Forehead and eyebrow lift (front lift and brow lift)

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Thread lifting Resorblift of the forehead and/or eyebrows is a lift using threads by moving and fixing the soft tissues of the upper third of the face.
Eyebrow and forehead lifting is most often indicated for patients over 40 years of age to reduce the first signs of aging in this area. In this age category, lifting of the upper third of the face is most in demand. However, if the problem of drooping eyebrows and/or ptosis of tissues, deep furrows in the forehead occurs in younger patients, this procedure can also be recommended for them.

The advantage of Resorblift thread lifting is its scientifically proven effectiveness, the ability to move and fix the soft tissues of the upper third of the face, the absence of rehabilitation and recovery periods, the absence of general anesthesia, and long-lasting results for up to 5 years.

WHY is GMTClinic the BEST?

When choosing a suitable medical center where you can have a thread lift, it is better to choose GMTClinic for the following reasons:


Prices for thread face lifting may vary depending on the type of material used in cosmetology , the volume of planned manipulations, and the pricing policy of the clinic. During the appointment, the doctor will assess the condition of the skin, determine the area in need of correction, and individually select the type of threads to obtain maximum rejuvenation results .

In Moscow, the price for a thread facelift ranges from 25 to 100 thousand rubles. If there is a need to adjust several zones, the cost can be 100 - 200 thousand rubles.


  • drooping eyebrows, drooping outer corners;

  • drooping skin of the forehead, outer corners of the eyes and upper cheeks;
  • pronounced wrinkles in the forehead, folds between the eyebrows;
  • sagging skin of the temporal region;
  • congenital or acquired low location or asymmetry of the eyebrows.

benefits of thread lifting at the GMTClinic CENTER

  • Eyebrow lifting with threads at the GMTClinic center is carried out only using high-quality and proven materials that have proven themselves in practice.
  • An individual rejuvenation program is developed for each patient, taking into account age characteristics, skin type and related factors. The chosen rejuvenation course gives a guaranteed result that lasts up to 2 years.

How does thread lifting of the forehead and eyebrows work?

If there is active facial expression between the eyebrows or the area around the eyes, it is recommended to perform botulinum therapy to eliminate active facial expressions and securely fix the tissues in the desired position.

Stages of implementation

The RESORBLIFT® thread lifting procedure is prescribed by a doctor after an examination, a thorough history taking, and, if necessary, some laboratory tests.

On the day of the procedure, a photo of the patient is taken in 5 standard projections, and markings are made for each specific patient, taking into account his individual characteristics. Under local anesthesia and pre-treatment of the thread implantation site, the threads are directly installed according to individual markings through small punctures with good fixation and tissue tension. Next, postoperative treatment of the area where the threads are installed and, if necessary, fixation with a bandage mask or strips.


The recovery period after thread implantation in the forehead area is reduced to zero, even small bruises are absent, this is due to the anatomical features of this area and the technique of installing threads.


  • Aptos Excellence Visa

    Absorbable threads, which also stimulate collagen production, have a longer stay under the skin - up to 360 days. Provide additional moisturizing and biorevitalizing effects.

  • 3D mesothread Lead Fine Lift

    Threadlifting threads made of polydioxanone form a frame and give a “spring” effect. They do not leave marks on the surface of the skin and dissolve after 180-240 days (the effect lasts up to 1.5 years). Suitable even for thin and sensitive skin.

After a forehead lift

Recovery after surgery lasts, on average, 2-3 weeks. Throughout this period, temporary loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​intervention may persist.

After a forehead lift, the patient is not recommended to exercise or undergo thermal procedures. You should maintain peace of mind to avoid overstraining your facial muscles.

A forehead lift, like any other plastic surgery, should be performed by a highly qualified plastic surgeon. Try to go to a well-established clinic. MedicCity performs the full range of aesthetic surgeries, including blepharoplasty, circular facelift, rhinoplasty, etc.


  • A few days before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or take medications that thin your blood.
    On the eve of the procedure, active physical activity, sauna and steam bath, and visiting the solarium are contraindicated. The rehabilitation period after eyebrow lifting with threads is up to 10 days. In the first 1-2 days, slight swelling may persist. A specialist gives detailed recommendations about the recovery period after the procedure, but in general the restrictions are the same as before the procedure, plus physical activity, sleeping on the stomach, and intense facial expressions are undesirable. Thread lifting is contraindicated in inflammatory processes, acute respiratory viral infections, blood diseases with coagulation disorders, pregnancy, lactation and a number of other conditions, which the doctor will warn you about during an in-person consultation.


The main advantage of thread lifting is that the implanted threads dissolve gradually, which makes it possible to provide a prolonged rejuvenating effect. After the procedure, natural tissue regeneration processes are launched. The body begins to synthesize collagen and elastin in large quantities. Wrinkles disappear skin health is restored . The procedure is performed for both women and men who greatly value the natural results of thread lifting.

Three types of threads are used during thread facelift :

  • Absorbable . The material disappears after a certain time. During this period, connective tissue grows at the implantation sites, due to which it is possible to achieve a long-term reinforcement effect.
  • Non-absorbable . Such threads remain in place after implantation. Their main task is additional support for the dermis in areas of greatest deformation.
  • Combined . Self-absorbing mesothreads with a complex structure. The length of the base is equipped with cones, which allows you to securely fix the material in the tissues. After resorption, a zone of connective tissue is formed, which provides the lifting .

According to the effect, the threads are divided into:

  1. Lifting - moves the tissues of the face and body with subsequent fixation and reduction (lifting), can be either absorbable or non-absorbable
  2. Reinforcing - threads that create a frame in the skin, which gives compaction and fixation of a certain position of the skin and underlying layers, dissolves in about a year
  3. Biostimulating - threads that improve skin quality and complexion, smooth out fine wrinkles, dissolve in about six months

Before the thread lift , a preliminary consultation with a doctor . The doctor conducts a general examination, assesses the condition of the skin, explains how the procedure is carried out, what threads will be used depending on the problems and skin type. The specialist will also ask the patient about the presence of chronic or acute diseases, allergic reactions, and surgical procedures in the past. This data will help you choose the right tactics for the procedure and eliminate side effects.

Preparation is one of the most important stages, on which the results of lifting largely depend . A week before the manipulations, it is necessary to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages and certain groups of medications. It is advisable to limit physical activity, avoid thermal procedures, visits to the solarium, and tanning in direct sunlight. To prevent the formation of edema after a tightening , it is recommended to exclude salty, fatty, spicy foods from the menu 3-4 days in advance.


The cost of this procedure depends on the degree of complexity (the number and length of threads required), the materials chosen and the skill level of the specialist who will perform the lift. At the GMTClinic center you can choose the optimal rejuvenation option at patient-friendly prices. In consultation with a Center specialist, you can get answers to all your questions and choose a suitable rejuvenation program, which includes only effective and safe methods.

By calling the phone numbers listed on the website, you can make an appointment and choose a convenient time for consultation. You can also use the feedback form or online consultant to do so right now.

If eyebrow lifting is done with threads, then at GMTClinic!

Stages of the procedure

Thread lifting, like any lift, requires certain preparation. The cosmetologist begins with a consultation: he talks in detail about the technique, the material used and provides certificates for it, how many threads are needed.

The specialist examines the client’s medical history, asks him about existing diseases, the presence of allergic reactions, whether he has had operations, what cosmetic procedures he has undergone. In some cases, it may be necessary to undergo additional tests - this is necessary to prevent undesirable consequences and predict the timing of rehabilitation.

After studying the condition of the area where the threads will be implanted, their type, quantity and injection scheme are determined individually.

How Silhouette Lift threads work

Non-surgical vector lifting Silhouette Lift is truly unique! Surgical threads Silhouette Lift have especially increased strength, and special cones made of polylactic acid reliably fix the tissues of your face.

A facelift with threads (filting) works like this. After installation and tissue tightening, the cones of the threads stimulate the production of collagen and within 2 weeks strong scar tissue forms around the threads. It firmly keeps the skin from sagging and fixes the middle and lower third of the face in a toned state in the most natural way.

After 6-9 months, the cones will completely resolve. The threads themselves do not dissolve.

Possible complications

The following symptoms should not be ignored:

  • feeling of heat, burning, itching;
  • skin redness;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • facial expression disorders;
  • pain that gets worse when touched.

The occurrence of the above symptoms is a reason to immediately contact a specialist. The cause of unpleasant complications may be neglect of medical recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

The problem may also lie in the professional unsuitability of the specialist. Therefore, before carrying out the procedure, it is important to seriously consider the choice of a medical institution where a facelift will be performed, and directly a doctor specializing in this procedure.

Sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist and a specialist will select the appropriate threads to solve your problem!

Effect and duration

The procedure gives instant results, which can be seen after the end of the session. The most pronounced effect is observed at the end of the second week.

The duration of the results depends largely on the area of ​​insertion and the type of threads used. Thus, the effect of the absorbable material lasts from 3 to 5 years. Non-absorbable threads can maintain results for up to 7-9 years. In addition, the duration of the rejuvenating effect is related to the individual characteristics of the body and how diligently a person follows medical recommendations for rehabilitation.


Temporal lifting “Brow Lift” allows you to:

  • Rejuvenate and “lift” the upper part of the face, eyebrows, temples, correct the shape of the eyes, make the look more open.
  • Effectively eliminates age-related changes in women after 30 years, the face after lifting looks refreshed, rested and more youthful.
  • Indicated after unsuccessful plastic surgeries, for example, when one half or the entire face “sags” and the effect of correction is reduced to zero, or reconstructive surgeries after accidents or injuries, when the corrective effect is not enough.

Forehead correction with endotins

Endoscopic forehead lift surgery can be performed using endotins. These are thin, absorbable strips equipped with sharp teeth to secure tissue (see detailed information on the use of endotins in facial plastic surgery).

Endotins make it possible to solve the problem of reliable and uniform tissue fixation without overload and the risk of tearing inherent in point fixation. Otherwise, the operation is the same as a regular endoscopic forehead lift.

Specifics of the recovery period

The duration of rehabilitation, the rate of subsidence of swelling and hematomas depend on the technique used, the volume and complexity of the correction. On average, soft tissue recovery takes 2 weeks. Loss of sensitivity may persist for up to 3 weeks, but it goes away on its own without additional treatment.

If the surgical approach was carried out using incisions and subsequent suturing of the wound, the sutures are usually removed after 10 days. Limitations after surgical brow lift (within 1 month) are:

  • intense sports, increased physical activity;
  • insolation;
  • alcohol, smoking;
  • thermal procedures and mechanical effects on the operated area.

Sometimes a special elastic tape is applied to the correction area (for up to 3 weeks) to fix the displaced tissues and secured in a new position. Individually, according to indications, medicinal antibacterial therapy and painkillers may be prescribed to prevent inflammatory lesions and relieve pain.

Caution: contraindications

Eyebrow thread lifting has contraindications, which the cosmetologist must warn the patient about. You should avoid installing threads if you have:

  1. Skin diseases and infections.
  2. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Pregnancy (the procedure is prohibited during breastfeeding).
  4. Benign and malignant tumors.
  5. Diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and hypertension
  6. In addition, thread lifting should not be performed during menstruation.

For patients with very rough skin, it is better to refuse the intervention. The effect will be minimal, and the threads will quickly dissolve. To assess the condition of the skin, the doctor conducts a preliminary examination: checks elasticity, turgor, the presence of scars.

Remember that thread techniques do not solve the problem, they only help you look better.


The results of the procedure last for quite a long time, approximately from two to five years. By taking before and after photos, you can admire the results of eyebrow correction with threads. Thanks to the lift you can achieve the following results:

  • horizontal wrinkles are smoothed out, facial folds disappear;
  • skin laxity decreases;
  • expressiveness of the gaze, disappearance of frowning;
  • the oval of the face is corrected;
  • skin aging slows down.

You can find out more about what to expect from a mesothread facelift here.

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