The use of boric soap in the fight against acne: the pros and cons of the product

The fight against imperfections takes not only a lot of effort, but also money spent. However, as practice shows, expensive and professional acne treatments are not always effective.

To eliminate inflammation on the back, face and other parts of the body, you can use cheaper and proven methods. Boric soap for back acne is the most suitable option for quick skin rehabilitation.

Pros and cons of boric soap

It's no longer a secret that one of the oldest and most proven ways to fight acne is tar soap. But there are a number of factors why people refuse this option. The use of boric soap is more pleasant due to its almost imperceptible odor, which, unfortunately, its brother cannot boast of. What are the advantages of using boric soap?

In fact, this tool has many advantages, which include:

  • softer texture (unlike tar);
  • inconspicuous odor (this detergent smells almost nothing, since it has no fragrances);
  • gentle effect on the skin of the back and face;
  • quick elimination of redness and inflammation;
  • relieving skin irritation.

You can wash your back, especially during inflammation, every day, but it is advisable not to use a rough washcloth. With daily use, you can notice the achieved result after 2-3 baths. Drying pimples, eliminating red spots, reducing itching - an effect that is visible after the first wash.

Despite a considerable number of advantages, boric soap has several disadvantages that can be easily eliminated:

  • fast consumption, which is an insignificant drawback, since the product has a completely budget cost;
  • harsh effect on sensitive and dry dermis;
  • cannot always be found at the nearest pharmacy or store.

Just like tar soap, boric soap can cause tightness of dry skin and promote the formation of flaking.

Rules of application

The main area of ​​application of this cosmetic product is the complex treatment of mixed and problem skin.

Boric soap helps get rid of inflammation and acne on the face, the main cause of which is bacteria and microbes. It perfectly cleanses pores, dries out boils and ulcers, and fights comedones. With regular use, blackheads, pimples and acne marks disappear. It also copes well with excess oily hair, making it shiny and manageable.

Directions for use:

  1. Ulcers and acne. Apply soap foam to problem areas of the skin, leave for 1-2 minutes and rinse with warm water. The procedure is repeated up to 2 times a day.

  2. Acne prevention. Wash with soap in the morning or evening, but not necessarily every day, 2-3 times a week will be enough.
  3. Fungal infections. During each wash, the affected skin is treated with soap foam.
  4. Calluses. To get rid of calluses, make baths of boric soap and baking soda.
  5. Oily skin. Wash with soap morning and evening.
  6. Excessive sweating. Every morning, wash problem areas with soap.
  7. Prevention of viral infections. Before going outside and after going outside, treat your palms with soap foam.
  8. Closed and open comedones - areas are washed and cleaned with a special brush once every 5 days.
  9. Oily hair. Apply soap foam to damp hair, massage and rinse. For oily hair, the procedure is performed 2 times a week, for dry hair - 1 time a week. After washing, apply hair balm or conditioner to your curls.

Beneficial properties of boric soap

Soap has an alkaline environment, and therefore, especially with constant use, the acid balance of human skin is disturbed.

Boric acid, which is part of the product, helps to actively reduce the aggressiveness of alkali and neutralize its effect.

Effective properties:

  • if the water is too hard, boric soap softens its composition;
  • quickly reanimates the affected epidermis in case of allergies, after insect bites, eliminates boils, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • helps eliminate fungal infections both on the back and on other parts of the body (face, legs, scalp);
  • reduces sebum production;
  • the existing mink oil is close in composition to human skin, which improves the elasticity of the dermis, helps eliminate small cracks, and saturates the skin with fatty acids;
  • soap suds are easily washed off without leaving behind a filmy feeling, so the product is perfect for those with oily skin types;
  • smoothes the surface of the epidermis, improves skin color, eliminates age spots.

However, if used incorrectly, the benefits of boric soap can be minimized.

Sulfur soap from Aliexpress: how to order

If you decide to try the sulfur “friend” of soap in the Chinese version, then you are unlikely to do without Aliexpress. If you haven't ordered anything from this giant online store yet, then go ahead!

First, you will be asked to create a profile on this site. Remember that you will have to indicate your first and last name here not in the usual Russian letters, but in the Latin alphabet. You can use your foreign passport for this, if you have one. From there, write down your first and last name accurately.

In the search bar, just type “Buy sulfur soap with free shipping.” The site will give you all the options for such a request. Then you can view reviews for a specific product, read the description of the soap you have chosen, and also contact the seller using the appropriate button. Here you can ask the seller a question directly if there is something you do not understand.

If you find the “Ship from local warehouses” button, then click it and the goods will arrive faster. In just a couple of weeks, you will have the soap, and you won’t have to wait a month or more for it. Usually, the delivery time is immediately indicated under the product and its price. Make sure that the sulfur “comrade” you like has as many stars and all kinds of points as possible. Pay close attention to positive and negative reviews too.

As soon as you click the “Place an order” button, a sign will immediately appear asking you to write your address to which delivery will be made. By the way, addresses are also written in Latin. In addition, the site will also ask you to provide your phone number when filling out the form. It may be useful to postal operators if they do not understand your address.

If you order some small item, such an order is usually not tracked. And if you purchase a large item, then it is better to enable the tracking button for your order. You can pay for the ordered soap immediately using a bank card. To do this, you will also need to fill out special fields that the site will provide.

That's all, the soap has been paid for, the order has gone to China. Now all you have to do is note after receiving the coveted box that you have already received it. By the way, in your profile you can view all personal orders. According to the standard, you can wait from 2 weeks to 2 months for the treasured box. It all depends on the availability of goods at the moment and the distance of the store.

Now you know all the important facts about sulfur-based soap. We told you how to use it to get your skin, hair and nails in order. You also learned useful information about how you can order such an assistant from China via the Internet.

How to use boric soap to achieve results?

In order not to harm your skin, you need to consider some nuances of using boric soap:

  1. Do not use the product for more than two weeks in a row. Firstly, addiction may occur, and secondly, a large amount of boric acid entering through the skin can harm the body.
  2. It is better to wash without a washcloth at all or use a soft washcloth. Using harsher hygiene products can lead to the growth of bacteria and damage delicate skin. You can use a soft washcloth, but not every day, in which case a scrub effect will be observed and dead scales will be removed.
  3. After water procedures, it is not recommended to rub the skin generously with a towel. It's better to gently blot your back.
  4. Finish washing with moisturizing. If there is no feeling of tightness, dryness and flaking, then this is not necessary, but if you have dry skin, then use body cream or milk. Despite the fact that boric soap is more gentle, it still dries out pimples and the skin along with them.

Sulfur soap reviews: soap review from Aliexpress

Marina, 23 years old: “I ordered Chinese sulfur soap. Here's a lousy manufacturer caught. I received some kind of soap parody of sulfur soap. It looked almost transparent, but can you imagine what it was wrapped in? In regular food film! I wasn't even given a box. Here's the deal. I am completely disappointed with the purchase, I just threw money away. The tiny piece cost about 80 rubles; it weighed about 40 grams. I barely lathered my hands with this specimen, and then my skin stung. I won’t blindly buy anything anymore; it’s not clear what they’re selling. I’d better go and look for such soap from our manufacturer.”

Contraindications to the use of boric soap

Boric acid has the property of quickly penetrating into tissue, after which the substance accumulates in the body. For a healthy adult, a small amount of this remedy is beneficial. However, it is better for weakened people to avoid using boric soap:

  • pregnant women;
  • cannot be used for bathing babies;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • with individual intolerance, which can be expressed in symptoms such as excessive dry skin, peeling, irritation, redness, severe itching.

Therefore, when using soap to eliminate acne on the back, it is worth remembering that reasonable use of the product will give a decent result. But if you abuse it, you can harm not only your skin, but also the body as a whole.

Reviews of sulfur soap for hair

Maria, 28 years old: “I suffered so much with my terrible greasy hair, it’s just kind of creepy. I washed my hair in the usual way, and selected shampoo according to my hair type, not the cheapest, by the way. But the next day my hair still became greasy and unkempt. Then I decided to try sulfur soap on myself, it was cool. It was as if my hair wasn’t mine, it was so shiny and clean after the first use that I almost fainted. Now I will never part with this soap. I wash my whole body with it, not just my hair.”

Sergey, 57 years old: “I have been plagued by oily dandruff for many years. My wife advised me to wash my hair with sulfur soap. I washed it for the first time and I didn’t really like the smell of this soap. It's quite specific, I don't like those. But then, when I saw the results from using this product, I immediately forgot about the unpleasant smell. Now I don’t even think about dandruff, and my hair has become less dirty.”

Analogues of boric soap for acne

Despite the unique composition, there are many analogues to combat imperfections. One of them is tar soap and sulfur soap. Each of them has its own characteristics, so when choosing, first of all pay attention to the composition.

Comparison of tar, sulfur and boric soap:

Borax soapSulfur soapTar soap
AdvantagesGently cleanses the skin, eliminates oily shine, acne, rashes of various kinds, and has a subtle scent.Fights excessive sebum secretion, treats acne, acne, and tightens pores.Excellent cleanses, dries out pimples, blackheads, acne, various rashes.
FlawsCannot be used in large quantities or on an ongoing basis.There is a not very pleasant smell of sulfur, it dries and tightens the skin.It can cause excessive oiliness and dryness of the skin, and has a pronounced unpleasant tar smell.

One of the most popular companies producing soap is Nevskaya Cosmetics. The products of this company are budget-friendly, so the purchase will not particularly affect your wallet. Boric soap is in demand among many buyers, as it is of decent quality. In addition, the company's products can be found on the shelves of many stores and pharmacies.

Remember that beauty is first and foremost care. By taking care of yourself and your body, you will be irresistible, especially since it doesn’t always require a lot of money.

Sulfur soap for hair: recipes

If you turn to sulfur soap for help, you can rid yourself of oily dandruff and excess greasy hair. This is easy to do, just lather your hair with this miracle cleanser and leave for 3-4 minutes. At this time, you can massage your hair roots, this will give a rush of blood to the hair follicles and speed up the growth of your hair.

You can add sulfur soap shavings to your regular shampoo. This way you will improve your usual hair “cleaner”. For a 400 ml bottle, 2 tablespoons of grated sulfur-based soap will be enough. After adding the shavings to the bottle (this can be done through a funnel), shake the shampoo thoroughly.

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