How to use Vishnevsky ointment to treat boils

A furuncle (or boil) is a purulent-necrotic acute inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland or surrounding connective tissue, caused by various infections (mainly Staphylococcus aureus). To treat it, local drugs with a softening, antibacterial, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect are used. What ointment helps get rid of a boil, and how to use it correctly?

Factors of occurrence

The causative agent of the infection is usually a pyogenic bacterium - Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is present on the skin of any healthy person, and causes infection only if it reaches the deep layer of the skin (for example, through microtrauma). The development of boils is also promoted by:

  • dirty skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hot humid climate;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • poor metabolism.

People with diabetes mellitus, skin diseases, and those prone to stress and depression are often at risk of developing furunculosis because they have a weakened immune system.

Description of the drug

The pharmaceutical product in question has become widespread in the treatment of dermatological diseases due to its regenerating and disinfecting properties. In the last decade, the composition has been actively used in cosmetology to eliminate acne and sebaceous plugs.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment for boils is due to the directed activity of the components in relation to pathogenic microflora:

  • fungi of the Candida family;
  • streptococci and staphylococci.

The medication activates biochemical processes, thereby increasing the rate of regeneration of affected tissues. Due to this property, patients are often limited to monotherapy and do not resort to potent systemic medications.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Balsamic liniment is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory agent, an external preparation that accelerates tissue regeneration. According to its therapeutic properties, it is an antiseptic. In simple terms, Vishnevsky ointment is a broad-spectrum medicine. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that no clinical studies of the medicinal composition have been conducted, and pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics have not been officially recorded.

pharmachologic effect

The pharmacological properties and therapeutic effectiveness of the drug in question for furunculosis are due to the fact that balsamic liniment acts comprehensively on all layers of tissue.

  • Castor oil eliminates the risk of pathogenic infections entering disease-affected pores. The substance eliminates moisture deficiency at the cellular level. Emollient properties accelerate the exfoliation of the keratinized epithelial layer with subsequent replacement by young tissues.
  • Xeroform acts on bacterial enzymes through the oxidation of sulfhydryl compounds. Due to this mechanism, the activity of pathogenic microflora and protein coagulation are inhibited.
  • Birch tar includes a number of organic compounds with pronounced antiseptic properties. These substances have a local irritant effect, which increases the intensity of blood flow in problem areas.

The considered mechanism promotes the rapid removal of exudate with necrotic and purulent residues to the surface of the epidermis and the resorption of infiltrates.

Release form and composition

The pharmaceutical product is produced in the form of balsamic liniment (less thick consistency when compared with regular ointment). Vishnevsky ointment is applied to the boil only externally, pointwise. The thin form of the composition allows you to evenly distribute the brown-yellow drug.

Vishnevsky ointment in an aluminum tube

The medication does not contain substances that are potentially hazardous to human health. All components are natural, of natural origin.

Composition of the pharmaceutical product:

  • Birch tar;
  • xeroform;
  • Castor oil.

The main disadvantage of liniment is the unpleasant specific smell that most patients do not like.

Vishnevsky ointment is available in aluminum tubes of 30, 35 and 40 g. Each tube is placed in a cardboard package with instructions for use. In pharmacies, the medicine is also sold in darkened glass jars of 100, 50, 40 and 25 g.

Stages of development

At the very beginning of development, a boil can easily be confused with an ordinary pimple. However, within 3-4 days the inflammation grows, covering the surrounding tissues. Upon palpation, you can feel the tension and density of these tissues.

After a few more days, a sac with a purulent formation forms in the center of the boil, a necrotic core appears and the tissue softens.

Over time, the boil, unable to withstand a large amount of pus, opens and the pus, rejecting the necrotic core, flows out. After which the swelling gradually subsides and redness passes, and a small scar forms in the center of the former boil.

The most dangerous boils are those that arise near the lips, ears and nose. You should not try to squeeze out boils yourself, even if they have arisen in other locations. This can lead to the spread of infection, which will entail serious complications leading to the development of regional lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, and thrombophlebitis.


The lump caused by this disease is considered one of the most common problems. In another way, it is also called “hailstone” and “cold barley”. The cause of chalazion on the eyelid is blockage of the sebaceous glands. When the outlet for sebaceous secretion is blocked, the contents that are constantly being formed cannot find a way out and accumulate inside the duct. After some time, the sebaceous secretion stretches the duct and gradually hardens. If you touch such a bump, you can easily feel the dense capsule of the chalazion, which, like a ball, rolls under your fingers.

The chalazion develops slowly, painful sensations on palpation appear only when the accumulated secretion has formed a capsule. But even in the case of a practically painless course, it is better not to delay the treatment of chalazion, so that a cyst does not form. In addition to pain, chalazion may be accompanied by local redness of the conjunctiva. In its acute period, the following are possible: suppuration, granulation (excessive tissue growth), the occurrence of a fistula through which pus drains.

Naturally, chalazion rarely resolves. As a rule, such a lump needs to be treated, which is what an ophthalmologist does. In this case, treatment can be conservative or surgical. Usually, at an early stage, the doctor may prescribe UHF therapy, certain eye drops and mercury ointment. Painful chalazions at a later stage are treated with corticosteroid injections (directly inside the capsule), ointments and drops (sodium sulfacyl, ofloxacin, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, levofloxacin and tetracycline ointment). If drug treatment does not produce the desired effect, the question of surgery is raised. Chalazion removal is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. The entire procedure lasts 10–15 minutes, after which the patient goes home.

Treatment at home

If the immune system is functioning well, the boil will heal itself in 7-8 days. But to make the process go faster, you can treat boils at home:

  • at the initial stage of development, it is necessary to lubricate the abscess with a solution of fucorcin or brilliant green;
  • at the stage of compaction and swelling of the connective tissue, it is good to sunbathe in the sun;
  • To make the boil empty faster, you need to apply ichthyol ointment;
  • It is better to treat an opened abscess with hydrogen peroxide, and also apply bandages with sodium chloride or honey;
  • When the boil begins to heal, it is recommended to apply bandages using Vishnevsky ointment.

To prevent the development of purulent formations, you need to shower daily. Do not scratch the itchy area on the skin. Among other things, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabric.


This is one of the most harmless bumps, the appearance of which on the eyelid does not cause any trouble other than aesthetic discomfort. Millets, also known as milia, come in different sizes. From the smallest - smaller than a poppy seed, to quite large - the size of an average grain of rice. Milia can appear on both the lower and upper eyelids with almost equal frequency. At their core, they are whiteheads localized in the eye area.

Milia can appear in anyone, even in those who have never experienced skin problems. It is better to remove millet from a cosmetologist, because only a specialist can guarantee safety.

To prevent milia, you need to monitor your diet and from time to time make masks to exfoliate dead skin particles that can close pores and clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

When to contact a surgeon

Boils can be treated at home only for those who are not at risk (do not suffer from chronic diseases), and boils are small in size (up to 5 mm). You should not self-medicate in the following cases:

  • if the appearance of a formation is accompanied by intense pain and fever;
  • if the abscess has not opened within 2 weeks;
  • if furunculosis has developed;
  • if the abscess occurs in a small child;
  • if the boil is near the nose, lips, in the ear canal;
  • there was a relapse of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

Regardless of the location, the formation of an abscess goes through the same stages, so the symptoms of a boil on the wing of the nose and the symptoms of an internal boil are the same.

The disease occurs in two stages. The first stage is the infiltration stage. It begins with inflammation of the hair follicle. The stage lasts a day or two. Clinically, this is manifested by the following symptoms: the appearance of a painful lump that turns red and swells. A black dot is visible in the center of the seal. The pain intensifies while talking or eating. Headaches, weakness, and elevated body temperature appear - these are symptoms of an ongoing inflammatory process.

The next stage, the abscess formation stage, takes from three to seven days. Its main symptom is a softening of the compaction and the appearance of a white-yellow tip on it, which is called the core of the boil. Relief occurs when the rod breaks through and the contents of the abscess come out. At this moment, the unpleasant and painful symptoms begin to subside, and the patient feels much better.

Antibiotic treatment

In cases where the boil is large or located in sensitive areas, and its development is accompanied by intoxication, chills and severe inflammation, the surgeon prescribes antibiotics.

For a large boil and a slight increase in temperature, a weekly course is prescribed: the doctor prescribes clindamycin or doxycycline.

At high temperatures and severe inflammation, a two-week course of treatment is most often prescribed, which includes stronger antibiotic drugs: rifadin, rimactan or other analogues.

Don’t forget, Staphylococcus aureus easily adapts to a variety of antibacterial agents, and as soon as the body’s defenses are slightly reduced, they multiply and form new abscesses. Therefore, people with reduced immunity should immediately consult a doctor and not self-prescribe medications. Keep in mind that if you relapse, they will no longer help you!

This article is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for details!


It is more likely not a lump, but a flat plaque. The problem of xanthelasma is more often encountered by women with hypercholesterolemia, diabetes and a number of other diseases. Xanthelasmas are yellowish in color and rise very slightly above the surface of the skin. They can appear on the eyelids, the skin near the eyes, and on the face. A single lump of xanthelasma is rare; as a rule, they appear in groups and never go away on their own. This is due to the fact that xanthelasma is the result of a lipid metabolism disorder caused by the underlying disease. If such a problem occurs, you must notify your doctor, who will advise what to do.

Possible complications

  1. In the absence of treatment , a purulent process on the butt that occurs in one follicle spreads to healthy tissue. As a result, furunculosis develops, in which many boils appear on the butt. Over time, this process leads to blood poisoning (sepsis).
  2. In rare cases, purulent exudate penetrates the lymphatic system , causing lymphangitis or lymphadenitis to develop.
  3. If a staphylococcal infection enters the bloodstream , the functioning of internal organs is disrupted.
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