Non-surgical correction of the lower eyelids

Drooping eyelids and unsightly “bags” can appear at a younger age. The reason for this is genetic predisposition. But, most often, such skin defects are associated with the natural aging process. Losing the original elasticity characteristic of young age, the skin acquires the property of stretching, forming bags and folds of skin on the eyelids. Swelling of fatty hernias can lead to increased edema, and an excess of any fluid in the body further emphasizes this negative effect, forming many small wrinkles. The more often swelling of the skin occurs, the larger and deeper the wrinkles and folds around the eyes become.

Defects such as bruises, bags and dark circles under the eyes are a real problem, which is almost impossible to solve with the help of creams, massage, concealers and other conventional methods. They will only help achieve a temporary visual effect. Often applying cream and decorative cosmetics to the thin skin around the eyes, you can even aggravate the situation by injuring the sensitive epidermis.

Only through plastic surgery can one be guaranteed to remove bags under the eyes, eliminate signs of age, and eliminate sagging eyelid skin and fatty hernias. A more progressive method does not yet exist.

Remove bags under eyes reviews

“12 days after the operation, I appeared at a major event, which was attended by many of my friends. There I truly enjoyed the results of blepharoplasty. People I knew came up to me and complimented my appearance, asked me where I had such a good time, and said that I began to look several years younger. At the same time, I didn’t tell anyone that I was going to have blepharoplasty. My friends were just wondering - what so wonderful happened to my appearance? The face remained the same, but began to look younger and fresher.” Lyuba, 37 years old. You can read other reviews on how to remove bags under the eyes on the Abrielle Clinic website.

How to remove swelling?

First of all, you need to understand what causes swelling. This:

  • overwork, lack of sleep;
  • improper diet, for example, excess salt;
  • alcohol;
  • drinking plenty of fluids at night;
  • some diseases, such as kidney failure.

If you do not abuse alcohol, salty foods, rest, and monitor your kidney health, the problem will disappear by itself. Usually the bags appear in the morning and disappear by lunchtime. Getting rid of such swelling is simple:

  • Apply brewed tea bags or chamomile to your eyes and hold for 20 minutes. It is better to freeze the bags first.
  • Rub your eyelids with ice cubes. You can use frozen herbal infusions rather than water.

These simple methods eliminate only minor morning swelling.
But they are powerless against age-related changes. Compresses can tighten sagging skin for a short time, but after a couple of hours the cosmetic effect will disappear. Another reason for the appearance of edema is medical:

  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • metabolic disorders.

Cosmetics will not eliminate the defect; you need to contact a therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, nephrologist.

Ways to eliminate imperfections of the lower eyelid without surgery

Our clinic performs a range of procedures to correct the area under the eyes. Let's look at which options best help with different problems.

Puffiness under the eyes (photo 1)

Swelling can be eliminated using procedures that improve lymphatic drainage . These include vacuum diamond peeling or gas-liquid peeling jet peel. Treatment consists of a course of procedures, from 4 to 10 or more, depending on the manifestation and cause of the problem, if we are talking specifically about swelling caused by stagnation in the lower eyelid area.

Some formations that look like swelling are actually lower eyelid hernias . They are formed as a result of the redistribution and sliding of adipose tissue and a decrease in skin tone.

How to determine - edema or fatty hernia? If the size of the “bags” under the eyes varies: in the morning/evening, after the weekend/on weekdays, then most likely it is swelling.

Mesotherapy can also be used for swelling. Various meso-cocktails can strengthen the skin and remove dark circles, but a course of treatment is needed, since the effect of mesotherapy is cumulative. The course includes 3-5 procedures.

Hernia of the lower eyelid (photo 2,3)

Small hernias, as in photo 2, can be corrected using contour plastic surgery, provided that the problem is not advanced. The area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove is filled with hyaluronic acid filler. The bags are “leveled out”, unevenness and wrinkles are smoothed out almost immediately, and the effect lasts 10-12 months. There is no rehabilitation period!

Large hernias (photo 3) often cannot be repaired using non-surgical methods. If the formation under the eyes “hangs” strongly and is a complete semicircle, from the medial to the lateral edge, then only plastic surgery will help.

During surgery, fat packets are removed or redistributed to make them less noticeable. The operation is not a pleasant thing, but it gives 100% results for a long time.

After surgery, you can recover for weeks. Therefore, it is better to prevent such situations in time. To do this, we recommend undergoing preventive procedures to strengthen the skin of the eyelids after 30 years.

Nasolacrimal groove (photo 4.5)

The deep furrow under the eyes is smoothed out using a combination of contouring with fillers and mesotherapy.

If the problem is advanced, then it can only be dealt with through comprehensive correction. These are fillers + laser correction + mesotherapy. Additionally, IPL may be required - a technique of so-called photorejuvenation. You and I will have to “sweat”, but if we do not eliminate the problem at this stage, then it will only get worse.

How to remove bags under the eyes? Surgery, injections, laser

You cannot stop the aging process, but you can slow it down. Dr. Listratenkov’s clinic in Moscow offers:

  • Contour plastic surgery. These are injections of hyaluronic acid into the problem area. After the procedure, the skin brightens, becomes elastic, wrinkles and folds disappear. The effect is visible after 5-6 days and lasts for several months.
  • Mesothreads. A “frame” of the finest fibers is implanted into the skin. They are made from suture material. An internal scar forms along the threads. Over time, the fibers dissolve, but the seals remain. They keep eyelids from sagging and eliminate bags under the eyes. The operation stimulates collagen production and rejuvenates the skin. The effect lasts up to 2 years.
  • Photorejuvenation. The skin is treated with various light sources. This is not ultraviolet radiation, the procedure is harmless. Photorejuvenation stimulates the synthesis of collagen fibers, tightens the skin, and removes wrinkles. The result lasts from 6 months to a year.
  • Laser eyelid resurfacing. The beam evaporates the surface of the skin, but does not penetrate into its deeper layers. This “shock therapy” stimulates regenerative processes. The skin is tightened and dark spots disappear. Sanding will not remove the bags completely, but it will make them much smaller. The effect lasts from 5 to 7 years.
  • All types of blepharoplasty, including laser. Surgery to remove bags under the eyes solves the problem radically. The surgeon removes excess fatty tissue, tightens the eyelid skin and muscles. The procedure is minimally invasive, with minimal incisions. The doctor makes incisions either in the eyelash growth area or in the conjunctiva of the eyes. There are no noticeable scars or scars left after them. In the case of laser surgery, there are no incisions at all. The maximum rehabilitation period lasts several weeks, less with the laser technique. When the stitches have healed, you will be able to evaluate the final result: wrinkles will smooth out, sagging and swelling will completely disappear.

Popular questions

What should I do to prevent bags from appearing?

Eat right, follow a daily routine, give up bad habits. Use skincare products, go for a facial massage. Anti-aging procedures are effective if done at the first signs of skin aging.

Will there never be bags after blepharoplasty?

It is impossible to completely stop the aging process. But the effect of the procedure lasts for many years. Of course, if the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations and leads a healthy lifestyle.

The main advantages of blepharoplasty

This operation allows a woman to really save money that she was going to spend on expensive creams, masks, massages and other skin care products around the eyes. Unlike the temporary effect of decorative cosmetics, blepharoplasty guarantees a long-term aesthetic effect with a result that will exceed all your expectations. Do not waste your time and money on advertised skincare products - blepharoplasty surgery is the only option that gives the desired rejuvenation result. By contacting the experienced specialists of the Abrielle Clinic and having undergone eyelid surgery, you will stop wondering: how to remove bags under the eyes?

You can see the price for blepharoplasty and other plastic surgeries in the Price List section. We offer high quality operations and reasonable prices. If you have any questions regarding our services, please call the phone numbers provided. Sign up for a consultation with our specialists: 8 and 5

To make a final decision regarding blepharoplasty, a consultation via photo or Skype will be the best option. Don’t waste time traveling or endlessly searching for information on the Internet on your own. Get it first-hand - from a knowledgeable specialist.

Removal of lower eyelid hernia: prices

The cost of lower eyelid hernia removal is determined by a number of factors:

  • the method by which the decision was made to remove this defect;
  • complexity of surgical intervention;
  • volume of procedures and type of drug when choosing treatment without surgery, etc.

The cost of surgery to remove a lower eyelid hernia at Nomosklinik starts from 32 thousand rubles. The exact amount varies depending on the type of surgery, the method of anesthesia, and the volume of preparatory procedures.

Lower eyelid surgeryfrom 44 400 a74,000 a
See all prices for services at Nomosklinik

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Fatty hernias of the eyelids

The formation of fatty hernias of the eyelids is an irreversible process, but modern cosmetology knows many ways to prolong the youth of the eyes by strengthening and lifting the tissues of the periorbital zone. Hardware technologies that have the effect of non-invasive eyelid lifting include microcurrent therapy, thermolifting, and ultrasonic lifting. Due to the effect on the orbicularis oculi muscle, the skin around the eyes is tightened, sagging skin of the upper eyelid and excess skin of the lower eyelid are eliminated. Lifting with 3D mesothreads (thread lifting) has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Correction of wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin defects in the eyelid area is facilitated by laser rejuvenation, fractional thermolysis of the periorbital zone, mild chemical peels, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, contour plastic surgery of the tear trough, and cosmetic masks. As a result of conservative therapy, the fatty hernias of the eyelids themselves will not go away, but they will become visually much less noticeable.

It is possible to eliminate already formed fatty hernias of the eyelids only surgically, using various types of blepharoplasty. To determine contraindications to surgical intervention, a complete clinical and laboratory examination is carried out. Particular attention is paid to studying the condition of the eyes and eyelids, therefore, in addition to the plastic surgeon, the patient should be examined by an ophthalmologist. Contraindications to blepharoplasty are some common diseases: (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, severe cardiovascular pathology), as well as ophthalmological pathology (dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, retinal detachment, etc.).

The choice of the optimal surgical technique for eliminating fatty hernias of the eyelids is determined by a number of factors: the degree of excess skin on the eyelids; severity of ptosis; skin texture and depth of wrinkles; tone of the cartilage of the eyelid; location and amount of excess fat; state of orbicularis muscle function. Depending on the location of fatty hernias of the eyelids, upper or lower blepharoplasty can be performed. Moreover, depending on the individual characteristics and aesthetic problems being solved, during lower blepharoplasty, fat hernias can be removed (classical, traditional lower blepharoplasty) or redistribution of intraorbital fat (lower fat-preserving blepharoplasty). During lower eyelid surgery, percutaneous or transconjunctival access is used. Upper blepharoplasty can be combined with correction of ptosis of the upper eyelid, forehead and eyebrow lift. Lower blepharoplasty is often performed in combination with a lift of the middle third of the face, including the cheekbone area and nasolabial folds. In order to simultaneously remove fatty hernias of both eyelids, a circular blepharoplasty is performed.

Possible, although quite rare, complications of surgical correction of fatty hernias of the eyelids can include lagophthalmos (impossibility of closing the eyes), eversion of the eyelid, lacrimation, diplopia, retrobulbar hematoma, formation of pathological scars, etc. In general, modern surgical techniques for correcting fatty hernias of the eyelids, especially in combined with hardware and injection procedures, they can significantly rejuvenate the eye area. The aesthetic effect after blepharoplasty lasts on average for 7-10 years.

Possible complications of the operation

In rare cases, complications occur after blepharoplasty:

  • Inability to close the eyes (lagophthalmos).
  • Tearing.
  • Eversion of the century.
  • Diplopia (visual disorder - splitting of visible objects).
  • Formation of pathological scars.
  • Retrobulbar hematoma.
  • Other complications.

After the operation, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations, avoid physical activity with the torso tilted, and use cold compresses on the eye area to reduce swelling. After the operation, the patient is given a patch that cannot be removed for two days. The rejuvenation effect after surgery lasts for a long time – up to 10 years. The use of surgical and therapeutic methods can effectively rejuvenate your appearance.

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