Darsonval acne device: how to use for acne and post-acne, how to use against boils on the face

Darsonval helps in treating a wide range of problems. One of the areas in which such procedures are most effective is dermatology and cosmetology. The positive effect of the device in the treatment of acne and ulcers caused by infections has been repeatedly proven. At first glance, the technique may seem simple and harmless. But if you do not follow the rules of application and preparation, and also ignore contraindications, then you can only aggravate the situation or simply get several burns on your face.

How does cauterization help with skin rashes?

Exactly how Darsonval helps with rashes was a consequence of the principle of its operation. It affects the epidermis with light discharges of electric current, i.e. cauterization. The air in the area of ​​application is discharged and ozone is produced. It has a bactericidal effect, which leads to the destruction of bacteria.

With regular therapy, the following effects are observed:

  • restoration of damaged vessel walls;
  • fight against tissue swelling;
  • blocking the spread of infections to neighboring pores;
  • destruction of bacteria under the skin;
  • regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  • stimulation of metabolism, which leads to restoration of damaged epidermis.

What to do if acne (comedones, papules, pustules) appears?

The appearance of rashes does not always indicate acne. To make sure that you have acne, you need to see a dermatologist. With acne, the rash is located on the face (cheeks, forehead, chin), back, neck, and upper arms. For mild to moderate acne, a specialist may prescribe topical antibiotics18. Clindovit® gel also belongs to this group of drugs. This is a medicine that contains clindamycin phosphate6.

The drug exhibits antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin6. It is recommended to combine Clindovit® gel with azelaic acid preparations (for example, Azelik® gel) or benzoyl peroxide in order to reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance28.


How does Darsonval work on acne and teenage rashes?

The effect on acne is somewhat different from other types of inflammation. The effect is achieved due to the cauterizing effect of electrical discharges. You can also use them to achieve:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • accelerating tissue regeneration;
  • increasing the immunity of the epidermis;
  • oxygen saturation, lifting effect;
  • decreased sensitivity.

The effects of Darsonval's work for treating different problems may coincide. Almost any type of therapy will strengthen blood vessels and improve metabolism in the area being treated.

What should you pay attention to?

The darsonvalization procedure for acne can be done not only in the salon. At home, a compact device can handle the same problems perfectly. For example, the “Crown” device has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of acne and other diseases of the skin and joints. Darsonval Ultratech SD199 is not inferior to it in efficiency, but has a more compact body.

Gezatone Biolift4 203 has a more advanced design based on nanotechnology.

When buying darsonval for acne for home treatments, in addition to the instructions, study the package. Manufacturers offer several attachments for influencing areas of the skin. You may not need them all, so don't overpay for them. Most often in the set you can find the following attachments for Darsonval:

  • Comb – for treating the scalp;
  • Mushroom - for treating a large area of ​​skin;
  • Strip – for spot treatment of acne and other blemishes.

In addition to the minimum set, you can purchase specific attachments for Darsonval, including for acne, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. Find out in advance whether parts supplied with your device can be found on sale. Darsonval acne nozzles are made of glass, so there are cases when they were broken due to negligence.

How does Darsonval work?

The operating principle of the Darsonval acne device is based on the action of high-frequency alternating current through a glass electrode filled with gas. Low-power pulsed current can increase the pain threshold, the skin becomes less sensitive. There is an improvement in blood circulation and oxygen saturation. Thus, by following the instructions, you strengthen the protective functions of the skin.

The main function of darsonvalization for acne as a procedure is cell restoration. Stabilization of the metabolic process promotes regeneration. This, in turn, leads to an improvement in the overall condition of the skin and its appearance. As a result of exposure to pulsed current, the source of inflammation is stopped. Pimples dry out and their spread slows down. After the course of darsonvalization, the skin of the face becomes much cleaner and its condition much better.

Remember that darsonval eliminates the consequences of acne and pimples. It is also effective for normalizing the condition of oily skin, having a bactericidal effect on it. But if the cause of the acne rash is a disease of the internal organs or a hormonal imbalance in the body, you should first consult a doctor.

Features of darsonvalization of the face in the treatment of acne, including teenage acne

The use of Darsonval for the treatment of inflammation has some features that are not observed during the treatment of diseases of another nature:

  1. Typically, a non-contact therapy method is chosen. It implies the absence of direct contact of the device electrode with the skin. The distance should be between 5 and 10 mm. This method of exposure is more aggressive, so it is important to use a nozzle that has a targeted effect, otherwise you can damage the healthy dermis.
  2. For the treatment of boils, pimples or acne, the distance is selected individually. As it increases, the discharge strength increases. It is necessary to take into account the required power to solve the problem, as well as the sensitivity of the patient.
  3. The contact method can be used only in case of increased sensitivity or intolerance to the recommended operating mode. If such a situation arises, it is better to refuse treatment with Darsonval completely.
  4. Before starting the procedure, the skin should be cleansed using a special washing gel for problem skin. Excess particles of dirt and clumps of fat can interfere with the proper operation of the device.

These features relate to the treatment of inflammation. You must also remember the standard nuances of this therapy.

Contraindications for use

Treatment of skin problems with the use of Darsonval has certain contraindications.

The use of the device is strictly contraindicated in such conditions.:

  • the presence of benign and malignant tumors,
  • problems with the cardiovascular system, blood diseases,
  • children's age (up to 6 years),
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  • mental illnesses that are in the acute stage,
  • hypertension, presence of a pacemaker,
  • febrile conditions, colds, increased body temperature,
  • in case of individual immunity (in this case, an allergic reaction and irritation of the skin layer may occur),
  • bleeding, including chronic bleeding, which the patient may not even be aware of, thrombophlebitis, rosacea,
  • tuberculosis, epilepsy
  • dilation of blood vessels in the facial area,
  • excess facial hair (hirsutism),
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin layer,
  • dermatological diseases that are acute and require an integrated approach to treatment.

Using the device in the treatment of epidermal problems

Method of application, methods, choice of nozzle, power - the choice of these parameters depends on what specific problem needs to be solved. For quality treatment, it is necessary to consider each of them separately:


For acne and papules, the contact method is used. The electrode is slowly moved with rotational movements over the areas to be affected. In places where the skin is rougher or thicker, you should pause a little. Those with dry dermis are recommended to use moisturizing gels or creams before the procedure, since darsonvalization dries out the skin. Pustules - pimples with purulent filling must be removed using non-contact, spark action. A mushroom attachment will work. The session usually lasts about 5-7 minutes. They are held every day or with a break of a day. A full course includes 10-15 sessions. The exact amount depends on the severity of the inflammation.

Excessive sebum production

To prevent the previous problem without the need to treat it, you need to regulate the sebaceous glands. To do this, it is necessary to put the metabolism and blood vessels in order. You will need a mushroom attachment. First, mandatory cleansing with washing gel. Movements are made from the chin to one ear, then to the other. After this you should go higher. The same movement is made, but from the nose, and then from the center of the forehead. This is called the massage line technique. The session lasts at least 7 minutes. The quantity is the same. If a repeat course is needed, a 2-week break is required.

The massage line technique is used in many areas of dermatology and cosmetology. It is used to apply balms, masks, and creams.

Excessive numbers of propionic bacteria

All steps are similar to the previous method. To destroy bacteria, ionization is needed, which occurs with each darsonvalization session. And processing of the entire cover is achieved using the movement technique described in the previous paragraph. You can learn about the features of using Mertogil for acne here.

Rash due to infection

This method is used to treat acne or boils that are caused by infection, and not by lack of care for the epidermis. A stick attachment is used. A non-contact method is used with a distance of 3 to 5 mm. The maximum voltage is selected and a point effect is carried out for 15-30 seconds on each point. If it hurts a little, that's normal. After the session, you can use the mushroom-shaped nozzle to treat the skin using the contact method. Afterwards you can apply a bactericidal agent. Miramistin may be suitable. This will reduce the risk of scarring when pimples and boils are removed.


Treatment of small scars and scars that may appear after getting rid of acne is carried out using a non-contact method at a distance of 5 mm. The trajectory of movements is selected depending on the affected areas. The discharge stimulates tissue repair. The number of sessions should not exceed 15, but it usually takes less time for full recovery. You can learn about all the nuances of using Dalex-acne gel by following the link.

Comedones (teenage and subcutaneous pimples)

Comedones (teenage and subcutaneous/internal acne) are removed in 10-15 sessions using a non-contact method using a drop-shaped nozzle. Each comedone needs to be treated for 10-15 seconds. Find out if Cynovit helps with acne here.


Anastasia, 33 years old : “I went through the darsonvalization procedure because I suffered from acne. I was completely satisfied with the result. The skin evened out and acquired a normal natural tone. I am pleased!",

Evgeniya, 28 years old : “I got rid of acne using the Darsonval apparatus in a cosmetology office. The resulting effect made me very happy, because such problems with the skin of the face depress any girl. Now my skin is healthy and the mirror gives me a pleasant reflection.”

Patients who want to solve skin problems using the Darsonval apparatus should remember that darsonvalization is a serious medical procedure .

Electrical appliances cannot be handled lightly, and the skin requires constant care. Follow the instructions and skin problems will be a thing of the past.

Safety rules for darsonvalization for acne

Darsonval is a technically complex device. Therefore, when using it, you need to follow rules that will help avoid side effects.

  1. After completing the procedure, the device should be immediately disconnected from the network.
  2. The device itself and all attachments must be treated with an antiseptic before each use.
  3. The patient should take a comfortable position during the therapy.
  4. The patient should not come into contact with electrically conductive objects while the device is operating.
  5. Drowsiness, drug or alcohol intoxication, the effects of tranquilizers, tonics or relaxants are unacceptable.
  6. There should be no heating radiators, metal pipes, or ceramics near the procedure site.
  7. Aerosol cans should be kept away.
  8. Overheating must not be allowed. Even direct sunlight can contribute to this.
  9. No other devices should be used before or after the session.
  10. The device must be in full working order. A small discrepancy can lead to an unplanned change in the operating parameters of the device.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to avoid side effects associated with the use of the device.

Special instructions for use and application

In addition to the standard rules, there are special instructions on how to use and apply. Compliance with them will help increase the effectiveness of therapy. During the first use of acne, you cannot hold it on one spot for more than 5 minutes, since the skin is not accustomed to such stress, this applies to both home and salon use. Over time, you can extend this time to 15 minutes. Before you begin, you must remove all metal jewelry and items of clothing, if any. They can “divert” the device’s charge to themselves. It is also not uncommon for people to come to treatment with Darsonval after unsuccessful therapy with special creams or antibiotics. After such treatment, some time must pass before using Darsonval. You can learn about the features of using Zinerit in the article.

Darsonvalization: 2 methods of treatment: contact and non-contact.

The first method involves touching the skin with attachments.
Before doing this, it is better to lightly sprinkle your face with talcum powder, or use cosmetics for oily skin with acne. In the second method, the device is kept at a distance of 2-5 mm from the body. Use different attachments The device is equipped with several attachments to treat acne

Two of them are used: point and mushroom. The first eliminates small individual pimples. The fungus treats large areas; it is especially convenient to “massage” the entire face with it.


  1. Darsonval helps against acne without risk to the body.
  2. The device has many positive effects in the treatment of rashes, acne, and inflammation.
  3. Dermatologists recommend similar therapy for most skin diseases.
  4. There are some peculiarities when treating acne with this method. Additionally, acne creams and gels can be included.
  5. Methods of application during the treatment of different types of even similar problems differ significantly.
  6. To avoid side effects, you must follow the rules of use, directions and recommendations.

Subcision is the most effective remedy for acne scars on the face

The method is based on the subcision technique, which was developed by American dermatologist David S. Orentreich.

Treatment of acne scars in women and men involves cutting the connecting cords that fix the bottom of the scar and immerse it into the skin. The surgeon cuts the tissues, they are released and rise up, the skin is leveled.

This is a very delicate and painstaking work that requires the doctor to have knowledge, precision, concentration, patience and pedantry. Subcision is the only technique that affects the cause of skin unevenness and eliminates it. Other methods deal only with the investigation.

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