Pearly papules (white pimples) on the penis - causes and treatment

Men often experience acne on the penis. Regardless of whether this phenomenon is harmless or is a sign of dangerous pathological processes in the body, in any case, pimples on the penis cause discomfort both due to their unaesthetic appearance and due to physiological inconvenience.

A urologist, andrologist or venereologist can identify the exact cause of formations on the skin after conducting an examination and receiving all the necessary tests and studies.

The following are possible causes of acne:

● Inflammation of the sebaceous glands or folliculitis, dermatitis and other non-infectious diseases;

● Allergies;

● Failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;

● Ingrown hair. A fairly common cause, especially in people who remove hair from the genitals. At the junction of the skin of the penis and the skin of the pubis, a certain angle is formed, the hair bends, grows into the skin, redness and itching appear.

● Sexually transmitted infections;

● Changes in a man's hormonal levels;

● Fungus (mycosis) on the penis;

● Ticks and pubic lice. Infection with these parasites is not always associated with sexual contact; they can also be acquired in public places such as a sauna, swimming pool, locker room.

Why do white pimples appear?

The reasons for the appearance of pimples on the head of the penis and the genital organ itself can be of a different nature. Formations appear due to:

Each pathology has its own treatment methods. Pimples are never removed by squeezing or other physical methods.

Some dysfunctions that cause formations do not even require treatment.

Pubic lice and blisters on the penis

If a person has blisters on his penis, the cause may be phthiriasis.

This disease is caused by pubic lice.

They live mainly on the pubis, penis, thighs, and lower abdomen.

Sometimes they spread to the eyelashes and armpits.

But these insects cannot be found on the head: there is a different shape of hair, lice are not able to attach to them.

Blue and red spots are usually found on the skin.

Blisters occasionally appear.

They may be the result of scratching the skin.

Symptomatic picture

If pimples on the head of the genital organ appear as a result of pathology, then the appearance of these formations will be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. The patient begins to worry:

  • inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the groin area;
  • high body temperature;
  • swelling;

  • itching of pimples;
  • there is bloody or cloudy liquid inside the formations - this is the first sign of inflammation of the formations;
  • pain in the lower abdomen in the groin;
  • the appearance of wounds and ulcers that heal very poorly.

If the rash was caused by a sexually transmitted disease, the pimples will heal very slowly. They often burst, causing even more foci of infection.

Advanced forms of STDs can deprive a man of normal sexual function.

Pimples on the genitals in babies

In newborns, such formations are caused by smegma.

This is a special white substance that can either accumulate in the pocket between the foreskin and the penis, or be deposited in the same place and form a pimple. What should a mother do if smegma is detected:

  1. Do not pick, press or try to eliminate the formation in any way;
  2. give your child baths with chamomile or potassium permanganate, you can rinse with Miramistin (but you should first talk about this with your pediatrician);
  3. take the baby for examination to a doctor so that he can determine whether it is necessary to surgically open the head and remove the smegma or whether this will happen naturally.

At some point (this is completely individual) that white pimple will break out. After this, the child’s head of the penis will fully open.

Diagnosis of the pathology that caused the symptom

Several types of specialized specialists can diagnose the cause. If formations are detected on the penis, a man should contact:

  1. dermatologist
    - if a rash of the same nature is present in the groin area and at the root of the penis;

  2. to a venereologist
    - when pimples appear only on the head.

Venereologists initially conduct a visual examination and collect anamnesis. This doctor also takes some biomaterials for research:

  • smear from the urethra - a bacterial culture is done on the flora to determine the causative agent of the disease;
  • scraping the skin on the penis.

The patient also donates blood and urine for general analysis. When visiting a dermatologist, the patient is prescribed everything the same except for a smear and bacterial culture.

White pimples on the head of men can be a sign of diseases of the urinary system and tumors.

Blisters on the penis due to candidiasis

Blisters on the penis after sex may be due to another sexually transmitted infection.
Candida fungus can provoke an inflammatory reaction.

The first symptoms appear a few days after infection.

The risk of their occurrence is higher if:

  • weak immunity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • violation of personal hygiene;
  • sweating

Taking antibacterial agents initiates or aggravates the course of urogenital candidiasis.

Spots, papules, and sometimes ulcers appear on the skin of the penis.

Most often the head and foreskin become inflamed.

The infection can also spread to the groin folds.

It is characterized by redness, white deposits, a sour odor, and severe swelling of the inflamed organs.

How to cure formations

Almost all diseases that cause pimples can be cured. The duration of this procedure varies depending on the initial condition of the patient and the specific pathogen. If a man has been diagnosed with candidiasis, his symptoms are eliminated after several days of therapy. The patient is prescribed antifungal ointments (Pimafucin or Clotrimazole) and oral medications.

Formations on the head of the penis in newborns cannot be treated in any way; it is important to simply maintain hygiene in this area.

For eczema, gel and oral antifungal drugs are prescribed.

If the patient has been diagnosed with parasites, the doctor prescribes local antiparasitic drugs (for each pathogen there is a different medicine). All inflammatory processes usually stop after the source is cured. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat them. When, after treatment, a man has severe skin lesions, he is prescribed local antiseptics.

For STDs, complex therapy is carried out. In some clinical cases, instrumental treatment methods are used. Condylomas can be removed by cryodestruction, laser or radio wave method.

Formations caused by the human papilloma virus are practically untreatable. This pathogenic organism integrates into cellular structures. Such dysfunction remains with a person forever.

Doctors advise patients to follow certain rules to avoid relapse. These include:

  1. Protecting the body from exposure to low temperatures and general hypothermia.
  2. Only protected sex (be sure to use contraceptives).
  3. Undergoing a session of antiviral therapy that will suppress the virus.
  4. Constantly strengthening the immune system. You can help your immune system with proper nutrition and taking vitamin complexes.

Most medications for the treatment of pimples and the causes that caused them are sold in pharmacies with a prescription. Therapy is often carried out in a hospital setting to constantly monitor the patient’s condition.

Treatment methods

You should not try to treat rashes on the penis on your own. If this is caused by an infection or disease, there is a risk that incorrectly selected medications will give a blurred clinical picture and, subsequently, lead to chronicity of the disease. Therefore, when this pathology is detected, the only correct decision is to contact a specialist.

Before drawing up a treatment plan, the doctor will prescribe the patient to undergo the necessary laboratory tests - blood test, smear, scraping. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to choose an effective treatment method - medication or surgery.

Drug therapy includes:

● taking antibiotics for infectious diseases;

● local use of antifungal ointments and taking appropriate tablets for fungal infections;

● if there is a virus, use antiviral drugs and ointments;

● in case of an allergic reaction, avoid contact with the allergen and take antihistamines;

● disruption of the sebaceous glands can be corrected with special ointments.

It is often recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse during the treatment period. If itching and burning are present, taking a warm bath twice a day will help relieve symptoms. When swimming, you should use antibacterial hygiene products.

If it is not possible to solve the problem conservatively, surgical methods are used. Most often this concerns genital warts. In this case, surgical resection is supplemented by taking immunomodulatory drugs.


There are preventive measures that help prevent re-infection and the development of the disease. A man needs


  • Keep the skin on the genitals smooth
    , the size of the sebaceous glands and lymph nodes. If changes appear, go to a urologist.

  • Don't squeeze pimples
    . Damage to the skin and fluid entering the wounds can cause infection.

  • Eat properly
    . The diet should contain less spicy, fatty, smoked and salty foods.

  • Keep your genitals clean at all times
    . Unsanitary conditions stimulate the development of pathogenic microflora.

  • Try not to be exposed to strong temperature changes

  • Do not wear synthetic or tight underwear
    . Loose cotton panties, which allow the skin to breathe and do not rot, are best suited for wearing. Synthetics can cause allergies.

The patient is recommended to have one partner from whom he cannot become infected. It is also important to remember that the pathology that caused the formations can be transmitted to other sexual partners.

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