Laser wart removal: is it a good method?

Genital warts in women appear in the external genital area, causing psychological and physical discomfort. Despite the fact that these tumors are considered benign, they can lead to dangerous consequences for the life and health of a woman.

Condylomas in the intimate area

Modern gentle removal methods allow you to get rid of defects quickly and painlessly. Doctors at the Diana Clinic use the safest laser and radio wave techniques for this.

Why remove genital warts in women?

The content of the article

Genital warts look like small papillary-shaped growths. In women they are usually located in the following areas:

  • on the mucous membranes of the labia majora and labia minora;
  • near the clitoris;
  • at the entrance to the urethra;
  • in the vestibule or lumen of the vagina;
  • in the anal zone (near the anus);
  • on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity (if infection occurred during oral sex).

At first, the growths are small in size and do not cause discomfort to the woman. However, over time they can increase significantly, growing like a “cauliflower”. Due to their location in the area of ​​the external genitalia, they are often injured by underwear, clothing, during walking or sexual intercourse. In this case, bleeding occurs, and the wound becomes an open gate for infections to enter the body.

However, the main danger of condylomas lies in their cause. Pathological tissue proliferation is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). If the patient ignores abnormal tissue growth for a long time, there is a risk of malignant degeneration. This does not mean that condylomas always turn into cancer. However, such cases were officially recorded. In women, HPV most often causes cancer of the cervix, and less commonly of the vulva.

In addition, growths on the genitals cause complexes and psychological discomfort. This reduces the quality of the patient's sex life.

There are no drugs in the world that can effectively combat HPV. To get rid of growths, they need to be removed. If tissue growths are minor and do not bother the woman, the doctor may choose dynamic monitoring tactics. However, in most cases, doctors recommend removing genital warts on the genitals as early as possible. This will help avoid dangerous complications.

Features of the procedure

Genital warts are removed under local anesthesia. This may be a special cream if the condylomas are small. Or an anesthetic is injected under the mucous membrane. During removal, control the dose of the administered drug. From intimate areas, the anesthetic quickly dissolves and the maximum dose is easier to exceed. Laser removal is quite effective, so that, in most cases, the doctor manages to cure all genital warts in one procedure. In extreme cases, when pain relief limits are reached, removal of the remaining genital warts is postponed to the next session. Intimate areas are characterized by rapid healing times, especially in women. There is good blood supply there. Most small condylomas heal within 1 week. Laser removal of condylomas is carried out by appointment. Especially if we are talking about complex localizations near the urethra, in the vagina, anal or multiple condylomas.

How to prepare for removal of genital warts?

No special preparation is required for removal, but following simple recommendations makes this procedure easier for the woman.

Before removal, doctors recommend:

  • visit a gynecologist;
  • donate blood for analysis to detect specific immunoglobulins and signs of inflammation;
  • undergo PCR diagnostics to accurately determine the type of pathogen;
  • do not use intimate cosmetics and intimate hygiene products on the eve of the procedure (carry out hygiene with clean water);
  • do not visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium for 2-3 days;
  • stop taking medications that interfere with blood clotting.

To avoid complications, it is important to tell your doctor if you are allergic to anesthetics.


If a condyloma has formed on the genitals, then this is a reason to immediately go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

Using a colposcope, which magnifies the image, the affected area is determined. A study is carried out using an iodine solution. The procedure is absolutely painless, but is considered one of the most informative.

In women, scrapings must be taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix and cervical canal. Using this type of study, the development of oncology can be detected.

In some cases, a biopsy is indicated. To do this, a small piece of tissue from the area affected by condyloma is sent to the laboratory. Cytology can detect the presence of cancer cells.

We often insist on conducting a PCR test. To do this, a scraping is taken from the mucous membrane of the cervix. The test determines the presence and strain of HPV.

Methods for removing genital warts in women

There are several effective and safe methods for removing growths on the genitals. Preference is given to low-traumatic methods, since the mucous membranes of the vulva are very sensitive.

Medical cauterization

This method is rarely used. Its essence lies in the direct chemical effect on condylomas with aggressive substances. For this purpose, phenol and metacresol preparations are most often used. The applicator is moistened in a solution of an aggressive substance and applied to the pathological area. The cells are destroyed, forming a small wound surface.

Medical cauterization does not injure tissue as much as surgery. But it is important that the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor. Independent chemical exposure to condylomas can cause serious complications.

Laser destruction

Destruction of genital warts using a directed laser beam is one of the safest methods of their removal. Light energy penetrates cells, where it is transformed into heat. As a result, the intracellular fluid heats up, evaporating the pathological tissue.

The method has the following advantages:

  • a specialist can regulate the intensity and depth of exposure;
  • During the procedure, healthy tissues are not damaged;
  • under the influence of the laser, the vessels are coagulated, eliminating the development of bleeding;
  • the laser destroys bacteria and viruses, reducing the likelihood of infection;
  • the wound heals in 2-3 weeks, leaving no scars or scars.

The disadvantage of laser removal of genital warts in women is the complete evaporation of tissue. This means that removed tumors cannot be sent for histological examination.

Radio wave surgery

The most effective and safe modern method of removing condylomas in intimate areas is the use of radio wave techniques. A special device converts electric current into radio waves. By influencing soft tissues, radio waves dissect them. This occurs due to the heat generated by the cells themselves. As a result, it is possible to act in a targeted manner without affecting healthy areas of the mucous membranes.

The advantages of the radio wave method include:

  • minimal trauma to the mucous membranes;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • rapid wound healing without scars;
  • absence of bleeding, swelling, inflammation after removal;
  • the opportunity to take high-quality material for histological analysis;
  • excellent cosmetic effect.

The procedure takes about 15 minutes, after which the woman can leave the clinic and return to her normal life. The period of complete healing after radio wave removal does not exceed 14 days. The only drawback of the method is the relatively high cost.


This is a method of short-term exposure to ultra-low temperatures on condyloma. For the procedure, applicators with liquid nitrogen having a temperature of -190°C are used. When exposed to cold, cells freeze and die.

The advantages of cryodestruction include its painlessness, simplicity of the technique, and low price. However, using an applicator, the doctor cannot control the depth of impact on the tissue. This threatens damage to healthy cells and prolonged healing (about 5-6 weeks).


In this case, the pathological growth is affected by high-frequency electric current. Electrical energy turns into thermal energy, destroying tissue. The method has become popular due to its accessibility, but it has a number of disadvantages.

The disadvantages of electrocoagulation include:

  • high risk of injury to surrounding tissues;
  • development of bleeding due to vascular damage;
  • pain during the procedure;
  • scar formation;
  • long-term wound healing.

If a cosmetic effect is important for a woman after removal of condylomas, electrocoagulation is usually not performed.

How much does it cost to remove condyloma with a laser?

Consultation with a dermatologist on the day of genital wart removal using a dermatoscope up to 2 units.1200 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of genital warts, for 1 unit.700 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of multiple genital warts, session 20 min.4000 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of multiple genital warts, session 30 min.5000 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of multiple genital warts, session 40 min.6000 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of condylomas up to 3 mm, including consultation with a dermatologist, dermatoscopy and anesthesia, 3-6 pcs.2800 RUR Sign up
Laser removal of condylomas up to 3 mm, including consultation with a dermatologist, dermatoscopy and anesthesia, 7-12 pcs.3200 RUR Sign up

Show all prices

Where to remove genital warts in women?

To avoid re-growth of tissues, antiviral drugs and agents to strengthen the immune system are prescribed in parallel. Selection of treatment requires a highly qualified doctor.

Medical specialists remove genital warts in women using lasers and other safe techniques. Many years of experience of specialists and innovative equipment of the clinic are the key to effective treatment.


You can sign up by calling the toll-free phone number 8-800-707-15-60 or filling out the contact form. In this case, we will contact you ourselves.


Laser in medicine comes from several types of laser devices. The most popular are diode devices. A laser beam is formed inside them, which is transmitted through a light guide over a long distance to genital warts or other neoplasms. The mechanism of action of a laser beam is the absorption of its energy by water, the instant evaporation of water (vaporization). The mechanism promotes precise impact on the areas of condylomas and eliminates heating of the healthy mucosa around them and under the condylomas. Heating healthy tissue can interfere with healing after genital wart removal and promote scarring.

Recovery period

Laser removal of perianal condylomas involves outpatient treatment. The absence of bleeding and severe pain allows you to go home without fear. The doctor will give recommendations on caring for the postoperative area and lifestyle. They usually consist of following a gentle diet, careful anal hygiene and the use of sanitary pads.

Complete tissue healing occurs within 2-3 weeks. During this time, it is best to limit heavy lifting and intense physical activity, and avoid overheating and hypothermia. You should not visit solariums, baths, saunas, or swimming pools.

If drug therapy or special wound care is required, the doctor will definitely give detailed recommendations. The schedule of further visits to the specialist is developed individually, taking into account the patient’s health characteristics and the operation performed.

Treatment methods for condylomas in the labia (vulva) area

If you have condylomas on the vulva, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Today, there are several approaches to the treatment of this disease, and an experienced professional, having established the correct diagnosis and assessed the extent of damage to the body, will be able to choose the correct treatment regimen.

As a rule, condylomas in the vulvar area are treated in the clinic in the following ways:

· excision with a scalpel;

· cryodestruction – cold treatment;

· the excision procedure is performed using laser or electrosurgical devices (radio wave apparatus with argon-enhanced coagulation).

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