Ice for face against wrinkles for rejuvenation, recipes, home procedures

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often it seems to us that achieving this is unrealistic. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Ideal skin requires effort: changing your diet, lifestyle, using the right cosmetics for care and many other conditions. However, the result is worth the time and effort! We have put together a few simple rules for facial care that will help you get noticeably closer to the skin of your dreams:

The benefits and harms of ice

Women learned to use ice as a means to improve the condition of the skin hundreds of years ago. Its low temperature effectively improves blood microcirculation in small vessels located in the dermis.

This happens due to the accelerated narrowing of blood vessels during the therapy session and their rapid expansion at the end of it.

It is the increased blood circulation and saturation of the skin with moisture that explains all the positive properties of ice therapy.

Ice therapy helps:

  • Increased skin tone;
  • Strengthening the walls of small capillaries;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Reducing swelling;
  • Strengthening collagen production;
  • Improving cell regeneration processes;
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Due to the above changes under the influence of ice, the skin of the face becomes softer, denser and more elastic, dark circles under the eyes disappear, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Adding herbal decoctions and a number of other natural additives to the water before freezing enhances the usefulness of the procedure.

Depending on the components, ice can saturate the facial skin with microelements, whiten age spots and freckles, remove inflammatory processes in the form of acne and pimples; the procedure is often prescribed after filleting.

Fighting rashes

Cucumber masks are a panacea for acne, rashes, and blackheads. This is an effective tool for combating teenage rashes. To defeat imperfections, such weapons can be used in adulthood. Try two proven remedies that have already become classics.


Effect. Inflammation and acne disappear.

What is required. Cucumber (one medium size is enough).

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Finely grate the vegetable.
  2. Cleanse your face.
  3. Apply cucumber mixture.
  4. Keep twenty t.
  5. Rinse, then apply your usual nourishing product.


Effect. Acne characteristic of the transition period disappears. Acne that appears at any age goes away.

What is required. One cucumber, low-fat cottage cheese.

  1. Chop the vegetable.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the mixture.
  3. Add two tablespoons of cottage cheese to cucumber juice.
  4. Grind (the consistency should be homogeneous).
  5. Cleanse your face.
  6. Apply the product.
  7. Keep 15 t.
  8. Wash your face with cool water.

The benefits of ice for dry and oily skin

The effect of ice treatment on the face also depends on the skin type. With increased dryness of the epidermis, as a result of the session, the intercellular spaces will be saturated with moisture, due to which the skin will become silky to the touch and elastic, and wrinkles will become less noticeable.

The use of an ice cocktail with fruit and vegetable juices, herbal infusions, and tea extract will enhance the saturation of the dermis with nutrients and microelements.

Self-prepared ice can be used against wrinkles around the eyes, because the main problem of their appearance in this area of ​​the face is due to lack of moisture.

For oily skin types, the procedure will lead to narrowing of the sebaceous glands. And this, in turn, reduces the production of sebum, under the influence of which an unhealthy shine on the face increases, acne and blackheads appear.

How to prepare

Freshly picked vegetables must be washed and dried well. If they are purchased, it is advisable to soak them in water for an hour. A paper or cotton towel is suitable for drying. If time permits, drying should take from 30 to 60 tons.

Then the cucumbers will need to be removed from both ends and first checked for the presence of bitterness. Next, you will need to bring the vegetables into the state in which you plan to freeze them: cut, squeeze out juice, etc.

Did you know? It got its name from the Greek word “agoros”, which means “immature”.

Is ice harmful to the face?

Ice rubbing is an inexpensive and effective way to rejuvenate the face and eliminate the most common defects.

But the procedure also has its own harm, which must be taken into account, otherwise even more skin problems may appear.

Low temperatures are stressful for the human body, even if we are talking about local exposure to cold.

Repeated treatment of the face in this way can have a bad effect on the condition of the skin.

Frequent exposure to cold on the epidermis leads to:

  • Impaired blood flow;
  • To the formation of spider veins;
  • To the expansion of pores;
  • To swelling.

Constant use of ice cubes and washing with cold water disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands; they begin to produce their secretions in smaller quantities.

Sebum maintains water balance, softens the dermis, and maintains elasticity.

And therefore, if ice is used incorrectly and too often in facial care, instead of rejuvenation, you can get the exact opposite effect - the skin becomes flabby, flaking spots and early wrinkles appear on it.

This effect appears gradually, and many women do not associate it with the hobby of icy beauty sessions.

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The effectiveness of ice measures has been tested for centuries, because even Catherine the Second and Marilyn Monroe did not neglect the benefits of frozen water. Knowing the dangers of cold procedures and following moderation, you can achieve visible benefits without any serious effort. The opinions of our contemporaries only confirm this truth:

  • Ink_: “In one month, my pores became smaller, my skin smoothed out, my complexion evened out, a natural glow appeared, and I stopped being scared of myself in the morning.”
  • AlexanderRina_: “’s not for nothing that this method is so popular, especially among our mothers and grandmothers. Cosmetic ice is a universal way to maintain the beauty and health of your skin... And for me it is simply an irreplaceable product.”

The tonic effect of ice is beneficial not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté (but not the chest itself). True, these areas are especially sensitive and will not tolerate too vigorous rubbing.


Ice should not be used to wipe the face:

  • For rosacea. Increased blood flow and metabolic processes under the influence of cold can increase the appearance of spider veins on the face;
  • For damage to the skin - abrasions, wounds. Rubbing with ice can lead to infection of open wounds;
  • If the skin is hypersensitive to cold;
  • For dermatoses. Skin diseases often worsen under the influence of low temperatures.

You should not wipe your face with ice during the coldest time of the year and during colds. Temporary contraindications include toothache and facial neuritis.

Interesting fact

To confirm that ice actually stops skin aging, researchers conducted an experiment lasting a month. It was carried out for two women, aged thirty years. One needed to wipe her face with ice twice a day for a whole month, the second just needed to wash her face twice without ice.

A month later, it was possible to state: the girl who used ice on her face stopped the aging of skin cells. Her face was visually fresher, younger, her skin was smoother, there were no bruises or swelling under the eyes, and there was no irritation. The second girl showed no signs of improvement within a month.

Recommendations for using ice for wrinkles

Ice, which has a rejuvenating effect, is best made from more than just water.

Wrinkles will become less noticeable with regular use of ice cubes made from:

  • Green tea;
  • Coffee;
  • Essential oils;
  • Herbal decoctions;
  • Milk;
  • Lemon;
  • Birch sap;
  • Other fruits and berries.

The selected recipe should be used for at least 7-10 days, only in this case will it be possible to evaluate all the changes occurring in the skin.

During the first procedures, be sure to observe and take into account how the epidermis reacts to ice wiping.

Negative effects on the skin may be due to intolerance to the separated components contained in the ice cubes.

Features of use for different skin types

Cosmetic ice is useful for any skin type, but it is necessary to correctly select the composition and prepare the right product. When creating a decoction or infusion for freezing, you should follow these recommendations:

Skin typeRecommendations
NormalYou can use decoctions prepared from St. John's wort, mint, violet, yarrow, dill and valerian. It is recommended to buy medicinal herbs at the pharmacy, in filter bags, and not collect them along the roads
DryRowan juice is good, as are infusions of lemon balm, chamomile, linden blossom, rose petals and parsley.
FatIt is recommended to use decoctions prepared from the flowers of calendula, horsetail, wormwood and peony
CombinedYou can use any of the above herbs. It is not advisable to use frozen cucumber and citrus juice
ThinIt is advisable to use milk or cream diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Sea buckthorn, strawberry, and raspberry juice are also beneficial for this skin type. Among medicinal herbs, it is recommended to use hawthorn or elderberry
ProblematicIt is recommended to use herbs that relieve inflammation, such as chamomile, string and nettle. The juice of potatoes and aloe leaves is also suitable. It is also useful to wipe problem skin with salted ice made from 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and glass of water

Particular attention should be paid to the sensitive area around the eyes. To eliminate swelling, you should use ice made from cucumber or watermelon juice, as well as parsley decoction.

A universal composition that suits all skin types is ice made from leafy green tea. An excellent lifting effect is achieved by washing your face in the morning with cubes obtained by freezing coffee.

Methods for preparing homemade ice for procedures

The effectiveness of the procedure for the skin and its safety is largely determined by how correctly the ice is prepared at home.

In fact, the preparatory stage takes a minimum of time and includes:

  • SELECTING A FORM FOR FREEZING WATER. This can be either a regular silicone mold from the freezer, or a box of small sweets, or a special small plastic bag for freezing.
  • PREPARATION OF THE BASE. Take filtered, mineral water without gases. A herbal decoction is prepared in most cases from a spoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After infusing for half an hour, it must be filtered and only then added to the molds. Fruit or berry ice cubes are prepared using a special method. First, the fruits are crushed, then they are placed in a mold and only then filled with water.

  • FREEZE. Place the molds in the freezer after the water in them has cooled to room temperature. The ice takes 8-10 hours to freeze; it is advisable to place the mold in a section where there is no meat or fish, otherwise the water will quickly absorb foreign odors.

The prepared ice can be safely used in home facial care.

Herbal infusions retain all their beneficial properties when frozen for a week; formulations with the addition of fruits, juices, and coffee are stored for less than 3-4 days.

Therefore, you should not immediately prepare a large batch of ice, although it can also be added to drinks - tea or plain water.

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Which cucumbers are suitable

For freezing, it is necessary to select young, well-ripe, but not soft cucumbers. Their flesh should be elastic. They must be intact, without stains, signs of rot or other damage. Unfortunately, there are a number of recommendations regarding which one to choose for marinating (“Muromsky”, “Etap”, “Nosovsky”, “Kapelka”, “Far Eastern”, “Felix 640”, “Magnificent”), but have not yet been written down a list of those that remain tasty when thawed.

Therefore, most likely, you will have to select them by your own trial and error, starting with the universal ones or those listed above. They are the ones who retain their elasticity and taste after preservation. One can hope that they will not change their characteristics even after freezing. Freezing hybrids is best avoided. Salad vegetables are also not suitable for freezing, since they have softer flesh.

What does the market offer?

If you don’t want to prepare the base yourself, cosmetic ice can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. It is an aqueous solution with the addition of various ingredients.

In most cases, the solution base is already placed by the manufacturer in dense plastic bags with separate cells. Before the procedure, freeze this bag in the refrigerator and cut off one frozen section from it as needed.

The most popular brands of cosmetic ice include:

  • "FITOICE". Has a tightening effect. It has a pronounced lifting effect, due to which the skin acquires elasticity and wrinkles become less noticeable. The base of the solution is prepared from a decoction of arnica, ginko biloba, amaranth, and additionally includes wheat proteins. After freezing, ice cubes acquire a floral-herbal aroma and a greenish tint.

  • SOOTHING ICE FOR SKIN FROM DNC COMPANY. The base is made from plant extracts of plantain, linden blossom, chamomile, parsley, Icelandic moss and a number of other herbs. Rubbing your face with DNC ice tones the skin, removes redness, tightens pores and reduces wrinkles; using a frozen cocktail in the evening can replace washing.
  • ICE FOR SKIN “CRYSTAL KISS”. Based on micellar water and with the addition of hyaluronic acid. Additional components include flax and oat seed extract, peach oil, and soap root extract. A frozen cocktail effectively improves microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes. Under its influence, the elasticity of the skin increases, wrinkles become less noticeable, which has a positive effect on facial rejuvenation.

  • “ELMA” – moisturizing ice with aloe vera. In addition to aloe, the product contains hyaluronic acid, due to which wiping the face with an ice cube narrows the pores, tones the epidermis, improves its elasticity and turgor. It can be used to lighten dark areas around the eyes, fight wrinkles, reduce puffiness, and add a glow to the cheeks.

  • FITTING ICE “LIFTING EFFECT” FROM FITO ICE. The composition is represented by a decoction of nasturtium, lotus, magnolia, the effect of which is enhanced by red wine extract. Ice Lifting Effect" is indicated when the first signs of aging appear; the drug removes sagging, gets rid of fine wrinkles, and makes deep ones less noticeable.

  • ANNE SEMONIN. Designed to quickly improve the condition of facial skin. Under its influence, elasticity improves, tone increases, a healthy glow appears, and the appearance of wrinkles decreases. The composition includes tephrosia purpurea extract, red algae, azelaic acid, lysine. The only drawback of the presented cubes is their high cost. The packaging costs more than 7 thousand rubles, naturally, only a few will be able to afford it.

Recipes for wrinkles and rejuvenation

Parsley ice

An iced parsley cocktail not only tones the epidermis, but also effectively refreshes, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, whitens age spots and reduces the brightness of freckles. The recipe is presented below.

To prepare the solution, you can take green parsley leaves, its roots and freshly squeezed juice.

  • A decoction of the leaves is prepared from one bunch of finely chopped greens and 500 ml of boiling water. The plant material poured with boiling water is heated over low heat, then cooled, filtered and poured into molds.
  • To prepare cubes from the juice of the plant, you will need to immediately stock up on a large amount of green stems and parsley leaves. The raw materials are washed and ground in a blender, after which the juice is squeezed out and filtered. The prepared base is poured into a form for freezing.
  • When preparing a decoction of roots, the rhizome is first washed well, doused with boiling water and crushed. For one spoon of crushed mass you will need a glass of boiling water. The broth should steep for half an hour; after straining through a sieve, it is poured into molds.

Parsley ice is suitable for use on any skin type. Those women who have wrinkles and the first signs of sagging and sagging face should definitely try their effect.

With essential oils

Ice for wiping the skin can be prepared from filtered water and essential oils; the recipe for preparing the solution is not complicated and accessible to many, but it is always better to select essential oils individually, taking into account the main skin problems.

Ice therapy with essential oils softens the skin, improves metabolic processes, smoothes wrinkles and gives a pleasant aroma.

If the main facial defect is wrinkles, then you can take essential oils of rose, geranium, and mint. They are combined with each other or added to the composition separately.

The main rule for preparing the base of the solution before freezing it is that there should be no more than 10 drops of etherol per glass of water.

Snow White effect

A whitening face mask with cucumber became a real salvation for aristocratic beauties of the last century. Lemon or parsley was added to the vegetable, because they can also give whiteness. Modern ladies can also appreciate the effectiveness of these products. They will help get rid of age spots, remove freckles, and smooth out acne marks. Those who have long dreamed of an even complexion should remember the recipe for two masks.


Effect. Tones, gives a healthy complexion, lightens pigmentation areas.

What is required. Three medium cucumbers, a spoonful of lemon juice.

  1. Grate one vegetable.
  2. Combine cucumber pulp and lemon juice.
  3. Heat the mixture (just a little).
  4. Apply the product.
  5. Squeeze the remaining vegetables into juice.
  6. Soak gauze in it and cover your face with it (on top of the paste).
  7. Keep 15 t.
  8. Use warm water to rinse off.
  9. Nourish the skin with cream.

Effect. Whitens, intensively moisturizes, eliminates gray tint, mattifies.

What is required. Fresh cucumber, a bunch of parsley, four tablespoons of yogurt (it’s better to take a “natural product”, definitely unsweetened).

  1. Blend greens and cucumber.
  2. Add yogurt to the beaten mass.
  3. Cover your face with a thick layer of the resulting mixture.
  4. Detect 20 t.
  5. Wash with a squeegee.

Regular use is important for home whitening products to be effective. They will really help get rid of the grayness of your face, but you will also need to reconsider your diet, walk more often, and avoid smoky rooms.

Ice for acne

Pimples and acne on the face are a problem not only for young girls and boys, but also for mature women. The inflammatory reaction can be caused by hormonal imbalance and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The ice procedure for acne leads to increased blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Under the influence of low temperatures, pores narrow, waste products come out, irritation and swelling around acne are noticeably reduced.

Acne ice can be made following the following recipes:

  • Chamomile. Pour three tablespoons of dried plant flowers into a glass of boiling water, heat over low heat for 10 minutes, cool and filter.
  • St. John's wort, calendula, sage. Take a spoonful of dry raw materials for a glass of boiling water. The broth is boiled, cooled and frozen.
  • Aloe juice. Before squeezing the juice, the agave leaves should lie wrapped in dark paper in the refrigerator for two weeks. After this, the juice is squeezed out of them. It is not used in its pure form, but is only added to decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage - take 5 tablespoons of aloe juice per glass of base.
  • Potato juice. Freshly squeezed juice from young potatoes is quickly frozen. It is necessary to use the prepared formulations locally, that is, to treat acne directly.

For acne on the face, ice is used during the period of active rashes. After the skin condition improves, other formulations with anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties can be prepared.

No to aging

Cucumber face mask for wrinkles is a classic. With the help of a vegetable, women tried to prolong their youth a hundred years ago, and they noticed that it really worked. The effectiveness of a cucumber face mask against wrinkles can be increased by using additional “aging fighters”: dairy products, herbs, antioxidant vegetables. Proven recipes for skin-smoothing masks are presented in the table below.

Table - Recipes for cucumber smoothing masks

NameWhat you needTimeAction
Cucumber-honey tandem— Two grated cucumbers; - two tablespoons of honey 15 t- Nutrition; - smoothness; — hydration; - freshness
Cucumber plus potatoes— A tablespoon of grated cucumber mass; - tablespoon of grated potato mixture 20 t— Smoothing furrows; - beautiful complexion
Unusual with cream— Juice squeezed from grated cucumber mass; - two tablespoons of rose water; - tablespoon 30% cream 15 t— Getting rid of wrinkles; - toning

For blackheads on the face

With oily or combination skin types, the main problem is often the formation of blackheads on the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin, and in severe cases, all over the face.

Ice is used for cometodes as a means of effectively narrowing pores. The procedure of wiping the face with ice cubes should be done after deep cleansing of the epidermis.

In this case, ice will help narrow the pores and stop the process of clogging them with toxins, dust and skin particles.

For blackheads, it is better to use herbs that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and soothing properties to prepare ice.

Chamomile, calendula flowers, sage, parsley, green tea, and laurel leaves have these characteristics.

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From the history

Beautiful noblewomen have long used ice to rejuvenate their skin. The main mistress of the French guarantor Louis XV had a habit of sleeping with bowls of ice placed around the room. Catherine the Second had a custom in the morning to wipe her face with ice. Diana, King Henry's mistress, had a habit of rubbing crushed ice on her body. Even Napoleon's mistress watched her face in this way. Ice cubes were also used by magnificent actresses: Marilyn Monroe, as well as Marlene Dietrich. Ice is an excellent tonic.

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