The back of the head itches: causes of itching, peeling, how to treat

Itchy scalp is a very unpleasant sensation. Particularly severe discomfort is caused by burning and flaking on the back of the head. This condition can be a consequence of allergies, skin diseases, or fungal infections.

Perhaps the shampoo is to blame, or seborrhea is developing. It is important to establish the source of the problem in order to eliminate it without harm to health. Our article provides an overview of the reasons why the skin on the back of the head itches and flakes.

Causes of itchy skin

The mechanism of skin itching is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is based on a chain of successive nervous and humoral reactions in the skin, and this chain can be triggered by many different factors.

It is known that pain and itching are perceived by the same receptors in the skin. Biologically active substances secreted by leukocytes and other cells of the immune system play a huge role in the origin of skin itching. These include histamine, leukotrienes, bradykinin, serotonin, etc. In another way, these substances are also called inflammatory mediators.

Local causes of itchy skin:

  • Excessive dryness of the skin;
  • Allergic reaction or action of irritants;
  • Infectious and parasitic processes in the skin;
  • Skin elements as a manifestation of certain infections (for example, chickenpox, scarlet fever, etc.).

Causes of generalized skin itching:

  • Increased level of bilirubin in the blood;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes mellitus);
  • Diseases of the blood system (anemia, polycythemia);
  • A number of oncological diseases.


Directly depends on the root cause of hair loss:

  1. If alopecia is associated with stress, and treatment is completed in a timely manner, total baldness does not occur, and the prognosis is favorable.
  2. Muscle spasms are quickly relieved by physiotherapeutic procedures, increasing the prospect of a quick recovery without complications.
  3. Demodicosis often leads to an unfavorable outcome for the condition of the skin, even though the pathology itself can be eliminated.
  4. After ringworm, follicles cannot always be restored, and hair density suffers.
  5. When alopecia is caused by vitamin deficiency, you should prepare for a long process of replenishing the missing amount of nutrients. But after normalizing the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body, the prognosis for hair condition is favorable.
  6. After pediculosis, the follicles can be restored quite quickly.

The prognosis depends on the severity of hair loss at the time of the start of therapeutic actions.

Itching of the skin in some diseases

Itchy skin on your hands can be a symptom of scabies, which is caused by the scabies mite. In this case, itching of the skin of the hands is determined between the fingers, on the wrists (flexion side), often moving to the skin of the abdomen and scrotum in men. The tick chooses places with the most delicate and thin skin for reproduction. In the evening and at night, the itching of scabies intensifies. Scabies is not characterized by itching of the scalp and face.

With diabetes, there is itching of the skin of the body in the anus and genital area. The reason for this is the activation of candida fungus, which feeds on glucose. In children, itching of the skin near the anus occurs with enterobiasis.

Itching of the scalp is possible with seborrhea (when the skin is very oily) or pediculosis. Seborrhea is also characterized by oily hair that quickly gets dirty, dandruff and crusts. If lice live on a person’s head, then you can see their whitish nits glued to the hair, the insects themselves, which move relatively quickly, as well as traces of scratching on the skin.

Itchy skin in the lower legs occurs due to stagnation of blood in the vasculature of the legs.

With psoriasis, the skin itches in limited areas, covered with red psoriatic plaques with an easily removable whitish coating.

With liver diseases and stagnation of bile in the liver, bile acids begin to be deposited deep in the skin, which irritate the receptors of nerve endings, causing itching of the skin of the body. Typically, in these cases, the levels of bilirubin and liver enzymes are also elevated, and the skin itself is colored various shades of yellowish.

The last stages of renal failure are often also accompanied by itching of the skin of the body due to the deposition of excess urea and urochromes in the skin.

Possible complications

If you do not pay attention to hair treatment for a long time, and do not identify the problem that caused hair loss, the following occurs:

  1. Dandruff. An aesthetic problem that causes psychological discomfort and persists until the underlying disease is eliminated.
  2. Total or focal alopecia. The only possible solution to this problem is hair follicle transplantation. Surgical intervention does not guarantee the engraftment of the transplanted structures, but in most cases it provides a positive result.
  3. Secondary bacterial infection, furunculosis. It occurs as a result of scratching the scalp and pathogenic microflora entering the wounds. Symptoms of inflammation are increased body temperature, redness of the skin, swelling, pain when trying to conduct an examination, pulsation in the area of ​​suppuration.

In the most severe cases, the risk of pathogenic microflora entering the systemic bloodstream increases (during scratching of itchy tissues). In this case, the drugs are administered to the patient by injection or intravenous drip. Antifungal or antibacterial medications are used.

Why the back of the head itches: causes and treatment

Itchy scalp is an unpleasant phenomenon. Severe discomfort occurs with burning and peeling on the back of the head. This is often associated with allergies, skin diseases, and fungal infections. Why the back of the head itches is explained in the article.


This is one of the reasons why the back of the head under the hair itches. Some insects that feed on epidermal cells are visible to the naked eye. It's very easy to get infected with them:

  • through hugs;
  • from household items - bed linen, clothes, combs.

Some people believe that lice are a problem for the poor, but sources of infestation are found everywhere. The disease can be transmitted by homeless people, and traveling on public transport can lead to infection. Epidemics often occur in schools, camps, and kindergartens. Therefore, if a child has an itchy scalp, you should examine the skin by parting the hair.

Previously, lice were dealt with by shaving the head and treating with gasoline. And now there are many effective remedies, so shaving your locks is not required.

Bed bugs are another common reason why the back of your head itches. When you get out of bed in the morning with bites all over your body, the first thing you think is that mosquitoes have flown in through the window. But traces of bed bugs, which parasitize on the skin, have some peculiarity: they are placed in the form of a path. Insect reproduction occurs quickly. In the morning, blood stains from bites appear on the body.

Of course, cleanliness in the house is important, but this does not completely guarantee that bedbugs will not appear in the bed. The insect is about 8 millimeters in size and is yellow-brown in color. After absorbing human blood, the color turns dark red. And when crushed, a characteristic odor arises. Bites can lead to allergies. Parasites can also be carriers of tuberculosis and hepatitis B.

Why does the back of my child's head itch? Demodicosis is a common cause. The disease is caused by infection with a demodex mite. Parasitic insects live on the skin and feed on epidermal cells. Their favorite areas are the sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

They cause ulcers, acne, and swelling. When the scalp becomes infected, the scalp will itch. The itching is most severe in the evenings and at night, since this small insect is afraid of the light of the sun. The disease develops from stress, depression, excess UV radiation, and saunas.

Another reason why the back of the head itches a lot is described below.


Why does the back of my head itch under my hair? Severe itching may indicate seborrhea. The skin usually turns red and oily dandruff appears.

These symptoms are similar to those of seborrheic eczema, a type of dermatitis. A lot of viscous, thick sebum is released from the inflamed area of ​​the skin, and peeling occurs. Hair will fall out a lot.

There is a blockage of the sebaceous glands and the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

The disease occurs:

  • due to heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body.

Complex treatment can solve the problem. But it must be prescribed by a dermatologist.

Dry skin

If there are no parasites, why does the back of my head itch? This often occurs with chronic dry scalp. Constant use of aggressive shampoos that remove sebum and the use of a hair dryer lead to irritation. The skin will be dry and flaky. Tongs, stylers, and curling irons have a negative impact. Dry skin is one of the reasons why the back of the head under the hair in women itches.

Tap water can have different quality. For example, hard water with salts leads to dry scalp and decreased hair quality. It turns out that excessive hygiene is harmful. Dry skin appears due to vitamin deficiency and lack of fat. The problem often occurs in women who adhere to a strict diet and do not eat fatty foods.


Why does the head itch in the back of the head? This is often associated with allergies - they appear as a response to irritants. Itching occurs from hair dye, styling foam, and hairspray. You should observe which new products cause irritation.

In shampoos, a dangerous component for allergy sufferers is sodium lauryl sulfate. And most hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.


This is another common reason why the back of the head itches. This is a fungal infection that is transmitted from cats and dogs. And from a person the disease spreads through towels and shoes. This happens especially often at elevated temperatures and humidity - in a sauna, shower, or swimming pool.

The disease not only develops in the hair, but also affects the feet, face, and body. Symptoms include uneven red spots. Ringworm usually appears in children. Painful nodules, similar to boils, appear under the hair. Hair breaks and falls out.


Why does the back of your head itch under your hair? Stress and itching are interrelated. Due to nervous overstrain, disruptions in the immune system occur. It is activated and protected from its body cells.

The epidermis of the head is irritated. Over time, the follicles become damaged and this leads to alopecia. Stress often causes problems such as hair loss.

Other reasons

Why does the back of my head constantly itch if the above reasons are excluded? Some internal diseases lead to itching. Often the problem is related to:

  • with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • spasms of the shoulder girdle;
  • consequences of chemotherapy.

These are all the main reasons why the back of your head itches. Whatever the problem is, it causes discomfort, so timely treatment is necessary.


Only a doctor can accurately determine why the back of the head itches so much. Treatment is carried out only after a diagnosis has been established. Diagnosis and therapy are performed by a dermatologist or trichologist.

Don’t delay visiting a specialist. With the help of modern diagnostic measures, you can quickly and accurately identify the source of the problem. First, an examination is performed and an anamnesis is collected. Further diagnostics include:

  • blood test for allergenic factors;
  • biochemical blood test, hormone testing;
  • bacteriological research;
  • examination of the endocrine system, if the etiology of itching is not identified.


There are several treatments for itching depending on the factors that lead to it. Treatment to eliminate parasites should be comprehensive: clothes should be treated at high temperature (iron). To remove bedbugs from upholstered furniture, it is treated with a vacuum cleaner and chemicals are used.

The following medications are used in the treatment of pediculosis:

  1. "Pair-plus."
  2. "Parasidosis".
  3. Medifox.

Since these products that get rid of lice, nits and insect eggs are considered insecticides, they are used locally. This will prevent harmful effects on the body.

For bed bug bites, you need to apply ice, vinegar lotions, propolis or calendula tincture. Pharmaceutical products are also used: “Fenistil-gel”, “Bepanten”, “Psilo-balm”.

Medicines containing metronidazole are effective in the treatment of demodicosis. Seborrhea is eliminated with ointments - salicylic, zinc, sulfur, as well as shampoos - “Friderm”, “Zinc Sulsena”, “Sebozol”. Dry skin is eliminated with the help of moisturizers. If you have a tendency to dryness, hypoallergenic or baby shampoos and conditioners will be effective.

If the problem is an allergy, then you need to identify its source and eliminate contact with it. For symptomatic treatment, Suprastin, Loratadine and other antihistamines are used. For dermatomycosis, Mycozoral is effective.

If burning and skin irritation occur due to nerves, medications are needed to eliminate neurosis and tension. These are “Cipramil”, “Saroten”, vitamin complexes for normalizing the nervous system. And when itching is associated with internal ailments, then systemic treatment is needed.

Folk remedies

In addition to pharmaceutical products, folk remedies are used to treat itchy scalp:

  1. Apple vinegar. This product (2 tbsp) is added to warm boiled water (1/2 l). The prepared solution is distributed over the scalp and left for 5 minutes. After this, your head should be rinsed thoroughly. This method allows you to eliminate itchy scalp if the discomfort is associated with improper care or the use of inappropriate cosmetics. Apple cider vinegar is considered a comprehensive treatment that eliminates seborrhea and lice.
  2. Onion peel. The product helps to get rid of various hair problems. It is necessary to make a decoction: the husks are separated from 8-10 onions, poured with cool water (1 liter). The mixture is boiled for an hour, then filtered and used for rinsing. Procedures can be performed after each hair wash. Itching is eliminated after 3 procedures.
  3. Tar. This remedy eliminates irritation on the head, so it is included in recipes for treating various hair problems. A mask will help eliminate itching. Soft tar (10 g) and castor oil (30 g) are added to vodka (1/2 tbsp). The composition is mixed until smooth and applied to the scalp. Cellophane and a woolen scarf will help enhance the healing effect. The procedure lasts 2 hours, and then the mask is washed off with warm water and a drop of shampoo.
  4. Apple pulp. For dermatitis and seborrhea, an apple mask will help eliminate itching. You need to grate 2 large fruits. The puree is distributed onto the hair, and then combed with a fine comb. The mask is kept for up to 30 minutes, after which it is washed off.
  5. Dandelions and lemon. To do this you need to prepare a mask. A handful of flowers is dipped in 50 ml of vodka. Add vinegar and lemon juice (½ tbsp each). The product is infused for 14 days, and then you need to lubricate the scalp every day.


If itching is associated with vitamin deficiency, diabetes or allergies, then you must adhere to a special diet. This affects the condition of the scalp and hair. Frequent consumption of harmful foods leads to deterioration of the epidermis, peeling, itching, and dryness. Nutrition will help restore normal functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. The diet should include dairy products.
  2. You need to drink more fluid - 1.5-2 liters per day. You can add lemon juice, ginger, and a little honey to the water.
  3. It is important to give up sweets, salty and fatty foods.
  4. Every day you should eat nuts, eggs, liver, boiled poultry, and lean fish.
  5. The diet should be rich in fiber. There is a lot of it in buckwheat and oat porridge, pistachios, beets, cabbage, and vegetables.
  6. Pharmacy vitamins A, E, groups B, C, as well as iodine and calcium are also useful.

For parasites, skin diseases, and fungus, proper nutrition speeds up recovery.


To prevent itching, you must follow simple rules:

  1. It is important to maintain scalp hygiene. It consists of regular washing and combing of hair.
  2. You need to use high-quality cosmetics for hair care and skin cleansing. They should not cause discomfort.
  3. You should not wash your hair or blow dry your hair too often, as this damages its structure.
  4. You should comb your hair regularly.
  5. Scalp massage is helpful.
  6. Each season should have its own suitable headdress.
  7. Stress must be avoided.
  8. Maintaining a sleep schedule is required.
  9. Healthy physical activity is needed.
  10. You should eat healthy food.

These simple tips will protect your hair and make it shiny. And your scalp will be healthy. Prevention is much easier to perform than treatment.

Don't let your scalp itch. It is necessary to identify the real cause, as well as start treatment in a timely manner. Maintaining good hygiene is the main rule in any therapy. Then the discomfort can be eliminated quickly.

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To determine what factor caused the itching of the scalp and hair loss, you need to go through:

  1. Blood test for determination of hormones, glucose, vitamins and minerals, clinical and biochemical examination
  2. Dermatoscopy
  3. Hair spectral analysis
  4. Ultrasound of a potentially damaged organ

Other types of diagnostics are prescribed taking into account the suspected pathology that has arisen in the patient’s body, or to clarify the established clinical picture. Such research methods include FGDS, MRI, CT, smear to determine the microflora of the vagina, culture of urine or wound contents, and biopsy.

Skin itching in certain conditions

During pregnancy in the third trimester, due to toxicosis, a woman can often be bothered by itchy body skin. It is believed that the reason for this is stagnation of bile inside the liver.

Senile itching is caused by the fact that the functions of the sebaceous glands decrease with age. Because of this, older people suffer from excessive dry skin and itching.

During chemotherapy and radiation therapy, cancer patients also suffer from itchy skin due to the side effects of the drugs and radiation.

Treatment for itchy skin

Before following recommendations for treating itchy skin, factors that cause excessive dryness should be eliminated. These include: washing hands with too hot water and soap, wearing synthetic clothing, emotional distress, and using certain medications (antibiotics, a number of narcotic drugs). Only if all these influences are excluded will the treatment of itchy skin be effective. In case of infectious and parasitic skin lesions, the cause that causes itching of the skin should be directly affected. These are local antiseptics and antibiotics, remedies for lice and helminths.

In case of allergic origin of skin itching, antihistamines, both for oral use and external forms in the form of lotion, ointment, and gel, have a good effect. Your doctor may prescribe topical glucocorticoids for a short period of time. The complex of treatment for skin itching often includes sedatives and sedatives. When bile stagnation, agents that bind bile acids (urodeoxycholic acid preparations) are used.

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To avoid the development of pathologies that lead to baldness, you need to:

  1. Normalize living conditions, avoid stress.
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol and do not use medications without a doctor’s prescription.
  3. Do not apply cosmetics of unknown brands (especially creams).
  4. Avoid using aggressive hair dye, choose the right concentration of oxidizer, or use the services of a professional.
  5. Normalize the regularity of sexual activity, avoid long intervals and the development of hormonal instability.
  6. Do not overuse tampons during your period. It is advisable to alternate their administration with the use of pads.
  7. Use combs with non-traumatic bristles.
  8. Introduce fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs into your diet.
  9. Avoid using pillows filled with feathers. Such an environment is favorable for the life of mites that cause demodicosis.
  10. Eliminate from the diet foods containing stabilizers, dyes, thickeners and other artificial components. They negatively affect the liver, inflame and destroy its cells, which is accompanied by hair loss.
  11. Always use condoms when having sex with a new sexual partner. This will allow you to avoid inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, which cause fragility of the hair shafts and rejection of the follicles.
  12. Always wear a hat when the temperature is low.
  13. Give up the habit of aimlessly scratching your scalp.
  14. Avoid being in a draft or getting wet in cold rain.

If you have a hereditary predisposition to various diseases, you should regularly visit a doctor of the appropriate profile and undergo examination.

Why does your head itch if there are no lice - the most common causes

The appearance of unbearable, painful itching forces people to wonder why their heads itch - there are no lice, and their hair has been painstakingly washed not long ago. The causes of skin irritation can be both external and internal triggers. It is often impossible to identify them without the help of others, so you should resort to the help of doctors of a narrow specialization - a trichologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

They will conduct a series of laboratory tests and prescribe pharmacological drugs to eliminate the main cause of the diagnosed pathology, as well as to quickly relieve symptoms.

What to do if you have oily dandruff on your head?

Any dandruff causes inconvenience to a person, especially oily dandruff, so it is advisable to start treatment immediately after detecting scales on the head. There are many remedies that fight seborrheic dermatitis with varying degrees of effectiveness, and recently oily dandruff has been treated with the antifungal drug ketoconazole. It suppresses the development of colonies of the Malassezia fungus, eliminating the dandruff it causes. (4)

In addition, oily dandruff can serve as an indicator of the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive, genitourinary, endocrine systems, as well as skin diseases (for example, pityriasis versicolor and various types of dermatitis). Therefore, it is advisable to undergo an examination, which is the key to recovery from seborrheic diseases, since it can identify other diseases and thus eliminate the cause of oily dandruff.

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