Why do stretch marks appear on the body and how to get rid of them?

Stretch marks on the back are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in both adults and adolescents. This is a cosmetic skin defect that is formed due to microscopic tears in the skin. Usually the problem appears in people who have rapidly gained weight or lost weight suddenly. In adolescents, they appear due to intensive growth, which the dermis cannot keep up with. Externally, stretch marks, which are also called striae, look like streaks that give the skin a loose, unaesthetic appearance.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks usually appear as lines or stripes on the skin. Although stretch marks are harmless, they can pose a cosmetic problem for some people, especially teenagers. The appearance and texture of stretch marks differ from the surrounding skin. In the initial stages, stretch marks may appear pink, red, purple, or dark brown. Stretch marks may also be slightly raised and itchy. Over time, stretch marks fade to a light or silver color, creating a slight depression in the skin. Depending on the degree of stretching of the skin, multiple stretch marks may be present, extending in one direction.

Areas of the body where stretch marks are commonly found:

  • stomach
  • buttocks
  • breast
  • back
  • groin

What to do if you already have stretch marks? How to get rid of stretch marks?

You can get rid of stretch marks after childbirth or those that arise for another reason in the most reliable way, which is offered by our specialists. This is laser removal, as a result of which the skin is tightened, and the stretch marks themselves become smaller and gradually smooth out.

To do this, we use an effective and safe Palomar device with a 15.40 nozzle. The laser beam does not affect healthy tissue, but only affects the treatment area.

The number of sessions depends on the size of the stretch marks and how long ago you have had them. On average, you will need approximately 4-5 sessions with an interval of 3-4 weeks. To get rid of a small stretch mark up to 0.3 cm in size, just one session is enough.

The important thing is that 1 session reduces the width of the stretch by 20%.

Stretch marks on the back - causes

The skin contains proteins collagen and elastin, which maintain the structure, strength and elasticity of the skin. However, when the skin is overstretched, collagen and elastin are torn, resulting in a scar. This may occur due to rapid growth or weight gain. Possible causes of stretch marks on the back include:

  • puberty
  • pregnancy
  • power training
  • rapid weight gain or loss
  • long-term use of corticosteroids
  • certain diseases such as Cushing's syndrome or Marfan syndrome
  • family history of stretch marks

Who is susceptible

Women of childbearing age are most prone to developing stretch marks. The overwhelming majority of women encounter them during their first or second pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Men suffer from stretch marks due to hormonal diseases and sudden weight fluctuations, when taking medications, while gaining muscle mass during active training, if the skin does not keep up with muscle growth.

Adolescents - during puberty with active growth in length and weight gain.

How to remove stretch marks on your back

Finding an effective treatment for stretch marks is not easy. Some treatments may reduce skin discoloration, swelling, or irritation. Others will improve the appearance of stretch marks by increasing collagen and elastin production.

Methods for eliminating stretch marks at home

Many people claim that certain body oils can improve the appearance of stretch marks. However, there is very little scientific evidence to support this.

In 2015, a group of researchers reviewed topical treatments for stretch marks during pregnancy. The review found that neither cocoa butter nor olive oil were effective in preventing pregnancy stretch marks or improving their appearance. However, there is limited evidence that massaging bitter almond oil may be beneficial.

There is little data on methods for preventing or treating stretch marks. However, the following are skin care tips that can improve a person's overall skin health:

  • drink enough liquid
  • to give up smoking
  • practice stress management techniques such as meditation and deep breathing
  • avoid excessive exposure to the sun and dry air
  • It is not recommended to visit the solarium
  • using sunscreen in hot or sunny weather
  • wearing protective clothing in harsh weather conditions

Cosmetic procedures

Several cosmetic treatments can reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These include:


Mesotherapy is a procedure that uses tiny needles to pierce the skin. This treatment helps stimulate collagen production, which can improve the appearance of stretch marks. A 2012 study found that seven out of 16 women who received three mesotherapy treatments reported a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their stretch marks. The remaining nine women reported minimal or moderate improvement. Researchers have concluded that mesotherapy may be an effective treatment for stretch marks for some people.


Microdermabrasion uses abrasive surfaces or a spray to remove the outer layers of skin. The procedure aims to stimulate skin growth to improve the appearance of stretch marks. A 2014 study examined the effectiveness of microdermabrasion as a treatment for early and tight stretch marks. The study compared microdermabrasion with a topical cream containing 0.05% tretinoin, which is commonly used to treat acne. 32 women took part in the study. One group received 16 weekly microdermabrasion treatments, while the other used tretinoin cream daily. Both treatments significantly improved the appearance of stretch marks, with no significant difference between them. However, the authors noted that microdermabrasion was associated with better adhesion and fewer side effects.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a procedure that uses focused light to increase collagen production, restore elastin, and increase the thickness of the outer layer of skin. Laser therapy is safe and can improve the appearance of stretch marks, according to a 2022 review. However, the researchers note that larger studies are needed to confirm these effects.

Contraindications and precautions

Cosmetological and hardware techniques are not a universal means of getting rid of stretch marks, especially when it comes to teenagers 14-15 years old or people with chronic pathologies. Before taking the course, you must consult your doctor to rule out the possibility of an allergic reaction. The main contraindications are usually:

  • The presence of neoplasms on the body.
  • Oncology of any localization.
  • Blood disorders or serious bleeding disorders.
  • Severe form of diabetes mellitus.
  • Any mental disorders.
  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute period.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

When taking pharmaceutical drugs, you must follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. You should not exceed the recommended amount to enhance the effect, as this can lead to serious poisoning.

Methods for removing scar skin changes

You can improve the aesthetic appearance, make scars less noticeable, and in some cases completely remove scars on the back from acne and stretch marks using various means. It is very important to choose them correctly, taking into account the nature of the scars, skin type, age characteristics and health status. All funds can be divided into the following groups:

  • Medicines and folk remedies,
  • Special cosmetic procedures.

In addition to them, back massage and physical exercises and sports training have a good effect.

Use of drugs

Among ointments, creams and gels for treating scars, the most effective are:

  • Contractubex,
  • Fermenkol,
  • Kelo-cat,
  • Dermatix,
  • Zeraderm-ultra,
  • Their other analogues.

They are applied to clean, dry skin 2-3 times a day; for pronounced and large scars, they are applied as a compress for half an hour. Contraindications are ulcers and unhealed pimples on the skin. In these cases, it is better to use salicylic-zinc ointment; it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Anti-scar patches based on silicone (Mepiform, Mepiderm, Anti-scar and others) have proven themselves well. They create increased humidity, “warm” the scar, increasing blood flow and recovery processes.

They are applied to individual dense scars, the duration of action is selected individually - from 2 to 12 hours. Do not use in case of skin defects, purulent inflammation, increased fat content.

Treatment of scars with hardware methods

The most effective methods in the treatment of scars are hardware methods of professional cosmetology, the main ones being:

  • Chemical peeling is the peeling of the top layer of skin using solutions of organic acids. The action is designed to restore healthy tissue. Contraindicated for purulent rashes, allergies, too dry skin,
  • LED method – LED therapy. The skin is exposed to pulsed light, causing increased blood flow and vasodilation. This leads to the removal of inflammation, softening and resorption of scars, and skin regeneration. Contraindications include cancer,
  • Laser therapy is the most effective hardware method that gives good results even for keloids. Today, the “gold standard” is its new modification – fractional thermolysis. The laser beam removes many tiny areas of the upper layers of the skin, as if perforating it, after which rapid recovery occurs, replacing scar tissue with healthy skin. The method is not used in pregnant, lactating women, cancer patients,
  • Mesotherapy is an injection method with the introduction of various drugs. Enzymes and steroid hormones are injected into rough scars; into atrophic scars, mixtures of components that stimulate regeneration, hyaluronic acid, collagen,
  • Mechanical peeling – microdermabrasion, removal of the outer layer of the epidermis using tiny solid particles, followed by skin renewal. The method is contraindicated for acne, skin inflammation, and keloid scars.

Use of traditional medicine

Traditional medicine suggests using the following recipes to eliminate scars on the back:

  • Masks made from cosmetic clay (white, blue), it is diluted with water, a few drops of lemon juice or essential oils of rosemary, citrus are added to the mixture, applied to the skin for half an hour once a day,
  • Masks of sea salt with olive oil, make the mixture in the form of a paste, apply for 20 minutes daily,
  • Tomato mask - crushed tomato pulp is mixed with 1 teaspoon of starch, applied to the scars for half an hour 1-2 times a day,
  • Oatmeal-kefir mask - mix oatmeal and kefir in equal parts, apply, lightly rubbing into the skin and leave for half an hour, repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day.

Many other remedies are also used: herbal infusions of parsley, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, which are used to wipe the skin of the back 2-3 times a day. Essential oils - lavender, tea tree, clove - give a good effect. 2-3 drops mixed with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, applied to the back at night.

Massage to improve blood circulation

Massage procedures are a powerful tool for improving blood circulation in the skin, preventing the formation of rough scars, softening hypertrophic and smoothing atrophic scars. It is best if it is done by a specialist using special equipment.

You can also use portable devices for home vibration massage. During the procedure, you need to apply oils to the skin - cocoa, olive, St. John's wort, avocado, eucalyptus, or with the addition of essential oils. Massage should not be done if there is acne, inflammation, or damage to the integrity of the skin.

Regular exercise

Regular physical exercise - home gymnastics, visiting the gym, swimming pool, sports games, running, walking - is an indispensable condition for intensive metabolism and scar healing.

Muscles contain many receptors; when they contract, impulses are transmitted to the central nervous system , from there comes a “command” to the entire body to intensify its work.

Playing sports is especially important during adolescence, when increased bone growth and hormonal changes occur. Getting enough physical activity will help prevent stretch marks from appearing.


Whether a mark remains after damage or surgery or not depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. And with surgical intervention - on its volume and severity. Prevention in any case should be aimed at preventing the formation of keloids. In particular, today doctors are trying to perform minimally invasive, including endoscopic, operations that minimize the risk of defect formation. There are also a number of drugs prescribed by a doctor immediately after epithelization of the wound. Their correct and timely use helps to avoid the formation of a rough mark.

We recommend

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Premium set “Ideal facial skin. Healthy tone"

Which doctor should I contact to treat problematic scars?

If problematic scars have formed on your back, you should first consult a dermatologist. He will conduct an examination, find out the reason for the formation of the scar, and give it an assessment. Only after this is the question resolved who will treat the scars - a physiotherapist, a surgeon or a cosmetologist.

In cases where the scars are the result of acne, all appointments are made by a dermatologist and, if necessary, referrals for cosmetic procedures.

A plastic surgeon is involved in the treatment of extensive post-burn or post-traumatic scars that sharply impair the aesthetic appearance or limit movement.

Features of cicatricial deformities of the skin in the back area

The back area is much less exposed to various injuries - cuts, wounds, burns, surgical interventions. However, the structure of the skin predisposes to more frequent development of acne due to the abundance of sebaceous glands and the formation of scars. Another feature is the frequent appearance of stretch marks - a kind of scars without compromising the integrity of the skin.

Acne scars on the back in teenagers and adults

Acne rarely escapes anyone during puberty. Often it becomes persistent, difficult to treat, and pimples leave behind very ugly scars.

With age, acne goes away in most cases, but scars remain for life if they are not treated promptly.

Most often, they are atrophic in nature and look like “holes” of various sizes, sharply disrupting the skin texture, or in the form of dense brown nodules, often with black dots (comedones).

Scars on the back in the form of stripes

Scars on the back in the form of stripes, a special type of cicatricial skin changes that occurs without damaging the skin - stretch marks, or so-called stretch marks. They look like multiple, horizontally located parallel stripes that differ from normal skin in color. At first they appear pink or red, after 1-1.5 months they acquire a blue or purple tint, and then gradually turn pale.

Striae appear from a lack of synthesis of collagen fibers in the deep layers of the skin.

The reason for the appearance of scars on the back in adolescents and adults is a sharp disruption of metabolic processes in the body during the period of hormonal changes, increased body growth, rapid loss or, conversely, gain of body weight, and lack of physical activity. The stripes can be localized on different parts of the body, but in males they “choose” more often on the back.

Scars on the back from nails

Thin parallel stripes of scars on the posterolateral surfaces of the back on both sides are, as a rule, the lot of men, retribution for intimate relationships with “piquant” partners.

In most cases, damage from well-groomed female nails is shallow, and therefore the scars are normotrophic; they are revealed only by the difference in color. They become especially noticeable when the back is covered with a southern tan.

Sometimes scratches can become inflamed and fester due to infection.

At the same time, the healing process is delayed, and the scars are formed rougher. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor without hesitation and undergo anti-inflammatory treatment.

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