Common causes of itching, flaking and redness of the scalp

Pathological causes of flaking scalp

Peeling is often a symptom of the disease. Among the most common reasons:

  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

Psoriasis of the scalp is a chronic disease in which pink papules are formed, raised above the skin. A characteristic feature of such spots is scales on the surface. If you clean them off, droplets of blood will appear, like dew. Peeling in psoriasis is local in nature, small spots can merge into larger ones, but clean areas of skin still remain.

In this case, a special plant-based ointment will help remove peeling and itching, which will relieve inflammation and moisturize the skin. Peeling in psoriasis is the result of too rapid division of epithelial cells.

Neurodermatitis is often localized in the occipital region. The disease has a hereditary predisposition, its causes are still unknown. With this dermatological pathology, a person experiences severe itching and the skin begins to peel off.

Seborrheic dermatitis leads to dandruff. The causative agent is yeast-like fungi, which each of us normally has. But with increased sebum formation, fungi become more active and lead to disease. The scalp begins to itch, and dry white scales fall on the shoulders. In this case, special antifungal agents will help remove flaking of the scalp.

Scalp diseases - their symptoms and types

We continue the series of interviews with the trichologist of the Doctor Hair clinic, Tatyana Goncharova. The topic of today's material is scalp diseases - their types and methods of diagnosis.

What are the most common scalp diseases?

Seborrhea, psoriasis and cicatricial alopecia are, of course, very common. In addition, pyoderma, Broca's pseudopella (alopecia alopecia), folliculitis, microsporia, and trichophytosis are quite common in practice.

Let’s imagine that a person comes to your appointment with, say, an itchy scalp. Where will the examination begin?

The first step, as with any medical specialist, is taking an anamnesis. Standard questions: the presence of allergic reactions, hereditary pathologies, chronic diseases, whether the patient was examined in the last year, what medications he took. Then the survey proceeds to clarify the parameters: a woman’s cycle, urological pathologies in men, the presence of hair loss, itching of the scalp, decreased hair volume.

Are there trichological diseases that start without any visible symptoms, but can eventually cause severe damage to the scalp and hair?

Yes, pseudopelade, for example, can begin this way, subsequently leading to baldness. Alopecia areata or androgenetic (in women) can also occur unnoticed.

Can the average person realize that something is wrong before it's too late?

You know, patients are different. Some people walk around with patches of hair loss for months until the hairdresser notices, while others make an appointment at the slightest problem. Mostly, of course, patients notice the changes and come on time.

Is it difficult to determine the disease without detailed diagnostics? What methods do you use to make an accurate diagnosis?

Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to look at the condition of the patient’s scalp, but in some cases it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis. Most often we resort to microvideo diagnostics; it is one of the most accurate methods of trichological research.

Are preventive visits to a trichologist necessary if no symptoms are observed?

Ideally, they are needed 2 times a year, like to the dentist and gynecologist, for example. In this case, the doctor can notice the beginning changes and correct them in time.

Hair loss

Hair loss is a common occurrence after a transplant operation.
Most often it occurs due to a stress reaction on the part of the scalp. Treatment of total alopecia Alopecia, or baldness, is quite common in men, but it also occurs in women and children. There are several types - focal, nested, diffuse, scar, non-scar. The most severe form is considered to be total alopecia, which leads to complete hair loss. It progresses gradually, appearing first in small areas, and over time affecting more and more areas. The intensity of the flow can vary from two to three months to a year or longer. Hair loss from stress The statement that all diseases are caused by nerves is not unfounded. Against the background of emotional stress, chemical processes occur in the body that negatively affect health. Caring for porous hair Why do some people have curls that shine in the sun, flutter beautifully in the wind and look like they came out of a salon procedure, while others don’t even with regular care? It's all about porosity. Baldness in the temples and back of the head in men In most cases, baldness in men begins in the temple area - the hair becomes short, vellus and sparse. If you contact a trichologist at this stage, you can stop the progression of alopecia and restore aesthetics. Causes of hair loss on the back of the head Modern research methods make it possible to most accurately determine the cause of baldness on the back of the head in men, assess the current condition of the hair and scalp, and select home care.

Other causes not related to illness

Sometimes itching and flaking of the scalp may not be associated with pathogens and internal diseases. Dry skin and flaking can result from:

  • stress;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • using incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • staining with permanent dyes;
  • exposure to an aggressive environment;
  • dehydration;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • poorly performed cosmetic procedures.

Since itching, flaking and redness of the scalp have many causes, it is worth consulting a doctor as soon as the problem arises.
The sooner a diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. It is useless to treat peeling on your own, because sometimes pharmaceuticals are needed, and in other cases it is enough to take vitamins. September 3, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Plasma therapy for the treatment of diseases of the scalp

Plasma therapy in hair treatment

is a procedure for injecting the patient’s own blood plasma, which is enriched with platelets. Plasma is the liquid component of blood. Platelets are substances that are involved not only in blood clotting to stop bleeding, but also in the production of special proteins - growth factors.

The mechanism of action of the method is based on the ability of platelets to stimulate the synthesis of new stem cells in the area of ​​drug administration. As a result, the process of division of hair follicular cells is enhanced and its functionality is improved.

Platelets react with fibroblasts and activate collagen. This helps to improve the structure of the intercellular space. Purified plasma stimulates the formation of new capillaries in the scalp, which improves tissue nutrition and blood circulation.

Therefore, the above processes stop hair loss, normalize the functioning of hair follicles, sebaceous glands and relieve hair diseases. The procedure is excellent for treating hair loss in women.

Why hair problems and diseases occur

According to statistics, about 75% of the world's population has certain problems with hair such as dandruff, seborrhea, as well as depletion and weakening of the hair shaft - hair often breaks, splits or even falls out.

The condition of the hair is directly determined by the health of the skin, since hair is only an appendage of the skin, and not an independent organ.

All processes that occur in the human body are closely interconnected, and therefore, even the most minor disruption in the functioning of the immune, hormonal, nervous systems or the appearance of problems with the gastrointestinal tract undoubtedly affects the condition of the skin, and, accordingly, hair.

The appearance of itching, rashes on the scalp, dandruff, sudden weakening of hair, dryness, fragility and loss of vitality to varying degrees can be symptoms of various diseases of the body.

What kind of diagnosis of hair diseases does a trichologist perform?

— A trichologist performs various diagnostic tests depending on the type of disease. This is videodermatoscopy - examination of hair and scalp under high magnification using a computer program, trichoscopy - computer diagnostics of hair, phototrichogram - determination of the percentage of hair in various stages of growth, examination with a Wood's lamp - for the presence of fungi and microorganisms, scraping from the scalp, seeding of hair for the presence of fungi, hair analysis for microelements (mineralogram), special rating scales and tests. If necessary, a general and biochemical blood test, a study of blood hormones, and consultations with related specialists are performed.

Diagnostics and necessary tests

First of all, an experienced specialist will collect anamnesis, study medical history, and conduct a visual examination. A trichologist determines hair density and examines the skin for the presence of foci without vegetation.

It is necessary to study hormonal levels (thyroid function, hormone levels), as well as a complete blood test.

In addition, it is important to exclude the presence of infectious diseases and disorders of the immune system.

The scalp and hair shaft are also examined under a microscope.

In order to determine a treatment regimen, it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease, which only an experienced doctor can do.

What are the chances of getting your full head of hair back?

In addition to the above, diseases that cause hair loss include internal and infectious diseases, experienced shock, prolonged depression, deficiency of vitamins and nutrients (especially with mono-diets), etc.

Only a qualified doctor can choose treatment tactics not only for the diseases associated with hair loss, but also for hair loss itself. This may be the prescription of certain drugs (including hormonal ones) that stimulate hair growth, and physiotherapeutic procedures carried out for a similar purpose (laser therapy in this regard is at the peak of popularity today).

But, of course, the most effective and most popular way to restore hair, if medications are powerless and the consequences of the disease have caused irreparable damage to the hair, is hair transplantation. And the best tactic here is HFE technology. Its attractiveness to patients is understandable.

If there is a sufficient amount of healthy hair left on the head (this is determined by a specialist during examination), then using this technique a transplant is performed on the “bald” area. It is done manually using microtools. Thus, the skin is practically not injured. Most often, this procedure (which, however, can take several hours) does not even require anesthesia, and after that the patient immediately goes home.

Trichologists advise not to wash your hair for the first few days so that the transplanted grafts take root and grow. For a more stable recovery, it is recommended to further use medicated shampoos and products that support hair growth.

Necessary prevention

Unfortunately, not all types of alopecia can be prevented. But in some cases, prevention can be a salvation from baldness.

Necessary preventive measures:

normalization of hormonal levels

· stress reduction

· normalization of sleep and rest patterns, proper nutrition

· performing physical exercises that improve blood circulation and lymph flow

· use of high-quality cosmetics

· preventive examinations and exclusion of diseases that indirectly affect the condition of the hair

The Nanoesthetic Center for Medicine and Aesthetic Cosmetology offers a number of procedures that improve the condition and growth of hair.

Treatment of alopecia

There are several ways to treat alopecia, as well as its types. So, in some cases, it is first necessary to eliminate the cause, for example, an infectious disease or a lack of vitamins and minerals. In this case, treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

Treatment is possible through the use of medications, vitamin-mineral complexes, ointments, solutions, as well as various cosmetics and procedures.

With the help of competent and correctly prescribed treatment, it is possible to slow down the process of baldness, and in some cases, stop it completely. If treatment is impossible, which, although rare, does happen, then there is a way out - in modern medicine, hair transplantation is widespread and successfully used, which, by the way, has become quite affordable and gentle.

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