Cryopharma - instructions for use for removing warts and papillomas, composition, analogues and price

Cryopharma for warts

According to the pharmacological classification, Cryopharma refers to cryotherapy (cold exposure), which freezes warts of viral origin, removing formations from the skin. This medicine is designed for home use, but you should consult your doctor before using it because you first need to determine if the wart is cancerous. Read the instructions for use of Cryopharm.

Composition and release form

The drug Cryopharm is available in the form of an aerosol, which is easy and simple to use. Description of the medicine and composition:

Compound A mixture of propane and dimethyl ether, upon release creating a temperature of minus 57 degrees.
Package 35 ml metal aerosol can with refrigerants, cardboard box with instructions for use, holder and 12 sponge applicators.
Varieties The purple box is for removing plantar warts (contains a measuring scale, file and patches), the blue box is for treating growths on the hands.

Effect of the drug

By pressing the Cryopharm applicator to the surface of the wart, you can immediately begin the process of freezing the tissue of the formation to the base. The patient feels a slight burning or tingling of the skin, it turns white, but after removing the applicator it returns to color. After some time, the skin becomes red, and after a few days a blister forms under the wart, barely visible to the naked eye.

After 10-14 days, the frozen skin falls off the surface of the wart, and a new layer of healthy skin tissue forms under the blister. If the papilloma or part of it has not disappeared within two weeks, you can repeat the course of treatment without harm to health. One package of Cryopharm (35 ml bottle) is enough to remove 12 warts. Applicators included in the pack are considered disposable.

Indications for use

Doctors often prescribe the drug Cryopharm - the instructions for use of the drug contain information about the indications:

  • removal of papillomas or warts using cryotherapy;
  • suitable for eliminating raised papillomas (caused by the human papillomavirus), flat warts, including old formations;
  • The freezing method is used in clinical and home settings; it removes formations from the rough surfaces of the palms, elbows, knees, and phalanges of the fingers.

Cryopharma for feet

In one application, Cryopharm for feet freezes warts (plantar spines). If the formation is too deep, it is large in size or has several roots, then several repetitions of the course will be required at intervals of two weeks. To improve healing, it is recommended not to injure the skin after freezing and handle the application site very carefully. If the spine does not completely disappear after three courses, consult a doctor.

Cryopharma for papillomas

The drug Cryopharma for papillomas has a similar effect as the cryodestruction method used in medical institutions. Papillomas can be frozen only if they are recognized as benign, do not increase in size or color, and are located in areas of increased trauma (armpits, waist, folds). Papillomas can be removed from the neck and arms in one application (if they are small). It is not recommended to use the drug to remove skin tumors from the face or large diameter ones.


Liquid nitrogen is used as a coolant during cryotherapy procedures, which freezes tissue at a temperature of -196°C. Cryopharm spray contains a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane. It is an alternative refrigerant to nitrogen. When using the drug, tissue is frozen at a temperature of -57°C. It is quite enough to destroy pathological cells and remove warts.

Cryopharm spray, the price of which is quite affordable, is packaged in aerosol cans. The product kit includes special disposable nozzles and holders, which guarantees ease of use.

When using the product, you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation at the treatment site. The skin turns white for a while, but then quickly returns to color. After some time, the skin on the treated area turns red and a barely noticeable blister forms under the wart, under which healthy tissue forms.

A wart removed with a spray disappears on its own 10-14 days after the procedure. For large warts that have not disappeared after a single use of the product, it can be used again without any harm to health. On average, one bottle of the drug is enough to remove 12 warts.

Directions for use and dosage

For the use of the medicine Cryopharma, special instructions have been developed, including application rules and exposure time:

  • insert the sponge applicator into the socket of the holder;
  • insert the applicator holder into the bottle for three seconds;
  • Press the applicator firmly onto the area of ​​skin with the wart to freeze the growths;
  • hold for 10 seconds for flat or common warts up to 2.5 m in size, 15 seconds for 2.5-5 mm in size, 20 seconds for larger than 5 mm in diameter or old warts, 40 seconds for plantar lesions located in areas of high pressure .

According to the instructions, after treatment with Cryopharma, the treated area of ​​skin should be kept clean. Swimming and showering are permitted, but no touching, scratching or puncture of damaged skin is allowed. If pain persists for a long time after wart removal, or if there is a burning sensation or other signs of discomfort, consult a doctor. The holding time should not exceed 40 seconds.

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Should warts be removed during pregnancy?

Most often, experts recommend postponing the removal of benign formations such as warts until the postpartum period, especially in cases where skin growths do not cause discomfort to the woman.

The situation is different with the already mentioned condylomas and multiple, rapidly growing defects. Genital warts may require a Pap test and biopsy to identify atypical cancer cells that indicate the transformation of a benign neoplasm into an oncological process.

If there is an increase in the formation of warts and their massive spread, the doctor may recommend removing the tumors, but such manipulation should be performed only after a pregnancy of more than 28 weeks, when the process of formation of the morphological organs and systems of the child’s body ends. You should be especially careful when taking antiviral drugs, which are often prescribed after the wart removal procedure. Pregnancy is not the time for experiments, and before using any medication, you should consult a specialist.

special instructions

The instructions for use of the drug Cryopharm indicate special rules of use that everyone should know:

  • the procedure is performed only on adults; it is prohibited to use the product to treat children under 4 years of age, pregnant women, or breastfeeding;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus use the medicine with caution due to the reduced rate of tissue regeneration;
  • do not inhale the medicine, use it in a well-ventilated area, wash your hands after use;
  • when removing warts that are nearby, you cannot apply the product simultaneously to several formations; it is better to wait two weeks between application procedures;
  • Before using Cryopharm, patients with circulatory problems should consult a doctor;
  • if you are not sure that the formation on the foot is not a plantar wart, do not use the drug Cryopharma, but rather consult a doctor;
  • disposable applicators should be thrown away immediately after use;
  • do not smoke or light cigarettes, avoid open flames at the site of the cauterization procedure;
  • After use, do not heat or disassemble the cylinder.


You can buy cryopharm at a pharmacy without a prescription. Its main indications are the removal of papillomas or warts. The drug is prescribed to combat papillomas that appear on the skin when infected with the human papillomavirus. It allows you to remove flat warts, including old formations.

The product can be used on various skin surfaces: palms, elbows, knees, fingers, etc. Cryopharma is indicated, in particular, for treating feet when warts form on them. They are often called plantar spines. Deep formations cause severe discomfort. Large warts on the feet, as a rule, have several roots, so the drug is prescribed in several courses.

Cryopharma for papillomas, reviews confirm this, is an effective remedy. But at the same time, the remedy is prescribed only for the removal of benign formations that are not located in places of increased trauma: armpits, waist folds, etc.


The instructions for use of the drug Cryopharm indicate contraindications, in the presence of which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • application to irritated skin with dermatological diseases accompanied by inflammation, itching, swelling;
  • use on birthmarks, pigmented areas of the skin (nevi), mucous membranes, genitals;
  • mole removal;
  • age up to four years;
  • formations of unusual origin, located on the skin of an unclear type, with a change in skin color;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Wart - symptoms and treatment

When to see a doctor

Patients with warts often turn to the doctor to eliminate an aesthetic defect.
Some types of warts cause pain when walking or crack, in which case it is better to remove them. There are several ways to treat warts. All of them are usually carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and some of them are carried out only in the clinic’s treatment room.

Chemical treatments

To get rid of warts, applications of milk-salicylic collodion and salicylic patches are used. The percentage of drugs and the method of their use (long-term wearing of patches, applications, etc.) depend on the prevalence and localization of the tumor.

Solutions of zinc and 2-chloropropionic acid can also be used. In this case, a chemical composition is applied to the pre-treated surface, which is left on the wart until the color changes (depending on the type of wart). The procedure is repeated several times after 7, 14 and 21 days. Before each procedure, tissue is removed mechanically.

Another chemical method is a combination of nitric, acetic, oxalic, lactic acids and copper nitrate trihydrate. Only relatively small tumors - up to 5 mm - are treated in this way. The solution is also left until the wart changes color. After 3-5 days, the patient comes for a follow-up appointment; if necessary, he is prescribed a repeat procedure after 1-4 weeks [5].


This method involves freezing the wart using liquid nitrogen: a moistened swab is pressed against the damaged skin (covering several mm of surrounding tissue) for 1-5 minutes. The destruction of some tumors requires several procedures with an interval of four weeks.

The main disadvantages of cryodestruction are its pain and delayed effect compared to other methods, in which only one procedure is often sufficient for removal.


Under the influence of electric current, the wart is removed in layers. This operation is performed under local anesthetic [6].

This method is more effective than cryodestruction, but it has a significant disadvantage: electrocoagulation often leaves behind scars at the site of wart removal. For those patients who come to eliminate a cosmetic defect, this method will not be the most suitable.

Laser destruction

Warts are also removed in layers using a laser. The light guide contacts the skin from several seconds to three minutes, depending on the size. Then the resulting scab is excised, and the bottom of the wound is treated with a laser again. The patient is then instructed on how to treat the wound. The operation itself is performed under local anesthesia.

Radio wave surgery

Radio wave surgery is one of the most modern and gentle methods for removing some benign tumors, including warts. For this treatment, the devices Surgitron (USA), PBX oscillator (Russia), Vesalius (Italy), etc. are used.

The method is based on the generation of electromagnetic waves with different frequencies: from 100 kHz to 105 MHz [7]. When the wave passes through the tissue, During the procedure, the tissue resists the passing waves, causing molecular energy to be released in the cells, which heats the skin. When exposed to heat, the cells actually evaporate, creating a neat cut. In this case, no mechanical forces are applied to the affected tissue.

The advantages of this method:

  • safety;
  • rapid wound healing;
  • good cosmetic effect - scars and cicatrices are excluded;
  • relative painlessness - a local anesthetic is used before the mini-operation;
  • exclusion of secondary infection due to automatic disinfection of the electrode when the device is turned on.

The effectiveness of this method is recognized all over the world, but it is quite difficult to find a clinic that uses the method of radio wave surgery.

Preparations for the treatment of warts

There are no antiviral drugs for the treatment of HPV yet, so it is impossible to get rid of warts with the help of pills. They can only be removed by chemical and physical methods.

Which treatment method to choose

All of the above methods have several disadvantages:

  • In the first couple of weeks, the operated area has an unattractive appearance - crusts, darkening of the tissues. This must be taken into account if the warts are on visible parts of the body (for example, on the face).
  • Unpleasant odor and some degree of pain during surgery.

In addition, each of these methods has contraindications, which you should learn about at a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist.

But the main disadvantage is the high probability of relapses, especially if the warts were widespread and extensive. With each of these methods, doctors fight not the root cause of the disease, but its consequences, since today the human papillomavirus cannot be cured.

Therefore, therapy is aimed at:

  • or to destroy tumors that arise at the site of virus introduction;
  • or to stimulate an antiviral immune response;
  • or a combination of these approaches [8].

Most often, destructive methods of treatment are used. Their efficiency reaches 50-80% [4].

For surgical treatment methods, childhood is usually not a contraindication. Therefore, many of these methods (including radio wave surgery) are also used to treat warts in children. An exception is the chemical removal of warts due to the possibility of adverse reactions to the substance.

What to do after surgery

After any of these surgeries, be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations.

After removing a tumor using any of the presented methods, the doctor usually prescribes treatment of the removal site. It is forbidden to remove the “crusts” yourself, wet the wound or expose it to direct sunlight.

If a patient constantly develops new warts, then he should consult an immunologist - he may need to take medications that will increase the body's resistance to the human papillomavirus.

Myths and dangerous misconceptions in the treatment of warts

Warts are usually harmless and often disappear on their own over time. This property explains numerous myths about healing using spells and other unconventional methods.

Treatment of warts with home remedies is unacceptable, since the patient will not be able to accurately distinguish a wart from other diseases without the necessary equipment, and complications after such “treatment” occur much more often than recovery.

Only a doctor can select a treatment method after examination and an accurate diagnosis.


There are direct and indirect analogues of Cryopharm. The first substitutes are similar to the original drug in composition and principle of action, the second ones are similar in their effect on the wart (this may not necessarily be cold, but for example, exposure to acids or chemical alkalis). Popular analogues of the drug are:

  • Solcoderm;
  • Feresol;
  • Papilleck;
  • Stefalin;
  • Super-Clandestine;
  • Lapis pencil.

Removing warts during pregnancy - recommendations

If removal of warts during pregnancy is the only option, in the process of choosing a technique you should adhere to the following rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate;
  • Traditional methods based on fresh celandine and the drug “Super celandine” can have a toxic effect on the body of a pregnant woman;
  • You should not resort to the cryodestruction method;
  • Do not use harsh chemicals to burn off warts, such as acetic acid;
  • The method of removing a wart should not involve the use of anesthesia.

Price for Cryopharm

You can buy liquid nitrogen in a pharmacy or online without a prescription from a doctor at a cost that depends on the level of the company’s trade margin. Approximate prices for a 35 ml package in Moscow and St. Petersburg will be:

Pharmacy name Aerosol price, in rubles
Pills. RU 764 749
Dialogue 660
36,6 732
Zdravzona 654
Europharm 750
Vitamin 770
be healthy 874
Help window 768
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