans, once all the signs are established and with proper treatment, completely disappears. The photo shows what hair susceptible to shingles looks like.

Ointments for lichen

Ointments play a huge role in the treatment of lichen; sometimes they are the most effective way.

For pityriasis rosea:

  • Sulfur-tar, sulfur-salicylic have a bactericidal, drying effect. Currently, this ointment can only be found in veterinary clinics.
  • Sinaflan - Russian-made ointment costs up to 100 rubles.

For pityriasis versicolor and ringworm:

  • Both types are caused by a fungal infection. Therefore, ointments that can fight fungi will be an effective treatment method. These ointments include: Mikoseptin, Mikozoral, Exoderil, Terbinafine, Lamisil. The price of ointments is from 160 rubles. up to 500 rub.

For herpes zoster, the following ointments are used:

  • Atsigerin,
  • Zovirax,
  • Vivorax.

These drugs have antiviral and antiherpetic effects. Herpes is the cause of shingles. Price from 185 rub. up to 250 rub. per tube. To relieve neuralgic pain, Ibuprofen and Ketoprofen ointments are recommended.

For the treatment of lichen planus:

  • Advantan – an ointment capable of relieving allergic and inflammatory processes. Made in Germany, a 15 g tube costs 538 rubles.

  • Hormonal ointments are effective: prednisolone, hydrocortisone - these are domestic drugs, costing from 15 to 30 rubles. Flumetazol – average price 230 rubles, Triamcionol – price 110 rubles.

When the first signs of lichen appear in a person: itching, peeling, redness, etc. You must immediately consult a doctor and start treatment. The photo shows skin damage by different types of lichen. Different types of disease are characterized by different pathogens. Therapy depends on the correct diagnosis. Doctors are against self-treatment of lichen.

However, there are various folk remedies that have been proven over the years. Each type of lichen requires an individual approach, since pathogens react differently to the components of the drugs.

Folk ointments

Birch tar is considered an effective means of combating dermatological diseases. Vishnevsky ointment is made on its basis.

Recipes using tar:

  • For pityriasis rosea. Take butter and tar in equal proportions, mix, apply to the sore spot and put a bandage on top;

  • One part of birch ash is mixed with three tars. Leave on the skin for several hours. This remedy helps with scaly lichen and psoriasis;

When infected with lichen from an animal, it is recommended to rub the affected area with dark, seedless raisins. Applying lemon slices helps a lot.

Several recipes with garlic:

  • Mix grated garlic with honey, grind and apply to lichen plaques. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks;
  • Chop the garlic, wrap it in gauze and apply to the sore spot for 15 minutes;
  • Rub lemon with garlic. Keep on the affected area for 2 hours.

Some unusual methods:

  1. The finger is moistened with saliva, then in salt and rubbed over the area. It is believed that once is enough for the lichen to disappear;
  2. Iodine is mixed in equal proportions with vodka and the lichen is wiped;
  3. Set fire to the newspaper and quickly apply the resulting ash to the affected area before it cools down.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor only needs to carry out several diagnostic measures:

  1. Examine the patient's skin for the presence of a rash characteristic of microsporia.
  2. Take a scraping of the skin and examine it for the presence of fungus under a microscope.
  3. Identify the type of pathogen through bacteriological culture.
  4. Using a Wood's lamp, determine the presence of fungus on the skin (the mycelium turns green under the influence of the device).

Tablets - review of drugs

For any type, take three types of tablets: immunostimulating, analgesic, antiviral.

For herpes zoster:

  • Valtrex – helps destroy the herpes virus. The tablets have a preventive effect on the skin. The package contains 42 tablets of 500 ml, price from 1128 rubles. up to 3000 rub. Great Britain.

  • Famvir is an antiviral agent that is active against herpes. Made in Switzerland 10 tablets, 125 mg each, cost from 1425 rubles.
  • Acyclovir is a domestic antiviral drug to combat herpes. Pack of 20 pcs. 400 mg each, cost 154 rubles.

For pityriasis versicolor:

  • Fluconazole is an effective drug in eliminating infections of the mucous membranes. Made in Russia. Pack of 2 pcs. 150 mg each, price within 60 rubles.
  • Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic. Tablets 100 pcs. 500,000 units each produced in Belarus, price 134 rubles.
  • Pimafucin – affects fungi. In the first days, side symptoms (nausea, vomiting) are possible, but they disappear; treatment cannot be interrupted. Made in the Netherlands, 20 pcs. 100 mg each, price 509 rub.

Tablets for pityriasis rosea:

  • Cetirizine , a drug of the latest generation, is highly effective against various rashes and relieves allergic inflammation. Country of origin: Macedonia, 20 pcs. 10 mg each cost 97 rubles.


  • Griseofulvin - if you are sensitive to penicillins, take with caution. Not recommended for drivers. Russia, pack of 20 pcs. 125 g each, price 225 rub.
  • Lamisil - not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as patients with kidney disease. Made in Switzerland, 14 pcs. for 125 g the price is about 2000 rubles.

Tablets for lichen planus:

  • Plaquenil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Manufacturer: Spain and Great Britain, 60 pcs. 200 mg each, price from 990 rub. up to 1257 rub.


  • Fulcin is an antifungal antibiotic, an analogue of griseofulvin.

Question answer

Which healthcare workers can treat fungus?

This type of disease in children is treated by a pediatrician. Adult patients can be treated by a general practitioner or family medicine specialist, as well as a dermatologist. An infected person can contact primary health care providers for medical care. If the infection is complicated by suppuration, then it is better to go for examination to an infectious disease specialist.

How long does it take to treat ringworm?

It all depends on the severity of the disease. If the disease is not advanced, it is completely cured within 1 - 2 months. In infiltrative-suppurative forms, the patient’s recovery takes up to six months.

Is it possible to prevent fungal disease in children?

To do this, you and your children just need to follow the following rules:

  • Do not use other people's hygiene items (soap, washcloth, towel).
  • Do not wear other people's hats, clothes and shoes.
  • If your pet has shingles, do not handle it without gloves.
  • Wear rubber sandals in the pool, and do not stand barefoot on the floor in shared showers and locker rooms.
  • Never wear wet or too tight shoes.

Why can’t you just use ointments for ringworm?

This form of fungus (dermatophytes) is resistant to local treatment, so only the initial stages of the disease can be cured with ointments (it is characterized by peeling and redness). If severely inflamed, swollen foci of infection begin to spread across the skin, then you cannot do without pills. Medicines penetrate through the blood into places where the fungus accumulates and kill it.

Is there a specific skin care regimen for ringworm?

You can improve the condition of skin affected by fungus by following the following daily steps:

  • Wash your hair with Naftaderm or Betadine antifungal shampoo as often as possible.”
  • Immediately after washing, treat sore skin with 5% iodine.
  • In the morning after sleep and at night, apply Clotrimazole ointment to the spots.

How should a person infected with ringworm eat?

The patient's menu should contain products that can support immunity. This includes a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits, chicken, beef, and dairy products. The patient should give up alcohol, coffee, chocolate, spicy and too fatty foods.

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

Squamous lichen affects the area of ​​the elbows and knees - these are the most affected areas.

Signs of lichen

Psoriasis can affect the entire body. This is a chronic disease that may not become active for many years.

The following reasons can provoke:

  • Contact with chemicals;
  • The presence of streptococcal infection in the body;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Taking medications or hormones for a long time;
  • Chemotherapy sessions;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption.

Can it be cured?

Psoriasis is considered incurable. Treatment consists of eliminating external signs and transitioning the active phase to the remission stage. Often the doctor will not be able to determine the time when the exacerbation will begin. The main component of therapy is the psychological state of a person. The use of sedatives and weak tranquilizers is recommended.

The doctor may prescribe ointments based on corticosteroids; salicylic acid, tar, and sulfur will be good helpers.

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