Something special: how peptides prolong youth and where to find them

What are peptides

They are made up of amino acids. They are used in cosmetics due to their increased stability in the composition of products, and also because of their ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Considering the size and structure, cosmetics with this component will be more effective than the sensational products with elastin and collagen. Penetrating the skin, they connect with cellular receptors, which perceive them as a signal for action. They dictate to the cells what to do - divide, die. It is important to understand that the actions of peptides vary depending on the group. There are 4 types used in cosmetics: signaling, transport, enzyme inhibitors and neurotransmitters. Signal signals stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The well-known Matrixyl belongs to this group. Transport cells act as a “carrier” and deliver essential microelements to cells. Enzyme inhibitors increase the lifespan of collagen. Neurotransmitters relax muscles because one of the most famous peptides, botoluxin, works.


  • Light weight and ability to penetrate the skin. This allows them to act in the deepest layers of the epidermis, which means cosmetics will give results faster.
  • They are safe. The components have no toxic effect, do not cause allergies or addiction. It is almost impossible to overdo them.
  • Almost instant results.


  • They do not accumulate in the body, so you need to use products with this component regularly.
  • In some cases, cosmetics may be useless.
  • The reason for this is not the composition at all, but various factors, for example, the characteristics of the body, obstacles to the penetration of ingredients inside.
  • The body independently regulates their quantity.
  • You think that the products should definitely work and make you younger, but the body may think otherwise and remove everything that you use so diligently.

Is it dangerous to use?

All fears are most often associated with myths based on the origin and mechanism of action of the component. Peptides are the active part of growth factors, and this phrase sounds threatening. It is believed that growth factors stimulate cell division and can cause various formations. There is a fear of using cosmetics with peptides - suddenly your face will swim or a tumor will form.

But their peptides are associated with balancing and fine-tuning the functioning of cells and cannot harm the body. These signaling molecules force the body's cells to produce the correct healthy product, cleanse the intercellular space and improve the environment around them, and accordingly their work. Our body is designed in such a way that it takes only the amount of peptides it needs for recovery, and the excess breaks down and is excreted.

Geroprotectors for skin rejuvenation

Natalya Simonova told us that peptides are recognized as the most popular components of medical and cosmetic preparations. Geroprotectors for skin rejuvenation are preparations that in most cases consist of a peptide base. After all, peptides are not just substances invented for marketing purposes, but powerful regulators of such processes as:

  • Wound healing.
  • Restoration of the natural functions of organs and tissues.
  • Cell rejuvenation.

The use of peptides in cosmetic preparations for home care and in clinical products, including mesotherapy procedures, has long been commonplace.

After all, peptides are real geroprotectors for skin rejuvenation.


Injections of peptides under the skin of the face are an intervention in the functioning of the body, which leads to the restructuring of regenerative processes. Naturally, the procedure has contraindications:

  • there is a tendency to form keloid scars;
  • diabetes mellitus of any type;
  • autoimmune diseases, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, scleroderma;
  • dermatological pathologies with visible manifestations at the sites of intended administration of the drug.

Peptide injections should not be given to women during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. But previously diagnosed neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature may not be a contraindication to peptide beauty injections, but the final decision is made by a cosmetologist.

The result of facial mesotherapy with peptides

It is important to consider the presence or absence of an allergic reaction in the patient's history. Even if the body reacts inadequately to food, an allergy test should be performed

Otherwise, even one course of peptide injections can result in serious complications.

Firming and lifting day cream, ELIZABETH ARDEN

Cost - from 4,320 rubles

Where to buy:

Acetyl octapeptide consists of eight amino acids and acts similar to argireline or Botox. It reduces the conductivity of neurosignals in the facial muscles, relaxes facial muscles and thus reduces the severity of facial wrinkles and slows down their formation.

The cream helps restore the epidermal barrier of the skin and significantly improves its condition. Moisturizes and nourishes, gives a youthful glow, improves firmness and elasticity, protects from ultraviolet radiation.

Ultra-lifting lightweight moisturizer FACE LIFT, HydroPeptide

Cost - from 5,495 rubles

Where to buy:

Perhaps the world's most famous brand of professional peptide cosmetics from the USA. The product line contains 85 different skin peptides. Cosmetics not only replenish the amount of important peptides, but regulate the skin’s own potential at the DNA level.

Light lifting cream is perfect for daily skin care with age-related changes and prevention of aging. It maintains water and lipid balance, inhibits the appearance of wrinkles, evens out skin texture and tone, and improves its tone. Perfect as a base for makeup.

See How to take care of your skin after 35 to look younger than your age.

Peptides - what is the peculiarity of their use?

Experts have long recognized the fact that peptide bioregulators that enter the body through the digestive tract or by injection are the most effective. This is why cosmetics containing amino acid chains are not as effective as injections and capsules for oral administration. What is the reason? The molecules of the active substance need to overcome many barriers on the way to the cell.

Why are peptides considered geroprotectors?

Peptides are parts of protein cells. They are the parts that are involved in the construction of proteins. Initially, peptides were obtained by isolating their animal fractions. This created difficulties for their use as ingredients in dosage forms. The thing is that the breakdown of proteins into peptides is a complex process, fraught with the preservation of a number of bio-impurities in the resulting substance that can cause allergic reactions.

The production of peptides today is a streamlined process controlled by high technology. Geroprotectors for rejuvenation in the form of peptides are small synthetic compounds. They penetrate tissues and systemically affect cells, regulating their functions or restoring impaired functions.

Peptide mesotherapy: a variety of means and techniques

A beautiful face, young eyes and healthy skin are the dreams of every woman. Preparations containing peptides cope with the task efficiently and quickly. Injections ensure the launch of rejuvenation processes at the cellular level.

At the same time, the drugs increase the protective barriers of the facial skin from the negative effects of external factors, such as:

  • ultraviolet;
  • temperature changes;
  • stress;
  • wind.

Peptide preparations actively remove toxins, which promotes cell renewal and a rapid positive effect from their use. Additionally, they promote the removal of metabolic products from the body as a whole, which has a positive effect on health, and therefore on the condition of the skin.

If the skin is deficient in peptides, it becomes sluggish, then loses its elasticity, which does not go unnoticed - in this case, it is customary to talk about sagging and fatigue, which are the main reason for the external unsightly appearance of the skin. That is why mesotherapy using these substances is gaining popularity.

Preparations with hyaluronic acid in combination with peptides work efficiently and correct most cosmetic problems in a short period of time. It is the presence of hyaluron that determines the presence of natural moisture in the skin cells, which in turn allows it to remain fresh and elastic.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid by injection allows you to restore the concentration of elastin. Products used in mesotherapy can be in the form of gels of various consistencies.

There are several methods for administering mesotherapy drugs:

  • Superficial attack;
  • Middle attack;
  • Deep attack;
  • Papular technique;
  • Linear technology and others.

The injection technique is determined only by a cosmetologist.

Sometimes cosmetologists use a special device in their work - a roller with spikes on a handle, called a mesoscooter. It works effectively not only with facial skin, but also with areas of the neck, arms, body, and even to restore beauty and health to hair. This roller is also recommended for use in home rejuvenation procedures.

It is important to remember that mesoscooters are divided into:

  • domestic;
  • professional.

Cosmetologists use devices that use spikes made of surgical steel or titanium, which in most cases are coated with precious metals - gold and silver. These elements help protect the skin from possible infection.

It must be remembered that mesoscooters come with two types of needles:

  • for the face, needles 0.5-1 mm in length;
  • for the body - 1-2 mm long.

A prerequisite is to pre-treat the skin with antiseptic drugs to completely prevent infection or bacteria. After the procedure, it is also necessary to treat the affected area with an antiseptic and apply a soothing cream or mask.

After a procedure in which a roller was used, the skin will be red and sometimes swelling will appear - this is a common occurrence. Redness lasts up to 48 hours, but after that a visible rejuvenation effect occurs. In addition to anti-aging cosmetology, mesotherapy is effectively used to combat imperfections such as cellulite or stretch marks. Peptide preparations will help emphasize the hip line. In order to guarantee that the results obtained are guaranteed, it is advisable to combine this therapy with various wraps, for example, using seaweed or chocolate and therapeutic massage.

Thus, mesotherapy in general and procedures with peptides, anti-aging agents and special cosmetological devices give amazing results. The rejuvenation effect not only occurs after the first visit to a specialist, but also lasts for a long time, which allows you to reduce the number of visits to the cosmetologist and save personal time.

Geroprotectors for rejuvenation - how they can be dangerous

To avoid changing a given peptide chain (with a specific sequence of amino acids) by its rearranged variation, scientists have developed several carriers - substances that perform the function of attaching peptides to themselves unchanged and then detaching them in the body.

One of the carriers in cosmetology is hyaluronic acid. It allows not only to deliver peptides to the skin, but also to ensure their gradual release over a certain period of time. Such peptide therapy for cosmetic purposes actually ensures a full course, similar to sanatorium treatment: the peptides are released from the carrier gradually, since hyaluronic acid takes a long time to break down.

Geroprotectors for rejuvenation in the form of peptides allow:

  1. They activate exactly the cells for which they are designed.
  2. Active cells begin to produce the substances they need on their own.
  3. Cells “heal” themselves.

These processes are clearly visible when using peptides in cosmetology. Skin cells treated with peptides produce their own collagen, which restores elasticity to the skin and creates a lifting effect.

Neuropeptides used today in cosmetics additionally have a relaxing effect on individual tense areas, which improves skin regeneration.

Peptide complexes provide:

  1. Antioxidant protection.
  2. Moisturizes the skin.
  3. Protect the epidermis from harmful environmental factors.

Understanding the processes that we describe and can even evaluate with our own eyes, having tried it on ourselves - for the skin, it is easy to imagine how peptides work when they get into the cells of organs and tissues.

Geroprotectors for rejuvenation are used today in almost all industries related to human health. This is precisely the proof of their effectiveness and high safety. It is only a matter of time before the general public adopts peptides. Substances discovered in the 70s of the last century have not only not lost their relevance over the past 50 years, but have also significantly improved, expanding the list and methods of delivery to the necessary places in the body.

Moisturizing cream with peptides Hydralift, Bio Medical Care

Cost - from 1,952 rubles

Where to buy:

Copper tripeptide restores and strengthens the collagen framework of the skin, restores cells after various damages at the DNA level. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Copper peptides also help other cosmetic components penetrate deep into the skin. We are talking about ceramides, important lipids and oligoacids that restore and strengthen its structure.

Did you know that a person’s character can be understood by their wrinkles? It’s written all over your face: what do your wrinkles say about you?

Day cream with matrixil with a rejuvenating effect, Beauty Style

Cost - 775 rubles

Where to buy:

Matrixyl peptide is called a “wrinkle smoother.” It directly stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, different types of collagen and other important skin proteins. This face cream quickly tightens and tightens the skin, reduces fine wrinkles.

Matrixyl is precisely the peptide for which a certain concentration is very important. Not all manufacturers indicate it on the label. If you are afraid of making a mistake, buy only professional products, everything is absolutely fine there.

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