Anti-wrinkle hemorrhoid cream for face. Reviews, which one is better

Celebrity stylists have long spilled one secret - ointment for hemorrhoids also helps with wrinkles on the face. Maybe someone will be surprised by such an extraordinary use of pharmaceutical ointment, but not you and me. After all, first of all, we are accustomed to looking at the composition of the cream, and only then at the descriptive part.

This is a fun post, but let's continue.

Ointment for hemorrhoids perfectly relieves swelling and restores the normal functioning of capillaries - this is the trick of the pharmacy Relief, which people also use as an express remedy for smoothing wrinkles around the eyes and relieving swelling.

The Zulfiya online store can offer many components to combat wrinkles and puffiness: peptides, CO2 extracts and entire complexes, alginate masks and eye patches. All this has proven itself in the fight against wrinkles, but buyers constantly ask the question about a miraculous ointment for hemorrhoids. Well, let's address this burning topic.

Effect of hemorrhoid cream on wrinkles

Anti-hemorrhoid products have a similar effect to anti-aging facial cosmetics. At the same time, they have a lower cost and are aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes, healing cracks, and also increasing the tone of blood vessels and tissues.

The use of products with a therapeutic effect for the skin contributes to:

  • improving the appearance of the epidermis;
  • smoothing out not too deep wrinkles;
  • removing the effect of bags under the eyes;
  • preventing the appearance of new wrinkles.

Such actions are due to the components included in the creams. All medicines contain glycerin and lanolin. They are well absorbed by skin cells and have a moisturizing effect, helping to retain moisture inside the cells.

Lanolin is very close in composition to human fat, which allows it to additionally nourish the skin.

The following auxiliary components are often found in drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Extracts of medicinal plants have a calming effect and relieve inflammation.
  • Vegetable oils help strengthen vascular walls and reduce the visual appearance of the capillary network.
  • Seafood extracts and shark oil , often found in creams, contain fatty acids and collagen that improve the condition of the skin and restore its healthy appearance and elasticity. They also saturate the skin with vitamins and provide antioxidant protection.
  • Wax and propolis in the composition accelerate cell renewal processes and act as a natural antiseptic. They also ensure the penetration of other active components to the deep layers of the skin.
  • Heparin , which is one of the main components of anti-hemorrhoids, is aimed at eliminating edema, relieving swelling on the skin and strengthening the vascular walls.
  • Dexpanthenol stops the development of inflammatory processes, accelerates the healing process of microcracks, improves metabolism between cells, preserves the strength and volume of collagen fibers, which prevents loss of skin elasticity. The substance also helps to improve the process of absorption by skin cells of the medicinal ingredients included in the preparations.

It doesn’t matter whether the wrinkles that appear are caused by poor health, incorrectly selected cosmetics, or caused by external factors - the products act the same.

How do age-related changes affect

Many people prefer to blame only the passing years for the deterioration of their skin condition. They think that changes occur solely due to natural processes that actively take place in the epidermis, but this opinion is wrong. In fact, the mechanism of development of flabbiness is much more complex.

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The dominant role in it is played by the muscles, which should support this entire shell, but for various reasons they can no longer do this. In youth, they are very elastic, they fit very tightly to the surrounding structures, making the dermis look beautiful and smooth. Over time, the muscles sag, and the skin that supported them also sag, losing its attractiveness and smoothness.

Suitable drugs

Not all existing anti-hemorrhoid remedies are suitable for use in the fight against wrinkles. It is best to give preference to creams with a light or gel-like texture. They are quickly absorbed and lie on the skin in an even layer, without leaving an oily sheen.

Ointments have a thicker consistency, so they will take longer to absorb. After them, an oily sheen remains on the surface of the skin. But the advantage of the ointment is its higher content of caring oils and penetration into the deeper layers of the skin, so the ointment is suitable for use on deep wrinkles.

Anti-hemorrhoid cream has a similar effect to anti-aging cosmetics, effectively eliminating wrinkles and facial swelling

Candles that are high in wax and lanine are also often used. These substances provide effective nutrition and hydration. But the inconvenience of use lies in application - they must first be melted in a water bath.

Main risk factors

In addition to internal ones, there are many different external circumstances that influence ongoing processes and lead to the development of irregularities.

  • Ultraviolet. Direct sunlight in uncontrolled quantities has a negative impact on the skin. They interfere with the production of elastin and collagen, deteriorate the quality of connective tissue, and excessively dry the surface. Therefore, tanning, so beloved and desired by everyone, often becomes destructive, detrimental to firmness and elasticity.
  • Sleep quality. Incorrect body position during night rest causes the development of wrinkles not only in the décolleté area, although it is most susceptible to this, but also on the face. The most harmful position is the fetal position and with a fist under the cheek.

  • Incorrect care or lack thereof. Washing, nourishing and moisturizing the face is the norm for everyone, but the neck usually remains outside the scope of attention. Over time, the difference becomes more and more noticeable, and the creases become deeper.
  • Compressive, uncomfortable clothing. All objects that exert excessive pressure on the surface provoke the development of creases.
  • Bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking generally has a bad effect on the epidermis, since nicotine accelerates the aging process and worsens the condition of blood vessels. They narrow and stop normally supplying the skin with oxygen and nourishing it.

Security of funds

Anti-wrinkle hemorrhoid cream for the face has a number of advantages:

  • Contains natural ingredients, which (in the absence of allergies) provide proper care and effect.
  • A noticeable improvement can be noticed in a short time - the skin becomes more toned and elastic.
  • More affordable compared to anti-aging products.
  • Provide nutrition to the deep layers of the skin due to the content of waxy substances.
  • Products in the form of gel and cream are easy to use - they are used like a regular cream.

It is worth noting that many products contain zinc and oak bark, which can lead to increased dry skin. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution for dry skin types. Also, with long-term use, the drugs help reduce local immunity.

There have been cases of itching, burning and numbness of the skin after applying the products. In any case, before use, you should consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist to hear their professional opinion on the effectiveness and safety of the products.

Types of aging of the neck area

There are only two of them, and they are easily distinguished from each other:

  • Folds and strands located vertically. The main and main reason for their formation is usually the improper functioning of the platysma - the subcutaneous muscle of the neck.
  • Horizontal folds, bearing the very poetic name “rings of Venus”. They can be acquired or congenital, that is, genetically determined. As a result of changes in posture, poor lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and lack of proper physical activity, they become significantly worse, and then themselves become the cause of spasms and sagging.

To protect yourself from different types of wrinkles, experts recommend using the Moist Cream Mask Pro, a moisturizing and restorative cream mask that can provide the missing hydration to aging skin. It is suitable for any type of dermis, including even delicate, sensitive and subject to constant stress.

Precautions and contraindications

Anti-wrinkle face hemorrhoid cream is contraindicated for use when:

  • Having an allergy to its components. Before use, be sure to conduct a skin sensitivity test. To do this, a small amount of the product (1-2 drops will be enough) should be applied to the elbow or wrist and left to act for half an hour. If after the specified time no changes appear in the form of itching, rash, redness and other signs, the product can be used.
  • The presence of damage to the integrity of the skin or purulent wounds.
  • Contains hormonal components - with prolonged use they can provoke tissue atrophy and subcutaneous bleeding.
  • The presence of lidocaine in the composition can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  • Bleeding tendencies, hemophilia and other diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Recently had a deep facial cleansing.
  • Impaired blood circulation in tissues.
  • Fungal, bacterial and viral diseases of the skin.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Contains prednisolone, which causes an increase in vascular networks.

Before using the products, you must study the instructions in detail, paying special attention to contraindications. When using medications, you need to monitor the condition of your facial skin and if any changes for the worse occur, it is better to stop using them.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists note that after stopping the use of products, skin problems return almost immediately. Therefore, the issue of their solution should be approached more comprehensively. Thus, puffiness and persistent bags under the eyes may indicate the presence of certain diseases that need to be treated, and not temporarily eliminate their manifestations.

Instructions for use

To obtain the desired effect when using the products, you should follow some rules:

  • The preparations should be applied to previously cleansed skin. For deeper penetration, it is recommended to carry out additional steaming procedures.
  • For the first use, it is recommended to mix the ointment with a small amount of moisturizer - this will reduce the likelihood of redness and irritation of the skin.
  • It is better to use the products before bed for a deeper and longer-lasting effect.
  • Apply the cream with light movements without rubbing or rubbing the skin vigorously, lightly tapping it in with your fingertips.
  • Distribute the cream only along massage lines.

  • To enhance the effect, the product can be pre-cooled before use.
  • Use a minimal amount of product.
  • After applying the product after half an hour, the remaining product should be removed from the skin using a paper napkin.
  • Avoid contact with mucous membranes and the digestive tract.
  • For deep wrinkles, it is recommended to apply the products in a thick layer and temporarily seal the problem areas with an adhesive plaster. This manipulation will provide deep nourishment to the skin and prevent the ointment from drying out.

Antihemorrhoids are not intended for continuous use. They should be used only when absolutely necessary - for example, when you need to quickly improve the appearance of your facial skin.


Thus, we have found out the main reasons why unsightly defects may appear, immediately revealing age. It is important to remember how to get rid of deep wrinkles and folds on the neck, what to do with the rings of Venus, what rules to follow and what to follow in order to remain attractive and young for many years. The main thing is to use the right cosmetics, do regular care and maintain good posture. This will allow you to preserve the youth and beauty of your neck for as long as possible.

The best means

Some products, according to reviews, have a quick effect, but at the same time act carefully and gently, rarely causing side effects. A description of the most popular of them is presented in the table below.

NameMain componentsAction
Relief (ointment, suppositories)

Phenylephrine hydrochloride, lanonin, mineral oils, beeswax, thyme extract, corn oil, shark oil.The ointment helps to quickly eliminate puffiness and bruises under the eyes, helping to eliminate signs of lack of sleep. The ingredients included in the composition effectively restore the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse pores, and make the facial contour clearer. Due to the content of shark oil, the ointment has a specific fishy smell.
Posterizan (suppositories, ointment)

The active ingredient is microbial cells of Escherichia coli. Additional substances are represented by petroleum jelly, phenol and paraffin. Killed bacterial cultures stimulate an increase in local immunity from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms resistant to antibiotics. They help improve skin tone, tissue healing and relieve inflammatory processes, strengthen blood vessels and increase blood flow.
Heparin ointment

Sodium heparin (active ingredient), paraffin, glycerin, sunflower and corn oils.Heparin is responsible for tension in blood vessels and tissues, helping to eliminate stagnant blood processes in problem areas. In combination with other substances, it gives the skin a healthy appearance and quickly smoothes out fine wrinkles. The ointment also helps relieve swelling, eliminate herbs and bruises that are not accompanied by damage to the skin.
Gepatrombin G

Sodium heparin, lanonin, silicon dioxide, paraffin, prednisolone, polidocanol.The product stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, has a healing, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and mild anesthetic effect. The ointment also promotes the resorption of blood clots, thereby improving blood flow in the tissues. The product can be applied either locally (only to problem areas) or completely distributed over the entire facial skin.
Troxerutin (available in gel form)

The main active ingredient is troxerutin.The product provides deep hydration of the skin and retains moisture in the cells due to rapid penetration - 20-30 minutes after application. The gel helps activate the process of removing harmful components from the skin and speeding up metabolic processes.
Fleming (ointment)

Menthol, zinc oxide, calendula, aesculus, witch hazel.This is a homeopathic remedy with a wide spectrum of action. The ointment provides relief from inflammatory processes, wound healing, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, moisturizing, eliminating itching and irritation. The ointment is approved for use during pregnancy.

Selection rules

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to:

  • Compound. You should not buy a product that contains the above components, which have a negative effect on the skin - they can lead to a significant deterioration in the well-being and condition of the skin. It is better to give preference to drugs with natural ingredients.
  • Texture . The most convenient form is the gel due to rapid absorption, and products with a dense texture provide maximum enrichment of the skin with useful components.
  • Best before date . You should not purchase, let alone use, an expired product or one with a suitable expiration date.

Hemorrhoid creams help eliminate wrinkles and improve the appearance of facial skin thanks to a similar composition to anti-aging agents. But they have a short-term effect, and with prolonged use they can cause irritation, dryness and other problems with the skin.


Often, the cause of aging of the neck and décolleté area can be not only the above-mentioned natural processes, but also overexertion. It is thanks to this that spasms occur, which leads to the formation of creases.

The muscle contracts, becomes shorter, becomes tighter, which cannot but affect the appearance. It begins to tighten some areas of the skin more, causing the dermis to fall in unpleasant folds. Because of this, blood circulation, nutrition, hydration, and oxygen supply are not at the proper level. Therefore, one of the methods of combating flabbiness is high-quality relaxation of the muscle frame. After this, the condition of the skin can noticeably improve, but only at the initial stages of the process. Once the case starts, you won’t be able to get off so easily.

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