What types of complications are possible after blepharoplasty?

What is an eversion of the eyelid?

With ectropion, the eyelid, at the point of its attachment to the eyeball, lags behind it, exposing its inner mucosa.

As a result, the diseased eyelid does not close with the healthy one, and this leads to disruption of the protective functions of the eyelids .

Inflammatory processes begin to develop in the eye , and the structure of the tissues of the eyeball changes.

Attention! This disease is typical only for the lower eyelid, since the cartilages of this organ, which should keep it in normal condition, are twice as thin as the cartilages of the upper ones.

In addition to the cosmetic unattractiveness of the affected organ, such a disease is also fraught with the occurrence of chronic inflammation, which can lead to decreased vision or blindness.

Methods of performing blepharoplasty at the Beauty Doctor clinic

The main principle of the surgeons of the Beauty Doctor clinic when performing blepharoplasty is the naturalness of the result while maintaining all the physiological functions of the eyelid:

- protect the eyeball from harmful influences; — evenly distribute tear fluid, which moisturizes the cornea of ​​the eye;

For blepharoplasty, our surgeons use microsurgical suturing methods, modern optical technology and special suture material that is thinner than human hair.

In addition, after blepharoplasty surgery, an aesthetic “finishing” is carried out: in cases where there are small “crow’s feet” wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, they are corrected with botulinum toxin injections.

World stars of plastic surgery at scientific conferences and in their operating rooms demonstrate fat-saving blepharoplasty methods, in which natural fatty tissue is evenly distributed around the eye. These techniques are also effectively used in the Beauty Doctor clinic.

Over the years of their medical practice, the clinic’s surgeons have performed thousands of blepharoplasty operations, a significant part of which is the restoration of the eyelid after car accidents, injuries, as well as the correction of unsuccessful eyelid operations performed in other clinics.

Many of the techniques that Beauty Doctor surgeons use for blepharoplasty were mastered during internships in leading clinics in Europe and at master classes at international symposiums on plastic surgery.


The following signs and symptoms are characteristic of eversion:

  1. Constant watery eyes with no way to stop it.
  2. Lagging of the ciliary edge of the eyelid from the eye.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membrane due to its drying out.
  4. Thickening of the open part of the conjunctiva and its keratinization.
  5. Feeling of a foreign body in the eye .
  6. Redness of the skin around the inflamed area.
  7. Subsequent development of keratitis.

Depending on the reasons that result in the pathology, symptoms may be more or less pronounced.

This also depends on the degree of lag of the eyelid from the conjunctiva.

If it is insignificant, there may be no external signs of ectropion for an ordinary person , although an experienced ophthalmologist can diagnose the disease even at an early stage of its development.

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is a simple and reliable way to “open” the upper eyelids

Blepharoplasty is eyelid surgery to remove skin ptosis and fat folds. The name of the operation literally means “formation of the eyelid” (from the Greek blepharon - eyelid and plastike - formation). Therefore, the expression “upper eyelid blepharoplasty” is not entirely correct, and a more correct name for this operation is upper blepharoplasty.

This is one of the most common plastic surgeries. If it is not associated with other interventions, it is performed under local anesthesia.

The anatomical cause of drooping eyelids is a strain in the orbicularis oculi muscle. It ceases to hold the fold of skin and fat that is located inside the eye socket. The eyelid droops, fat sticks out in lumps.

During blepharoplasty, part of the tissue is excised, thereby removing ptosis. And fat can be partially removed and partially redistributed to create a smooth, “youthful” surface around the eyes - to give them a new “frame”.

At the same time, the surgeon has the opportunity to restore the eye shape that the patient had in his youth or change it, if necessary.

In addition, our clinic is often visited by patients who want to have Asian eyelid surgery and acquire a more “European” eye shape. Abroad, such operations are called “Singapore”.

Eversion of the eyelid after blepharoplasty

In some cases, after an unsuccessful blepharoplasty procedure, the eyelid is partially turned down, which leads to its incomplete closure.

Important! Depending on how serious the pathology is, either conservative treatment may be carried out or surgical intervention may be required.

In the first case, it is sometimes possible to restore the integrity of the closure by performing special gymnastic exercises and massage.

If these methods succeed in increasing the tone of the eye muscles, the defect disappears after a course of treatment.

In case of a serious complication, this is not enough, and then the help of a surgeon , who, by cutting the eye muscles responsible for the movement of the eyelid, can eliminate the disease.

What to do if you have eye asymmetry after blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after eyelid correction is different for everyone, it depends on the complexity of the correction performed and the patient’s body. If you follow all the recommendations of your doctor, this period will pass quickly and painlessly. There is a certain algorithm of actions during the recovery period, which has been practiced in many clinics for many years. However, remember that each case is individual, and your doctor may make adjustments to the general recommendations.

The first 2 weeks after blepharoplasty

We strongly recommend that you do not look at yourself in the mirror immediately after surgery. The presence of edema can significantly spoil the mood and drive a weak-nervous patient to despair. Remember, this phenomenon is temporary, swelling tends to disappear slowly and unevenly. Pronounced bruises are also a common occurrence after blepharoplasty. Seams on the eyelids located at different levels can emphasize the asymmetry of the eyes. All these phenomena are not a reason to panic; you should be patient until the physiological changes take place naturally.

Factors that can cause uneven swelling:

  • lifting weights;
  • work in an inclined position;
  • individual characteristics of the location of lymphatic vessels and veins, which are responsible for the outflow of excess fluid from tissues;
  • uneven tissue injury, which contributes to the presence of greater swelling on one side of the face;
  • sleeping on your side or back;
  • failure to maintain drinking balance during the rehabilitation period

2-3 weeks after blepharoplasty, swelling begins to subside. In this case, the eyelids, ideally, should become even. However, the palpebral fissures will not immediately become symmetrical. If you observe a trend in which the right eye becomes similar to the left, the ridges and folds in the eyelid area are smoothed out, and excess water gradually disappears - the recovery process is proceeding normally, and there is no reason to panic. It is worth being as patient as possible and letting the rehabilitation process take its natural course.

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Types and reasons

Its classification depends on the reasons for the development of ectropion; once diagnosed, appropriate treatment can be prescribed:

  1. Congenital pathologies of the eye muscles.
  2. Age-related changes in some tissues of the organs of vision, which contributes to impaired muscle tone and elasticity.
  3. Impairment of blood circulation in the brain , which leads to paralysis of the facial nerve.
  4. Various ophthalmological, cosmetic and plastic surgeries (the risk of developing ectropion after blepharoplasty is especially high).
  5. The development of the disease is facilitated by connective tissue diseases of autoimmune origin : dermatomyositis, ichthyosis, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus and other ailments of similar etiology.
  6. Formation of scar formations in the perorbital area of ​​the eye (usually the consequences of injuries and burns of various origins ).

Need to know! The formation of eversion can be promoted by inflammation, leading to spasm of the eyelid muscles, as well as severe ptosis of tissue in the perorbital area.

The disease can be one of four types:

  1. Scar . Such an eversion occurs when the mucous membrane is damaged, as a result of which its back part is shortened and pathology develops. This type of disease is promoted by burns, injuries, and ophthalmological diseases (cicatricial pemphigoid, Stevens-Johnson). This type of disease develops over a long period of time , but symptoms can be noticed already in the early stages - this most often allows us to talk about favorable prognosis for treatment.
  2. Paralytic. With facial nerve paralysis, this type of inversion is observed, in which the position of not only the eyelid, but also the lacrimal punctum is disrupted. This leads to a decrease in its functions: tear fluid begins to be produced in smaller quantities or ceases to be produced at all, therefore, with this disease, the main symptom, in addition to the visual manifestation of ectropion, is constant dryness of the eye. This type of disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms . The disease is diagnosed mainly after unsuccessful surgical interventions, as well as in cases of brain tumors, Bell's disease, and strokes.
  3. Congenital. This is the rarest form of the disease, which is quickly detected during the diagnosis process. It is believed that this type of inversion is caused by a congenital defect of the eyelid, which manifests itself in the shortening of the skin and muscle parts of this organ.
  4. Age (involutional). Despite the congenital form, this type, on the contrary, is considered the most common . The disease occurs as a result of tissue stretching , due to which the lower eyelid is fixed, resulting in sagging and eversion. Visually, this form is clearly visible to a specialist, and one of the main symptoms of the disease is considered to be profuse lacrimation from the affected eye. One of the dangerous consequences of such a disease is the occurrence of inflammatory processes , in response to which the body begins to thicken the mucous membrane. This leads to the formation of scar tissue , but it cannot replace completely dead elements, as a result of which the patient’s visual acuity begins to deteriorate, and the situation may be further aggravated by other age-related visual defects.

Reference! Regardless of the form of the disease, it most often develops over a long period of time, which makes it possible to identify it and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Eye asymmetry after blepharoplasty: reasons for its appearance

After the operation, certain complications may occur, one of them is eyelid asymmetry. This phenomenon is quite exciting for the patient and is a reason to contact a doctor. Asymmetry is often caused by changes in eyelid alignment or shape. It is worth noting that this situation can be characterized both as a normal phenomenon and as a complication. Let's find out the possible causes of the defect.

Let us say right away that eye asymmetry after surgery is not such a rare occurrence. After blepharoplasty, many patients note that one eye becomes narrower and the other wider. The cause of an external defect may be changes in tissues, both reversible and not. One of the most common causes is swelling after blepharoplasty. After surgery, swelling can persist for up to six months, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

The difference in the eyes after surgery is due to uneven accumulation of fluid in the eyelid area. In this case, it seems that the eyelids are located at different heights, and the incision on one side is narrower than on the other. In this case, the defect will disappear as the swelling subsides. Unfortunately, not all reasons are so safe. There are a number of factors that can lead to asymmetry, requiring surgical intervention or additional correction.

Here are the main ones:

  1. Incorrect structure of the facial part of the skull, both bone structure and soft tissues. In this case, most likely, the asymmetry appeared before blepharoplasty, and after the operation it became more noticeable.
  2. It is possible that the operating doctor made a mistake during the correction. Not enough or too much skin has been removed, or tendons or muscle fibers have been damaged. Perhaps the stitches were placed incorrectly.
  3. Ptosis of the upper eyelids. After surgery, due to swelling, ptosis will in any case be present, but with normal rehabilitation it should gradually disappear. If, six months after the operation, the defect has not disappeared, an operation will be required to remove it;
  4. The presence of rough scars that change the shape of the palpebral fissure or tighten the tissue of the eyelids. It is worth noting that in some cases, the difference between the height of the eyelid folds directly depends on which hand the doctor has the main one. It has been noticed that right-handed people make a more accurate cut on the right side, and vice versa on the left. However, if the scars heal properly, you will not notice any negative consequences, the eyelids will have an ideal appearance.
  5. With an uneven division of facial expressions, in the case when on one side the muscles are more developed and on the other less. In this case, the peculiarity could have been present in the patient before the operation, but it could also arise as a complication during the rehabilitation period.

Will the seam be noticeable after upper eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty, despite the apparent simplicity of the method, requires high professionalism of the surgeon. First of all, he must determine the volume of excised skin so that the eye does not later become round, or, as it is also called, “owl-like.”

In addition, it is important to correctly determine the location of the incision - it should be in the natural skin fold of the upper eyelid.

An experienced specialist must possess microsurgical suturing techniques, and then no traces of the intervention will be visible within a month.

Can there be complications after upper blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is one of the safest operations on the face, since it does not affect the eyeball at all - the effect is only on the skin and subcutaneous fat layer of the eyelid.

But this safety and naturalness of the result are possible only if the operation is performed by an experienced surgeon who in no case tightens the skin or excises excess.

A negative result can most likely be considered not as complications, but as an incorrect calculation, that is, the result of an operation when more skin is cut off than necessary.

Then the eyeball turns out to be open - hence the effect of bulging “owl” eyes (when the eyelid does not close the white of the eyelid well and the shape of the eye becomes round), when the shape of the eyes changes the entire face for the worse.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a method of correcting age-related changes in the periorbital (periocular) area.

Blepharoplasty includes:

  • plastic surgery (rejuvenation) of the upper eyelid;
  • plastic surgery (rejuvenation) of the lower eyelid with or without removal of a fatty hernia;
  • change in the shape of the eyelid (interracial transitions).

After blepharoplasty, the look becomes more open and youthful, and the eyes appear larger.

Plastic surgeon – Yastrebova Natalya Mikhailovna

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