Laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty today allows you to make your look more attractive and expressive. The main advantage of this procedure is that it involves minimal surgical manipulation. In addition, the recovery period after laser blepharoplasty is less than 14 days. This innovation is extremely popular nowadays among the fair sex at any age.

The main task facing eyelid blepharoplasty is making corrections in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelids through minor surgical intervention. The result of the operation is the elimination of “bags” under the eyes, as well as getting rid of drooping eyelids. Thanks to blepharoplasty, a woman will look several years younger.

Who is laser blepharoplasty aimed at?

Age-related deformation makes itself felt on average by 35-45 years, sometimes earlier. Accordingly, it is at this age that you can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. There are no age restrictions in this case. As for deformation, it consists in deterioration of the elasticity of muscle fibers and skin of the eyelids. The overall tone of the face and eyelids decreases, and only this low-traumatic operation can help restore it fully.

In what cases is it recommended to use this operation?

The main reasons when it is advisable to perform surgery have been discussed above. But, there are others.

Indications for laser blepharoplasty:

  1. Eyelid defects. May be acquired or congenital;
  2. Correction of the shape or shape of the eyes. Eyes become more expressive;
  3. Removal of excess eyelid skin and bags under the eyes.

Only laser eyelid blepharoplasty allows you to change your facial expression and eliminate drooping corners of the eyes with minimal trauma.

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

  • the possibility of infection is excluded. The operation is performed at elevated temperatures. As a result, the likelihood of pathogenic microorganisms entering the wound is reduced to nothing. Even if they end up there, the thermal effect will immediately eliminate them;
  • no noticeable scars. Wounds heal with the formation of thin scars;
  • minimal injury. Skin incisions are made with a scalpel, which guarantees a short recovery period for wounds, as well as their rapid healing with the formation of a thin, unnoticeable scar;
  • coagulation of blood vessels without bruising and swelling. High temperatures help avoid the occurrence of these temporary defects on the face;
  • short rehabilitation period. After a couple of weeks, you can return to a full life without any restrictions.

On top of that, it must be said that laser eyelid blepharoplasty does not require a person to be in the clinic after the operation. After a couple of hours, the woman can leave the walls of the establishment.

Contraindications to laser blepharoplasty

Alas, not all representatives of the fair sex can resort to laser blepharoplasty of the eyelids. The thing is that there are a number of contraindications. Carrying out a cosmetic procedure is not allowed in the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms. In addition, blepharoplasty is not recommended if you have HIV infection, blood diseases, or problems with the endocrine system. Temporary contraindications include pregnancy, breastfeeding and chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Preparing for laser eyelid lift

To ensure that the result of laser eyelid blepharoplasty exceeds all expectations and that there are no complications, you should properly prepare for the operation. The first step is to come for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. It is he who will inform you about which areas need to be given attention in order to achieve maximum effect. A couple of weeks before surgery, you need to stop using medications that directly affect the level of blood clotting. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

The following tests will have to be taken:

  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • biochemical and standard blood tests;
  • hCG and HIV;
  • Analysis of urine.

Based on the results of all tests, the specialist will inform you whether a minimally invasive procedure can be performed. The anesthesia that will be used during the operation is also determined.

Types of operations performed with laser on eyelids

  • lower (percutaneous subciliary). This look is aimed at the fair sex, who have a large amount of excess skin in the area above the organs of vision. As a result of percutaneous subciliary blepharoplasty, it is possible to remove intraorbital fat, as well as fatty hernias;
  • transconjunctival. Women resort to it at a young age. This blepharoplasty is performed on the inside of the eyelid. Using a laser beam, it is possible to create a micro-incision through which excess hernias are removed. Correction of eye shape or size is not provided;
  • upper eyelids. As a result of the operation, areas of skin that have an asymmetrical appearance are eliminated, and excess eyelid skin is also removed;
  • circular. The peculiarity of this blepharoplasty is that both the lower and upper eyelids undergo changes. At the same time, their plasticity occurs.
  • Asian eyes. This is when the eastern cut changes to a Caucasoid one. The correction includes parallel removal of excess fat in the upper eyelid, as well as excision of the epithelium.
  • laser resurfacing of the periorbital area

Indications for the procedure

Laser rejuvenation, or fractional photothermolysis, is performed for aesthetic reasons. This hardware technique will help solve the following problems:

  • aging skin;
  • age wrinkles (including facial wrinkles and various depths);
  • bags under the eyes;
  • swelling of the eyelids, blurred contours;
  • pigmentation;
  • dilated capillaries in the paraorbital zone;
  • scar defects.

Fractional photothermolysis of the skin around the eyes allows patients of any age to look young and attractive, get rid of dark circles under the eyes, signs of fatigue and reminders of age.

Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids

Although the laser is an excellent tool for bloodless incisions, it must not be overlooked that the thermal conductivity induced by the laser during surgery plays a significant role in the healing process of the scar, slowing it down.

The CO2 laser creates a zone of irreversible thermal damage (coagulation zone) along the wound edge, which results in delayed wound healing and less satisfactory scarring.

Therefore, skin incisions must be made with a blade. However, after the initial cuts with a scalpel blade are completed, a laser is widely used to perform the remainder of the skin peeling.

Skin flap detachment, which in the past was done easily, quickly and safely with a laser, has also been discontinued for the same reasons as skin incisions.

The laser beam produces high temperatures during its operation, which affects not only the edges of the skin incision. To avoid long healing and the formation of rough scars, sharp instruments such as a scalpel are currently used to cut the skin flap instead of a laser.

Currently, instead of removing a strip of the orbicularis oculi muscle, we make a laser incision in the “hernia” projection. As soon as a wide strip of skin is excised, a strip of muscle is removed.

Thus, two important amendments in the upper laser blepharoplasty technique can be distinguished, comparing the past and present procedure, which are as follows:

  • It is preferable to perform a skin incision and detachment of a skin flap with a scalpel instead of a laser.
  • Instead of removing a strip of the orbicularis oculi muscle, an incision is made into the muscle in the projection of the “hernia” using a defocused laser beam.

The rest of the dissection and fat removal is still performed with laser, bloodlessly, accurately and safely.


The laser rejuvenation procedure is safe and rarely leads to complications, but in some conditions you will have to abandon the use of this technique. Contraindications include:

  • acute viral infections;
  • oncology;
  • dermatological diseases in the facial area;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • blood clotting disorder.

It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure during pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the time of the visit to the cosmetologist, the patient must be completely healthy.

Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

My tendency is to remove lower eyelid hernias using a transconjunctival incision and retroseptal dissection, which minimizes the potential complications caused by the open technique, such as postoperative lower eyelid ectropion, strip of sclera, and often a visible scar. .

In addition, when performing a transconjunctival approach, the rounding of the eye, which sometimes occurs after an external incision in the skin of the lower eyelid, is avoided.

In addition, patients are pleased if in the postoperative period there is only one scar that is not visible at all.

The problem of sagging skin of the lower eyelid is adequately solved using two simple maneuvers:

  • performing laser resurfacing of the skin of the periorbital area
  • "pinch" skin resection

Transconjunctival laser blepharoplasty via a retroseptal approach increased patient satisfaction and excessively reduced potential complications after lower blepharoplasty.

Therefore, the main and most important innovation between the past and the present in the field of blepharoplasty is the introduction of the transconjunctival approach and the use of laser for this procedure. Additionally, the addition of the two previously mentioned maneuvers makes the transconjunctival approach more popular and effective.

In cases where an open technique is required, such as in patients with excessive laxity of the skin of the lower eyelid and other severe signs of aging, the laser again plays an active role in the procedure.

The laser creates a very effective and longer-lasting contraction of the eyelid skin, which improves the final result.

The price of laser blepharoplasty is no different from scalpel blepharoplasty.

Advantages of Fractional Photothermolysis

Laser rejuvenation can successfully solve problems that arise with age in most women and men. The technique has a number of positive effects:

  • Visible result of rejuvenation, alignment of relief, color and structure of the skin after the first session;
  • High efficiency;
  • Short rehabilitation;
  • Can be performed on any area of ​​the face and body, regardless of the time of year, suitable for all skin types;
  • Restores the tone of the eyelids and soft tissues around the eyes;
  • Stimulates natural regeneration and collagen synthesis;
  • It will completely eliminate fine wrinkles and make deep ones almost invisible;
  • The skin becomes lighter, pigment spots disappear;
  • Bags under the eyes disappear;
  • The contours of the eyes become clearer.

Laser rejuvenation differs from laser skin resurfacing in that it has a less aggressive effect on the skin and a shorter rehabilitation period - it is approximately 2 times shorter and is only 4-7 days. After the procedure, redness and peeling of the skin persist for 2-3 days for up to 5-6 days.

Using photothermolysis, you can rejuvenate this problem area and give your face freshness and radiance. Reviews from patients who have undergone laser therapy confirm the effectiveness of this technique.

The Absolut Med clinic in Moscow carries out procedures for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes using a modern erbium laser. The latest German equipment and experienced doctors will help you regain your attractiveness and forget about age.

Laser skin resurfacing after blepharoplasty

Laser resurfacing of the skin of the periorbital area is widely used after blepharoplasty. In many cases, both the upper and lower eyelids are resurfaced with a carbon dioxide laser.

The advantages of using a laser are obvious: surface irregularities and fine wrinkles (especially those located towards the lateral canthus) are treated, resulting in a moderate reduction of the skin.

Re-epithelialization then takes 5–7 days, and resolution of the erythema may take many weeks. In addition, there may be post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation for several months. Both persistent erythema and hyperpigmentation usually resolve on their own.

The use of non-ablative light sources (intense pulsed light) can speed up recovery from this procedure.

Patients with Mediterranean skin type (type III or IV (according to the Fitzpatrick classification)) are more likely to experience pigmentary disorders after laser skin resurfacing.

Although the results of the procedure are very satisfactory for patients, rehabilitation after the laser resurfacing procedure is long.

Laser skin resurfacing with a CO2 laser is contraindicated in cases

  • active bacterial, viral or fungal infections,
  • oral isotretinoin use within the previous 6 months,
  • tendency to form keloid or hypertrophic scars (despite the fact that in the eyelid area this possibility is zero).

Recovery period after laser blepharoplasty

A number of medical recommendations will help make the rehabilitation period as short as possible. They are as follows:

  • sleep on your back. The head should lie on the pillow;
  • apply cooling applications to the area where the operation was performed a couple of times a day;
  • do not use cosmetics for one week after the procedure;
  • avoid taking medications containing aspirin;
  • do not visit solariums, saunas, and baths;
  • do not be outside at noon, especially in the summer;
  • minimize physical activity.

If you cannot avoid being outside, use a cream that protects against ultraviolet rays. Follow the above medical instructions for 30 calendar days.

Complications and side effects after laser blepharoplasty

They occur extremely rarely and in exceptional cases. But you should be prepared for them. Blepharoplasty of the eyelids is characterized by the following side effects:

  • The appearance of burns. In case of using a gas laser device;
  • Asymmetry of the eyelids. The reason may be a feature of the anatomy of the eyelids;
  • "Dry eye" This is a temporary side effect that disappears after just a couple of weeks. Occurs due to disruption of the lacrimal glands. To speed up their recovery period, special drops are prescribed;
  • Painful sensations. Mild tingling usually bothers a woman for a couple of days. If the painful sensations are pronounced, then painkillers are prescribed;
  • Hematomas. They appear when the plastic surgeon’s recommendations are not followed during the rehabilitation period. Hematomas are small in size, as they arise as a result of the destruction of small capillaries located in the eyelid area.

Result after laser blepharoplasty

It is possible to achieve the desired result, that is, eliminate all visible skin defects, if the operation is performed by a qualified specialist using advanced equipment. This is the only way to completely eliminate all visual signs of aging. As a rule, the result of the operation lasts for 3-10 years. Much depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body, as well as on further care of the eyelid areas.

Lasers used during surgery

Laser blepharoplasty involves the use of one of two types of laser devices. You should consider them in detail:

  • Carbon dioxide gas apparatus. Through them it is possible to penetrate deep into the epithelial layers. The disadvantage of using gas devices is that they leave microburns. The effect of using surgery using this technique is pronounced;
  • Erbium laser devices. They do not cause burns or pain during the rehabilitation period. Such devices are based on wave radiation, which acts absolutely safely on the eye area.

Reviews after laser blepharoplasty

More than 95% of women who underwent laser blepharoplasty were satisfied with the results. You can verify the high effectiveness of the operation personally by looking at the photographs before and after it.

How much does it cost to remove expression lines around the eyes?

The cost of removing facial wrinkles around the eyes is determined based on the method individually selected by the doctor, the name and dosage of the drug used.

“It takes a little to make you smile, and a smile is enough to make everything possible” (Gilbert Cesbron), so smile boldly, and leave the fight against expression wrinkles to the specialists in laser and injection techniques at the Gradient clinic!

You can sign up for a free consultation with a cosmetologist by calling:

+7 (495) 255−50−11.

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Novacutan FBio Medium – 2.0 ml27,000 rub.
Novacutan FBio Volume – 2.0 ml27,000 rub.

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Radiesse – 1.5 ml25,000 rub.
Radiesse – 1.5 ml x 2 syringes47,000 rub.

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Restylane Perlane – 1 ml16,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 2 ml30,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 3 ml43,000 rub.
Restylane Perlane – 4 ml55,000 rub.

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Stylage injections

Stylage L – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Stylage L - 2.0 ml27,000 rub.
Stylage L - 3.0 mlRUB 38,500
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Stylage L - 6.0 ml65,000 rub.

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Spherogel injections

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Spherogel Lights 1.0 ml12,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 0.5 ml9,000 rub.
Spherogel Medium 1.0 ml16,000 rub.

Collost injections

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Collost 15% – 1.5 ml19,000 rub.
Collost micro – 150 mg20,000 rub.
SoftFil cannulas500 rub.
Hyaluronidase7,000 rub.

Thread lifting

Mesothreads (up to 10 threads) - 1 thread1,000 rub.
Mesothreads (more than 10 threads) - 1 thread800 rub.
APTOS (Thread (2 pcs), Excellence Visage (10 pcs)45,000 rub.
APTOS Light Lift Needle Blunt (2 threads)45,000 rub.
APTOS Needle (2 threads)48,000 rub.

Skin biorevitalization

Novacutan SBio/YBio, 2.0 ml14,000 rub.
Novacutan SBio + YBio – 4.0 ml24,000 rub.
Stylage Hydro – 1.0 ml13,000 rub.
Restylane Vital Light-1.0 ml11,000 rub.
Restylane Vital – 1.0 ml13,000 rub.
Viscoderm – 1.5 ml10,000 rub.
Neauvia Hydro Deluxe – 2.5 ml17,000 rub.
Juvederm Volite – 1.0 ml Promotion!18,000 rub.
Profhilo18,000 rub.
Meso-Wharton P199 – 1.5 ml15,000 rub.
Meso-Eye – C-71 – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Meso-Xanthin F199 – 1.5 ml15,000 rub.
Meso-Sculpt C71 – 1.0 ml15,000 rub.
Skinko E- 5 ml8,000 rub.
Hyalual 1.1%, 1.8%, 2.2%16,000 rub.
Collagen rejuvenation NITHYA – 5 ml20,000 rub.
Collagen Linerase – 5 ml New!22,000 rub.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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