Wart on the elbow in a child: causes and treatment

A wart on a child’s elbow is a pathogenic formation on the skin, characterized by small size (up to 1 cm in diameter) and asymptomatic occurrence. The absence of unpleasant physical sensations does not mean that the pathology should be left to chance, because first of all, a wart on a child’s elbow is viral in nature, that is, it is a sign of a disease. As with other viral diseases, the child should be shown to a doctor and learn in more detail about the various methods of treatment and prevention of warts.

general information

Such formations can have different shapes and sizes. They often appear on the knees, elbows, fingers; It is not uncommon to see warts on the face and scalp.

These benign neoplasms do not change their appearance for a long time, but can spontaneously disappear without treatment and just as suddenly appear again.

Warts cause aesthetic discomfort. In addition, they can be constantly injured when shaving, clothing, or a comb. This increases the risk of inflammation and bleeding.

To learn how to get rid of warts, you must first determine their type. It is difficult to do this on your own, so you will need the help of a doctor.

Causes of warts

The causes of warts on the hands and other parts of the body are a viral infection combined with microdamages of the skin.
The disease is caused by a type of human papillomavirus. Infection occurs by contact, the pathogen penetrates through microscopic wounds or cracks in the skin and causes the growth of skin tissue. An additional factor contributing to the development of pathology is immunodeficiency, which can develop due to poor nutrition, old age, diabetes, and long-term use of drugs that suppress the immune system.

Causes of warts on the elbow

The provocateur of this problem is the human papillomavirus, which is transmitted through sexual or domestic contact. In the first case, HPV penetration is possible during anal, oral or vaginal contact, as well as during ordinary kissing. The household route involves the entry of the pathogen into the body, which causes warts on the elbow, through the infected things of the patient.

The infection can be transmitted in this way:

  • When shaking hands . This is relevant if a carrier of HPV and a healthy person have skin lesions on their hands. In this case, the microorganism can penetrate into the blood through them and spread further. The same threatens to happen to those who have the habit of biting their nails, especially after shaking hands. They have warts on the elbow and other areas.
  • Through medical instruments . You should only worry about this when visiting unscrupulous doctors who do not particularly care about their sterilization. First of all, we are talking about dentists, gynecologists, surgeons, proctologists, gastroenterologists, and ENT specialists.
  • In a beauty salon . This risk arises when visiting a cosmetologist who works with syringes, for example, when performing anti-aging injections. There is also a danger in the case of having a manicure or nail extensions done by a specialist.
  • In the tattoo parlor . An attempt to apply them may well result in infection and the formation of a wart on the elbow if the specialist uses poorly processed needles and other instruments for this. In this case, traces of blood and lymph from other clients remain on them, which with a high degree of probability may be carriers of the human papilloma virus.
  • In public places . You need to be most vigilant in hospitals and public transport. The virus can “hide” on the surface of door handles and on holders on a bus, tram, or trolleybus. This is why it is necessary to wash your hands with soap after visiting the street.
  • Through the dishes . The virus does not die in cold water, so washing dishes in it does not eliminate the possibility of infection. It must be said that the use of a good detergent cannot guarantee such protection 100%. People who live with an infected person under the same roof are primarily at risk of developing a wart on the elbow.

The human papillomavirus has an incubation period of 2-3 months, although in some cases it extends to 1-2 years. All this time, the pathogen is present in the body and makes a person a carrier, but, as a rule, does not give any symptoms. Symptoms appear only after this period, as a result of HPV activation. This is due to poor nutrition with a lack of raw vegetables, fruits, berries, weakened immunity, microdamage to the skin, chronic stress and lack of sleep.

Note! The risk group for developing warts on the elbow includes people who often visit public swimming pools and baths, as well as those who suffer from excessive sweating of their hands.

Types and symptoms of warts

There are the following types of warts:

  • ordinary, or vulgar: such warts are usually located on the hands, but this localization is not necessary; in appearance they are thicker and darker than the surrounding skin;
  • flat: small, skin-tone, appear in large numbers on the face, neck, knees, wrists, usually in children;
  • plantar wart, or “spike”: a painful formation on the foot that grows into the skin;
  • filamentous papillomas: similar to miniature hairs from the skin, appear around the mouth, nose, eyes;
  • periungual: form clusters on the surface of the skin near the fingernails;
  • genital condylomas: a fairly contagious form, transmitted through sexual contact; Warts grow around the genitals and anus, and there is a connection between their appearance and the development of cervical cancer.

The causes and treatment of warts on the hands and other parts of the body require evaluation and treatment by a qualified dermatologist.

What do warts on the elbow look like?

Photo of warts on elbow

A wart on the elbow looks like a small bump that rises above the skin. At an early stage, there is a spot in this place, which then gradually increases in size. After some time, a growth appears here, which may be pigmented.

On average, the size of warts on the elbow is 0.5 cm. Here they occur mainly in single quantities. These growths have an uneven shape with rounded edges and a rough surface. Its color ranges from flesh-colored to brown and depends on the age of the formation: the longer it is on the body, the darker it becomes.

Two types of warts most often appear on the elbows, and the first of them is juvenile. Such growths grow very quickly and, if not properly treated, can affect neighboring areas. In most cases, children face such problems. Another type of these growths is seborrheic, otherwise called senile. This is due to the fact that they usually occur in older people.

In rare cases, vulgar warts and condylomas form on the elbow; the latter are rightfully classified as such formations. Regardless of their type, a person quite often experiences discomfort due to the unfortunate location of these growths.

If there is a negative impact on the wart on the elbow, it becomes possible to damage it. If the integrity is compromised, an infection can penetrate through the wounds, which can lead to inflammation, redness and itching of the skin. As a result, there is often a desire to comb problem areas.

If a wart on the elbow is damaged, then it is quite logical that blood will appear. As a result, the growth may be deformed, and then its boundaries and structure will change. All this is sometimes accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and even pain.

Treatment of warts

Removing warts helps eliminate cosmetic imperfections and also prevents damage. It is carried out using different methods.

If there are a large number of formations, the dermatologist will recommend an effective external remedy for papillomas and warts. Patches, creams, mash, pastes and other dosage forms can be used. Often, ointment for warts contains salicylic acid, which softens the skin formation.

A more radical treatment for warts is to remove them using liquid nitrogen, electric cauterization, or a surgical scalpel.

For the procedure of removing a small growth, you can try any home remedy for warts, for example:

  • compresses from raw grated potatoes;
  • Castor oil;
  • chopped onion;
  • dandelion juice;
  • a mixture of water and grated white chalk.

These tools cannot be used:

  • on the face and other areas with sensitive skin;
  • on the legs with diabetes;
  • if the wart is painful or bleeding.

Methods for treating warts on the elbow

If warts appear on your elbows, you can use one of these methods to solve the problem: try folk remedies that are not harmful to health in the absence of contraindications, or use special medications. If neither option is suitable, but it is necessary to get rid of the growth, you can pay attention to physiotherapeutic procedures.

Folk remedies for warts on the elbow

One of the most effective means of treating warts on the elbows, regardless of the cause of its appearance, is considered to be a decoction of bedbugs, which can be prepared from this herb in dried form (3 tablespoons) and boiled water (0.5 l). After mixing the components, let them sit for about 3 hours. The mass can then be strained, and only the liquid should be used. Before use, the composition must be warmed up, then you need to hold your elbow over it for about 10 minutes.

Here are other good, time-tested recipes for treating warts on the elbow:

  • With celandine . You will need the juice of this plant, which can be bought at the pharmacy. You need to moisten a cotton pad in it and apply it to the formation, leaving it there for 15 minutes. This procedure must be repeated twice a day until the growth is eliminated.
  • With onion . Grind it without the husk, put the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze it out. The resulting juice should be applied to the growth using a cotton pad or cloth 3-4 times a day, leaving for 2-5 minutes. The course should be continued until it is possible to get rid of the wart on the elbow.
  • With vinegar . A product of any origin is suitable for removing growths, but apple product is considered the most effective. They need to treat the formation up to 5 times a day, wiping it generously with a cotton pad. It is recommended to carry out this procedure for at least 5 days, but if the growth is not removed as a result, you will need to take a break for a month and then continue treatment.
  • With garlic . There are two options here for how to get rid of a wart on your elbow - for example, you can simply peel it off and wipe the formation with a slice, repeating these steps 5 times a day. But it will be much more effective to make juice from it by squeezing it out of the pulp. They need to treat the formation with a cotton pad or cloth 3 times a day for a week. If necessary, the course can be repeated, taking a break for 2 weeks after the end of the first cycle.
  • With pork fat . Melt it in a water bath (3 tbsp), mix with vinegar (1 tsp) and garlic gruel (2 tsp). Transfer the mixture to a jar, refrigerate for a day and lubricate the growth with it 3-5 times a day. Remains of the composition must be washed off 5 minutes after application. This treatment of warts on the elbow is recommended for 2 weeks.
  • With potatoes . Peel it and divide it into 2 parts. Use one of them to rub the formation and wait 15 minutes, then wipe the area with a clean napkin. Perform such manipulations three times a day. You can also grate potatoes and apply the prepared pulp to the growth for 20 minutes once a day. Treatment of warts on the elbow should be carried out until the formations completely disappear.

We should not forget about the existence of one of the most popular remedies among folk doctors - aloe. Cut a young leaf from the plant, wipe it and apply the wet edge to the formation. Secure it on top with a bandage or gauze, as well as a plaster. Do not remove the compress for 2-3 hours. Perform this procedure every day until the problem is resolved.

Medicines for warts on the elbow

In the photo are preparations for warts on the elbow

To treat warts on the elbow, you can use the inexpensive Feresol solution, which has a cauterizing and bactericidal effect. It is produced in 10 ml bottles and sells for an average of 17 UAH. (40 rub.). To solve the problem, it is enough to lubricate the formation continuously for 40 minutes. This product has an alternative in the form of Duofilm based on salicylic and lactic acid. True, it needs to be used once a day until the growth disappears, the cost is 470 UAH. (1000 rub.).

Among other means of treating warts on the elbow, the following should be highlighted:

  • Salicylic ointment . It has antiseptic, keratolytic, anti-inflammatory effects. It must be applied topically, in the form of applications, applied directly to the wart, covering it with a napkin and leaving until absorbed. The bandage must be changed every day until the formation is eliminated. The cost of this product is 11 UAH. (21 rubles), but this ointment can be replaced with Oxolinic ointment.
  • Viferon . It comes in the form of an ointment, which must be applied to the growth in a thin layer 3-4 times a day, gently rubbing in with your fingers and leaving until absorbed. Treatment of warts on the elbow should be carried out within 5-10 days. This product costs 215 UAH. (500 rubles), and it can be replaced with Panavir gel.
  • Isoprinosine . This is an antiviral and immunostimulating drug that helps the body fight HPV and thereby speeds up the process of eliminating warts. Tablets are prescribed at the rate of 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight, while the daily dose is recommended to be divided into 6 doses. The course of treatment should last at least 7 days. Isoprinosine costs about 117 UAH. (200 rub.). Instead, you can take Lymphomyosot, Immunal or Imudon.

To treat warts on the elbow, you can also use Lapis pencil, CryoPharma, Verrukacid. In addition to this, it is recommended to take a course of vitamin and mineral supplements. Here it is worth paying attention to dietary supplements from the brands “Perfectil”, “Alphabet”, “Vitrum”.


Since it is almost impossible to avoid contact with the papilloma virus throughout your life, to prevent warts you need to follow measures aimed at strengthening the immune system and maintaining clean and healthy skin:

  • washing hands with soap after returning home;
  • Thoroughly wash your feet after visiting the beach, bathhouse, or swimming pool;
  • balanced, nutritious diet, normal sleep;
  • avoiding close contact with people who have warts;
  • the use of orthopedic insoles and shoes made of natural material.

Warts in children

To date, there is no method of treating this pathology with absolute effectiveness. Not every wart requires treatment. Elements that cause pain, itching, interfere with walking, or represent a gross cosmetic defect are subject to treatment. Also, an absolute indication for therapy is concomitant immunodeficiency pathology.

Conservative treatment

Etiological therapy is the fight against the virus. There are no specific drugs directed exclusively against HPV. A course of antiviral drugs based on interferon or its inducers is prescribed. To increase effectiveness, probiotics, prebiotics, and vitamin-mineral complexes are added to therapy. According to indications, after agreement with an immunologist, it is possible to prescribe immunocorrective agents.

Chemical destruction

The drug of choice for local treatment of flat warts is the topical retinoid tretinoin. The cream is applied over a long course - up to 3 months. Acids with a keratolytic effect are also used. Salicylic acid 15-40% in the form of ointment and patch is approved for use in pediatrics. The combined drug Solcoderm, which contains 4 types of concentrated acids, has a good effect. The regimen for using any of the above remedies is prescribed by the doctor, based on the clinical picture.

Methods of physical destruction

The choice of method for removing warts in children depends on the location, size, and depth of germination. In dermatological practice the following are successfully used:

  • Laser coagulation.
    Treatment is carried out simultaneously; a single session is usually sufficient. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated after 3-4 weeks. First, the skin and mucous membranes are anesthetized by treating with an anesthetic spray or cream. Direct laser exposure lasts 2-3 minutes. The laser beam provides minimal trauma with maximum precision.
  • Cryodestruction.
    It involves treating the affected area with liquid nitrogen. The technique is considered effective and safe in pediatric practice. The substance in liquid form is applied to the lesion twice per session, with an exposure of 15-30 seconds. The course consists of several sessions. After cryodestruction, tissue regeneration is long-lasting, without scars; relapse is possible. The number of procedures depends on the course of the disease.
  • Electrocoagulation
    . The essence of the method is to cauterize a child’s wart with a low-power electric current, causing thermal damage to the tissue. Advantages: precisely targeted impact with the ability to regulate the depth of penetration, no bleeding or scarring.
  • Radiocoagulation.
    A minimally invasive method for treating warts in children. It is used for different sizes and localization of formations. It is a targeted effect of radio waves on the affected skin area. The technique is highly effective without the need for rehabilitation.


Surgery is indicated for cases of risk of malignancy, suspected oncology, and large formations. There are several methods of surgical treatment of warts:

  • Curettage.
    Curettage of the wart is carried out with a curette. A relatively low-traumatic technique, quick to use, used for small warts. Curettage is more effective in combination with cryodestruction.
  • Excision.
    The surgeon performs extensive removal of damaged tissue with a scalpel. The most traumatic technique, requiring sutures and a longer healing period. Used for deep invasion of formations.
  • Blunt excision.
    Removal is carried out without the use of sharp instruments, for example, specially designed scissors. Of the surgical techniques, this is the most acceptable in pediatrics: it does not leave scars and the probability of recovery is 90%.

Treatment at the Mama Papa Ya clinic

The network of family clinics “Mama Papa Ya” invites everyone to quickly and painlessly remove warts using modern equipment. The clinic's branches are located in different districts of Moscow, where qualified dermatologists provide consultations at an affordable price.

We offer wart removal services in a variety of ways for patients of all ages. To schedule a consultation, call your nearest branch or leave a request on our website.


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