Why can't you use boric acid for acne* on your face?

Acne is one of the most unpleasant consequences of skin infections. Do you want to get rid of acne quickly and without breaking the bank? Boric acid for acne is your ideal remedy.

Boric acid is an effective antiseptic that is non-addictive and helps keep your skin clean and smooth. In addition, boric acid is highly soluble, so it acts not only on acne, but also on incipient inflammation.

Description of dosage forms

Available in three types:

  • A powdery substance is directly a powder for external use, available in sachets of 2 g, 10 g or 20 g;
  • Solution - alcohol solution 100 ml, boric acid 3 g. Sold in bottles of 10 ml, 25 ml and 40 ml;
  • Ointment 5% - sold in jars and tubes of 25 g, boric acid content in the ointment - 50 mg.

Boric powder Boric acid solution Boric ointment

Effect on skin

This acid is an excellent antiseptic; it inhibits the growth and development of bacteria and effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms. It has disinfectant properties, so it cleanses pores well.

In addition, it does not cause addiction to the skin, which is undoubtedly important, since it can be used for quite a long time.

In the first days of use, new inflammations may appear, but do not be alarmed. Since boric acid penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, the initial infection that the drug fights comes to the surface.

You should not stop using the drug.

Beneficial properties of boric acid for facial skin

Boric acid for facial acne is used both at home and in beauty treatments in salons. Its benefits are:

  • deep cleansing and suppression of the development of bacteria (active components penetrate into the cells of microorganisms, destroy them, thereby relieving inflammation);
  • combating excess fat (due to a strong drying, but not overdrying (with the right approach to acne treatment) effect);
  • healing of microtraumas and damage (due to keratoplasty action).

It is important that the inexpensive pharmaceutical product is not addictive; therefore, its long-term use is possible if the situation requires it.

Is it possible to burn acne with Boric acid?

Yes, you can, but only with a solution. Despite the fact that boric acid rarely causes irritation on the skin, it must be used with caution, since it penetrates into the deepest layers of the epidermis, but thanks to this it literally “burns out” acne.

Can be used to prevent acne by periodically wiping the skin with the product.

It is popular among users of boric acid to treat acne with a solution of camphor alcohol.

You will need:

  • streptocide (10 tablets);
  • chloramphenicol (4 tablets);
  • boric acid (2 tablespoons);
  • camphor alcohol (5 tablespoons).

Mix the ingredients and apply pointwise to the affected skin areas. This solution cauterizes pimples and acne wounds by accelerating cell regeneration.

Indications for use

This antiseptic takes first place in medicine and cosmetology, as it shows excellent results in the fight against skin diseases. What can be cured:

  • black dots;
  • pigmentation;
  • purulent rash;
  • increased oily skin;
  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • fungus.

Sakania Luiza Ruslanovna

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist

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In addition, for infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva and otitis media, boron-zinc drops for the eyes or ears are indicated. A few more indications for use: increased sweating, scabies, excess facial hair.


The use of the drug is prohibited if the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is damaged. For example, it is better to treat the wound around it; getting borax inside will cause severe irritation and burning. You will have to refuse the product in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity of the drug components or individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • diseases of the urinary system (renal failure);
  • children up to 14 years of age.

For a person prone to intolerance to components, all acne products with borax are not suitable. Before first use, it is recommended to apply a little medicine to detect an allergic reaction.

Side effects

Despite its effectiveness, the drug can cause serious harm. Almost all negative effects are associated with the absorption of the main components into the bloodstream. Possible disorders:

  • digestive tract: vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • CNS: headaches, seizures, confusion or loss of consciousness;
  • cardiovascular system: decreased blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • urinary system.

Local side effects include skin irritation, redness and peeling. Swollen spots (as if after contact with nettles) and rashes may appear; Quincke's edema rarely develops.

Precautionary measures

To prevent side effects, you must follow the rules. Usually there are no instructions for the drug (or they are not clear), and many do not know what alcohol to wipe their face against acne. For processing, it is better to opt for a 3% antiseptic. It is strictly forbidden to take the solution internally or treat the entire body or a large area at once. Pure alcohol or powder should never be used to lubricate the mucous membranes.

It is not advisable to exceed the permissible dosage to avoid skin irritation. If discomfort or deterioration in well-being occurs during therapy, you should stop treatment and consult a specialist.

How to use Boric acid for acne?

As already mentioned, you should first consult a doctor to determine the cause of the rash. It is important that the rash is not caused by pathologies of internal organs, but by external factors.

How to carry out the procedure:

  • it is necessary to cleanse the skin (this action should be performed before each wipe);
  • you need to moisten a cotton swab in a solution of boric alcohol;
  • gently treat the skin of the face in places where there is a rash;
  • under no circumstances should it come into contact with the eyes;
  • It is recommended to wipe the skin surface once a day (preferably in the evening);
  • for quick results, you can repeat the procedure in the morning, the main thing is not to dry out the skin;
  • if there are few rashes, then they need to be lubricated point by point with a cotton swab with a solution of the drug;
  • To prevent dry skin, it is important to do moisturizing masks after the procedure or use a moisturizer.

The effect is noticeable within a week. It is necessary to lubricate your face until the inflammation goes away completely. When the inflammation has disappeared, it is recommended to stop using boric acid.

How to use against rashes

Take a cotton swab and now dip it in alcohol. Wipe your skin thoroughly. Especially where there are inflamed areas on the face. Do not expect the improvement to be noticeable immediately, but after 7 days you will realize that the number of acne has become smaller and there are few new ones. Zinc paste has a similar effect by drying the skin. Levomycetin has a deeper effect on the skin.

Boric is used to:

  • Remove any inflamed comedones;
  • When there are a lot of acne on the face;
  • Increased sebum secretion on the skin.

The skin does not get used to this product. Therefore, it can be used daily. It perfectly cleanses pores of excess sebum released from the pores. Sebaceous plugs will not occur with regular use of such alcohol. Tetracycline for acne is also good for this purpose. At the same time, take Acyclovir orally for acne.

Small comedones are cauterized and do not develop into large abscesses. In addition, try Klerasil for acne. Teenagers especially love it. They are willing to buy and zinc paste helps them. Teenagers can also use Curiosin for acne.

Mode of application

Buy boric alcohol 3% at the pharmacy. Cleanse pores of oil 2 times a day. This product is suitable for you if your skin type is oily or combination and also prone to acne. Do you have a dry skin type and similarly develop comedones and various ulcers? You should not overdry it, so use it once a day. Zinc paste can also be used once a day.

How to use Boric Acid for Acne Spots?

Many people are faced with the fact that after acne, dark pigment spots remain on the skin. The problem is that these spots are no easier to deal with than acne. Boric acid will also help here. This product perfectly evens out skin tone.

In cases with pigment spots, acid can be used in combination with other means, for example, badyaga.

To do this you need:

  • take 1 teaspoon of powder per 100 ml of boiled water and badyagi powder in proportions 1:1, that is, approximately 100 g;
  • Before use, the suspension must be shaken well, because the components of the solution are poorly soluble in water;
  • then apply the resulting mixture to areas affected by age spots;
  • then rinse off after 15 - 20 minutes;
  • After cleansing the dermis, be sure to apply a moisturizer.

Does boric alcohol help with acne?

Boric acid entered medical practice in the mid-20th century, when the need arose to develop a new means for treating wounds. Its popularity is justified by its high effectiveness against most pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites. Organisms do not get used to the action of acid, so the results of using the product are long lasting. Another name for acid is orthoboric acid. It is very poorly soluble in water, so its main solvent is alcohol, which is where the name “boric alcohol” comes from.

In cosmetology, boric acid has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the fight against many skin problems. First of all, this concerns acne. Once on the skin of the face, the product penetrates deep into the epithelium and helps push purulent discharge to the surface. At the same time, boric acid disinfects the skin on top, cleanses it of excess sebum, bacteria and dirt. Thus, it effectively relieves inflammation and the accompanying itching.

How to use Boric acid for excessive sebaceous glands?

As you already understand, this product dries out the skin, so it is indispensable for those who suffer from oily skin.

Excessive oiliness of the skin creates sebaceous plugs in the pores, which does not allow the skin to “breathe”. This drug will help you eliminate excessive oiliness of the epidermis.

Use of Boric acid for excessive sebaceous glands:

  • it is necessary to mix a 3% alcohol solution with fresh cucumber juice approximately 1:6;
  • apply a thin layer on the face like a mask;
  • rinse off after 20-25 minutes;
  • then be sure to lubricate the skin surface with a nourishing cream.

Do the procedure once a day (preferably in the evening). You can see the results within 1-2 weeks. Your skin will become more matte, and the increased work of the sebaceous glands will not bother you.

Contraindications and possible harm

In the classification of medications according to the degree of danger, boric acid belongs to the “moderate” class. The adverse effects of the product are associated with the presence of active boron in its composition (which is also beneficial). In case of an overdose of the drug or hypersensitivity to it, symptoms of intoxication are possible.

List of contraindications when using boric acid for acne:

  1. Use (even externally) by pregnant and lactating women is strictly prohibited. Boron can harm a growing embryo or a newborn breastfeeding baby.
  2. It is also prohibited for use by young children. A growing organism may have increased sensitivity to the main active component due to incomplete formation of the excretory system.
  3. If there is a history of renal failure, it is also better not to use it, as this may negatively affect the course of the pathology.

Use for preventive and therapeutic purposes without a doctor's prescription is not recommended. Only a specialist can choose the optimal regimen for using acid at home (taking into account the individual characteristics of each individual patient).

Benefits of Boric Acid

When choosing skin care products, you need to look at the benefits of the products.

Benefits of Boric acid:

  • Firstly, this is one of the cheapest means . Imagine, you don’t have to buy expensive creams and medications, but just buy this “miracle acid” and see the effect in the first weeks of use. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a prescription;
  • Secondly, this drug is easy to use . All you need is to lubricate a cotton swab with the product and wipe the inflamed areas of the skin. There is no need to make complex masks, wait half an hour and then use a thousand products on top;
  • Thirdly, boric acid is a very effective remedy . It kills harmful germs that infect the skin. Creates a protective layer on the skin, which reduces the risk of further infections. It produces results that will last for a long time.

Features of application

Boric acid for the face is a rather aggressive substance, so you should not rush to wipe your skin with it, although this is recommended by many home specialists. You can try spot application of the product on problem areas. Boric alcohol for acne in a 3% concentration must be applied exclusively before a night's rest using an ordinary cotton swab. This method allows you to cauterize acne and disinfect pores, which will help you wake up in the morning without such pronounced inflammation on your face. After just one use, it will become clear whether boric acid helps you and whether there is any point in its further use.

Effective recipes based on Boric acid

Since boric acid can really dry out the skin, you can prepare face masks based on this product to reduce the risk of drying out and get greater effect with additional ingredients.

Boric acid and chloramphenicol for acne

Levomycetin is often a component of anti-acne products. Therefore, when combined with boric acid, it gives a double effect.

You will need:

  • Boric acid 3% (50 ml);
  • Levomycetin (5 g);
  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml).

Boric acid 3% Levomycetin Salicylic acid 2%
Directions for use:

  • cleanse the skin of impurities;
  • moisten a cotton swab in the resulting suspension;
  • wipe problem areas of the skin;
  • It is recommended to do the procedure no more than once a day (preferably in the evening);
  • Apply moisturizer immediately after.

This product is suitable for oily and combination skin. The main thing is to use no more than once a day, as there is a risk of drying out the skin. Not recommended for dry skin.

Boric acid with Erythromycin and Zinc

Erythromycin is an acne remedy with an antibacterial effect. Zinc is an important trace element that supports healthy skin, nails and hair.

To prepare a mixture with erythromycin and zinc you will need:

  • Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Boric acid 2% (50 ml);
  • Erythromycin (5 g);
  • Zinc oxide (4 g).

Salicylic acid 2% Boric acid 3% Erythromycin Zinc oxide powder
Directions for use:

  • all components are mixed;
  • then shake thoroughly;
  • carefully treat exclusively affected areas of the skin;
  • wash off with warm water;
  • treat the skin with moisturizing cream.

This mask is suitable for those who experience inflammation very often. Erythromycin will help your skin protect itself from new inflammations, as it has an antibacterial function. It is important to avoid contact with mucous areas.

Boric and salicylic acids for acne

These two acids are good for treating acne and ulcers. They are used together mainly as masks and lotions for the face, including in combination with other products.

For example, lotion with metronidazole. The advantage of metronidazole is that it eliminates not the rash, but the cause of its appearance, relieves inflammation and smoothes the skin, and prevents the appearance of scarring.


  • Salicylic acid (20 ml);
  • Boric acid (5 ml);
  • Levomycetin (5 g);
  • Metronidazole (5 tablets).

Salicylic acid 2% Boric acid 3% Levomycetin Metronidazole
Directions for use:

  • cleanse facial skin;
  • mix the ingredients;
  • shake before use;
  • Apply to affected skin once daily.

This lotion is suitable for those who want to quickly deal with acne, as metronidazole will eliminate the causes of acne. And boric and salicylic acid will dry the skin and eliminate unwanted rashes.

Anti-blackhead mask with Boric acid

Blackheads are a consequence of the pathology of the sebaceous glands. Consequently, our pores become clogged and acne appears. A mask for blackheads based on boric acid will help us combat this.


  • Boric acid (5 ml);
  • Baking soda (1/2 tsp);
  • Hercules flakes (2 tbsp.);
  • Kefir (1/3 cup).

Boric acid 3% Soda Hercules flakes Kefir
Directions for use:

  • rolled oats can be crushed for convenience;
  • mix all ingredients;
  • Apply this mass to the skin;
  • wait for complete drying;
  • then rinse with warm water;
  • repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

The main advantage of the mask is that you don’t have to worry about drying out your skin, and it’s suitable for any skin type.

Whitening mask

Since pigment spots appear on the skin as a consequence of acne, it is necessary to combat them as well. In this case, a whitening mask based on boric alcohol is simply irreplaceable for us.


  • Grated fresh cucumber;
  • Boric acid (0.5 tsp).

Mode of application:

  • mix the components;
  • Apply the resulting mass to a cleansed face;
  • wait 15 minutes;
  • wash off thoroughly.

This mask is suitable for those who suffer from excess pigmentation and frequent irritation on the face. The mask removes inflammation, reduces pigmentation and reduces the amount of acne.

Boric acid with antibiotic

Antibiotics destroy pathogens, preventing their further reproduction. Since there are a huge number of antibiotics, you need to consult with your doctor which ones you can take.

For example, you can make a mash with the antibiotic streptocide based on boric alcohol.

You will need:

  • Streptocide (7 tablets);
  • Boric acid (50 ml);
  • Salicylic acid (50 ml);
  • Sulfur (7 g).

Streptocide Boric acid 3% Salicylic acid 2% Sulfur
Method of application:

  • mix all components;
  • place in a glass container (for example, a bottle);
  • Shake well before use;
  • apply directly to inflammation;
  • then treat the skin with cream, but without washing the solution off the skin.

This mash is suitable for combating subcutaneous pimples and ulcers. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it for you.

Anti-acne lotion based on Boric acid

Lotions for facial rashes are as effective as using pure acid and masks based on it.

Lotion with propolis and calendula

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon boric acid;
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon of calendula tincture;
  • 1 tablespoon of propolis tincture.

Glycerin Calendula tincture Propolis tincture Boric acid 3%
Directions for use:

  • combine all ingredients;
  • diluted in water;
  • Wipe the inflamed areas of the dermis with lotion 1-2 times a day.

Lotion with chamomile infusion

No less effective lotion with chamomile infusion.


  • 1 tablespoon boric acid;
  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile decoction.

Mode of application:

  • prepare a chamomile decoction: pour 2 tablespoons of chamomile with one glass of boiling water for 5 – 10 minutes;
  • let the broth cool;
  • dilute 1 tablespoon of alcohol with chamomile decoction;
  • wipe cleansed skin 2 times a day.
  • Chamomile can be replaced with St. John's wort without reducing the effectiveness of the lotion. This lotion can be stored for no more than 3 days.

    Facial peeling based on Boric acid

    Facial peeling helps eliminate some skin problems:


    • Boric acid (powder) 10 g;
    • Camphor alcohol 30 ml;
    • Ammonia 10 ml;
    • Hydroperit 2 tablets;
    • Glycerin 30 ml;
    • Cosmetic soap;
    • Calcium chloride 1 ampoule.

    Mode of application:

    • mix the ingredients in any convenient container, except calcium chloride and soap;
    • Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck;
    • expect drying;
    • then rub calcium chloride into the skin with gentle movements;
    • lather your face with your hands;
    • roll up the coils;
    • after the procedure, clean the skin with warm water;
    • apply moisturizer.

    Peeling is not suitable for inflammation and purulent acne.

    Using Clindovit® gel for acne

    The course of anti-acne therapy is selected in accordance with the characteristics of the disease, and only a dermatologist can prescribe it. Traditional medicine is powerless against acne. In some cases, the use of homemade cosmetics even worsens the skin condition.

    For mild to moderate acne, a dermatologist may prescribe Clindovit® gel6,18. The main active ingredient in the drug is clindamycin phosphate6. Clindovit® gel should be used 2-3 times a day6.


    special instructions

    When using Boric acid, you should adhere to several rules:

    • Boric acid is a chemical substance , so it should not be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes, so as not to “burn” the mucous membrane;
    • Do not use the substance on large areas of skin. This can lead to signs of intoxication: allergies;
    • eczema;
    • swelling;
    • disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • The drug provokes dryness of the epidermis with prolonged use. To prevent this, the skin must be constantly moisturized with face masks.
  • Let's look at the most effective moisturizing masks.

    Herbal mask


    • St. John's wort;
    • Yarrow;
    • Chamomile;
    • 2 yolks;
    • Half a teaspoon of honey;
    • A teaspoon of lemon juice.

    Mode of application:

    • we carefully grind the herbs;
    • leave in boiling water;
    • wait for the broth to cool down;
    • add 2 egg yolks and lemon juice with honey;
    • This mask can be applied once every 7 days for half an hour.

    Carrot mask


    • Carrot;
    • Egg yolk.

    Mode of application:

    • grate carrots;
    • mix with egg yolk;
    • apply the mask to dry areas of the dermis;
    • wash off after half an hour;
    • This mask will perfectly moisturize and refresh your face.

    Cucumber mask


    • Cucumber;
    • Cream;
    • Rose water 20 ml.

    Mode of application:

    • grate the cucumber;
    • we use only the juice that remains from the cucumber mixture;
    • mix the juice with cream and rose water;
    • apply to dry areas of skin for half an hour;
    • a fabric mask will moisturize and soothe the inflamed epidermis.

    Tomato mask


    • Tomato;
    • Olive oil;
    • Starch 5 g.

    Mode of application:

    • chop the tomato, having previously peeled it;
    • To make the mask thicken, add starch and a few drops of oil;
    • mix everything and apply to the skin;
    • wash off after 15 – 20 minutes;
    • This mask can be repeated once every 7 days.

    Side effects

    Medicines have side effects. Boric acid was no exception.

    A pharmacological agent can cause:

    • Toxic reaction: nausea;
    • weakness;
    • headache;
  • When excessive dryness of the dermis causes:
  • irritation;
  • itching;
  • chemical burns;
  • Allergy to drug components:
  • If these symptoms appear, it is recommended to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.


    Indicators of overdose due to unintentional ingestion:

    • General poisoning: vomiting;
    • stomach ache;
    • diarrhea;
    • erythematous rash;
    • diseases of the central nervous system;

    With prolonged use, chronic intoxication is observed:

    • Eczema;
    • Stomatitis;
    • Anemia;
    • Convulsions;
    • Kidney and liver diseases;
    • Jaundice.

    In case of overdose, consult a doctor immediately.

    The use of the drug internally is prohibited, it is very toxic.


    Like any other drug, boric acid has several contraindications. The product is not suitable for:

    • pregnancy;
    • under 12 years of age;
    • dry and flaky skin;
    • individual intolerance;
    • extensive inflammation with open lesions;
    • kidney and liver diseases.

    To avoid allergic reactions, a special sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, apply a small amount of boric acid to the elbow, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and monitor the reaction throughout the day. If redness accompanied by itching occurs, use of the product should be discontinued.

    Prolonged and excessive use of the drug can provoke an overdose and cause adverse reactions such as nausea, dizziness, headaches or vomiting. If such symptoms occur, you should inform your doctor.

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