Everything you need to know about Surgiderm 30XP fillers (Surgiderm 30 XP)

Surgiderm 30 XP (Surgiderm 30XP) is a filler based on hyaluronic acid. Developed and produced by the famous French company Corneal. Dermal filler Surgiderm 30 XP with a high degree of viscosity is actively used in contouring procedures for injection into the deep layers of the dermis. The high density of the filler allows you to correct and model the lower third of the oval of the face, ensures its expressiveness and overall improvement of skin condition, eliminates nasolabial and labiomental folds, helps raise the corners of the eyebrows and mouth, etc.

Surgiderm (Surgiderm) what kind of drug?

Not long ago, Surgiderm (Surgiderm or Surgiderm) appeared in the arsenal of facial contouring specialists - a hyaluronic filler based on the patented 3D Hyaluronic Acid Matrix technology.
The new product was developed by the French company Corneal. The action of the drug is based on its ability to fill hollow subcutaneous areas, thereby smoothing the skin surface and increasing volume. Surgiderm belongs to a new generation of fillers and, quite possibly, will soon supplant its predecessors, which are still more popular. Surgiderm gels are used to fill fine, medium, and deep wrinkles, as well as to correct the shape and replenish the volume of individual parts of the face. All products in the Surgiderm line are made using stabilized hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, are single-phase (consist of particles of the same size), gradually decompose into water and carbon dioxide and are completely eliminated from the body 9-12 months after administration. Among the advantages of Surgiderm compositions is their compatibility with other hyaluronic preparations. Surgiderm injections can be done without waiting for the complete biodegradation of previously injected fillers.

The result of the correction and the duration of the anti-aging effect

After the injection of Surgiderm 30 XP, the result is noticeable immediately, but it can finally be assessed after the relief of redness and possible swelling, hematomas, primary degradation of the filler - smoothing out the consequences of the injection will take from several hours to 2 weeks, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s dermis and the qualifications of the doctor.

The rejuvenating effect lasts from 9 to 18 months.

Varieties of the Surgiderm series of drugs

The Surgiderm line includes six drugs aimed at solving the main “facial” problems - thanks to Surgiderm, it is possible to eliminate all types of wrinkles and folds, correct the contour of the face and enlarge the lips.

Surgiderm 18

Used to fill fine wrinkles around the eyes and lips. It is used as a biorevitalizant after contouring with Botox injections.

Surgiderm 24 XP

Used to smooth out wrinkles of medium depth, including nasolabial folds and wrinkles located between the eyebrows. Lip augmentation with Surjiderm 24 XP is painless, and the lips themselves look natural. The prefix “XP” indicates the increased viscosity of the Surgiderm drug in this series.

Surgiderm 30

Used to fill deep and complex wrinkles such as nasolabial folds and wrinkles running from the corners of the mouth to the chin. In addition, judging by the reviews, Surjiderm 30 effectively replenishes deficiencies in muscle and fat tissue in the cheeks and cheekbones. Used to correct the oval contour of the face.

Surgiderm 30 XP

It is used to restore the volume of a particular part of the face, for example, to correct “sunken” cheeks, improve facial contours, increase volume and change the shape of the lips. The manufacturer has provided this drug Surgiderm with increased viscosity, thanks to which it copes well with filling wrinkles around the mouth.


A drug developed specifically for such a popular procedure as lip augmentation. Using Surgilips filler, you can not only give your lips additional volume, but also change the contour of the red border of your lips. In one procedure, Surjilips will not only make your lips plump, but also fill in fine wrinkles radiating from the lips. The drug differs from other lip fillers, such as Teosyal Kiss and Stylage Special Lips, in its longer period of complete biodegradation (in some cases up to 16 months) and resistance to high temperatures.

Surgilift Plus

Therapeutic filler used for reinforcement procedures, mesolifting, biorevitalization. Surgilift Plus replenishes the age-related loss of hyaluronic acid, helping to maintain optimal levels of moisture, elasticity and firmness of the skin. Used for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, back of the hands.

How is the procedure done?

Injection rejuvenation and correction of cosmetic imperfections using Surgiderm products are carried out in the following order:

  • examination of problem areas, collecting the patient’s medical history, filling out a medical history;
  • prescription of the required drug, choice of dosage;
  • cleansing the skin of impurities and cosmetic products;
  • treating the work area with an antiseptic spray;
  • local anesthesia if desired by the patient;
  • marking the skin, determining injection points;
  • injection of the drug subcutaneously to the selected depth;
  • treatment of the dermis with a soothing gel.

Immediately after the procedure, local swelling, redness and minor bruising are likely to occur. All these symptoms go away on their own within a few days if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

How to make Surgiderm beauty injections

The skin smoothing procedure using Surgiderm hyaluronic filler is done on an outpatient basis and takes from 15 minutes to an hour. A cosmetologist, using a thin needle, injects the gel directly under a wrinkle, crease, or into the area whose volume and shape needs to be restored.

When it comes to lip augmentation, you can be sure: a small amount of gel can transform even very thin, depressed lips surrounded by wrinkles. The mouth will look natural, take on a beautiful shape, and most importantly, there will be no impression that the lips have been “pumped up”. As a rule, beauty injections are given under local anesthesia (anesthetic cream is used) and do not cause any discomfort.

The result of the filler injection is visible immediately, but it can be fully appreciated in about one to two weeks. By this time, slight swelling subsides, redness of the skin and possible (in very rare cases) itching disappear, the skin straightens out and takes on a fresh appearance. Beauty injections do not make any adjustments to the usual routine of life, however, you should refrain from facial massage for two months, and you can go to the solarium and sauna no earlier than in a month. The doctor who performed the procedure will provide more detailed recommendations.

Attention: At the Absolut Med clinic, the procedure is carried out by a certified doctor who selects the desired type of Surgiderm and determines the injection points.

Wrinkle contouring

Surgiderm 24 xp is a modern solution for eliminating superficial and medium wrinkles. The homogeneous structure of the gel allows you to achieve excellent aesthetic results: the filler fills the missing volume, due to which a fold has formed on the skin, and the relief becomes smooth and even again.

The gel is injected into the skin fold area using special thin needles with cannulas. If necessary, an anesthetic cream can be used before injection. The effect is visible immediately after the procedure, but the final result can be assessed after a couple of days, when the swelling subsides.

How much does Surjiderm cost - prices

NamePrice for 1 procedurePrice per course of procedures
The drug Surzhiderm 24 XP 0.8 mlRUB 16,500
2 syringes13,000 rub.26,000 rub.
Drug Surzhiderm 30 0.8 mlRUB 17,500
2 syringes14,000 rub.28,000 rub.
The drug Surzhiderm 30 XP 0.8 mlRUB 17,500
2 syringes14,000 rub.28,000 rub.
Correction1,000 rub.

Read more about prices for other contouring drugs

Side effects

They appear at the injection sites immediately after the procedure, the next day or 2-3 days later, or do not appear at all. Side effects are characterized by: • redness, • inflammation, • burning, • itching, • pain.

If symptoms do not go away within a week, you should consult a doctor for treatment, since purulent inflammation may develop if an infection penetrates.

Complications and remedies

Undesirable consequences occur during filler correction in 1-5% of cases.

Strong pain

Occurs when filler is injected in a cross method with pain from any foreign agent, including filler. Lidocaine in the gel can reduce pain by 30-40% and reduce swelling.

Hematomas and swelling

Appear as a result of microtrauma of blood vessels during filler injection. Before the correction procedure, you must take medications to strengthen blood vessels as prescribed by your doctor. After the procedure, use a gel or cream containing heparin, horse chestnut extract or bodyaga to eliminate bruises and swelling.

Inflammation: fibrous capsules and granulomas

They appear when the body starts protecting against the “invasion” of hyaluronic acid, despite its biocompatibility with the body. It is possible to activate various infectious processes within the body as a result of the correction. If hygiene rules are not observed during the procedure at home by a non-professional doctor, such inflammations occur. Granulomas are eliminated by surgery. To prevent fibrous capsules, the cosmetologist must correctly calculate the dosage of the injected filler. If the inflammatory process develops, surgical opening may be required.

Allergic rashes

They occur when the body is intolerant to the dermal filler. To eliminate this, injections of corticosteroid drugs are performed to provide emergency assistance.

Allergic reaction Despite the high degree of purification, Surjiderm can in rare cases cause an allergic reaction. On average, the proportion of such patients does not exceed 3-5%. This is primarily caused by individual intolerance to the hyaluronic acid contained in the product.

Also, the use of the drug is contraindicated if the patient has a polyvalent allergy, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock caused by any factor. Such patients are shown a preliminary test for an allergic reaction.

An allergy to Surjiderm can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • severe redness in the injection area,
  • itching,
  • swelling of soft tissues,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • anaphylactic shock.

An allergic reaction can occur either immediately or several hours after the injection of the filler.

After injections in the doctor's office, angioedema or even anaphylactic shock may develop. The reaction requires immediate intervention as it can be fatal . If dangerous symptoms occur outside a medical facility, the patient requires urgent care and hospitalization.

The first 3 symptoms are not dangerous and usually go away on their own. To eliminate the consequences, antihistamines may be additionally prescribed.

Gel migration or protrusion

When injected shallowly (superficially), the gel comes out, forming bumps and irregularities. If patients have thin skin, the gel appears as bluish or purple spots.

If the gel is introduced too deeply, it can migrate (move) across the face, so its proportions are distorted. To eliminate such shortcomings, it is necessary to introduce another drug - hyaluronidase (or longidase - a complex of macromolecules of the proteolytic enzyme hyaluronidase with the presence of a high-molecular carrier) to break down and remove hyaluronic acid from the dermis.

Vascular embolism

Occurs when a low-viscosity filler gets into the lumen of a vessel or when a dense filler is introduced much deeper than it should be. In this case, pain occurs, redness and swelling appear, which leads to necrosis and scarring. Only long-term therapy can help in this case.

How to increase the duration of filler

After using “beauty injections,” all patients are divided into two groups: “I really liked it and want to maintain the effect for as long as possible” and “I didn’t like it very much, I want to redo everything.” In both cases, there are ways to help achieve the desired result.

Preparations from the Surgiderm series, thanks to innovative creation technology, have a fairly long period of effectiveness . The resulting result disappears as hyaluronic acid breaks down, which occurs under the influence of:

  • hyaluronidase;
  • reactive oxygen species.

Thus, by inhibiting the activity of these substances, it is possible to extend the period of stay of hyaluronic fillers in the body.

For this purpose, you can use creams containing:

  • N-acelylglucosamine;
  • fucose;
  • bioflavonoids.

These substances inhibit the activity of hyaluronidase. The level of active oxygen is regulated by antioxidants. Recommendations for the use of any drugs should be given by a doctor .

To prolong the effect obtained, repeated injections with Surgiderm are often suggested. The lower the concentration and viscosity of the injected gel, the sooner such adjustments need to be made.

In addition, you need to remember that:

  • a more active metabolism in the body (individual characteristics in athletes) leads to faster breakdown of HA;
  • in smokers or those living in unfavorable environmental conditions, the concentration of hyaluronic acid decreases more intensely;
  • visiting a sauna and solarium will facilitate faster elimination of the drug;
  • fillers do not replace any other cosmetic procedures - the need for comprehensive skin care when injecting fillers does not disappear.

Recommendations for facial care after injections should be given by a specialist.!

Method of administration

Surgiderm is administered subcutaneously; intravascular administration is strictly prohibited. The dosage, location and depth of injections are determined depending on the existing problems on the face and the type of drug.

Typically, the amount of gel needed depends on the severity of the problem. For a minor adjustment or preventive procedure, one syringe will be enough, but to fill deep folds or add volume to the cheekbones, a larger amount will be required.

The whole procedure takes no more than 30 minutes. No preparatory or rehabilitation measures are required . Thanks to the light and delicate structure of the gel, its administration is easy and almost painless. In order to eliminate the feeling of discomfort during the process, an anesthetic is applied to the skin in advance. After introducing the gel, a light massage is performed on the treated areas to ensure even distribution of the substance.

It is important to understand that rejuvenation with the drug Surgiderm can only be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training. Before the procedure, you need to inquire whether he has the appropriate certificate.

It is unacceptable to contact a non-specialist or administer the product yourself . This may lead to:

  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • obtaining an unpredictable result;
  • asymmetry of facial features;
  • the appearance of complications in the form of long-lasting “bumps” under the skin.

In addition, an unsuccessful injection can lead to nerve damage and the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhages.

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