Teosyal fillers: fillers for contouring, lip augmentation and biorevitalizants

The exclusive line of Teosyal preparations are fillers for contouring based on highly purified hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin: Teosyal Puresense Redensity 2, Teosyal RHA I, Teosyal RHA 2, Teosyal RHA 3, Teosyal RHA 4, Teosyal Ultra Deep, Teosyal Global Action

and the drug Teosyal Meso-Expert for biorevitalization and bioreparation of the skin.

All Teosyal brand products are innovative products of the Swiss company TEOXANE Laboratories (Switzerland), which specializes in the development and production of dermal fillers.

The line's injectable products are created in accordance with patented technology - elastic hyaluronic acid (RHA), which allows maintaining the elasticity of the products when injected into moving areas of the face. The manufacturing technology of the products also ensures that Teosyal products have a purity significantly higher than that required by strict European pharmacological standards.

The products meet international quality standards and are certified in Russia.


The main active ingredient in the Teosyal line of products is artificially created purified hyaluronic acid.
The main function of the substance is to attract water molecules and provide natural tissue hydrobalance.

The composition of fillers and gels for biorevitalization also includes the anesthetic “Lidocaine”. Preparations containing it are used for people with increased pain sensitivity.

Some Teosyal preparations contain additional components:

  • Essential amino acids that enhance collagen production and provide local immunity;
  • Vitamin B6, which gives skin elasticity;
  • Copper and zinc, improving metabolic processes;
  • Antioxidants that protect cells from destruction by free radicals.

Teosyal: main advantages

First of all, we should talk about the excellent safety profile. Teosyal preparations are created on the basis of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. They contain very little protein, do not cause allergic reactions (the risk of allergies is completely eliminated), and are non-toxic. Hypersensitivity to Teosyal dermal fillers is extremely rare. The main advantages of fillers from the Swiss company Teoxane are listed below:

  • absolute safety;
  • minimal risk of hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • complete biocompatibility;
  • long validity period from 9 to 15 months.

Indications for use

The Teosyal series of drugs eliminates age-related skin problems.

Main indications for use:

  • Correction of facial oval;
  • Restoring volume or changing the shape of lips;
  • Bioreinforcement of the chin, cheekbones, cheeks;
  • Smoothing nasolabial and chin folds;
  • Moisturizing excessively dry skin;
  • Fighting flabbiness and restoring turgor;
  • Improvement of complexion, leveling of relief;
  • Filling fine wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

In addition to the face, filler injections are used to rejuvenate the skin of the hands. Can be used from 25 years of age.

Applications for Teosyal

Biorevitalization Teosyal Meso is used for comprehensive rejuvenation of the skin of the face, hands, décolleté and neck. Contour plastic with Teosyal dermal fillers is used to correct cosmetic defects and remodel the contours of the following anatomical areas:

  • frontal region, eyebrow fold;
  • periorbital region;
  • lower eyelid (non-surgical blepharoplasty);
  • tear trough;
  • cheekbones;
  • nasolabial triangle, nasolabial folds;
  • area around the mouth;
  • chin, contours of the lower jaw.

With the help of contouring with Teosyal Redensity, Global or Ultimate fillers, you can smooth out wrinkles, lift drooping corners of the eyes, correct and even change the contours of the face, fill in folds, and enlarge lips. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable immediately and will last for 9-18 months. The duration of action depends on the type of filler that can be used to correct a particular anatomical area.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Before carrying out the procedure and introducing Teosyal fillers, the cosmetologist must make sure that there are no contraindications.

The client should inform the doctor if she has:

  • Individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Autoimmune diseases, systemic collagenoses (lupus erythematosus and others);
  • Epilepsy;
  • Inflammatory and pustular skin lesions at the site of drug administration;
  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Increased tendency to scarring of the skin;
  • Taking blood thinning medications and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Herpes;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The safety indicator of the Swiss drug is one of the highest.

Complications and side effects when injecting fillers occur no more than 1 time in 15 thousand cases.

Possible complications:

  • Hematomas, bruises of varying severity;
  • Swelling at the injection site;
  • Areas of pigmentation;
  • Tyndall effect - fillers are visible through the skin;
  • Formation of lumps and compactions at the injection sites.

The cause of complications may be the doctor’s lack of experience or non-compliance with the technique. To carry out injections, it is better to go to professionals who have experience and a certificate allowing them to carry out the procedures.

On the first day after the injection, slight pain and swelling may occur. At this time, it is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics, powder or foundation. However, if the negative effects do not go away, you should immediately seek medical help.

Teosyal Meso for biorevitalization

Complex rejuvenation and remodeling of the dermis using injection therapy allows you to achieve a fantastic rejuvenating effect, which, with proper skin care, lasts for many years. Moisturizing the dermis, improving its nutrition, leveling the microrelief, restoring healthy skin color - this is not a complete list of the effects of revitalization with the help of modern cosmetic preparations.

Teosyal Meso helps cosmetologists achieve high and natural results from a biorevitalization course. Hyaluronic acid stimulates skin regeneration, activates the cells responsible for the synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin, and increases the protective barrier function. It is very important that each HA molecule attracts a huge amount of fluid into the dermis, and this is of enormous importance from the point of view of restoring and maintaining the elastic properties of the skin.

Biorevitalization Teosyal gives both quick and long-term results. An immediate rejuvenating effect is achieved through the introduction of dermal filler. Activation of self-healing leads to a gradual and lasting increase in skin elasticity, and also eliminates many cosmetic defects. The effect lasts for many years, which makes the technique one of the best ways to prevent age-related changes.

Comparison with other drugs

According to the description of characteristics, products from the Teosyal, Stylage, Yvoire and Juvederm brands have approximately the same mechanism of action and effect. The result after the procedure is visible immediately. It will be difficult to compare and select drugs without the help of a cosmetologist, since everything is individual and there are a lot of nuances.

Do you enjoy working with Teosyal RHA fillers? What is your preference based on?

Yes, I like working with Teosyal fillers. However, to be honest, I was a little disappointed in the initial stages of using the RHA products. The thing is that working with these drugs has its own characteristics that need to be studied. What I mean is that using the RHA line instead of the usual products (eg RHA 4 instead of Ultimate) did not produce similar results. This is because the RHA filler must be injected more superficially. In some cases, this is unusual for us, but it is this approach that allows us to obtain the desired result. In working with younger patients, I have noticed that sometimes shallow insertion produces better results with less material.

I never thought I'd say this, but now I rarely use the products I used to prefer. I still use Teosyal Ultimate in cases of severe atrophy in the cheek area (in patients 50-60 years old), sometimes I use Teosyal Global Action, for example, to correct glabellar wrinkles. But overall, my practice has changed a lot because, in addition to many of the products I have been using for a long time, I am also an active user of RHA fillers.

Efficiency of Teosial

The instructions for use indicate that the improvement will be clearly noticeable in the first day after the procedure.

The effect gradually increases and reaches its maximum after 2-4 weeks. This is due to the stimulation of skin fibroblasts and the production of natural collagen.

The effectiveness of the procedure and the duration of the result depend on several factors:

  • Skin type;
  • Patient's age;
  • Expression of wrinkles and creases;
  • Method of drug administration;
  • Treated area, amount of filler.

The results after the procedures last for 6-12 months. Gradually, the drug begins to dissolve and be eliminated from the body.

To enhance the rejuvenation effect, combined work protocols are used. For example, mesotherapy and fillers are combined with other procedures - injections can be done after laser resurfacing, peeling, etc. The choice of the appropriate product depends on the type of skin and the severity of the problems.

Teosyal PureSense line for contouring

1. Teosyal PureSense Ultra Deep is designed for deep skin rejuvenation and remodeling. This dermal filler gives excellent results in lip augmentation and is also used to fill pronounced wrinkles and nasolabial folds. With the help of PueSense Ultra Deep, a cosmetologist will remove the marks of past years from your face and give your skin a second youth.

2. Teosyal PureSense Redensity is a unique filler designed exclusively for working with delicate and delicate skin of the periorbital area. The drug contains two types of hyaluronic acid. The effectiveness of the filler is increased by a structuring complex of vitamins and amino acids. PueSense Redensity will lift the corners of your eyes, remove heavy under-eye circles, smooth out crow's feet and bring back a mischievous, youthful sparkle to your look.

3. Teosyal PureSense Global will help you forget about moderate wrinkles and folds. This dermal filler easily copes with nasolabial folds and the vertical groove between the eyebrows. He can also remove horizontal wrinkles in the frontal area or enlarge lips. It is important that the effect of plastic surgery lasts for 9 months and becomes more pronounced with each subsequent procedure.

4. Teosyal Deep Lines. Dermal filler “Deep Lines” has a clear specialization. His element is folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and marionette wrinkles. Teosyal Deep Lines injections instantly eliminate these cosmetic defects and provide long-lasting results. Repeated correction will be needed after about 9 months, and it will lead to an even more noticeable rejuvenation effect.

5. Teosyal PureSense Ultimate is a unique filler, a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist. PueSense Ultimate is designed to restore the oval and contours of the face, and it does its job perfectly! The stunning rejuvenating effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure, and you can enjoy the results for a long 18 months.

Saved Network Method

Based on in-depth knowledge and driven by an endless pursuit of excellence, Teoxane's R&D department has created a new technology - the "Stored Network" method, which protects long HA molecules from degradation and optimizes reticulation parameters. The resulting gels retain the long chains of HA and their natural ability to organize the structure of a three-dimensional mobile network, while their main strength is provided by a small number of covalent bonds (2–4%) (Fig. 7)


Rice. 7. Reticulation 1.9–4.0%. Long chains of HA, low level of covalent bonds. Dynamic gel structure

In contrast to rigid fillers, Teosyal RHA line fillers are elastic under pressure and tension and integrate well into the natural facial dynamics. The "Retained Network" method prevents long chains of HA from degradation, maintains high molecular weight and the ability to self-organize into a three-dimensional mobile network responsible for elasticity under compression and tension (Fig. 8a and 8b)


Rice. 8a. High stretchability in areas of high mobility

Rice. 8b. High strength and compression resistance

Why does reticular HA lose elasticity when stretched?

The elasticity (firmness) of the soft tissues of the face as the ability to withstand mechanical stress is provided by various soft tissue components, one of which is natural HA with its unique properties. Being an essential substance in the human body, HA performs many functions - from positive to negative. In the intercellular matrix of the skin, natural HA with a large molecular weight (30,000 monomers) is responsible for its architectonics, hydrophilic and antioxidant functions. When in contact with moisture, long chains of HA self-organize into a three-dimensional mobile network, within which they are united with each other by unstable low-energy bonds of intermolecular attraction, identified in physics as Van Der Waals bonds after the name of the author who discovered them (Fig. 5)


Rice. 5.

With any type of deformation, these bonds are broken and instantly formed again, which allows the substance of the intercellular matrix to be maintained in an unchanged state. As a result of classical reticulation methods, long chains of HA are degraded into many short chains due to mechanical action when mixed with BDDE, thermal action when heating to initiate the reaction, and chemical action when adding catalysts. The resulting short chains are not able to self-integrate into a three-dimensional mobile network, which determines the unique viscoelastic properties of natural HA and its ability to resist not only compressive deformation, but also tension. Short chains require more BDDE to form covalent bonds and, accordingly, a higher level of chemical modification (5–10%) of HA (Fig. 6)


Rice. 6. Reticulation 5–10%. Short HA chains, high level of covalent bonds. Rigid gel structure

The output of this production process is rigid gels that are incapable of stretching and are not adapted to the dynamics of the face. During the breakdown of such fillers, short chains of HA are released, which are inflammatory markers for the body, and chronic swelling and redness may occur in the area where the gel was injected.

Glycolic peels

Glycolic peeling is carried out to normalize the division process in dermal cells, eliminate hyperkeratosis, and increase the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Procedure protocol:

  1. Skin cleansing with PrePeel Cleanser.
  2. Peeling with AHA Peel 70%,50%,35%,20%.
  3. Neutralization with PostPeel Neutralizer.
  4. Using PrePost Cream soothing serum.

Result of the procedure:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • prevention of photoaging and acne;
  • treatment of various skin diseases (hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation);
  • rehabilitation after removal of tumors (papillomas, nevi) and plastic surgery.

Glycolic peeling makes the results of biorevitalization and contouring more noticeable

As reviews show, glycolic peeling performed before biorevitalization and contouring procedures significantly improves their effectiveness and provides longer-lasting results.

Why, in your opinion, do dynamic areas of the face require a special approach to correction?

In my opinion, the secret of RHA dynamic fillers is their extensibility. The HA products we used previously were resilient, but did not have the stretchiness that occurs when you smile or laugh, for example. Therefore, in the past, patients often complained of unnatural facial expressions when smiling.

As I said, one of the advantages of RHA products is that even when they are injected as a bolus into the cheek area, the filler is not felt, it is well integrated into the tissue. And during facial activity, when the superficial fatty structures begin to move, the product does not move as a single mass, but is stretched, and then returns to its place when the skin relaxes. Therefore, extensibility is an important feature of Teosyal RHA dynamic fillers that provides benefits for patients.

In general, for most areas of the face, except in cases of significant atrophy, I prefer to use the RHA line of fillers, which provide a level of flexibility and natural-looking results.

Fillers and biorevitalizants: the difference

Fillers are injectable drugs whose main purpose is to fill wrinkles. They are synthetic, biosynthetic and biodegradable.


  1. Fills wrinkles, evens out skin texture, increases tissue firmness and elasticity, and corrects the shape of the face.
  2. The risk of allergies and complications is minimized.
  3. Does not affect muscle function.
  4. Injections have no seasonal restrictions.

Biorevitalizants are injection preparations that contain amino acids and hyaluronic acid. Unlike fillers, they have a more liquid consistency and a completely different goal - not to fill wrinkles, but to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, thereby improving the appearance of the skin. In addition, biorevitalization gives a prolonged effect, since cells activated during exposure to hyaluronic acid continue to work for a long time.

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