Recovery after blepharoplasty: what awaits the patient during the rehabilitation period

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. A person’s appearance largely depends on their condition. If many wrinkles have formed around the eyes, there is ptosis of the upper or lower eyelid, as well as bruises and hernias under the eyes, then only plastic surgery will help correct the situation.

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular aesthetic surgeries among patients, which is performed at Dr. Lelikov’s plastic surgery clinic. Thanks to his experience, the surgeon can eliminate even the most pronounced age-related changes in the skin around the eyes.

Do you want to do circular, transconjunctival or laser lower or upper plastic surgery, but don’t know what the eyelids look like after blepharoplasty - photos of patients published on the website of Dr. Lelikov’s plastic surgery clinic are the best answer to this question. Reviews from our clients will convince you of the importance of this operation, and prices in Moscow vary depending on the type of operation: upper, lower or circular blepharoplasty;

Before the operation you must:

Undergo a clinical and laboratory examination prescribed by your attending physician.

The day before and on the day of surgery, do not use any cosmetics (eye cream, face cream, lipstick, etc.), or perfume.

Avoid alcohol three days before surgery.

2 weeks before surgery, exclude lemon and all aspirin-containing drugs, as well as any anticoagulants from food.

On the eve of the operation, you should wash your hair and face. Wash thoroughly immediately before surgery.

Three days before surgery, take Dicinon - 2 tablets 3 times a day, as well as another tablet in the morning on the day of surgery.

On the day of the operation, come to the clinic at the appointed time.

Who is the procedure suitable for?

Indications for intervention include age-related changes and congenital pathologies of the upper eyelid:

  • loose overhanging skin;
  • wrinkles, creases and folds;
  • fatty hernias;
  • overhanging soft tissues, provoking the effect of a sad and tired look;
  • congenital or acquired asymmetry;
  • hypertrophy of the circular muscles in the periorbital zone;
  • swelling;
  • turning of the eyelids.

In some cases, cosmetic imperfections cause both psychological and physical discomfort. Over time, upper eyelid ptosis can lead to blurred vision, drooping eyelashes, and eye irritation. The constant need to strain the facial muscles to keep the eyes open leads to the formation of wrinkles on the forehead, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and other areas.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased intracranial or intraocular pressure;
  • myopathy;
  • corneal infections;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and infections;
  • rehabilitation after ophthalmological interventions.
Facial plastic surgery – Dr. Amjad Al-Yousef
Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)95,000 rub.
Eyelid surgery with canthopexyRUB 105,000
Upper eyelid surgery with asymmetry correctionRUB 105,000
Facial plastic surgery - Anna Petrovna Pershukova
Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)55,000 rub.
Upper eyelid surgery with asymmetry correction60,000 rub.
Facial plastic surgery - Dr. Youssef Bassanovich Dergam Prices include a promotion with a 50% discount with permission to publish the results of photos and videos
Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)40,000 rubles instead of 80,000 rubles
Upper eyelid surgery with asymmetry correction45,000 rubles instead of 90,000 rubles
Facial plastic surgery - Dr. Ivan Pavlovich Chesalin Prices include a promotion with a 50% discount with permission to publish the results of photos and videos
Upper blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)40,000 rubles instead of 80,000 rubles
Upper eyelid surgery with asymmetry correction45,000 rubles instead of 90,000 rubles

Immediately after surgery:

You may feel a slight painful sensation, reminiscent of a burning sensation in the eyelids under the rays of the scorching sun. During this period (when the effect of the anesthetic wears off), you lie on your back for 2 hours with ice packs on your eyelids, which eliminates pain and prevents the development of bruises. If necessary, pain medications may be administered, which is usually not required, but can be done at the request of the patient.

After the operation, the surgeon will examine you and give you the necessary recommendations.

Do not remove the gauze bandages placed on your eyelids after surgery yourself.

Lower blepharoplasty: effect on the face

If you are undergoing eye surgery for lower eyelid hernias or wrinkles, we recommend looking at photos of patients after transconjunctival blepharoplasty. You can find on the website of the plastic surgery clinic both photos after lower blepharoplasty by day, and a comparison “before and after” of aesthetic surgery.

Also in our gallery you can see photos of scars after blepharoplasty - they are almost invisible, which is confirmed by the experience of plastic surgeon Lelikov.

If you want blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids with a traditional or transconjunctival approach without complications after aesthetic surgery, see real photos of patients after eyelid surgery and read reviews about the surgeon’s qualifications. The information presented on the site is objective, which means that you can make an appointment with plastic surgeon Lelikov for surgical correction of the upper or lower eyelids for hernias, wrinkles and ptosis.

Restrictions after surgery

For 2 weeks, it is highly advisable to sleep on your back, it is permissible to sleep on your side, but it is strictly forbidden to sleep on your stomach.

The next day after surgery, you need to come to the clinic for examination, removal of gauze bandages and treatment of sutures, then on the 3rd day after surgery for removal of sutures and examination, and also 2 weeks after surgery to assess the healing process.

For 2 weeks, follow all the surgeon’s recommendations.

Under no circumstances should you remove small crusts on the seams yourself! You may feel a slight itch in the area of ​​the stitches; this indicates a normal healing process.

On the 4th day after surgery (the day after the stitches are removed): you can begin to carefully wash your face with water and wet the stitches. After each contact with water, treat the sutures with a preparation recommended by the surgeon. You can use the face cream, moving 5 cm away from the suture line on the lower eyelids. Avoid direct application of the cream on the upper eyelids. Use only those cosmetics to which you have definitely not had allergic reactions before (for this reason, you should not use new ones that you have not used before).

For 2 weeks, do not take a bath (shower only), avoid swimming in the pool, do not drink alcohol, do not exercise, do not lower your head below your waist, do not do anything that causes an increase in blood pressure.

Do not sunbathe for up to a month.

Avoid colds.

Decorative cosmetics can be used 2 weeks after surgery, after a follow-up examination with a surgeon.

The rehabilitation process may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the operation performed, and can take from 3 weeks to 5 months, so do not worry and remain calm and confident, go for routine examinations.

You should consult your doctor immediately if you experience any new, unusual symptoms or signs of deterioration at any time after surgery (sudden sharp pain, severe bruising accompanied by severe swelling of the eyelids with the inability to open the eye). Such signs are extremely rare, but can signal a problem that requires immediate intervention.

Advantages and disadvantages

Blepharoplasty allows you to quickly solve existing problems. At the same time, the result is high-quality and long-term, since the surgeon eliminates imperfections rather than masks them.

It is also important that after blepharoplasty there are practically no traces left. The seams are very difficult to distinguish.

Many patients note improved vision (as visual obstructions are eliminated).

Manipulation also has its disadvantages. For example, blepharoplasty sometimes requires concomitant eyebrow correction.

Some people consider the recovery period to be a disadvantage. But it cannot be avoided. And if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, it will pass without complications.

Photos before and after blepharoplasty

See also:

  • Blepharoplasty: everything about the operation
  • Blepharochalasis: everything about the disease

Eye enlargement surgeries: surgical correction options

Modern microsurgery technologies make it possible to perform extremely technically complex operations without visible marks on the skin.
For example, canthoplasty is performed using an endoscope and leaves no scars on the skin. Microsurgical instruments increase the accuracy of manipulations, reduce the degree of tissue injury and the risk of complications, and open new horizons for aesthetic remodeling. Changing the shape of the eyes is a group of operations, the purpose of which is to improve appearance by changing the inclination, increasing the transverse or vertical size of the palpebral fissure. The fashion for such operations came to us from the east. As you know, in the countries of Southeast Asia, in particular in Japan, heroes with large, wide eyes are popular. Many people strive to be like their favorite heroes, and plastic surgeons are ready to help patients make their dreams come true.

Europeanization of the eyes: Sangapuri plastic surgery

One of the first operations to increase the size of the eyes was Sangapuri plastic surgery. Strictly speaking, this plastic surgery pursues slightly different goals, however, surgical intervention changes not only the structure of the upper eyelid, but also the size of the palpebral fissure.

The purpose of the operation to Europeanize the eye shape is to create the so-called supraorbital fold. Folds of the upper eyelid are characteristic of representatives of the European race. In people of the Mongoloid race they are absent or extremely weakly expressed. In addition, they have more pronounced adipose tissue of the upper eyelid, plus there is an epicanthus - an additional fold of skin in the area of ​​the inner corner of the eye.

Epicanthus poses a serious aesthetic problem because it visually widens the bridge of the nose and increases the distance between the eyes. Because of this fold, facial features often become disproportionate and less attractive. Such individual characteristics do not correspond to the canons of beauty, as does a “heavy” upper eyelid with an increased volume of fat and the absence of a supraorbital fold.

To become more attractive, many representatives of the Mongoloid race decide to change their eye shape through surgery. During the Sangapuri operation, the plastic surgeon removes excess fatty tissue, performs skin grafting to form a fold of the upper eyelid, and removes the epicanthus. As a result, the transverse size of the palpebral fissure visually increases. The look becomes open, the eyes become wide and expressive, the face becomes beautiful, more attractive.


The most common mistake that an inexperienced surgeon can make when performing blepharoplasty is to excise too much skin of the lower eyelid. As a result, the so-called “round eye effect” occurs: the eyes look unnaturally bulging, and in the worst case, they do not even close completely. Needless to say, such an effect not only completely spoils the impression of the operation, but also significantly complicates the patient’s life.

Such patients develop watery eyes, dryness and redness of the eyes, and conjunctivitis often occurs. The eyes have an unnatural, “operated” appearance.

How to reduce the risk?

To minimize the risks of complications after blepharoplasty surgery, it is necessary to follow the prohibitions and rules for eyelid skin care. This is a ban on visiting a bathhouse, sauna, beach, solarium, swimming pool, limiting sports activities, sleeping in a semi-sitting position, and much more. Of course, all of these are purely temporary measures. After completion of rehabilitation, the patient will be able to return to a normal lifestyle.

It is also necessary to lubricate the operated area with drugs that promote the resorption of hematomas and swelling. Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. Under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for yourself, much less medical supplies, on your own! This can only provoke complications after blepharoplasty.

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