Clearvin lotion: purpose, composition, instructions for use, effect, pros and cons of use

One of the famous artists spoke beautifully about the skin, comparing it to a canvas on which both our external and internal states are “painted.” In addition to the effectiveness of the phrase, it is correct in its essence. The skin really reflects the state of the body, and on it, like in a painting, both “achievements” and problems are visible. Also, the skin itself performs a number of important functions. And it should be noted that through the skin we perceive the outside world: for example, atmospheric and temperature influences. It, as an organ, is subject to “stress”, shock, injury and much more.

Smooth, even, neat skin is not just beautiful! It indicates good health and the absence of characteristic disorders.

And any cut or even a small pimple causes distress and makes you think about the negative. What can we say about stretch marks, scars, age spots and other, more significant skin problems! Here we are talking about health, aesthetics, and psychological comfort (or rather, the lack thereof).

How to help your skin? Many people believe that having beautiful skin is hereditary. Or the result of modern cosmetology science, the procedures of which are very expensive. Both factors are true, but there are many others. The skin is affected by the quality of nutrition, the regime, the load, and, as already mentioned, the condition of the internal organs.

Also, there is a whole armada of drugs, ointments, and creams for the skin. However, many tools are “tailored” to solving specific problems and have a narrow focus. And if there are a lot of problems, you need a remedy that can take on a “significant burden.” A typical example is Clearvin cream , which performs several important functions.

Buy Clearvin cream is an opportunity to eliminate a whole range of skin problems that concern people of different genders and ages. How and due to what does a positive and necessary transformation of the skin occur? This is what our article is about!

Where did they come from?

It is better to prevent a problem than to look for ways to solve it later. Therefore, before we talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of the Clearvin lotion, it is worth finding out where acne on the skin of the face comes from. There are several reasons for their appearance:

  • Changes in hormone production levels. Women face this problem during pregnancy or with any gynecological diseases.
  • Excessive consumption of junk food, which negatively affects not only the figure, but also the condition of the skin.
  • Use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
  • Poor hygiene. Women are advised to cleanse and moisturize their facial skin with cosmetics daily.

If it was still not possible to prevent the appearance of acne, then Clearvin lotion will help get rid of them.

What does it consist of?

The cosmetic product has the most useful and safe composition, which brings exceptional benefits to the skin. It includes the following substances:

  • purified water;
  • medical glycerin;
  • Barbados aloe extracts;
  • turmeric;
  • calamus extracts.

The plant base of Clearvin lotion settles at the bottom of the bottle. If you look closely, you can see a slight sediment, so shake it thoroughly before use.

Indications for use

Clearvin cosmetic lotion for acne and skin blemishes should be in the purse of every girl who always wants to look good. It helps with almost all defects that appear on the skin, quickly and effectively. In total, several indications for its use can be noted.

  • the appearance of dark circles or bruises under the eyes;
  • change in skin type – dryness or flaking;
  • formation of pimples, blackheads or blackheads;
  • premature appearance of small facial wrinkles;
  • long-term healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • the appearance of swelling.

Clearwin lotion is intended for facial skin care, but many girls also use it to care for the décolleté and neck area.

Contraindications and possible side effects

"Clearvin" consists exclusively of beneficial plant substances that provide a caring or moisturizing effect for the facial skin. Therefore, its contraindications are kept to a minimum. This product should not be used by those who have an individual intolerance to one of the components. In this case, a side effect such as an allergic reaction, presented in the form of a rash or irritation, may occur. You can find out how your skin will react to Clearwin acne lotion by performing a simple test:

  • Apply a small amount of lotion to the wrist area;
  • After 20 minutes, you should pay attention to the condition of the skin in this place. If no changes appear, then there is no allergic reaction.

This cosmetic product can be used by teenagers, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and people with various diseases. Apart from an allergic reaction, there are no other contraindications to its use.

Analogues of the product

Clearvin lotion has no structural analogues - products that work due to the same active ingredients. However, there are products on the market that have similar properties.

Table: review of lotions with similar effects

NameActive componentsAction (according to manufacturers' statements)Approximate cost at the beginning of 2022 (in rubles)Efficiency (according to consumer reviews)
Clearasil "Deep Cleansing Lotion"
  • Menthol;
  • salicyl;
  • glycerol.
  • Dries out rashes, preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • has an antibacterial effect.
  • The alcohol in the composition is a disadvantage for many consumers, since the lotion sometimes dries out the skin;
  • does not leave a sticky feeling;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • It fights oil well, but the effect is short-lived.
Propeller "Salicylic lotion"
  • BIO salicylate (natural salicylates from willow bark extract, enhanced with salicylic acid);
  • complex of plant extracts;
  • Soothex (a plant component containing Olibanum resin).
  • Provides an antimicrobial effect;
  • dries out rashes;
  • reduces redness, soothes the skin;
  • tightens pores;
  • removes oily shine.
  • Eliminates oily shine well;
  • has a convenient dispenser;
  • has a subtle odor;
  • does not leave a sticky feeling;
  • has a pronounced drying effect;
  • does not narrow pores, has virtually no effect on inflammation;
  • tightens the skin.
Elfarma "Acne Lotion"
  • Tea tree oil;
  • extracts of sage, soapwort, lemon.
  • Eliminates inflammation and flaking of the skin;
  • soothes irritated epidermis;
  • provides an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Dries the skin;
  • copes only with small rashes;
  • It’s inconvenient to use because there is no dispenser.
Natura Siberica "Whitening face lotion"
  • Patented turmeric root extract (SabiWhite);
  • Altai sea buckthorn;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • sage.
  • Lightens freckles and age spots, acne;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • improves the protective properties of the skin;
  • removes irritation.
  • Well moisturizes;
  • has a pungent odor;
  • cleanses the skin well;
  • Most reviews indicate that the lightening effect is insignificant.
Floresan "White linen whitening lotion"
  • Flax extract;
  • calendula;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • glycolic, citric, malic acids.
  • Cleanses the epidermis;
  • evens out skin tone, brightening it;
  • restore water balance;
  • makes age spots less noticeable.
  • Most users did not notice any brightening effect;
  • leaves a sticky feeling;
  • has an inconvenient sprayer;
  • provides a good moisturizing effect.
Scinic, The Simple Daily Lotion
  • Macadamia oil;
  • lily hydrosol;
  • aloe vera;
  • hyaluronic acid.
  • Provides antioxidant and antibacterial effects;
  • promotes rapid healing of the skin;
  • prevents the appearance of inflammation and acne;
  • softens the skin;
  • refreshes the epidermis;
  • Lightens pigment spots and freckles, prevents the appearance of age spots.
  • Economically used;
  • does not cause a feeling of tightness;
  • does not have a dispenser.

Photo gallery: analogues of lotion in action

Clerasil “Deep Cleansing Lotion” cleanses pores well Propeller “Salicylic Lotion” gently cleanses impurities and dead cells

Natura Siberica "Whitening face lotion" lightens hyperpigmentation

Floresan “White linen whitening lotion” – skin lightening product

How to use it correctly?

The principle of using Clearvin, like any other lotion, is quite simple. To use it you should:

  1. Take the bottle in your hands and shake it thoroughly. It is recommended to hold it in your palms for a while so that the liquid reaches room temperature.
  2. Pour a small amount of liquid from the bottle onto a cotton pad.
  3. Next, you need to apply the product to the problem areas using targeted movements.

After 30 minutes, the beneficial substances will completely penetrate the skin. Next, you need to remove any remaining product using a dry cotton pad or soft towel.

Terms of use

The Clearvin India product should be applied to problem skin twice a day - in the morning and before bed. The product must be rubbed very carefully until the cream is completely absorbed. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to use the drug every day. The duration of use of Klivrin depends on the characteristics of the skin damage, the condition of stretch marks, scars or spots, as well as the age of the patient. Usually the result becomes noticeable within 4-6 weeks of using this product.

To prevent and treat stretch marks, the cream should be applied to areas susceptible to damage: abdomen, buttocks, chest and thighs. The duration of such correction is 2-3 months.

Clearvin India - you can buy this product from a trusted manufacturer in Moscow at any pharmacy in the city, as well as on our official website

Positive reviews

Reviews about Clearvin lotion from the fair sex are only positive. Basically, they highlight the following advantages:

  • High degree of efficiency. The cosmetic product quickly eliminates swelling, inflammation, acne and other formations on the skin of the face. At the same time, many women managed to notice a positive effect after the first use.
  • There are no problems with its acquisition. The product is sold at the pharmacy in a large assortment, and the price for it does not exceed 150 rubles.
  • There are a minimum number of contraindications, which makes the lotion accessible to almost all women.
  • Ease of use.
  • Lack of enveloping feeling after use.

Women also like some minor factors, for example, the design of the packaging and bottle, ease of use of the product, and pleasant aroma.

Composition and mechanism of action of Clearwin lotion

Manufacturers position Clearvin lotion as a product made according to an ancient Ayurvedic recipe.

The cost of the product at the beginning of 2022 is 120–190 rubles. You can buy lotion at a pharmacy or online store.

Clearwin lotion can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store

The active ingredients in the lotion are plant extracts, which determine the mechanism of operation of the product.

Active components of the product:

  • turmeric (Curcuma longa);
  • neem (Melia azedarach);
  • licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra);
  • magnolia (Magnolia officinalis);
  • aloe barbadensis (Aloe barbadensis).

On the packaging there is a separate list of the following actions of the product:

  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of sebum;
  • prevents the process of thickening the stratum corneum of the epidermis;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Manufacturers claim that the composition is hypoallergenic and note that the components for the production of the product are supplied from India.

Licorice root, or licorice, is not only a component of cough syrup: its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are valued in cosmetology

The benefits of natural ingredients in the absence of contraindications are beyond doubt, however, the product contains excipients, such as:

  • water;
  • glycerol;
  • hydrogenated castor oil;
  • methylsulfonylmethane;
  • allantoin;
  • perfume additives.

Will they harm the skin? Using online testing services for cosmetic ingredients, all of them were found to be relatively safe when used as intended. Glycerin may have adverse effects on the skin if:

  • used in its pure form. However, in cosmetology, including as part of Clearvin, it is used in tandem with water;
  • is present in the composition of the product in high concentration. A cosmetic product should not contain more than 20–45% glycerin. But a simple buyer cannot determine this indicator, since it is not indicated on the packaging. Therefore, cosmetologists advise choosing those products in which glycerin is not at the top of the list of ingredients: the closer this substance is to the end of the list, the lower its concentration. Exceeding the permissible value risks the fact that glycerin can “pull” moisture from the skin, provided that the air in the room is dry. This substance is in second place in the Clearwin lotion, but there is no need to worry about this, since the product is used for local application.

Table: active components and their effects

  • Improves complexion;
  • relieves irritation;
  • blocks inflammation;
  • exhibits antiseptic properties;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • cleanses the epidermis;
  • has a brightening effect;
  • removes acne;
  • restores skin tone and elasticity.
  • Provides an antibacterial effect;
  • relieves acne and oily seborrhea.
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • provides an antimicrobial effect.
  • Shows antibacterial properties;
  • prevents the formation of age spots;
  • relieves swelling, inflammation and skin irritation.
Aloe Barbados
  • Combats skin irritation;
  • accelerates regeneration;
  • softens the skin;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Rubia tinctorium (Madder)
  • Provides a tonic and strengthening effect;
  • soothes irritated skin;
  • softens the epidermis.
Calamus common
  • Refreshes and tones the skin;
  • provides antibacterial effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eliminates irritation and peeling of the skin.

Video: cosmetologist about glycerin in cosmetics

Acne prevention

Clearvin lotion allows you to quickly get rid of acne and age spots. But, after a few days they may appear again. To prevent this, several preventive measures must be followed:

  • It is important to maintain proper nutrition and avoid eating fatty foods and flour products.
  • Clean water has a positive effect on skin condition. It promotes cell renewal and elimination of harmful substances. The optimal daily volume of fluid is from 2 to 2.5 liters per day.
  • You need to take care of your facial skin every day using suitable cosmetics for your skin type.
  • It is recommended to minimize the use of powder and foundation, especially in the summer.

For many women, acne becomes a real problem. But it can be successfully dealt with using Clearvin lotion.

Reviews of Clearvin products - cream, lotion


I bought Clearvin lotion at the pharmacy. I used it 3-4 times a day after washing my face (enough for 2 months). Results: pores are clean without scrub, skin is moisturized, flaking has disappeared. Pimples heal faster and there are no traces left behind.

Marina S.

I used the lotion for a month and a half. Helped remove marks from squeezed pimples on the chin and slight pigmentation on the cheekbones. The lotion itself is liquid, pale pink, and smells nice. I used it morning and evening and didn’t wash it off at night.


I have been using Clearvin cream for 2 months, so I can already express my opinion about it. I really like the consistency and smell of it. I only use it at night. It moisturizes well, dries out acne, and there are fewer of them. I hope that it will help remove small scars, but I have not noticed any effect yet.


I bought Clearvin lotion from the pharmacy. I don’t have problem skin, but on the eve of my period a couple of pimples always pop out, leaving marks behind them that I try to remove. I liked the lotion, its consistency is like micellar water, the smell is herbal, pleasant. The spots seem to be starting to lighten.

Natasha K.

I have oily skin, so I only used Clearwin at night. At first you apply it and your face becomes very shiny, then it is gradually absorbed. The next morning the skin is moisturized, there is no dryness, the color has become healthier. On the downside, my husband complained about the strong smell. But it seems normal to me.


I have post-pregnancy stretch marks on my stomach and chest. I’m feeding now, so I asked the pharmacy for a product so that it wouldn’t harm the baby. They recommended the Ayurvedic cream Clearvin. The smell is not irritating and is absorbed well. I'll see how it shows itself. So far 2 weeks have passed, but I don’t see a strong effect.


I use Clearvin cream and lotion. Not bad products - they are relatively inexpensive, the effect is there, in general, I like it. I recently saw a new product – Clearvin hand cream. I took it for testing. Smells good and absorbs quickly. Let's see how it copes with my always dry hands.


I’ve been using Clearwin cream for a long time, so I decided to try the lotion. The manufacturer writes that it helps against stains. But for some reason I didn’t see a strong effect. True, I didn’t use it regularly. The spots lightened, but did not disappear completely. You need to buy more and use it regularly.


I didn't expect this! We can say that the cheap remedy really WORKS! I’ve been using Clearwin cream for only 4 days and I’m already seeing results. Firstly, the morning dark circles under the eyes disappeared, and secondly, fresh pimples healed, and traces of old pimples lightened. I am very pleased and will continue to use it!


Clearwin lotion is a good product! A small convenient bottle with a dispenser. The lotion itself is light, you need to apply it pointwise, then rinse off. It removes excess oil well and dries out the skin a little. Without lotion, I used 5-6 mattifying wipes a day, now only 2.

Olga P.

I bought Clearvin at the nearest pharmacy. The cream was recommended to me by a friend who removed stretch marks after childbirth and pigmentation on her face. It turns out that it also helps with acne. Within a month my face cleared up! Brown and pink spots from acne have disappeared, and there are fewer blackheads.

Lena V.

Clearwin cream helped me a lot against stretch marks. It's a pity I didn't use it during pregnancy. There were a lot of stretch marks, especially on my stomach. So wide and red! Horror! I started smearing myself, and after a month I noticed that they were decreasing. After six months, my skin began to look much better. It's time to take the skimpy swimsuits out of the closet!

Oksana L.

I bought Clearwin to remove a 3-year-old scar on my arm. I hadn’t smeared anything on it before. The cream is pleasant, it smells like herbs, it’s Ayurvedic, but it’s made here. After 2 weeks I saw changes, the scar became lighter and seemed to be shrinking. My son often borrows the cream from me; he has teenage acne, applies it to it, and the inflammation disappears.


I love everything natural, when I read that Clearwin lotion is Ayurvedic, I took it without hesitation. I have problem skin, oily, with acne. I used the lotion according to the instructions, after 2 months the effect began to appear. The skin became cleaner, the shine disappeared. So don’t expect instant results, the lotion works - but, like all natural cosmetics, gradually!


I purchased Clearvin cream on the recommendation of a dermatologist. I have had problem skin since I was 14 years old. Now I’m 25, but sometimes I break out, and I also have acne scars all over my cheeks. I used it for 2 months according to the instructions. The result is not bad. The scars have leveled out, not completely, of course, but they are not so noticeable. The red spots disappeared, and acne began to appear less often.


I found out about the miracle cream “Clearwin” on the Internet. The reviews were very encouraging, and I bought it. My problem is acne on my face. The tube has a protective membrane, which I really liked. The cream is light pink, with a pleasant consistency. I applied it under cosmetics, the cream did not roll off. Used it for a month. I didn't get a wow result. Of course, my complexion has evened out and my acne marks have lightened a little. But for such a price this is not bad.


I have problem skin since my youth. What have I not tried! I specifically looked for “Clearwin” and asked a friend from another city to buy it and bring it. I don’t know what other volume it comes in, but they bought me a 25 ml tube. It’s quite small, but you don’t need to apply it all over your face. Pimples still appear in the same quantity, but the inflammation quickly passes. The cream moisturizes well and removes dryness. I'll keep watching.

Sofia R.

I believe that you should always take care of beauty, even when you are carrying a child. As soon as I found out that I was pregnant, I immediately decided to start preventing stretch marks. It turned out that it is very difficult to find creams and ointments that can be used by pregnant women. The pharmacy suggested Clearvin to me, it’s an Ayurvedic herbal cream. I used it for all 9 months according to the instructions, and then for another year during breastfeeding. Satisfied. No stretch marks! Someone will say – heredity! No! My mom has terrible stripes all over her stomach after 2 pregnancies. But they didn’t show up for me! So the cream works!


In the last couple of years, my skin has deteriorated greatly - acne, blackheads, inflammation. I went to the doctors, they said it was hormonal problems. I was treated, but the acne did not go away. I bought Clearvin at the pharmacy and tried a lot of things before. The cream really helped! After a month, the skin became clearer, inflammation almost disappeared, and there were no acne marks left. I don’t know what exactly helped – the cream or the treatment, but I’m very pleased! And I’ll definitely buy another tube in reserve!


Clearwin is my savior! On the eve of graduation I went for a facial cleansing, I thought that by Day X everything would be healed. Yeah, where's that going? The evening before graduation I almost cried in front of the mirror. Then I remembered Clearvin, I periodically use it for acne before my period. I put it on at night. This morning I was just jumping for joy! No red spots or crusts! You didn't even need foundation!

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