Failed blepharoplasty: causes and manifestations. Photos of unsuccessful operations and their correction

Causes Symptoms of eyelid ectropion Diagnosis Treatment of eyelid ectropion Advantages of treatment of eyelid ectropion in MGK Price Video

Eversion of the eyelid (synonymous with “ectropion”) is a pathology in which the edge of the eyelid does not adhere to the surface of the eyeball, which is why the palpebral fissure remains partially open.

The consequence of eversion of the eyelid is drying out of the mucous membrane of the eye, which contributes to its mechanical irritation and can cause chronic inflammation.


Depending on the reason that caused the appearance of eyelid inversion, the following forms of ectropion are distinguished:

Senile eversion of the eyelid – occurs in elderly patients and is caused by weakening of the orbicularis oculi muscle

Cicatricial eversion of the eyelid can occur after injuries (wounds, burns) or operations (blepharoplasty), as well as in people with systemic connective tissue diseases (systemic lupus erythematosus)

Spastic eversion of the eyelid is a consequence of excessive tension of part of the fibers of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Paralytic eversion of the eyelid is caused by paralysis or paresis of the branches of the facial nerve

How to delay the need for repeat surgery?

The main rule is to trust the operation only to a trusted specialist. Repeated blepharoplasty may be necessary immediately after the end of the rehabilitation period if the surgeon who performed the initial correction does not have enough experience or qualifications.

If the operation is performed efficiently, the patient’s task is to prolong the resulting effect as much as possible.

The duration of the effect of the operation largely depends on the patient’s health and lifestyle and can be significantly reduced, for example, if he has bad habits. On the contrary, various therapeutic cosmetology programs will help increase the period during which the effect of blepharoplasty will be noticeable. These methods include:

  • moisturizing complexes,
  • lymphatic drainage facial massage,
  • special soft peelings and much more.

Expression wrinkles that appear at the outer edge of the eye (the so-called “crow’s feet”) can be easily eliminated with botulinum toxin injections (Botox, Dysport).

In some cases, to correct changes in the orbital zone, you can use hyaluronic acid preparations (Restylane, Surgiderm).

These drugs can be used as early as a month after blepharoplasty, and a qualified specialist will help you choose a set of procedures necessary to maintain the effect of the operation.

Treatment of ectropion

To alleviate the patient's condition and temporarily eliminate the symptoms of eye irritation, moisturizing drops (such as artificial tears) are used.

Often, eyelid inversion requires surgical treatment. The exception is spastic eversion of the eyelid, in which it is possible to prescribe drug therapy, the purpose of which is to eliminate spasm of the orbicularis oculi muscle.

Surgical treatment of ectropion is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused the appearance of eyelid inversion. If an inversion occurs due to shortening of the skin of the eyelid (surgery, trauma, scar), the patient may need a skin flap transplant to replace the existing defect.


When the eyelid is everted, the patient complains of:

  • lacrimation, causing irritation and maceration of the skin around the eye,
  • conjunctivitis, keratitis, accompanied by redness and pain.

When an eyelid turns in, the following symptoms may occur:

  • pain and inflammation due to trauma to the cornea by the ciliary edge,
  • with prolonged absence of treatment - clouding of the cornea as a result of chronic inflammation,
  • conjunctivitis, keratitis.

Advantages of treatment of eyelid eversion in the MGK

A good outcome in the treatment of eyelid inversion depends on a combination of several factors: timely and complete diagnosis of the disease, selection of the most effective treatment method, regular monitoring and proper management of the postoperative period. All patients of the Moscow Eye Clinic receive all these benefits.

An individual approach and attentive attitude towards patients is the key to effective treatment of any eye diseases at the Moscow City Hospital. Thanks to modern diagnostic equipment, the examination takes a minimum of time. Based on the examination results, our doctors will recommend a suitable treatment method and answer all your questions.

The clinic sees some of the best specialists in the capital, who have thousands of successful operations behind them. Their practical experience and theoretical training allow them to achieve the best treatment results even in the most difficult cases.

Our clinic is open seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days a week. For the convenience of patients, there is a day hospital where every patient can receive help.

If you are interested in questions, you can ask specialists by calling 8 and (499) 322-36-36 or online using the appropriate form on the website.


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Early complications after eyelid surgery

Eversion of the lower eyelid

If too much skin is removed during surgery, lower eyelid inversion may occur, which causes the person to be unable to close the eye completely and the mucous membrane to dry out.

If you suspect this problem, you should immediately contact your surgeon. In most cases, special exercises or massage are prescribed. Sometimes these two methods are combined. In cases where this does not help, they resort to repeated surgery.

To prevent eyelid inversion on the part of the patient, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations during rehabilitation. This includes some easy eye exercises. They need to be done three days after the procedure and for two weeks about five times a day.


Bleeding is dangerous. The worst thing is that it can appear both after surgery and several days later. In the first case, we can talk about a subcutaneous hematoma. If the accumulation of blood is not very large, surgeons may resort to puncture to remove it. If a large vessel is damaged, then it is necessary to resort to repeated surgery to close it and stop the bleeding.

Bleeding is dangerous because severe tissue scarring can occur and subcutaneous nodes that do not dissolve for a long time will appear.

The most dangerous consequence of blepharoplasty is considered to be a retrobulbar hematoma, which appears when a large vessel is damaged during surgery. In this case, blood accumulates behind the eyeball. This leads to severe pain and limited eye mobility, as well as a slight protrusion of the eyeball.

If you suspect a retrobulbar hematoma, it is important to immediately consult a doctor for special treatment, as this, if left untreated, leads to complete loss of vision or acute glaucoma.


Immediately after surgery, natural consequences occur in the form of bruising and swelling. During the normal course of the recovery period, the swelling goes away within a week. If this does not happen, we can talk about a complication.

In this case, the swelling can lead to severe headaches, as the fluid puts pressure on the eyeball. Also observes a fuzzy and double image in the eyes.

If swelling does not go away for a long time, it is important to immediately contact your doctor.

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

You should consult a surgeon when complications after blepharoplasty surgery on the upper or lower eyelids interfere with a normal lifestyle. For example, the eye does not close completely or is excessively dry - this may be the result of some problem that has arisen due to surgery.

In general, any changes in appearance or physical well-being that concern you should be a reason to visit a surgeon. This could be any visible defect at the operated site, or, for example, an increase in body temperature or nausea. A timely diagnosis and surgical treatment will help reduce to zero the risks of possible complications after eyelid blepharoplasty.

Following your doctor's recommendations is an important step towards a beautiful look.

Laser (transconjunctival) blepharoplasty

There is also a method of transconjunctival blepharoplasty (laser blepharoplasty), the use of which is indicated in cases where there is no need to excise excess skin tissue, but only need to remove fatty hernias. The advantage of this method is the absence of scars, because hernias are removed through small punctures in the mucosa, which are carried out using a laser.

Laser blepharoplasty is always lower eyelid surgery; in addition, it should be noted that not all patients are candidates for laser blepharoplasty, and this is taken into account during the preliminary consultation.

I often combine blepharoplasty with other anti-aging surgeries, such as a facelift or forehead lift. This allows the patient to avoid two operations using general anesthesia, and also shortens the rehabilitation period.

After the operation, the patient needs to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, then he can return home. Laser blepharoplasty has a shorter recovery period. During the recovery period, I recommend that my patients sleep on the highest possible pillows to prevent fluid accumulation in the surgical area. For some time, regular treatment of the eyelids will be necessary to avoid the appearance of crusts, as well as the use of special ointments and drops.

Why do age-related changes appear again after successful blepharoplasty?

Sometimes, after a certain period of time (usually 6 to 7 years), age takes its toll again. Even the most qualified and talented plastic surgeon is not able to stop the aging process and to maintain a young, attractive image, repeated use of the scalpel is necessary.

The patient underwent repeated blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid and lipofilling after previously performed eyelid surgery, which did not satisfy her.

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It is important to consider one more point. Plastic surgery does not stand still. It is developing very actively, new technologies, methods and materials are appearing. For example, the patient was not satisfied with the result of plastic surgery, which was performed several years ago. At that time, now outdated methods were used. In this case, repeated blepharoplasty in a modern modification can provide a much better aesthetic result. So, before, blepharoplasty involved radical excision of skin and fatty hernias. Whereas, at the moment, experts strive to preserve and replace fatty tissue in the periorbital region as much as possible. This is important because fat cells are responsible for youth and skin turgor.

Just five to seven years ago, unsuccessfully performed blepharoplasty could provoke sunken eyes, skeletonization, rounding of the eyelid, as well as the appearance of other problems. Now these risks are practically reduced to zero. All this became possible thanks to modern eyelid rejuvenation techniques. Today we harmoniously combine conservative tissue excision and lipofilling. Repeated blepharoplasty can correct the negative results of primary eyelid surgery, as well as significantly IMPROVE its aesthetic result.

Let us illustrate the progress and result of repeated eyelid blepharoplasty using a specific example.

A patient contacted our specialist. Previously, she had undergone plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids in another clinic. The desire to perform repeat blepharoplasty is caused by the fact that the result was not pleasant. There is no satisfaction with the results of plastic surgery, there is depression.

The diagnostics carried out allowed us to identify a number of problems.

Upper eyelid problems:

Correction of failed upper eyelid blepharoplasty

  • Skeletonization caused by the removal of excessive amounts of fat;
  • Unnaturally high location of the upper eyelid fold. In other words, A-deformation of the shape of the upper eyelid;
  • Excess skin;
  • The presence of visually noticeable scar tissue formed at the site of the incisions.

Lower eyelid problems:

  • The tear trough is not corrected;
  • Excess skin;
  • Ptosis of the lower eyelid, the outer corners of the eyes are oriented downwards;
  • The lower eyelid is lowered below an aesthetically correct level;
  • There are visually noticeable changes in scar tissue.

To eliminate the above shortcomings, the following steps were taken:

  • Repeated blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid, during which the fold of the eyelid was given the correct anatomical position;
  • Lipofilling of the upper eyelid. The goal is to correct skeletonization and create the correct volume;
  • Canthopexy of the lower eyelid. The goal is to lift and fix the outer corners of the eyes;
  • Lipofilling of the lower eyelid. The goal is to rejuvenate the skin under the eyes and form an auxiliary support for the lateral corner of the eye.

The result of the measures taken: correction of all complications of blepharoplasty that arose after the initial unsuccessful eyelid surgery.

How to reduce the risk?

To minimize the risks of complications after blepharoplasty surgery, it is necessary to follow the prohibitions and rules for eyelid skin care. This is a ban on visiting a bathhouse, sauna, beach, solarium, swimming pool, limiting sports activities, sleeping in a semi-sitting position, and much more. Of course, all of these are purely temporary measures. After completion of rehabilitation, the patient will be able to return to a normal lifestyle.

It is also necessary to lubricate the operated area with drugs that promote the resorption of hematomas and swelling. Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor. Under no circumstances should you prescribe treatment for yourself, much less medical supplies, on your own! This can only provoke complications after blepharoplasty.

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