Ophthalmoherpes - causes and treatment

array ( 'ID' => '8327', '~ID' => '8327', 'NAME' => 'Tineas on the face', '~NAME' => 'Tineas on the face', 'IBLOCK_ID' = > '43', '~IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1192', '~IBLOCK_SECTION_ID' => '1192', 'DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there are nerve processes. Often the symptoms of shingles appear on the face.
The question is often asked about the appearance of shingles: “
Where does shingles on the face ?” Experts associate this with the characteristics of the trigeminal nerve. And indeed, often from a photo of shingles on the face one can judge the course of the branches of this nerve.

The symptoms of shingles on the face and treatment are closely related, so it is worth considering each of the forms of the disease: severe pain in the eye, ear and jaw (according to the location of the nerve endings). After a short period of time, the temperature rises, a feeling of fatigue, nausea, and vomiting appears. Rashes appear along the trigeminal nerve on the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eye, as well as on the nose. It often happens that the rash does not appear for a long time, and the doctor cannot immediately make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Experts consider the most severe form of shingles on the face to be ocular. If there is severe pain in the ear area and rashes around and inside the ear, this is the ear form of shingles. If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. When the nerves of the upper jaw are affected, a rash appears on the roof of the mouth. The depressed, lethargic state of the patient is accompanied by severe pain and intoxication. Most often, white or slightly grayish rashes appear on the lips and oral mucosa. Shingles is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes in the human body.

Treatment for shingles on the face

If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. To relieve the symptoms of shingles on the face, serious treatment is necessary, which should begin no later than the second day after the onset of the disease. Treatment includes taking antiviral drugs and treating affected areas of the skin and drying out crusts with antiviral and anti-inflammatory ointments or creams. Among modern drugs, Idoxurdin ointment, which is placed inside the eyelid if the eyeball is affected, gives a good result. In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators to strengthen and increase the body's defenses and an anesthetic (for example, cortisone) for severe pain. If the nervous system is affected, the doctor will prescribe antidepressants, sleeping pills and sedatives. In order to reduce itching, you need to take antihistamines (for example, Cetrin). If intoxication of the body has begun, it is necessary to begin detoxification therapy: administering through a vein the medications necessary to cleanse the body and prescribing diuretics. Be sure to pay attention to the patient’s diet. Food should be slightly warm, liquid or pureed. After eating, oral hygiene is necessary. Shingles on the face must be treated comprehensively and under the supervision of a physician.', '~DETAIL_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there are nerve processes.
Symptoms of shingles often appear on the face. A question that is often asked about the appearance of shingles is: “
Where does shingles on the face come from ?” Experts attribute this to the characteristics of the trigeminal nerve. And indeed, often from a photo of shingles on the face one can judge the course of the branches of this nerve. The symptoms of shingles on the face and treatment are closely related, so it is worth considering each of the forms of the disease: severe pain in the eye, ear and jaw (according to the location of the nerve endings). After a short period of time, the temperature rises, a feeling of fatigue, nausea, and vomiting appears. Rashes appear along the trigeminal nerve on the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eye, as well as on the nose. It often happens that the rash does not appear for a long time, and the doctor cannot immediately make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Experts consider the most severe form of shingles on the face to be ocular. If there is severe pain in the ear area and rashes around and inside the ear, this is the ear form of shingles. If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. When the nerves of the upper jaw are affected, a rash appears on the roof of the mouth. The depressed, lethargic state of the patient is accompanied by severe pain and intoxication. Most often, white or slightly grayish rashes appear on the lips and oral mucosa. Shingles is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes in the human body.

Causes of the disease

Lichen planus occurs under the influence of a number of factors, among which the most common is immuno-allergic. When the body's immunity decreases under the influence of external and internal factors, T-lymphocytes cannot cope with their protective function.

Factors that provoke the development of oral lichen planus include:

  • Chronic stress;
  • Strong shocks;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Grynszpan syndrome;
  • Injuries to the oral mucosa;
  • Incorrectly installed dentures;
  • Fillings that injure the oral mucosa;
  • Prostheses made of dissimilar materials;
  • Long-term use of tetracycline;

The risk group also includes patients whose work involves developing camera film or who come into contact with paraphenyldiamine.

Treatment for shingles on the face

If treatment is not started promptly, ocular shingles can lead to vision loss, and ear shingles can lead to hearing loss. To relieve the symptoms of shingles on the face, serious treatment is necessary, which should begin no later than the second day after the onset of the disease. Treatment includes taking antiviral drugs and treating affected areas of the skin and drying out crusts with antiviral and anti-inflammatory ointments or creams. Among modern drugs, Idoxurdin ointment, which is placed inside the eyelid if the eyeball is affected, gives a good result. In addition, the doctor may prescribe immunomodulators to strengthen and increase the body's defenses and an anesthetic (for example, cortisone) for severe pain. If the nervous system is affected, the doctor will prescribe antidepressants, sleeping pills and sedatives. In order to reduce itching, you need to take antihistamines (for example, Cetrin). If intoxication of the body has begun, it is necessary to begin detoxification therapy: administering through a vein the medications necessary to cleanse the body and prescribing diuretics. Be sure to pay attention to the patient’s diet. Food should be slightly warm, liquid or pureed. After eating, oral hygiene is necessary. Shingles on the face must be treated comprehensively and under the supervision of a physician.', 'DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there is nerve processes. Symptoms of shingles often appear on the face. ', '~PREVIEW_TEXT' => ' Shingles can occur in various areas of the body where there are nerve branches. Symptoms of shingles often appear on the face. ', 'PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', '~PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE' => 'html', 'DETAIL_PICTURE' => NULL, '~DETAIL_PICTURE' => NULL, 'TIMESTAMP_X' => '15.01.2022 16:21', '~TIMESTAMP_X' => '15.01.2022 16:21', 'ACTIVE_FROM' => NULL, '~ACTIVE_FROM' => NULL, 'LIST_PAGE_URL' => '/forpatients/school/info/', '~LIST_PAGE_URL' = > '/forpatients/school/info/', 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL' => '/forpatients/school/info/opoyasyvaushiy-lishai/opoyasyvaushiy-lishai-na-lice/', '~DETAIL_PAGE_URL' => '/forpatients/school/ info/opoyasyvaushiy-lishai/opoyasyvaushiy-lishai-na-lice/', 'LANG_DIR' => '/', '~LANG_DIR' => '/', 'CODE' => 'opoyasyvaushiy-lishai-na-lice', '~CODE' => 'opoyasyvaushiy-lishai-na-lice', 'EXTERNAL_ID' => '8327', '~EXTERNAL_ID' => '8327', 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => 'SERVICE', '~IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => 'SERVICE', 'IBLOCK_CODE' => ", '~IBLOCK_CODE' => ", 'IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID' => ", '~IBLOCK_EXTERNAL_ID' => ", 'LID' => 's1', '~LID' => ' s1', 'NAV_RESULT' => false, 'DISPLAY_ACTIVE_FROM' => ", 'IPROPERTY_VALUES' => array ( 'SECTION_META_DESCRIPTION' => 'What are the reasons for the appearance (occurrence) of herpes zoster, how long does the disease last, what does the initial stage look like - answers to These questions are from our specialists. ICD10 code for shingles, opinions of doctors and patients on forums.', 'ELEMENT_META_TITLE' => 'Tinea on the face: photos, symptoms and treatment. Where does shingles on the face come from?', 'ELEMENT_META_DESCRIPTION' => 'Where does shingles on the face come from? Photos of herpes zoster on the face, its symptoms and treatment. Information from dermatologists on our website, the ability to order a consultation online.', ), 'FIELDS' => array ( ), 'PROPERTIES' => array ( 'IMAGES' => array ( 'ID' => '240', 'TIMESTAMP_X ' => '2017-11-15 09:11:27', 'IBLOCK_ID' => '43', 'NAME' => 'Photo gallery', 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'SORT' => '500 ', 'CODE' => 'IMAGES', 'DEFAULT_VALUE' => ", 'PROPERTY_TYPE' => 'F', 'ROW_COUNT' => '1', 'COL_COUNT' => '30', 'LIST_TYPE' => 'L', 'MULTIPLE' => 'Y', 'XML_ID' => ", 'FILE_TYPE' => 'jpg, gif, bmp, png, jpeg', 'MULTIPLE_CNT' => '5', 'TMP_ID' = > NULL, 'LINK_IBLOCK_ID' => '0', 'WITH_DESCRIPTION' => 'Y', 'SEARCHABLE' => 'N', 'FILTRABLE' => 'N', 'IS_REQUIRED' => 'N', 'VERSION ' => '1', 'USER_TYPE' => NULL, 'USER_TYPE_SETTINGS' => NULL, 'HINT' => ", 'PROPERTY_VALUE_ID' => array ( 0 => '20547', 1 => '20548', 2 => '20549', 3 => '20716', 4 => '20717', 5 => '20719', ), 'VALUE' => array ( 0 => '19924', 1 => '19925', 2 => '19926', 3 => '20877', 4 => '20878', 5 => '20881', ), 'DESCRIPTION' => array ( 0 => 'Tineas on the face treatment | Shingles on the face treatment', 1 => 'Tineas on the face signs | Signs of shingles on the face', 2 => 'Where does shingles on the face come from | Where does shingles on the face come from', 3 => ", 4 => ", 5 => "), 'VALUE_ENUM' => NULL, 'VALUE_XML_ID' => NULL, 'VALUE_SORT' => NULL, '~VALUE' => array ( 0 => '19924', 1 => '19925', 2 => '19926', 3 => '20877', 4 => '20878', 5 => '20881', ), '~ DESCRIPTION' => array ( 0 => 'Tinea on the face treatment | Tinea on the face treatment', 1 => 'Tinea on the face signs | Tinea on the face signs', 2 => 'Tineas on the face where does it come from? 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Complications of ophthalmoherpes

If treatment for herpetic eye lesions is started in time, the effectiveness of therapy is usually high, since the infection is located on the surface of the cornea. If the deep structures of the eye undergo changes, then clouding of the cornea and vitreous substance occurs, which leads to a decrease in visual acuity. Sometimes even corneal blindness occurs.

If the infection is chronic, symptoms of cataracts and glaucoma may appear. With necrotic changes in the retina, hemorrhages and detachment (complete or partial) occur.

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