What does pityriasis alba look like on the human body and how to treat it?

What is pityriasis alba?

Lichen alba refers to diseases characterized by discoloration of the skin. Externally, pityriasis alba appears as the formation of milky white spots. The surface of these spots is no different from healthy skin, except for its shade. Lichen alba has clear boundaries. As for the size of the spots, it can range from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters.

In most cases, the localization sites are areas of natural openings:

  • Mouth;
  • Eyes;
  • Ears;
  • Nostrils;
  • Anus.

In addition, pityriasis alba can form on parts of the body that are subject to frequent friction:

  • Elbows;
  • Knees;
  • Armpits.

Pityriasis alba can also appear on the outside of the feet and hands. Less commonly, white spots are localized on the mucous membranes. Scientists have noticed one feature of the manifestation of the disease - spots often form on parts of the body damaged by sunlight. White hairs often grow on white patches.

Other types of diseases can be found in the article, photos, signs and treatment of lichen in humans.

Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of asbestos pityriasis

Tincture of celandine helps well with pityriasis. This medicine can be bought in pharmacies, or you can prepare it yourself at home.

Several ways to lubricate affected areas of the body

  1. Celandine in vodka. It is necessary to collect celandine during the flowering period and dry it, fill the jar tightly with it and fill it completely with vodka. Leave the product in a dark place for three weeks, then strain it and fill it halfway with vodka again.
  2. Water tincture of celandine. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of dried celandine and pour a glass of boiling water. The vessel needs to be covered and left to steep for about 30-40 minutes. After straining, the tincture is ready for use.

A local remedy for skin diseases is a mixture of talc, zinc oxide, water and glycerin. This mixture has a calming effect and disinfects the skin, which has a positive effect on recovery.

To wash areas of skin affected by pityriasis, use the water in which buckwheat porridge was cooked.

The use of compresses made from raw yeast dough, which are applied to the rash, is encouraged.

When itching, it is important not to scratch the affected areas of the skin. Otherwise, the risk of developing an infectious process increases, which will significantly reduce the speed of recovery and threaten complications. To control yourself at night, you can apply bandages to the itchy spots.

You can use apple cider vinegar to relieve itching. Compresses made from a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of clean filtered water) and chamomile decoction will also be effective.

Lichen alba in humans

The main causative agent of pityriasis alba is the Malassezia fungus , which occurs in 10% of the total population. This fungus does not cause any particular harm to humans. The affected areas are not accompanied by irritation and itching. In rare cases, lichen spots may rise above the underlying level of the skin and become slightly flaky.

When the spots peel, itching may occur, and if the lichen appears in winter, this may be accompanied by an inflammatory process. Lichen alba has the ability to change the pigmentation of the skin, as it creates obstacles to the penetration of sunlight and the detection of melanin. It is for this reason that even on a tanned skin surface it is difficult not to notice whitish spots.


Complications and consequences

The disease itself does not pose any danger, except that its course may last for several years. If there are few spots, they do not have a bright, pronounced color and do not cause inconvenience to a person, no measures can be taken to treat them. The only thing to remember: if the immune system is weakened, allergies develop, or excessive exposure to sunlight, a relapse of the disease may occur.

Therefore, if you do not want to ruin your vacation or darken your mood with disrupted plans, then it is better to contact a specialist. Treatment will not take much time, but the spots can make themselves known as pronounced white lesions at any time.

As for complications, if personal hygiene recommendations are not followed, signs of an inflammatory disease may be added to lichen alba, the treatment of which will be more serious.

Features of white lichen in a child

Pityriasis alba is also a very common skin condition among children. If your child suddenly develops pityriasis alba, do not immediately panic.

As a rule, this lichen goes away on its own . But despite this, the child should be shown to a specialist. The appearance of pityriasis alba occurs in the summer, which is characterized by high sun activity, or, conversely, in the winter due to the effect of cold air on the baby’s body.


Here you can see what other types of lichen look like.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is associated with changes in hormonal levels and a weakened immune system, so during this period a woman may be faced with various kinds of previously undetected ailments. Lichen simplex can also be classified in this group. White spots may be the body's reaction to allergens. Perhaps the bacteria were already in the body and simply became active at a certain moment.

Lichen alba does not pose a threat to either the woman or the fetus. The only possible discomfort is itching. And if a woman experiences discomfort, this will affect her emotional state, which, in turn, will affect the child’s condition. Therefore, if inconvenience occurs, you should still get rid of lichen.

There are no contraindications for the treatment of lichen during pregnancy. Perhaps you should hold off on taking herbal teas internally: some herbs have a negative effect. But swimming in warm water will even be useful.

Who is susceptible to pityriasis alba?

As mentioned earlier, every tenth inhabitant of the planet is exposed to this type of lichen. However, among people there is a group that is most susceptible to developing pityriasis alba.

This group includes the following persons:

  • People prone to frequent allergic skin rashes.
  • People who frequently suffer from attacks of hay fever.
  • People who once suffered from eczema or currently suffer from it.
  • People who suffer from respiratory diseases based on allergic factors. This includes bronchial asthma.


At present, the exact causes of pityriasis alba have not been established. Doctors say that the darker a person’s skin, the greater the likelihood of developing pityriasis alba.

Lichen alba in most cases occurs due to:

  • Constant stressful situations
  • Existing chronic organ diseases
  • Intoxication
  • Skin contact with synthetics
  • Physical damage to the skin

Pityriasis alba often occurs in people who:

  • Have thyroid disease
  • Suffer from dysfunction of the pituitary-gonad system
  • Suffer from increased blood clotting
  • Suffering from anacid gastritis
  • Suffer from atherosclerosis of the vascular system
  • Suffer from asthenia and nervous system exhaustion

Reasons for deprivation

The main reason for the formation of lichen is associated with the penetration of a viral or fungal infection into the body.
However, the infection process itself has not been fully studied. Scientists remain unknown why not all children (even those at risk) suffer from lichen. Despite this, there are factors that increase the risk of developing the disease in a child:

  • excessive emotional and physical stress;
  • exposure to stress;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of infectious inflammatory processes;
  • avitaminosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased sweating;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Infection of children most often occurs in crowded places: kindergarten, school, summer camp, public swimming pool.
Also, a common cause of the development of lichen is contact with domestic or street animals, after which the rules of personal hygiene were not followed. Each form of lichen has specific causes. Thus, pityriasis rosea clearly shows an infectious-allergic nature. Shingles develops as a result of various types of viruses entering the body, ringworm and multicolored fungi.

Symptoms of white lichen

The symptoms of pityriasis alba are very pronounced, so they are very difficult to miss. But if you look at it from the other side, without special research it is difficult to say about the presence of this particular disease, since it has not yet been fully studied.

You might be interested! How many types of lichen are there and how do they differ?

That is why, at the first suspicion, it is very important to contact a specialist who can conduct an examination and identify an accurate diagnosis.

The main symptoms of the presence of pityriasis alba:

  • The presence of whitish spots, which most often appear on the cheeks, neck, thighs, shoulders, knees and elbows.
  • The spots are very different in color from healthy skin.
  • When you press on the stain, it does not change its shape or shade.
  • No pain in the affected areas of the skin.
  • The appearance of itching in children in the area where spots appear.
  • The spots have unclear boundaries.
  • The borders of the white spots may peel a little.

What is pityriasis versicolor?

Pityriasis versicolor is a dermatological disease, most often diagnosed in people under the age of 30, while it is rare in children and the elderly. A predisposing factor to the occurrence of infection is often excessive activity of the sweat glands, so the disease often develops in the summer, at resorts and in countries with a humid, hot climate.

Lichen versicolor develops against the background of:

  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hormonal fluctuations, including those caused by taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy, infertility treatment;
  • genetic predisposition.

Ringworm can be triggered by taking certain medications, for example, immunosuppressants, glucocorticosteroids. Uncontrolled drug therapy also often causes lichen.

A decrease in the body's natural defenses can also trigger the growth of fungal colonies.

This can lead to:

  • recent serious illnesses, injuries or surgeries;
  • severe vitamin deficiency;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • stress;
  • prolonged exposure to adverse factors (for example, work in hazardous industries, contact with chemicals and reagents);
  • food poisoning;
  • period of increased mental and physical stress;
  • sudden climate change;
  • alcohol abuse.

Among the external factors that cause tinea versicolor, wearing tight synthetic clothing in the hot season stands out. Artificial materials disrupt natural skin respiration, increase sweating, and irritate the upper layers of the skin. As a result, colonies of the fungus penetrate the epidermis and begin to actively multiply.


Diagnosis of white lichen, first of all, consists of taking into account the external manifestations of the disease. If a person has very fair skin, then the white spots on the body may be almost invisible. In this situation, the patient's skin is examined using a Wood's lamp .

A biopsy of the lichen spot can reveal the absence of pigment cells. But it is also worth noting that their presence cannot rule out the diagnosis. Lichen alba must be differentiated from secondary hypochromic changes, which can occur in the presence of certain skin diseases.

Is it possible to sunbathe with pityriasis versicolor?

This dermatosis is popularly called “sun fungus”: during the beach season, the yeast is activated and the disease is diagnosed most often. At the same time, the areas of the skin affected by the colonies do not tan and remain white - the patient is covered with light spots, which bring him to the dermatologist’s office.

Since pityriasis versicolor can be diagnosed during rest, patients are often interested in: is it possible to sunbathe with pityriasis versicolor? Opinions differ on this matter. Previously, quartz treatment was prescribed for the treatment of lichen versicolor: under the targeted influence of ultraviolet light, colonies of the fungus died. But now many dermatologists dispute this method of treatment.

UV radiation can be dangerous for an organism weakened by infection. In addition, the occurrence of pityriasis versicolor indicates a decrease in immune strength. Therefore, experts do not recommend exposing the skin to additional stress.

If the patient doubts whether it is possible to sunbathe with pityriasis versicolor, he is recommended to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will give recommendations taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the severity of the disease, its form and location. If you follow medical prescriptions, the patient will avoid the complications of lichen and will be able to recover in a short time.

It should also be remembered that if the patient decides to sunbathe with pityriasis versicolor, the areas of the skin affected by the colonies will remain light: it will not be possible to get an even and beautiful tan. Therefore, it is better to first get rid of the disease, and only after that return to the beach.


Treatment of white lichen consists of local therapy using creams, ointments and special solutions. These medications help restore normal skin pigment and contribute to the complete disappearance of spots. Most often, pityriasis alba is treated with hydrocortisone ointment.

Hydrocortisone ointment also treats dermatitis in acute forms, for example, venous. Here you can visually evaluate a photo of dermatitis on the legs.

Treatment of lichen alba should be resorted to in the following cases:

  • If the whitish spots with lichen are widespread.
  • If spots occur on the face and open areas of the skin.
  • If white spots have formed against the background of acute dermatosis. This significantly worsens the general condition of a person.
  • If there is a secondary infection.
  • If there is scratching and severe itching.

How to treat pityriasis alba in a child:

  • Washing the child with warm water without soap.
  • Taking warm baths with soap containing glycerin.
  • Using cream and ointment to moisturize the skin.
  • Sun protection in summer.
  • Treatment with creams and ointments containing corticosteroid hormones.

In addition, treatment of white lichen can be organized using traditional methods:

  • Apply St. John's wort, sea buckthorn or peach oil to white spots.
  • Use an infusion of calendula flowers and vodka to smear whitish spots (proportion 1:5).
  • Spreading onion juice.
  • Spreading with a paste of crushed sorrel and sour cream.

Is it possible to cure pityriasis versicolor?

With proper therapy, pityriasis versicolor is easily treated and goes away within 2-3 weeks. To do this, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist, who will conduct an examination and prescribe additional tests.

As a rule, the diagnosis is established in the presence of a typical clinical picture, but to confirm it, the following analyzes and tests are performed:

  • examination under a Wood's lamp: fungal colonies are illuminated;
  • microscopic examination of the scraping: shows the presence of yeast;
  • Balzer test using iodine-containing solutions.

A dermatologist may also prescribe histological studies, general blood and urine tests. Based on the results of the examinations, treatment tactics are developed.

Depending on the severity and severity of the infection and the symptoms of lichen, therapy includes:

  • the use of external agents (sprays, lotions, ointments) with antifungal components. If the scalp is affected, special shampoos are prescribed;
  • antifungal drugs for internal use. Prescribed to patients prone to relapses of pityriasis versicolor, or to patients with atypical manifestations of infection.

If the patient suffers from severe itching (which is extremely rare), antihistamines may be prescribed.


To avoid the appearance of pityriasis alba, you must follow the following preventive rules:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • Use of personal hygiene items.
  • Do not lie on the beach without a blanket and do not walk barefoot on the sand.
  • In summer, do not be under the sun between 11 and 16 hours.
  • Application of sunscreens and lotions.
  • Dry your body thoroughly after bathing.
  • Do not wear things made of synthetic fabrics.
  • Include foods containing various vitamins and copper in your diet.
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