Rehabilitation procedures after complications during botulinum therapy

The effectiveness of Botox, like Dysport, largely depends on compliance with skin care recommendations after the rejuvenation procedure. Failure to follow fairly simple rules and violation of the regimen recommended by a specialist can lead not only to accelerated removal of the active substance from tissues, but also to negative side effects. The recovery period after Botox/Dysport takes place in several stages.


Surgeon consultationRUB 1,000.00
Consultation with a cosmetologist + ultrasoundRUB 3,000.00
Magnetic laser therapyRUB 900.00
Microcurrent therapyRUB 1,800.00
RevixanRUB 4,500.00
Removal of hyaluronic acid fillers using enzymes (Longidase)RUB 4,500.00
Plasma therapyRUB 5,400.00
Needle RF

Botulinum toxin injections are an effective anti-aging procedure that has been highly popular for many years.

Botulinum therapy helps fight age-related changes. It is used to correct problems in the bridge of the nose, forehead, chin and area around the eyes. Botox effectively smooths out wrinkles, lifts the corners of the mouth, relieves tension in the bridge of the nose and relaxes the chewing muscles.

Meanwhile, patients often encounter side effects. And the complications of botulinum therapy that arise can significantly worsen the patient’s appearance and negate all the positive results of the procedure.

Negative consequences of injections can arise due to the unprofessionalism of the specialist who performed the procedure, or the patient ignoring the specialist’s recommendations after the procedure.

What it is?

  • Definition . Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the space under the skin, due to impaired outflow and fluid retention in the tissues.
  • Places of origin .
    Swelling can appear in different parts of the face: near the lips, on the forehead, around the eyes, in the eyebrow area. Most often they form under the eyes. You can learn about Botox in the lip area here, and read about the procedure for the forehead here. The skin under the eyes is the thinnest and under it there is loose fatty tissue, not bone, which contributes to the accumulation of fluid.
  • Description of appearance . Noticeable swelling of the face, “swollen” areas or “bags” under the eyes appear.

  • Mechanism of occurrence .
    In the body, in a normal state, tissues are supplied with oxygen and nutrients. All unnecessary products of cellular metabolism are removed. This is accomplished due to the blood supply to the body tissues, the outflow of lymph and venous blood. The heart and muscle contractions are responsible for these processes. If muscle tone decreases, the risk of edema increases. Under the influence of botulinum toxin, temporary paralysis and relaxation of the muscular system occurs. The muscles do not contract, venous blood stagnates in the vessels, and the outflow of lymph in the tissues becomes difficult.

Complications after injections

Among the most common complications caused by botulinum therapy are:

  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • the appearance of facial asymmetry;
  • drooping, heaviness in the bridge of the nose
  • drooping eyebrow;
  • swelling.
  • visual impairment "diplopia"

Other specific changes that require correction may also occur (“floppy neck syndrome”, impaired lacrimation, blurred vision, weakness when chewing, drooling, etc.).

Let's look at the common negative effects of Botox or Dysport in more detail.

Ptosis of the eyelid

This complication is accompanied by immobilization of the muscles that are responsible for raising the eyelid. The pathology manifests itself in the form of a drooping upper eyelid and a half-closed eye. So, when a complication occurs, patients notice that after Botox their eyelids droop and a number of other unpleasant effects occur. Depending on the degree of complication, this may be a slightly “overhanging” eyelid, or an almost completely closed eye. The side effect may also be accompanied by a number of associated inconveniences and problems - a “sleepy” expression on the face, a tilted head, the need to make additional efforts to completely close the eye.

As a rule, after unsuccessful Botox injections, unilateral eyelid ptosis occurs. However, the doctors at our clinic also encountered a situation where the eyelids drooped in both eyes.

Most often, eyelid ptosis appears due to a violation of the botulinum therapy technique and an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug. However, complications can also arise if the patient does not comply with the cosmetologist’s recommendations. In particular, immediately after the procedure it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, solarium or actively engage in sports.

After the Botox procedure, complications in the form of drooping eyelids usually do not appear immediately, but only after 5-7 days. If a side effect is detected, we recommend that you immediately contact specialists who have experience in dealing with complications after injection cosmetic procedures.


Violation of facial symmetry after botulinum therapy can manifest itself in the form of asymmetry of the smile, cheekbones, mouth during facial expressions, complications such as “crow’s feet”, etc. The main reason is a violation of the injection technique.

Asymmetry, like other complications from Botox injections, can be corrected. The main thing is to turn to professionals with relevant experience.

Swelling after Botox

The rejuvenating effect of botulinum therapy is achieved due to the fact that botulinum toxin partially immobilizes facial muscles. In this case, important physiological processes are sometimes affected, which can lead, for example, to stagnation of lymph or venous blood. And this, in turn, can provoke swelling of the face or individual affected areas.

In general, slight swelling after injection procedures is normal. Natural swelling most often goes away quickly and does not cause concern. But in some cases, swelling may occur that does not go away for a long time, requiring correction.

Swelling after Botox can be associated with the characteristics of the body or mistakes of the cosmetologist. So, swelling can occur for the following reasons:

  • incorrect dosage of the drug;
  • use of an uncertified drug;
  • specialist error when choosing the point of drug administration;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tendency to swelling;
  • weakened immune system;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • kidney, liver or cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune diseases.

In any case, if swelling of the eyes or other affected areas does not go away a few days after the procedure, you should contact a specialist.

The first 15 – 20 days after Botox or Dysport

Swelling may occur at injection sites. This is normal for the first weeks. Swelling is especially noticeable under the eyes, where the skin is most delicate. If you monitor your fluid intake, swelling will be minimal. Those who have everything in order with their metabolism do not need to make changes to their usual diet. Only certain metabolic disorders in the body can affect the anti-aging result. Then you will need a diet. This point needs to be clarified during a consultation with a cosmetologist.

Naturally, skin that has experienced severe stress requires special care in the first weeks. Peeling procedures cannot be done, nor can scrubs be used. This can not only increase the post-traumatic effect, but also lead to infection. It is recommended to limit yourself to masks that relieve swelling and use soothing cosmetics.

Botox/Dysport may not give such a good result if you visit baths, saunas, etc. Intense heat activates the processes of removing the drug from tissues at the stage of its fixation. It is also recommended to solve all problems with the oral cavity and teeth before injecting the drug. Partially atrophied muscles simply will not allow you to open your mouth normally during the first 2/3 weeks.

Help with complications after botulinum therapy

Any complications that arise after injections require a professional, competent approach. Therefore, if you experience side effects, for example, a drooping forehead, facial asymmetry, or swelling of the eyes after Botox, contact experienced specialists.

Our clinic has a special department for dealing with complications from cosmetic procedures. Reception is carried out by qualified doctors with many years of experience in their field of specialization.

Our clinic’s specialists will diagnose and help correct almost any side effects of botulinum therapy - remove swelling and bumps after Botox, eliminate ptosis, asymmetry or other complications after cosmetic procedures.

How to deal with the consequences of botulinum toxin injections

The most common complication is a bump after a Botox injection. Sometimes it occurs so quickly that the patient does not have time to leave the cosmetologist’s office. However, do not rush to blame the specialist: it is extremely difficult to predict the body’s reaction to the drug, so professionals administer Botox in small portions so that the consequences can be quickly corrected.

If the Botox bump lasts 7-14 days, then it is recommended to make additional injections to relax the muscles. If this does not help, they resort to physical therapy, administration of a DMAE cocktail or injections of an enzyme preparation.

If you want to do without injections , an excellent alternative is the introduction of absorbable substances using microcurrents, electrophoresis or ultrasound.

Causes of swelling under the eyes

Ideally smooth, healthy, radiant skin in the periorbital area is a rather rare phenomenon in adults.
Children also experience bruises under the eyes, although not as obvious. When bags and swelling form in the area, this indicates that the elasticity of the skin's separating membrane has begun to decrease. The small amount of fiber in it accumulates liquid, increases in volume and begins to bulge. In older people, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin loses elasticity and fluid is not removed sufficiently. And bruises are a thinning of the epidermis; blood vessels are visible through the layer, creating the sensation of a dark semicircle. Bags, swelling and bruises visually add age, but such flaws can also appear in younger people.

There may be several reasons for the formation of swelling, bruises and bags:

  • frequent stress - problems with nerves are reflected primarily in appearance;
  • hereditary factor;
  • heart and kidney diseases;
  • non-compliance with drinking regime;
  • improper diet;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • frequent colds;
  • chronic pathologies of ENT organs;
  • dental diseases;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • change of time zones;
  • allergic reactions;
  • eye diseases and inflammations;
  • lack of sleep or poor quality night rest;
  • incorrect position during sleep;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics and care products.

In children, bruises in the periorbital area may indicate fatigue and uncontrolled spending time on gadgets and devices.

Blueness under the eyes is a common term, but semicircles come in different shades, which can be a sign of a specific disease or disorder in the body. Thus, darkish shadows indicate a lack of sleep, blue ones indicate circulatory problems. With a gray tint, you should pay attention to the state of the reproductive system, and yellow ones indicate liver and gall diseases. If the circles are reddish, there may be a malfunction of the kidneys or immune system. With red-blue, there is a violation of cardiac activity, and a very dark shade of the area under the eyes indicates intestinal problems.

An artificial way to remove Botox

It is impossible to completely neutralize the effect of Botox after its administration. Additional procedures and substances can speed up the removal of poison from the body. Salon methods:

  • exposure to ultrasound;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • use of massage devices;

After the injection, additional procedures are prohibited. A break of about 3 weeks is required, since otherwise the impact will lead to deformation of the muscle tissue. The effect of the poison is enhanced due to the acceleration of metabolism.

To urgently remove poison from the body, you have to resort to medication. Blood thinners, antibiotics and hormones are used.

Botox and solarium

In this matter, the recommendations are similar to the previous ones: you should refrain from visiting the solarium. As you understand, the answer to the question “is it possible to sunbathe after Botox” is also obvious. Sunbathing and active ultraviolet radiation have a pronounced warming effect, and heating the injection sites is very undesirable. A specialist must warn you about all this. So do not plan trips to hot countries immediately after a session of beauty injections and do not think about lying on sultry beaches after Botox. But after a certain time, you will perfectly pamper yourself and those around you with a fresh bronze tan and elastic skin.

What to expect from Botox injections – the results vary

Botox injections can really work wonders. The first results from Botox injections can be seen within a couple of hours after the procedure. After a few days, the skin in problem areas begins to smooth out, deep wrinkles become less noticeable. If after a couple of weeks - this is the time required for Botox to “work” to its full potential - the patient and the specialist notice that something needs to be corrected, a correction is made.

The rejuvenation effect lasts for 5-6 months, and new folds and wrinkles practically do not form during this period. After six months, Botox is almost completely eliminated from the body, and sensitivity returns to the facial muscles. After this, the injections can be repeated.

Rejuvenation effect. Photos before and after

Toxin removal

It takes one month to naturally remove the toxin from the body. But this is not so - after injection, the substance merges with tissue fluids, and therefore remains in the body much longer. The effect remains for a period of 5 months. Some drugs contain additional elements that can extend the period up to 9 months. The duration of action of botulinum toxin depends on several factors:

  • metabolic rate;
  • compliance with recommendations after the procedure;
  • immune response;
  • age and gender;
  • weight;
  • injection area;
  • frequency of administration and dose of injection;

It takes quite a long time for the toxin to be naturally eliminated from the body. In case of severe defects in appearance, they resort to artificial methods of removing the substance.

How to get rid of Botox on your face

Botox and other cosmetic procedures

Mesotherapy and botulinum toxin, peeling and Dysport, Botox and facial massage - the compatibility of these manipulations is of active interest to all our patients. In some cases, we recommend not resorting to anti-aging Botox injections for now, but taking advantage of the possibilities of biorevitalization. Of course, the procedures and their principle of influence are very different. Mesotherapy is intradermal injections that nourish with vitamins and moisturize; they do not affect the muscles. For those who are recommended the overall effect of different types of manipulations, there is one rule - a long time should pass between sessions. As for rejuvenating facial massage and Botox, it is obvious that these are mutually exclusive procedures for a certain period, since they have the opposite effect on the skin. But before the procedure, a massage is even recommended.

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