Curiosin. Instructions for using facial ointment in anti-wrinkle cosmetology, effectiveness, price of gel, reviews

As the body ages, the skin fades and becomes wrinkled. To cope with age-related changes, you can use cosmetic products and pharmaceutical preparations. Curiosin gel is considered one of the effective medicines. This substance contains useful components and significantly improves the condition of the dermis.

Indications for use

Instructions for use for Curiosin gel suggest its use for:

  • wound healing;

  • treatment of bedsores;
  • treatment of ulcers and fistulas;
  • better tissue regeneration;
  • treatment of acne, papulopustular acne and comedones;

  • smoothing shallow and facial wrinkles;
  • maintaining optimal water balance;
  • reducing the risk of scars and spots after pustular formations;
  • smoothing wrinkles.

How to use the product to treat acne and acne?

To treat acne, the gel should be applied twice a day to clean skin. The face should be cleansed of cosmetics, but not over-dried with cleansers or makeup removers.

Curiosin must be applied in a thin layer so that a greasy film does not form on the face. For better effects, you can pre-wash the skin with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Therapy should be continued until acne or acne completely disappears.

How to cure comedones with Curiosin gel?

The instructions for using the gel do not suggest the use of Curiosin for the treatment of comedones, but this does not negate its effectiveness in combating the problem. Apply the gel to clean skin 2 times a day. A course of treatment with weekly breaks in use is recommended.

To improve the effect of treatment, during therapy it is recommended to follow a diet that excludes simple carbohydrates (sweet fruits, sugar), smoked and salty foods.


Curiosin gel is intended for external use only. It should be applied to previously cleaned wound areas. For this purpose, gentle antiseptic agents can be used, for example, hydrogen peroxide or saline.

The gel is applied in a thin layer to the surface of the wound. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day. The product is used in the same way when fighting acne. As an option, you can use curiosin solution for external use. To do this, wound areas are irrigated with it. It is also possible to use bandages soaked in the solution.

The gel does not affect psychomotor reactions, therefore there are no restrictions on its use in driving vehicles and mechanisms that require increased concentration. The drug does not increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. When used, the product does not leave marks on clothes. It is important to prevent the tip of the tube from touching the skin.

The shelf life of curiosin gel is 2 years. After its completion, using the drug is strictly prohibited. It is important to remember that after opening the tube, the gel can be used for a month, subject to storage conditions. The product should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature in the range of 15°C - 30°C.

Curiosin against papules

Papules, like comedones or acne, are pustular formations. For their treatment, a scheme identical to that for comedones is used.

The gel is also applied to the affected skin 2 times a day after preliminary cleansing. Treatment can be carried out in courses.

Side effects

The use of the gel rarely causes unwanted side reactions. They usually occur when the technique of applying the substance is violated or when the drug is used in the presence of contraindications.

Typically, the gel provokes the following disorders:

  • skin tightness - this may indicate the presence of an allergy;
  • burning sensation and hyperemia of the dermis in the application area;
  • severe itching;
  • skin rashes.

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a dermatologist. After the examination, the specialist will be able to select antihistamines.

Morning mask with Curiosin

A morning mask containing gel can be used to moisturize the skin, giving it elasticity and a healthy color.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • 0.5 tsp Curiosin gel;
  • vitamins A, B, E, C – 1 capsule each;
  • essential oil (lemon, bergamot, lavender, fir, cypress, rose) 2-3 drops.

All ingredients should be mixed in a small container and stored in the refrigerator. Must be used every morning. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Those with dry skin do not need to wash off the product, but for those with quite oily dermis, it is better to wash it. Use the mask 4 times a week.

You can use the gel in its pure form. It should be applied to the entire face in a thin layer and thicker in places where there are deep wrinkles. You can keep the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes, and then be sure to rinse it off with running warm water without soap or cleansers.

Effective home recipes

Curiosin gel can be combined with other beneficial substances. This product enhances the effect of finished cosmetics on the skin.

Moisturizing mask

This composition helps to avoid excessive dryness of the dermis and perfectly supplies it with moisture. To carry out the procedure, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Cleanse the skin with milk or another alcohol-free substance.
  2. Gently massage the gel into the skin.
  3. Perform massaging movements until the curiosin is completely absorbed.
  4. Treat your face with moisturizer.
  5. After half an hour, get rid of the remaining composition with a soft cloth.

Vitamin mask

The composition supplies the skin with vitamins and helps cope with natural age-related changes in the body. To get an effective mask, you need to take curiosin gel and vitamins A and E in capsules. You will also need citrus fruit essential oil.

You need to extract the contents from the capsules and combine them with the gel. When the product acquires a homogeneous consistency, add 1 drop of essential oil to the mixture - grapefruit, lemon, orange will do. The finished product can be applied to the face. To do this, you need to make patting movements with your fingertips. After half an hour, you can wash your face and cover your face with a tonic composition.

Nourishing mask

To improve skin nutrition, you should combine curiosin with a nourishing cream. These components must be taken in equal parts. Use the product as you would a regular cream. The substance is well absorbed into the skin structure, so it does not need to be washed off.

Honey emulsion

To obtain this nutritional composition, you need to mix 1 drop each of curiosin and apilac. The second product contains beekeeping products. The finished substance should be evenly distributed over the skin of the face.

Foam with green tea

To make it you need to take 1 drop of curiosin and 1 large spoon of green tea. To prepare this drink, you need to take 1 tablespoon of raw material per 100 ml of boiling water. Combine the cooled and strained product with curiosin. Apply the prepared substance generously to the face and neck.

Many also use this substance to improve the condition of the skin of the elbows and knees. Thanks to the miraculous foam, the dermis in these areas becomes noticeably softer.

Evening mask with Curiosin

An evening mask with Curiosin is used for a deep effect on wrinkles. This mask should be kept on the face longer than the morning one.


  • Curiosin gel 0.5 tsp. for one application;
  • any base oil – 1 tsp.

It is necessary to apply the mixture to clean skin for 25 minutes, then remove the mask with a paper napkin (for dry and flaky skin) or wash it off without soap (for oily skin). But if there is increased sebum production after the procedure, the face can be treated with a refreshing tonic or mattifying cream.


Key restrictions on the use of the composition include the following:

  • allergic reactions to the ingredients of the substance;
  • acute lesions of the dermis;
  • excessive sensitivity of the epithelium;
  • plastic surgery on the face in the recent past;
  • ulcers on the skin;
  • history of aggressive cosmetic procedures;
  • implants in the skin;
  • the presence of open wounds on the face;
  • age less than 25 years.

Curiosin should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. There is no precise information regarding the safety of this product.

Combined mask with Curiosin

Combined masks are used to smooth the skin from wrinkles, moisturize and give a healthy complexion.

Curiosin - instructions for use allows you to use the product in the fight against wrinkles

In addition to Curiosin, they contain some other substances, for example, cream, oils or glycerin.

The most common is a mask containing:

  • face cream that has a moisturizing, nourishing, softening or protective effect - 1 tbsp;
  • vitamins: A, E or vitamin complex – 1 capsule each;
  • base oils: peach, burdock, olive or any other – 1 tsp;
  • essential oils: tea tree, rose, lavender, cedar, mint - 2-3 drops.

If your facial skin is very dry and needs additional strong hydration, you can add glycerin or petroleum jelly to the mask. All ingredients must be mixed in a small plastic or glass jar and stored at a temperature no higher than 15°.

The product must be applied to clean, steamed skin. You need to keep the mask on for at least 30-40 minutes, then wash thoroughly using a cleanser (since the mask contains a lot of fatty components). After washing off the mask, you can apply anti-aging cream to your face and massage your face with a special massager.

Features of the composition

Curiosin gel contains substances important for the skin. These include the following:

  1. Hyaluronic acid is part of fillers that help cope with wrinkles on the face. The substance has exfoliating properties and increases the elasticity of the dermis. The element belongs to the polysaccharides necessary for connective tissues. With a deficiency of the substance, they become less elastic and sag. In addition, hyaluronic acid qualitatively moisturizes the deep layers of the epithelium, as it ensures fluid retention. However, you should not count on a pronounced effect. The substance successfully copes with only small wrinkles. For more stable results, hyaluronic acid should be injected subcutaneously.
  2. Zinc is considered an effective anti-aging agent. The substance is present in many cosmetic products - creams and serums. With the help of this element, it is possible to significantly activate the processes of epithelial regeneration. In addition, the substance prevents the formation of free radicals. These molecules provoke the destruction of cell membranes. Zinc helps stop inflammatory processes and restores the functions of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, it successfully copes with rashes.

Other components of the gel include the following:

  • potassium sorbate – stimulates cell division and regeneration;
  • sodium hydroxide – responsible for regulating acidity parameters;
  • carbomer – forms persistent hydrogen bonds, thereby maintaining constant hydration of the epithelium.

Curiosin was originally created to treat acne. The use of anti-wrinkle products is still controversial to this day. Not all doctors approve of the use of a substance to stop age-related processes in the epithelium. In any case, you need to monitor your reactions.

How to use Curiosin for wrinkles?

The main purpose of the gel is to treat pustular inflammation on the skin of the face. But Curiosin is also known as a remedy that helps cope with early shallow wrinkles. To fight wrinkles with Curiosin, you need to make a mask from it.

One of the most effective remedies for combating signs of aging is hyaluronic acid. But since the gel contains the zinc salt of this acid, the anti-aging effect will become noticeable after about 6-8 months of using Curiosin masks.

  • Recipe No. 1. Thick face cream and gel in a 1:1 ratio, a complex of oil vitamins and any essential oil. You need to mix the components in a plastic or glass container, add 2-3 drops of oil, 4-5 drops of vitamins. Apply the mask daily before going to bed with massage movements, leave for about 10 minutes. and remove with wet wipes to remove makeup.
  • Recipe No. 2. Curiosin can be used as a mask without adding any other components to it. The gel must be applied to the face in a thick layer and left for about 5 minutes, and then rinsed off.

Both options for cosmetic care have a beneficial effect on the skin; you can make masks according to the 1st recipe, and immediately according to the 2nd one.

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Curiosin gel is produced with different contents of the active substance. It is zinc hyaluronate. This substance has a pronounced wound-healing and stimulating effect on damaged areas of the skin. This is due to the combination of the properties of zinc and hyaluronic acid.

At the same time, hyaluronic acid is a natural substance for the body that keeps the skin and connective tissues in good condition, ensuring the integrity of their structure. The substance is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and its regeneration when damaged. Hyaluronic acid is widely used for wound treatment. It is considered one of the most effective biocompatible materials.

Zinc has pronounced antimicrobial properties and prevents the spread of infection. In addition, the substance is an antioxidant, therefore it minimizes the risk of cell damage from free radicals, which allows accelerating tissue regeneration processes.

How to apply cream to the area around the eyes?

Instructions for use of Curiosin gel prohibit the application of the medication to the area around the eyes.

Because the drug is very aggressive and on thin skin can cause:

  • inflammation;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • rash.

If applying cream is necessary, it can be mixed with moisturizing cream for the area around the eyes or glycerin in a ratio of 1:3. Apply a thin layer, gently pressing into the skin with your fingertips.

To eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, Curiosin can be mixed with anti-aging eye cream and applied at night.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Some pregnant women need to use a cream that stimulates tissue regeneration - Curiosin.

Instructions for use prohibit the use of the medication during pregnancy.

Curiosin - instructions for use prohibit the use of the product during pregnancy.
But at the same time, there is no reliable data that would prove the harmful effects of the cream on the fetus or the passage of active substances into breast milk. Before using the cream, you should consult your doctor and dermatologist.

Contraindications and negative reactions

An absolute contraindication for the gel is individual intolerance to any components in its composition. It is important to read the instructions for use before use. The drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Negative side reactions of the body during treatment with the drug rarely occur. At the beginning of treatment, a burning sensation may occur. Sometimes in practice, the occurrence of hyperemia and a feeling of skin tightening were noted. But such symptoms indicate that the gel works effectively, accelerating the processes of regeneration and healing. With continued use of the gel, such signs disappear.

Drug interactions

Curiosin does not interact with any other medications, so you can prepare masks based on it or mix it with other substances.

But it is worth considering that the cream dries out the skin quite strongly and cannot be used together with other drying ointments, gels or creams. It is worth limiting the use of zinc ointment, frequent use of soap and cleansers. Some cosmetologists recommend reducing the amount of foundation and powder so as not to overload the skin.

Properties of the active substance

Zinc hyaluronate is a tissue repair stimulator. The hyaluronic acid included in its composition interacts with water molecules and creates a special substance - a dispersion matrix. This is a kind of scaffold for cells that are needed for wound healing. On its basis, damaged cellular tissues are restored. It forms a natural supporting scaffold for the cells involved in wound healing. At the same time, local immunity is enhanced, which reduces the risk of spreading infection.

Zinc hyaluronate has a bacteriostatic effect against many harmful bacteria. The drug is able to work effectively in all 3 phases of the wound process:

  • At the exudation stage, the gel helps remove damaged tissue that can cause infection and intoxication and helps clean the wound.
  • At the regeneration stage, the gel promotes cell division and the appearance of granulation tissue. In this case, there is a gradual decrease in the affected area.
  • At the epithelization stage, the gel accelerates final healing. This reduces the likelihood of severe scarring.

When using the gel, rapid and uniform healing of wound surfaces is guaranteed. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on surrounding tissues, keeping them in good condition. A decrease in pain due to the use of the gel is noted on the 2nd–3rd day of treatment.

Comparison of Curiosin with other products

According to the mode of action, there are many analogues of Curiosin. For example, Skinoren, Zinerit, Baziron AS, Biseptol, Jess, Dimephosphone, Steptonitol and others.

The main disadvantage of these funds is that:

  • some may contain antibiotics (Steptonitol);
  • contain hormones;
  • cause a large number of side effects (Zinerit);
  • give a short-lived effect.

Curiosin does not contain hormones, antibiotics, does not cause side effects, skin pigmentation, and helps get rid of fresh scars.

Hormonal drugs (corticosteroids) are dangerous because they block the production of sebum to treat inflammation. As a result, acne actually goes away (the bacteria that cause it have nothing to feed on), but the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry, and is very vulnerable to sunlight. There cannot be such an effect from using Curiosin.

In composition and action, Curiosin is very similar to Skinoren and Acnekutan creams. In these medicines, the active substance is either acids or products derived from organic acids.

Skinoren contains azelaic acid, Aknekutan contains isotretinoin. These drugs also do not have any special contraindications or side effects, but their average cost is several times higher than the cost of Curiosin.

Curiosin can be compared with the advertised Zenerite. The active ingredient of the drug is the antibiotic erythromycin. The advantage of Curiosin is obvious - antibiotics destroy not only staphylococci that cause acne, but also bacteria of normal skin microflora; Curiosin does not give such an effect. In addition, Zenerite is more expensive than Kuriosin.

Worthy analogues of Kuriosin are:

  • Skinoren;

  • AcneStop;
  • Azogel;
  • Regetsin;
  • Azelik;
  • Klenzit S;
  • Azix-Derm;
  • Azogel;
  • alcohol solution of salicylic acid;
  • alcohol solution of boric acid.

The medicinal substances of the above medicines are likewise either acids or products derived from acids. One of the main advantages of preparations with acids is that they lighten the skin a little. Medicines also dry well, fight excess sebum secretion, and prevent the appearance of scars.

The opinion of cosmetologists about the drug

In general, cosmetologists have a positive opinion about Kuriosin. Some of them use the gel in daily practice for their clients. But they still suggest following recommendations that can enhance the positive result.

These recommendations include:

  • proper and nutritious nutrition that can fully meet the skin’s needs for nutrients: include greens, vegetables, dairy products and cereals in the diet;
  • drinking plenty of water (exclusively clean water) and completely avoiding tea, coffee and other drinks;
  • keeping a daily routine and getting enough sleep is important for women struggling with wrinkles. After all, it is during sleep that the skin “rests” and receives oxygen;
  • regular use of moisturizing and/or nourishing face creams in the evening and morning;
  • proper cleansing with mild skin care products;

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • refusal to apply dense, heavy makeup;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • include exercises and muscle stretching exercises in your daily routine;
  • perform a complex of facial gymnastics daily;
  • perform a facial massage.

According to cosmetologists, if you follow the above recommendations, the results of the therapy will not be long in coming and your overall well-being will improve. After short-term use, shallow wrinkles are smoothed and swelling disappears.

Curiosin gel is a well-known drug whose use is widespread in cosmetology . In the instructions supplied with the drug you can find indications and contraindications for its use. The main advantage of the product is that it has virtually no contraindications and is really effective in treating acne.

Advantages of the drug

Curiosin gel has many advantages:

  1. After applying the product, the skin does not feel greasy. The substance does not leave stains on clothes and has no aroma. The product contains no fragrances. Due to its weightless texture, the composition does not cause clogging of pores.
  2. The substance contains no aggressive ingredients. Therefore, the gel can be used for a long time. Usually, after a month's course of using a substance, it is recommended to stop for six months.
  3. Curiosin does not provoke an increase in the sensitivity of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation. Almost immediately after applying the substance you can go outside.
  4. The medicine is affordable. This helps to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  5. The drug has a delicate consistency. This makes it a pleasure to use.
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