Laser biorevitalization of the face without complications or side effects

From this article you will learn:

  • What is laser biorevitalization of the face
  • What effect does the procedure give?
  • To whom is laser biorevitalization of the face and neck indicated and contraindicated?
  • How is the procedure performed?
  • What reviews does facial biorevitalization have?
  • Does the procedure have analogues and what can it be combined with?
  • How much does laser biorevitalization of the face cost?

It's no secret that time is one of the main enemies of female beauty. The decline of the body begins at the age of 25, and we begin to look for ways to prevent early aging. Fortunately, modern science offers many methods to help stop these processes. One of them is laser biorevitalization of facial skin. Let's find out what it is, what the cost of this procedure is and what drugs are used during cosmetology sessions.

What is laser biorevitalization of the face

In modern cosmetology, the main trend in working to restore youth and beauty is the use of non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment methods. Today, hardware cosmetology allows you to go back several years. Such advanced and effective methods of rejuvenation include non-injection laser biorevitalization of the face, which tones the skin, heals and rejuvenates it.

Laser biorevitalization of the face leads to the launch of natural skin rejuvenation processes. After a biorevitalization session, skin cells “wake up” and are actively regenerated using their reserves. This is done by fibroblast cells.

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Laser treatment has long been firmly established in various branches of medicine; lasers are also used in cosmetology. After exposure to laser irradiation, tissue regeneration improves, and the body successfully resists various infections and bacteria.

Non-injection laser biorevitalization of the face involves laser exposure to low molecular weight hyaluronic acid applied to a certain part of the face. In this way, penetration of the drug into the deep layers of the skin is achieved. A similar method of using hyaluronic acid without injections was first tested in Germany. This method uses a low-power infrared laser, which is often called “cold”.

The acid for facial biorevitalization is structured in such a way that under the action of a laser it can penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers and be evenly distributed there. During the session, the patient does not feel any discomfort, and at the end the skin is not in danger of peeling and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to this, laser facial biorevitalization sessions can always be attended, regardless of the time of year, air temperature and solar activity.

It is known that hyaluronic acid is a polymer consisting of a large number of units. The big disadvantage is that using it externally prevents such long chains from seeping into the skin cells.

But as a result of special processing, from high molecular weight hyaluronic acid becomes low molecular weight, with a chain having only five to ten links. This structure allows the product to easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, where the laser connects small chains back into long polymer ones. Thanks to this, moisture is retained in the cells. The result of laser biorevitalization is a lifting effect and elimination of signs of aging.

The advantages of laser biorevitalization of the face include the fact that it is a non-invasive, easy, effective method, the use of which does not give any unpleasant sensations. Since hyaluronic acid enters the skin cells without injections, no recovery time is required after the procedure.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Fractional thermolysis and plasma lifting

Plasmolifting is successfully combined with fractional thermolysis both in laser rejuvenation procedures and in the treatment of acne and post-acne scars.

Plasmolifting is a subcutaneous injection of your own blood plasma. The names plasma therapy and prp therapy are also used.

The combined effect of plasma lifting with laser fractional rejuvenation is due to the fact that when exposed to laser, the dermal tissues are heated, and the plasma is activated when heated.

Prp therapy and fractional thermolysis procedures can be carried out in one step, provided that the doctor observes a number of precautions.

Thus, in some cases, the papular technique of introducing plasma (close to the surface of the skin) is unacceptable, since the laser affects the moisture evenly contained in the tissues and in the presence of subcutaneous papules with just injected plasma, a burn can occur. Therefore, if thermolifting is planned immediately after plasma therapy, then plasma injections are administered with such peculiar “bumps” - closer to the muscle, further than the depth of penetration of the laser beam.

With fractional neodymium (Nd) laser rejuvenation, small amounts of plasma may be injected before the procedure. Neodymium penetrates deeply, the plasma warms up. The feeling after such a procedure is like after tanning in a solarium: your face immediately acquires a healthy glow, after about 4 hours you feel a pleasant warmth in your face, and a lifting effect appears. Moreover, the procedure itself lasts only a few minutes.

When treating post-acne scars, you can inject plasma under the scars, then perform laser rejuvenation. Plasma is a powerful activator, contains many microelements and also enhances the immune system, the recovery process is more intense, scars are smoothed out faster.

If you have any questions or make an appointment with a cosmetologist, please call:

+7 (495) 255−50−11.

Who is recommended for laser biorevitalization of facial skin?

Laser biorevitalization of the face is necessary for patients with skin problems such as:

  1. Dryness and dehydration

    , as well as beginning fading due to lack of skin elasticity, due to age or some other reasons. Hyaluronic acid is the best way to moisturize the skin.

  2. Fine wrinkles

    and poor skin condition caused by negative exposure to sunlight, bad habits, stress, etc. Once the level of hyaluronic acid decreases, the skin begins to fade. It is recommended to resort to laser biorevitalization of the face as soon as the first signs of aging appear, and even better – to prevent them.

  3. Traumatized skin

    , the need for its speedy regeneration after such cosmetic procedures as laser resurfacing, medium chemical peels, and plastic surgeries. Without hyaluronic acid, proper cell division does not occur, which is a prerequisite for skin restoration. In injured skin, the level of hyaluronic acid increases, and its additional infusion increases the rate of cell reproduction and restoration of facial skin.

  4. Ural Federal District

    . Laser biorevitalization of the face is used both to prepare the skin for exposure to ultraviolet radiation and to eliminate its consequences. Hyaluronic acid is indispensable for protecting cells from free radicals that appear from ultraviolet radiation, as well as for moisturizing skin that loses moisture from heat and sunlight.

  5. Unhealthy skin color

    , pallor, pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes. A special pigment, melanin, is responsible for skin tone and antioxidant properties. Therefore, those areas of the skin in which multiple oxidative processes occur are distinguished by the presence of a large number of pigment spots. Laser biorevitalization of the face enhances the antioxidant properties in this area and returns the natural color of the skin. The fastest way to get rid of excessive pigmentation can be achieved by combining various cosmetic procedures (medium peeling, laser biorevitalization of the face) with the use of drugs that do not allow the production of melanin.

  6. Enlarged pores and increased sebum secretion,

    if the skin is oily, problematic. Products based on hyaluronic acid affect the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

To eliminate these shortcomings, laser biorevitalization of the face will come in handy. In addition, it works very well as a preventative. But before 25 years of age, biorevitalization is most often not done.

Advantages of biorevitalization at ART-Clinic

Online consultations for patients from the regions

A team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Modern minimally invasive techniques of operations and reconstructions

Affordable prices, promotions, discounts, installments

Being one of the newest cosmetological techniques, biorevitalization is capable of solving a wide range of problems, renewing and improving the skin in problem areas. Hyaluronic acid is delivered to the body through injections, and at this stage the main thing is that the procedure is performed by a specialist who is well versed in how the skin “works” and where and in what volume it is better to inject the drug to achieve an aesthetic effect.

Such professionals work at the ART Clinic. Their knowledge and experience, combined with the best injection drugs, are the main components of successful biorevitalization in our clinic. Sign up for a consultation at the ART Clinic by phone and (calls within Russia are free) or using a special form.

When laser biorevitalization of the face is contraindicated

Laser biorevitalization of the face, like any cosmetic procedure, has contraindications (for the use of hyaluronic acid and for the action of the laser). They can be either temporary or permanent.

Contraindications for the use of “acid of youth” preparations:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  2. Disorders of the thyroid gland;
  3. Infection by fungi, bacteria or viruses in the area of ​​the skin where laser biorevitalization should be performed;
  4. Abrasions, scratches or cuts in the area of ​​the skin where laser facial biorevitalization is supposed to be used;
  5. Allergic reaction to the use of hyaluronic acid.

Permanent contraindications for laser use:

  1. The patient has a malignant neoplasm;
  2. Systemic blood diseases;
  3. Severe physical exhaustion caused by illness;
  4. Stage III hypertension, decompensated diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cerebral atherosclerosis;
  5. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  6. Epilepsy;
  7. Mental illnesses, for example, psychoses with attacks of psychomotor agitation, hysteria;
  8. Individual intolerance to laser exposure.

Temporary and relative contraindications for laser use:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Accumulation of moles at the site of laser biorevitalization of the face;
  3. Puberty;
  4. Infectious diseases characterized by chills, fever, high temperature;
  5. Skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis in the acute stage;
  6. Tattoos on the skin in places where laser biorevitalization of the face is planned;
  7. Taking medications that affect the skin's sensitivity to light (photosensitizing).

Possibilities of biorevitalization at ART-Clinic

Hyaluronic acid injections made during biorevitalization can:

  • restore the water balance of dry, aging skin;
  • make the oval of the face clearer and more prominent;
  • solve the problem with pigment spots.

In addition, thanks to biorevitalization you can get rid of:

  • bags and bruises under the eyes;
  • wrinkles and folds;
  • spider veins and rosacea (red mesh on the skin);
  • scars (due to acne and traumatic);
  • stretch marks;
  • cellulite,
  • local fat deposits;
  • double chin.

How is laser biorevitalization of facial skin with hyaluronic acid performed?

The order of the session largely depends on the laser used and its characteristics.

The standard procedure includes three main steps:

  1. Cleansing facial skin, distributing gel with hyaluronic acid;
  2. Laser work on facial skin;
  3. Removing remaining gel. Additionally, you can apply a mask that will enhance the effect.

Since the type of laser determines the speed of delivery of hyaluronic acid deep into the skin, the second stage can last from 15 to 40 minutes.

For example, the device for laser biorevitalization of the face Vitalazer, like a number of other samples, can act both pulsed and continuously. The session is then divided into four stages:

  1. Cleansing facial skin and applying gel;
  2. The laser operates in pulse mode, hyaluronic acid enters the deep layers of the skin;
  3. The laser operates in continuous mode, hyaluronic acid creates large compounds in the skin, which ensure a longer-lasting effect of the procedure and moisturize the skin;
  4. Removing the remaining gel.

At the end of the session, the face looks great: there are no traces of injections, redness, swelling, bruises or papules. Thanks to this, laser biorevitalization of the face can be carried out at any time, even on weekdays, and without interrupting your business for a long time.

Since laser biorevitalization of the face does not injure the skin, the possibility of infection or the formation of hematomas is excluded. Hyaluronic acid spreads in a uniform layer, so there is no swelling.

Therefore, after completing a session of laser biorevitalization of the face, you do not need to take special care of your skin or refuse to use any cosmetics (care and decorative). You can safely visit the saunas, solarium, and gym.

Side effects do not occur if the patient has no contraindications for attending laser facial biorevitalization sessions, the equipment is in good working order, and the necessary precautions regarding working with the laser are observed (the eyes of the patient and the specialist are protected with special glasses).

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Plasma therapy + laser resurfacing

We recommend combining laser therapy with plasma therapy for owners of problematic skin prone to inflammation and signs of post-acne. With this combination of procedures, you will get smooth, beautiful skin, the texture of which is very different from the original one.

  • The plasma is filled with a special component that minimizes the recovery period.
  • After the procedure, patients are less likely to experience skin swelling and pain.
  • The rehabilitation and healing process is significantly accelerated.

As a result, deep processes of creating new connective tissue are launched, and post-acne scars straighten out on their own from the dermis.

What analogues does laser biorevitalization of the face and neck have?

The indications for most cosmetic services are similar, but the effectiveness may vary depending on the existing problem and skin condition.

To prevent age-related skin changes

Cosmetology offers the use of injection types of mesotherapy and biorevitalization. Active substances enter those layers of the skin where the most intense metabolic processes occur.

But the injections damage the skin, making the face not very attractive due to bruises and papules. In addition, this carries the risk of infection through wounds. Such exposure is fraught with allergies and other complications.

To increase skin hydration

There are care sessions using alginate masks or collagen biomatrix. As a result, the skin acquires a noticeable radiance, but the procedure provides only a superficial effect.

Only the upper layers of the skin receive moisture; the active substances of these masks do not affect the deeper layers. It is recommended to repeat sessions every 7-10 days.

Laser biorevitalization of the face is aimed at saturating the deep layers of the skin with moisture and stimulating the skin tissue under the influence of a laser beam. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to conduct three sessions at intervals of a week, and after sufficient maintenance procedures once a month.

To improve the appearance and volume of lips

Plastic surgery using fillers with hyaluronic acid serves these purposes. Modern cosmetology allows you to achieve the effect of natural plump lips. But fillers have disadvantages, which include migration (movement) of the gel, the risk of fibrosis, and uneven placement in tissues. Laser biorevitalization of lips provides a gentle increase in lip volume without injections.

To eliminate signs of aging on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté

Peeling and microdermabrasion enhance the regeneration of skin cells and improve metabolic processes. When the upper layers of the skin are damaged and peeled off, the reparative activity of the skin is activated, as a result of which wrinkles disappear and the face becomes smooth.

Peels successfully combat enlarged pores, post-acne and other skin problems. But both peelings and microdermabrasion can hardly be called pleasant procedures. After them, the skin requires special, rather expensive care. In addition, the recovery period is characterized by a large number of restrictions; after the session, not very pleasant redness and noticeable peeling appear.

Laser biorevitalization of the face stimulates internal regeneration processes without damaging the skin. This procedure is free of discomfort. The skin does not require any special care.

For tightening facial skin after weight loss, eliminating dark circles around the eyes and puffiness of the face

Facial massage successfully helps to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. But only when caring for very young skin can one avoid the additional use of hyaluronic acid.

Indications and contraindications

Experts recommend using laser rejuvenation in the following cases:

  • Elimination of wrinkles on the face and especially around the eyes
  • Severe dry skin in order to nourish and deeply moisturize it
  • Leveling the skin texture
  • Normalization of blood circulation
  • Increasing lip volume by increasing skin elasticity and hydration
  • Normalization of skin condition after peelings
  • Elimination of rashes and acne
  • Facelift

Before visiting a cosmetologist, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. It is not recommended to perform the procedure if you have a severe allergy to hyaluronic acid. It is also worth refraining from biorevitalization for patients with eczema, psoriasis, herpes in the acute stage, or any inflammatory processes in the area of ​​​​planned treatment. General contraindications include blood diseases associated with coagulation, thyroid disease, and tumors of any location.

Laser biorevitalization of facial skin: patient reviews

Laser biorevitalization of the face: prices

The price of a course of laser biorevitalization of the face is influenced by the location of the cosmetology clinic and the level of service. The cost of one procedure for laser biorevitalization of the face, neck and décolleté ranges from 18 thousand to 24 thousand rubles. If you want to treat only your face, the session will cost about 12 thousand rubles.

The table presents data on prices for laser biorevitalization of the face in some cities of Russia:

City Price
Moscow 20 thousand rubles
Saint Petersburg 20 thousand rubles
Kazan 17 thousand rubles
Krasnodar 18 thousand rubles
Novosibirsk 17 thousand rubles

Many cosmetology and medical centers, taking into account the high cost of the procedure, offer discounts if the client wants to use several services at once. In addition, you can often find interesting offers with seasonal discounts.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

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